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Commitment to corporate social responsibility

Table of contents:


It is the assumed commitment that seeks to promote and guarantee the population a better quality of life.


The present work aims to make known and give a broader vision to those who already have knowledge about social responsibility; how this movement begins, and who are in charge of making the ends of this social commitment effective.

As its name says social responsibility, it is the commitment assumed by groups or companies, which seek to promote and guarantee the population a better quality of life, through various actions carried out by said groups, whether they are in the public or private sector.

In recent times, social responsibility has been adopted by the state as an option to provide welfare to society, in those sectors where it has not been possible to extend their services or resources due to the multiple conflicts that the state presents.

Likewise, the primary purpose of this commitment will be explained, which is to create an awareness of all those who believe that it is truly feasible to have a better society and a good quality of life, through the help that each one as a participant within the group. socially responsible contribution; taking this last concept as the work that each participant develops within the group to which they belong, that is, not only the financial or material contribution that can be given; observing the great importance of values ​​and how these are what drive those who have decided to participate in socially committed groups.

Social responsibility

Social responsibility arises from the need of all those vulnerable sectors and from the concern of society itself to obtain a better quality of life. As background we can point to groups formed for altruistic purposes, dedicated to helping those who have the least, although there are authors who resist the idea that altruistic groups or philanthropists belong to this same concept of social responsibility, as they argue, they they are based on the practice of giving what you have and not what you are and that when you give what you have, you only give when you have; however, altruism is still a practice that seeks a better quality of life and therefore an antecedent of social responsibility.

It is important to highlight that social responsibility has several edges, that is, it has an endless number of objectives and is exercised through the participation of society, the most common are: the provision of instruments for better education, housing, health; the talks facilitated by individuals through their own experiences to people who have an addiction problem or similar, etc.

In the family as the nucleus of society, the values ​​necessary to create a better society must be preserved, and it is she who, through the union of forces, forms groups that are committed to seeking an improvement in the quality of life and hence social welfare; Well, what would happen to those children who receive examples contrary to morals and ethics, which are the presupposition that those socially committed groups must set; the result would be the apathy of these people when they reach a certain age and indifference will prevail in situations of need that arise in the population.

In this situation, for social responsibility to be called as such, there must necessarily be the participation of society and collaboration by the state to meet the objectives of a certain group socially responsible; This means that the state will have to be open at all times to all the proposals that the citizens bring to it, since it will be through said proposals in conjunction with the actions carried out by the socially committed groups, with which progress will be achieved. of the sectors or fields in which you want to advance.

Currently there are a variety of deficiencies that necessarily require a restructuring and that the state cannot achieve or is insufficient with its mechanisms, that is when social responsibility plays its most important role, since it will be the action and participation of the society formed in groups, associations, companies or organizations, etc., which are in charge of covering that lack or need that a certain sector of society demands.

Now, since when do we have the notion about what is social responsibility ?, the answer, although it seems simple, is somewhat complex, and is related to a large part of experiences that we have since childhood; The above is said, because how many times since we attended basic education did they encourage us to cooperate with either a kilo of rice, or clothes that were in good condition and that we no longer used; Well, this has been a benchmark of what is social responsibility, that if at the time we did not see it as such, now we realize that it is a practice that has been practiced for a long time ago; But it is not only about materially cooperating, but also about implementing actions that have the common good as their aim and looking for all those means to carry out the task as well as possible.

Corporate social responsibility

The social responsibility of companies consists in incorporating into their business strategies a social panorama based on programs that allows them to perform beyond their obligations as a company, taking as reference the needs of some sectors, such as causes for childhood, (nutrition, education, human rights, etc.); environmental causes (water, fauna, flora, etc.); cause of vulnerable populations (poverty, refugees, etc.) and an endless number that require social work that socially responsible companies are willing to fight; These actions allow them to have a positive impact on society, and therefore a success within their field.

Companies, in recent times have had a great participation socially speaking and those that have a strategic place to achieve their objectives as socially responsible companies, that is, because they have that closeness to the state or government agencies that many of the Sometimes, if not in the vast majority, they provide the means to obtain the results that they seek to achieve.

Currently it is common to see how the companies of great weight in the country, as in the case of Mexico, are the Televisa and Aztec TV stations, have implemented social responsibility programs, and that year after year they seek that those who are not yet involved with this trend, join the efforts that these companies create to create a citizen culture ready to carry out actions with a view to a better quality of life.

To achieve this objective, speaking of the aforementioned television stations, they make use of so-called social marketing for the benefit of a social cause, that is, they allocate part of the resources of a certain product to allocate it to the cause they have contemplated; Or they are the same companies that serve as intermediaries to reach those vulnerable sectors of the needs they require, an example of this is the Telethon, the Aztec Movement, A Kilo of aid, and others.

Social responsibility, fashion or true commitment

Faced with the growing trend for social responsibility by companies, government, non-governmental organizations, consumers, etc., an intermediate point is being found to promote respect and responsibility, aimed at promoting voluntary commitment to responsibility. social, adding the values ​​that each one of those who decide to lean towards such commitment and respect social, environmental and cultural differences; in such a way that this commitment is effective to find the social welfare that is sought.

As it was said previously, the commitment assumed will be voluntary, in such a way that it is not a simple fashion, and that on the contrary it must be assumed as a true conviction to seek solidarity for a higher quality of life; which is why this should be promoted in the study plans and in this way build that civic culture that is closely related to social responsibility, but with the same objective, which will be to transform ourselves into a true society, united under a combination of efforts and actions that help us face the difficult situations that arise in today's world.


Social responsibility is a management tool that in recent times has gained strength, and that arises from the concern of certain sectors, be they public or private, for a higher quality of life; and that contribute to the improvement of services such as housing, education, health, sports, etc.

In this situation, social responsibility is also defined as the voluntary integration of groups, societies, or people, who, moved by their concerns, seek through various actions to improve those sectors that are vulnerable, and in which it is intended to contribute to optimize the development of these fields.

Therefore, it is up to us as a society to unite according to our possibilities and the environment in which we operate, to initiate the necessary actions that are aimed at improving the quality of life of the population. It should be noted that the work to be undertaken will be different depending on the sector to be improved, as well as the means where solidarity or support is sought to achieve the desired objectives.

Lastly, it is necessary to point out that Social Responsibility currently plays a very important role, since it has become an alternative of governance and of helping in those fields in which the state has not yet put a remedy or is not reaching to cover certain needs.


Bravo Carrasco, Juan. "Social Responsibility: The new wealth of nations"; Edit. Evolution, 2007.

Shvarstein, Leonardo. "Social Intelligence of Organizations"; Edit. Paidos, 2003.

Longo, Francisco. "Merit and Flexibility". Edit. Paidos, 2004.

Commitment to corporate social responsibility