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Communication, climate and organizational culture

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Being clear about the basic concepts, we can understand how these management criteria are related and what their impact is on competitive organizations. Three elements are frequent when establishing spaces for intervention in organizational management, they are culture, climate and communication, but how do they interact with each other to generate appropriate dynamics that support the achievement of corporate objectives?

To answer this question, it is necessary to establish 6 key guidelines.

In the culture

Adecec (Association of Public Relations and Communication Consulting Firms) defines as a company culture or company philosophy the »set of values ​​that define the performance and behavior of a company and give it its own identity».

Harris for his part points out that "culture is a system of socially transmitted behavior, which serves to relate communities to the environment in which they operate", and Geertz also proposes a definition of culture according to which it is "the system of meanings and collective symbols according to which humans interpret their experiences and guide their actions ”

Having these concepts of reference we can establish the first two guidelines:

1. Impact of culture on climate

An aggressive culture where abuse has tacitly become a corporate value will necessarily be the cause of a deteriorated organizational climate, in the same way that a progressive culture will generate climates of collaboration, respect and innovation.

2. Incidence of culture on communication

In the same way that personality affects the way an individual expresses himself, culture influences the communication of the organization.

Since the culture determines the beliefs that the organization will share and the criteria that it will share to communicate, it creates the organization's "communicative culture", which is nothing but the criteria and concepts, as well as values, that the members take into account of the organization when communicating.

In the weather

Climate is a perception that people make about their work in the organization, while culture has to do with the beliefs, criteria or concepts shared by most members of that organization.

The climate is made up, among other variable things, of social relationships, facilities, homework and remuneration, and the image of the company that unleashes pride in belonging.

It can be expected that a good environment with appropriate facilities and the necessary elements for the satisfaction not only of the users but of the workers, will be the reflection of a productive culture, on the contrary a deteriorated climate will be the result of a deficient proportion of the elements that generate it.

3. Impact of climate on culture

Now, the effect of organizational climate on culture is more diffuse or unclear, since climate is a result of the environment and the environment is generated by shared beliefs and concepts.

In a few words, to correct the climate it can and should be done from the culture, but the exercise of changing the culture from the climate is unclear.

There are no comparable exercises but apparently in the same way that the environment affects the behavior of a social group, the work environment determines the elements of cultural interaction that occur in the individuals who share it.

4. Impact of the climate on communication

The communicative climate is the environment or frame of reference in which the person is going to communicate, it can be associated with fear or with confidence and from these spaces the person will decide whether or not to communicate, or in what way.

Bad weather can generate bad communication but it is not an essential requirement, with which we can see that the way to break the vicious circle of a negative culture, bad weather or poor communication, is to precisely change communication to positively affect the culture, and influence the climate.

In communication

Organizational communication is thus the process of interaction between individuals aimed at achieving corporate objectives.

5. Impact of communication on culture

Lucas Marín raises 4 supports of the organizational culture, they are 1. The techniques (Instruments and knowledge), 2. The symbolic code or language, 3. The models that explain daily acts and 4. the norms and sanctions associated with group values. However, he compares his approaches with those of Kreps, who also presents 4 attributes but establishes them in the following way: 1. Shared values ​​and beliefs, 2. Heroes to follow as a personification of values, 3. Rites and ceremonies that reinforce the values ​​and 4. Communication networks for indoctrination of members.

It is not necessary to make a very deep reflection to observe the enormous incidence of communication in culture, being decisive for its consolidation in a social group, that is, it is communication that allows building culture through sharing meanings in social spaces.

Communication supports culture because it contributes to its dissemination, as more members of the organization share beliefs, the more consolidated the culture will be.

6. Impact of communication on climate

Although the deterioration of the elements of the climate will tend to affect it negatively, the truth is that the greatest incidence on the perception of this management factor is in communication.

Let us not forget that organizations are made up of individuals and those individuals are clearly social beings who need communication not only as an element of interaction but as an element of validation of their being against the environment.

The need to feel perceived, listened to, to be taken into account and to be able to express themselves are natural elements of the person that, if modified, will cause an immediate effect on the behavior.

Therefore, it is no mystery to observe that aggressive communication has a negative impact on the climate and that cordial relationships affect the disposition to achieve corporate objectives.

Communication is the manager of change par excellence given that it is from it that both the culture and the climate are dynamized and built to adapt them to the requirements of the organization and thus face its challenges.

Internal communication must therefore be the dynamic and support element of the business strategy because it is through it that the leader makes his objectives known, directing the organization where, in a complementary way, communication becomes the heart of coordinating tasks and channeling efforts and resources towards the objectives pursued.


Business culture and internal communication. Mariza del pozo lite. Ed Fragua.

Organizational culture. Harry Abravanel. Legis.

The organizational climate. Profile of Colombian companies. Fernando bull. Ed Chisel.

Internal communication. Jesús García Jiménez. Ed Diaz de Santos.

Efficient internal communication. Michael Bland, Legis.

Beyond internal communication. Joan Elías, José Mascaray. Management 2000.

Organize Internal communication. Marie France, Pierre Lebel. Management 2000.

Communications in business management. Robert Breth. Ibero-American Educational Fund

Communication in organizations. Everett Rogers. Mc Graw Hill.

Communication in the company and in organizations. Lucas Marín Antonio. Ed Bosch.

Harris, quoted by Abravanel in Organizational Culture. Ed Legis.

Geertz, quoted by Abravanel in Organizational Culture. Ed Legis.

Lucas Marín, Antonio. Communication in the company and in organizations. Bosch editions.

Communication, climate and organizational culture