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Effective communication of organizations

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This essay is about a very important topic that can break down barriers to achieve both personal and business success in achieving goals.

Human activity is developed through communication, by relating to the individuals or groups that surround us. As organizations and the relationships between them have become complex, the media have evolved to suit the level of progress and difficulty of these relationships.

To understand this context more, it is necessary to know the concept of communication, which is the transfer of information and information between two or more people. A way of knowing the ideas, facts, thoughts, feelings and values ​​of others "what the receiver understands, not what the sender says."

The organization is considered to be a set of systems: communication, resource management and production that have a need for integration to be able to process inputs in results for some clients.

Organizations have realized the value of communication as a strategic resource to develop and survive in a highly competitive world. Where closed, isolated structures impede decision making.


This test is a very important issue that can break down barriers to achieve both personal and business success in achieving the objectives.

Human activity is developed through communication, to interact with individuals and groups around us. To the extent that organizations and the relationships between them have become complex, the media have evolved to suit the level of progress and difficulty of these relationships.

To further understand this context is necessary to understand the concept of communication which is the transfer of information and data between two or more people. One way to explore the ideas, events, thoughts, feelings and values ​​of others "what the receiver understands what the sender did not say".

It is considered that the organization is a set of systems: communication, resource management and production that have a need to reach integration process inputs into outcomes for some clients.

Organizations have realized the value of communication as a strategic resource to develop and survive in a highly competitive world. Wherein the closed structures, isolated prevent decisions.

Effective communication of organizations

"Communication fosters the coordination of activities between the individuals who participate in them, and enables the achievement of fixed goals." (Bonilla Gutiérrez, 1988.)

Communication in organizations is vitally important because if the message or information you want to transmit is not understandable, it can cause a series of misinterpretations that can lead the company to failure.

So that this is not possible, it is necessary that both parties, both the sender and the receiver, avoid misunderstandings, they must pay more attention to the moment the message is transmitted and in turn have 100% sense of hearing, that is, listen well When the boss or another person is giving information, in any case, if not, it is essential that the counterpart asks for feedback on what they are trying to communicate.

The phrase “effective communication” must be emphasized because it is a fundamental basis that the company leader must take to motivate employees to carry out their activities effectively and efficiently, but without a doubt the leader of certain In this way, he must let his subordinates give their points of view so that the communication generated is effective and together they can solve the problems that are formed within the organization.

In organizations, a series of types of communication may arise which hinder the progress of the company, because all of us need to communicate constantly due to work and personal issues, the following types of communication emerge.

Generally the most used are verbal communication, this occurs through speech or mimicry.

Non-verbal is the information or message that is given in writing. Therefore this serves to inform a matter that is intended to be given in a private way.

Likewise, informal communication is usually used, which is based on gossip and rumors that does not bring anything good for the company.

It can also be said that communication is the basis of teamwork, in particular I liked and I was very struck by this phrase «Without communication there is no teamwork, nor is it possible to exercise leadership, nor is there customer or public attention, nor human relations inside or outside the company. That in the workplace, what to say about the individual, without communication there is no self-esteem, family, self-control, or personal development ». (Fernando Barraza)

In a way, if we did not communicate, it is as if we did not exist, that is why for an organization or company to exist, it must have good communication of all the people who work in it.

In a way, if the communication that occurs in organizations is good, this will help foster an excellent leader-worker relationship and thus make things go as smoothly as possible.

Let's try to express ourselves and mainly communicate well so that we can meet our established goals and thus feel good about ourselves knowing that everything we have to say is clear and understandable to avoid misunderstandings and everything works correctly.

Recognizing the relevance of the power of persuasion as part of intentional communication in organizations, McEntee (1996) expresses the following standards for evaluating it, based on the ethics of the message:

  • Communication must be based on realities and knowledge. Avoid false, distorted and irrelevant evidence, it is necessary to obtain the most complete and true information about what is to be communicated and reported. Verbal support must be provided. Avoid arguing without this support, giving arguments without evidence or reasons through examples, testimonies, or the basis for issuing opinions, that is, generalizing, which can lead to misunderstandings because they are ambiguous and lend themselves to be interpreted in different ways. Be authentic. Avoid presenting yourself as an expert when it is not, falsehood, lies and dishonesty will always be unethical and clear evidence of this is talking about what is not known. Attesting to what is said and what has been vivid. Avoid appeals to emotion that are not supported by reasons,Although they are important to motivate people to feel proud of belonging to the organization and work, respecting others, etc., it should be done with caution and based on facts. Present both sides of the coin. Avoid omitting or distorting the negative effects of a proposal, presenting the benefits and weaknesses of the presented plan, so that everyone will know how to collaborate when required. We must be aware of the complexity of human relationships. Avoid polarizing issues or situations, human issues are very complex and should not be reduced to predetermined options. Recommend what you have lived and experienced. Avoid recommending what is not believed, because the way you say it will show at some point your lack of commitment to what you say.

The Manager is a fundamental part of the communication chain, since he is the call to communicate with all his subordinates, if the Manager is not a good communicator, the reactions he generates may not be as adequate as required to achieve the objectives of the business.

It is also very important to establish adequate communication mechanisms, which are accessible to all staff, that clear words are used, that whoever is transmitting the information is trustworthy, and uses real and verifiable references, since if this is not the case, surely they will be banal words.


If you want to have greater productivity in an organization, you must have a good communication system and to achieve this, the expert must consider the context of the recipient or target audiences, taking into account their ideas, values, knowledge on the subject, situation with respect to the organization (position within the organization chart if it is internal or external public), its image of it, cultural level, etc. and value the knowledge and importance of an expert in the area of ​​communication.

The person in charge of managing the communication system of a company must analyze all these aspects, but above all, they must know the nature, uses, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages of each of the means of communication available in the market and use the appropriate means for each situation, if you do the above you will achieve effective communication and consequently the objectives set will be satisfactorily carried out.


  • McEntee, E. (1996). Oral communication for leadership in the modern world. Mexico: McGraw-Hill / Interamericana Bonilla Gutiérrez, C. (1988). Communication, a basic function of Public Relations. Mexico: Trillas.ADAIR, J. Practical guide for business communication. Madrid: Deusto, 1990.
Effective communication of organizations