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Effective managerial communication. presentation


Corporate communication includes:

  • Communication from the direction or managerial. (This is the main one in this course) Organizational communication Marketing communication.

Management Communication is Shared Responsibility for Results

  • Responsibility for communication is shared by all levels of management, and its support staff to achieve the desired results: Shared vision within the company Establish and maintain staff confidence in the leadership of the organization.

Other Expected Results of Management Communication

  • Mobilize energy, Start and direction of the communication change process. Key Results of the Star Manager Empower with power Define goals / objectives Measure performance Communicate about all these points to create corporate identity.

Communicate authentically:

Communicating is a vital process that intersects with others mentioned:

  • Communicate objectives, purposes, values. Listen to feedback of problems, complaints, conflicts, suggestions from staff. Communicate suggestions, decisions regarding the problems posed. Communicate the results obtained and feedback on what to do to improve.


Open listening and conveying compelling messages

People endowed with this ability:

  • They are effective in sharing, recording emotional clues to fine-tune difficult issues. They know how to listen, seek mutual understanding, and willingly share information. They foster open communication and are just as receptive to bad news as they are to good news.

Elements of Emotional Intelligence at Work

Leadership or influence has to do above all with the art of persuading to collaborate in the construction of a common goal.

When it comes to the inner world, there is nothing more essential than being able to recognize our deepest feelings and know what we have to do to be more satisfied with our work.

There are three critical elements of emotional intelligence:

  • The ability to express complaints in the form of positive criticism. The creation of a climate that values ​​diversity and does not make it a source of friction. Knowing how to establish effective networks (cooperation).

Communication of Complaints that motivate change

When someone complains expressing contempt, negative emotions, he criticizes destructively, he does not motivate change.

The expression of the complaint, or critic must have the characteristics of a feedback (H. Levinson):

  • Specifically targeted specifically at the behavior you dislike, mentioning the feelings it causes. Offer solutions: Expressing what you expect to be done. Remain sensitive to empathy. See if there is defensiveness. Listen to the other in their explanations, excuses… Thinking about the natural consequences of not changing behavior, inviting them to take responsibility. Express the confidence that the other "is going to change." All within the context of privacy and opportunity.

Suggestions for the critic

  • You should listen very carefully, calmly and openly to the data and information provided to improve. Avoid becoming defensive, your wrong conduct is not all your self, you have excellent parts. If you are going to respond defensively to the perceived attack, Take it easy, taking time to think about the positives of criticism: information that allows you to improve. Consider criticism as an opportunity to work together with the critic and solve the problem instead of taking it as a personal confrontation.

Managing emotions in the face of diversity

  • As a child you learn emotional prejudices against some groups: ethnic minorities, sex different from your own, those of another religion, those of another party, those of another social class. These prejudices can hinder the climate for harmonious group work and teamwork. The company culture must not tolerate racial, religious, political, class, sexist intolerance. Differences of this type between people must be respected, out of respect for their dignity. There is training in accepting racial and social diversity, but this does not pay off if senior management does not care to be consistent with the culture of tolerance that it decides to create.

Establish support networks (cooperation)

  • This mutual collaboration is carried out on a daily basis, not only seeking to receive but also giving contributions to those who need one. In this there may be a phenomenon of prophecy that fulfills itself. " As I hope the others will not help me, I will not help them, the others probably want to fulfill my negative expectations. ”To establish interdepartmental networks, it is necessary to overcome prejudice, the others are not like us, the others consider us less than they… For this, it helps us to represent reality in a different way, feelings respond to the image we have made ourselves, and the following protocols designed based on P. Senge (1995) can help us.

Protocol for balance of inquiry and persuasion

In learning the discipline of balance between inquiry and persuasion, it is found helpful to keep the following suggestions in mind:

When you state your opinion:

  • Explain your own reasoning (ie explain how you came to that opinion and the 'data' on which it is based); Encourage others to explore your opinion ('Do you see gaps in my reasoning?'); Encourage others to present other points of view ("Do you have other data or other conclusions?");

Balance between Inquiry and Persuasion

Investigate the opinions of others that differ from yours (What do you think? "" How did you come to your point of view? "" Do you take into account data that I do not know? ".

When investigating other people's points of view:

  • If you have assumptions about the views of others, state them clearly and acknowledge that they are assumptions; “These are my assumptions….” Describe the “data” on which those assumptions are based; "I believe this because of the results of an investigation conducted in….." Don't bother asking questions if you don't have a genuine interest in the answer.

Suggestions for inquiry

  • When the dialogue is stuck (others show their lack of interest in further investigating their points of view) Ask what the data is or what logic might lead them to change their minds; ask if there is any way to jointly design an experiment (or inquiry) that is likely to provide new information when it is difficult to express your point of view.

When there is difficulty in expressing your point of view or in experimenting with alternative ideas:

  • Make sure that both you and others express out loud where the difficulty is (eg, what is going on with this situation, and with me or others, that it is so difficult to keep an open discussion?) if there is a common desire to overcome the difficulty, elaborate with the other ways of doing it.

»The only thing that remains constant is change…»

"Adaptation is the key to survival…»

"Mutations-changes-are the essence of evolution…»


What is NLP?

  • Discipline to learn to change, in a changing world It is a way of reflecting on ideas about people. It is a support in effective human communication since it helps to understand and share with other people. Sometimes we ask something and what they answer does not correspond, or we respond and it happens that it is not understood as we want each other. It is a tool that helps us improve communication learning

NLP principles

  • Neurolinguistic Programming emerged from the analysis of verbal and non-verbal language in programs or patterns practiced by notable successful professionals in the field of psychotherapy (V. Satir, M.Erickson, Pierce) and from G. Bateson's systemic approach. is to find the models that allow excellence in human thinking and communication.

(Its founders were Blander and Grinder, and current authors R. Dilt, A. Robins, O ”Connor and Seymour)

NLP in its approach

  • NLP is an approach that compares the brain to a computer. Thoughts are learned programs, language is analyzed looking for models of representation and communication: NLP rediscovered verbal and non-verbal language in its learned norms or codes.

Two ways of seeing things:

My wife and I were sitting at the table at the meeting of my former college classmates. I was watching a woman sitting at a neighboring table, totally drunk, rocking with her drink in her hand.

My wife asked me: - Do you know her? "Yes," I sighed, "she's my ex-girlfriend." I learned that she started drinking when we separated a few years ago and they told me that she was never sober again. - OMG! - exclaimed my wife. Who would say that a person can celebrate something for so long!

Moral: There are always two ways of looking at things.

Special concepts of NLP

  • Metalanguage: it is the language that speaks about language. Metamodel is a way to detect the other person's model of thinking and communicating.

Communication is one of the Mental Factors that affect: MOTIVATION

  1. Neuro-linguistic codes (rules for thinking and speaking) Beliefs Humor, imagination and fantasy Knowing goals and mission Self-esteem and communication

What is our dominant representation system?

Visual dominance

The visuals are people with a high voice, They have a tendency to see, use verbs that involve elements that can be visualized. (They are 40% of the studied population)

  • Colors or their absence have a strong meaning The degree of organization and order is important They tend to Visualize the depth of the images

Auditory Predominance:

  • The reality is represented predominantly from the sounds. They are approximately 40% of the population studied in the USA. They give great importance to sounds, they have a highly developed ear, they can spend all day listening to music. They are highly motivated by praise.

Kinesthetic or tactile

These people are very oriented to feel, they are in contact with their emotions, they are very visceral. They have a thick voice. They speak with verbs that express feeling.

For example. They deeply feel the Satisfaction of closing a business and presentation to the board.

They enter (state of flow or optimal use of energy and internal resources we have)

  • They work better with warm temperature It is important for them to have a feeling of pride and success) The warm climate at an affective level in their work group. They like to be in dynamism-movement. Feeling at peace and feeling optimism is vital.

Importance of knowing these communication systems

  • The predominant system of representation determines my preferred system or director of communication. My directing system is a kind of basic data processing program. The interlocutor voluntarily putting himself in his own system of representation will feel understood and will be able to better grasp the meaning of my message.

To be effective in our communications and interpersonal relationships at work, it is a priority to know our learning through understanding or self-awareness of:

  • Values ​​and principles in managerial communication with a diagnosis of the strategic aspects. Communicational learning from Emotional Intelligence and PNLE Styles of interpersonal relationships (Satir and Katcher / Atskin)


  • More stable and lasting convictions that guide human behavior Not fully aware of them They may be terminal and instrumental Aspects of morality and competence


Personal or social. They indicate desirable ends or goals. What are ours in the company? (examples…)

  • ProsperityAchievementAutorealizationSecurityPersonal and Social PeaceTruth Fairness / JusticeSelf-respectSocial RecognitionBeautyHarmonySolidarityPlanet BalancedHappinessUnity of HumanityIntegrityLoveAgape / Friendship

Instrumental Values:

Indicate conduct or methodology

Morality v / s Dishonesty

  • Ambition for goals Decision-making criteria Deep joy Cleanliness Honesty, sincerity Intellectual growth Faithful sexual lover Intelligent obedience Psychophysical ability Value to risk Creative imaginative Analytical, Systemic Management of emotions.

Communication in Organizational Architecture

Leadership: What is the quality of it given Our strategy?

Group energy towards effectiveness

  • Learning and working groups are the keys to effective organizational structures. How to channel the energy of all individuals in the group towards the goal of the organization? Alignment of the personal vision of the members with the vision and goals of the group.Tuning of personal and group values

If there is no unity and each one pulls for himself, they can fail

Self-Diagnosis Process in Strategic Management Communication

The key questions are (rate 1 to 10):

Given our strategic business priorities: To what extent does the company have:

  1. Shared mindset: the correct mindset (culture) regarding communication patterns about the appropriateness on these points:
  • a) Why ?: Motivate, Guide, Correct ……..b) What to communicate ?: Good… bad news… from the past, present, future goals….c) When ?: Daily… Weekly… monthly … Annuald) To whom ?: To a few… to the majority, to all… e) By what means: newsletters.. Email,… billboards…

Self-diagnosis of managerial communication

Up to what point:

  1. Does the upper and middle management understand the communication of their collaborators in their aspirations, emotional needs?… Is there a fair system of managing performance (measures, awards) for the achievement of goals and has this system been reported?… It is perceived that the organizational structure, communication systems and policies help to achieve future goals? What is the degree of ability to communicate in order to improve work processes, to change, and learn in order to achieve the goals? Are the messages aligned from upper and middle management to the external public with the management messages perceived by the internal public (the employees)? Is the behavior of upper and middle management aligned with the public explicit messages preached? Does it show the upper… and the half….management personal concern and commitment to meet the needs of its employees? Do employees have channels of information access with senior… and middle… management? Are the messages sent by different seniors… and media… are consistently synchronized. managers? Usually upper management… and middle… dedicate enough time to managerial communication with the employees under their command?

Keys to turning diagnosis into action:

  • Data should be analyzed and converted into action as the diagnostic process develops, common themes are identified, and managers with decision-making responsibility take ownership of the data, and propose options for action. At the end of the Workshop Seminar we will generate ideas and proposals to improve the effectiveness of managerial communication in the company.

Congruent Communication

In all this motivational path, it is necessary to have a consistent communication, that recognizes our own value first, that each one values ​​himself and that trusts his real capacity (high self-esteem) and also that respects and appreciates the other, that recognizes the importance of the other with whom I work or live my life.

Finally, it is necessary to recognize the importance of the context or environment, since it is a challenge that challenges us to transform it into an environment that facilitates life for all human beings who are on this planet, starting with our company, our home, our country, our region.

Management Interaction Principles

Say and do actions that help your employees: Maintain or increase their self-esteem, self-confidence. (Trust the people who give indications of deserving it)

Treat them not as they are but as they can become with their development.

Listen and respond with empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand the other in their own perspective, in the meaning that [he or she gives to their words or actions.

Involve others in finding and implementing solutions to problems of all kinds when they can contribute.

Search and Share Valid Information (true).

If possible, reach win-win agreements with others, without harming the social environment or the principles of integrity, equity, efficiency and effectiveness.

Communication Process (See PDF)

Message Meaning Feelings

Virginia Satir model

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Effective managerial communication. presentation