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Indoor communication and internal communication


Indoor Communication : Internal Communications

"Communicational process where the leaders (managers, directors, etc.) of an organization are integrated with all levels of employees of the same in order to obtain a good internal image or" indoor image ".

Internal communication should not be understood as a one-way process, but should be seen as a feed-back in order to meet and meet the needs and objectives of both parties. Also, it will work as a wake up call to possible conflicts, which will allow them to be resolved in time.


This communication must be made on the basis of mutual "credibility" and with a common language, so that it is understandable by all the parts that compose it, that is, by both the sender and the receiver; and it is very important to avoid "noises" in the communication process.

Regarding credibility, a fundamental part of any type of communication, it is achieved through an understandable, coherent and strategic internal communications plan.

One of the objectives pursued by internal communications is to create a cordial and trustworthy climate where the employee feels comfortable and sees that their objectives and those of the company are closely related.

Why implement an internal communications plan?

Simply, because a good opinion of the internal public is very important for the organization, since it will help to achieve the objectives and optimize the possibilities of the company or organization.

A good opinion of the internal public opinion will bring a better working climate, fewer conflicts, less absenteeism of the staff; in a word, that each and every one of those who are part of the organization work more comfortably and put the best of themselves in all the tasks they carry out.

What is sought through internal communication is that all levels of the company feel protagonists and not just spectators, since when they know what the organization does and what it plans to do, they will feel that they are part of it, or be, what is commonly said: "put on the company shirt."

All echelons of an organization "must" be interested in what goes on behind the scenes as they are highly dependent on what happens to the company.

Justification of Internal Communications

  • Bring people the information they want and do not know where to look for it. Help to make indecision disappear. Concentrate attention on the points that the organization considers most important. In order to form an opinion or to act, information is needed, and Internal communication makes it happen. The moment that "everyone" understands and accepts the company's policies and objectives, it will be easier to act. Internal communication will create a climate of belonging and thus work much better and more comfortably. A very important instrument in the decision-making process, and communication is responsible for disseminating it. Communication provides warning signs of potential conflicts so that they can be resolved more easily and quickly.

Internal Communication Channels

Internal communications come through three channels:

  • Personal Contact: it is a channel that cannot be controlled, but at the same time it is highly influential. It is important that hierarchical levels are trained so that the message is not distorted and to improve interpersonal relationships.Controlled communication channels: these are the responsibility of the department or departments that handle internal communications, such as: a house organ (Human Resources, Internal Communications, Public Relations, Personnel, etc.) Massive communication channels: they are the responsibility of the department that manages the institutional image of the company.

Other important points to maintain internal communication are:

Inform about what was discussed or decided in meetings where the decisions made affect more than one sector of the organization; Drafting of a house organ; Attention from a direct line; Tour the company and contact people from different sectors. All this will pave the way for data collection.

To have an efficient plan

The internal communication program must be implemented little by little so that "everyone" is prepared to receive the next stage of the process.

Should consider:

  • The definition of the programs to be used (eg: suggestion box, bulletin boards, etc.) That the passage from one topic to another be made gradually Do not leave the actions and plans in half Make the achievements noted Assume and / or calculate the risks Ordering, optimizing and coordinating messages Generating communication areas towards the highest hierarchies Optimizing the communication channels that are already available Evaluating the events produced after the messages are broadcast Information sources can be: zonal newspapers, national newspapers, specialized magazines, the same company personnel, etc. It is very important that the sector or department that coordinates communications is truthfully informed of everything that happens in the organization.

Direction And Sense

Communications are classified according to their address or direction in:

* Downlink communications

It is aimed at the subordinate sectors to which the boss indicates what is expected of them (eg: orders, punishments, limits, awards, etc.)

* Upward communications

It is intended for the management sectors. The subordinates have the possibility of expressing how they see the development of the tasks of their superiors and, although this creates a climate of tension and some difficulties, it serves to improve actions.

* Horizontal communications

It is communication between peers and allows them to compare how they feel, what they think, points of view, etc.

* Oblique or transversal communications

It occurs not only between hierarchical levels, but also with the different areas of the organization, which share functions. They are very common in organizations that have global strategies and high participation from different sectors.

  1. Typology of indoor receivers

Types of receivers:

Abstract Concrete
Idealistic Pragmatic
Family Technical
Warm Cold
"Soft or Soft" "Hard or Hard"
The imagination Diagrams
The enthusiasm Blueprints
The emotional Photos
The sentimental Descriptive and logical facts

Through previous research, you can identify the types of recipients and reach them with clearer messages, which will make the communication strategy even more positive.

Indoor actions

They are institutional communication tactics for internal and semi-internal interest groups. They are carried out in coordination with the Human Resources Area or the Personnel department.


This is the name given to the process of setting up a new member of the organization.

Generally takes place in a short time: 30 days (with two weeks of training)

Based on:

  • InterviewsCoursesVisitsReadingGroup meetings

Communication material (dossier) is delivered:

  • Communications / Employee / Security Manual Institutional Videos Regulations Organizational Charts Communications Manual

Manual that contains and explains:

Organization regulations, stationery:

  • LetterheadsPersonal cardsBusiness cardsPersonal envelopesPublicationsInternal and external signaling system.


  • Colors Typefaces Formats for your communication

Uniformization in appearance:

  • ClothingMachineryVehiclesSignage making

Philosophy and communicational policies:

  • VisualSonoraAudiovisualDaily and / or internal management topicsEmployee Manual

Manual containing a summary of:

  • Regulations Organizational philosophy Organizational basic objectives Organization history Organization chart Rights and duties Schedules Remuneration Security Communications Benefits Training Social action

Knowledge of this manual by "the whole" organization benefits:

  • Induction process Team spirit Feeling of belonging Billboards

Weapon or tool, quickly accessible to the internal and daily public. Must be:

  • Easy to readBrief in messagesTypographyGraphicsAppropriate colors

The preparation of the billboards must be based on:

  • Appealing design Choosing the right colors The background and shape gestall The line The framing

The messages on the billboards should not be exposed for more than a week, with maintenance, renovation and good visibility.

New design technologies must be taken into account as they produce better billboards.

House Organ Or Internal Magazine

It is the company magazine made by and for its staff, which communicates the entity's concepts.


  • Institutional communication sense Notifies or reaffirms positive behaviors

It is important:

Create a team of volunteer personnel (from different sectors) who at times off their hours contribute: Concerns, Suggestions, News

Characteristics of its structure:

  • Editorial area cover note Task area, safety, product / service, training Specific area of ​​the organizational function Place for responses (marriages, births and deaths of the month). Shows part of the organization to the zonal community and other institutions. Its content: philosophies, policies, strategies and tactics; ensuring its credibility. Size and design vary (according to organization / frequency). Personalized distribution, at home, high justified costs.


  • Establish a relationship between the different levels Awaken a sense of belonging Explain norms, rules and objectives Encourage participation Inform policies, markets, products / services and processes Highlight the successes of personnel Combat rumors Promote training Serve as a communication channel Segmented Publications

To keep communicated to the personnel of different areas of the organization, it is also possible to use the booklets, informative bulletins and / or pocket manuals; These can be sent monthly or biweekly, but they must always be personalized.

These publications will contain topics such as:

  • Communication strategies Tasks to carry out or that are being carried out Leaderships Specific themes of the organization, etc.

They can be given a special title or name and may or may not be an annex to the house organ.


They are used to communicate special and very important topics, and they must be signed by the person in charge of the organization.

They have the advantage of being personalized (which will provide a feeling of belonging and leadership).

It is an economic, direct, fast and intimate communication medium.

Circulars, Memos

They are internal notes and do not have to be coordinated by the Internal Communications department.


It is a very fast means of communication, although its use is not yet highly developed in our country. They are used to send detailed and specific information. It is a very economical and beneficial communication.


(Internet but internal) It has the advantage that it is a very fast and instantaneous medium and all those who have their computer connected to the organization's network can communicate. Messages are sent and received online.

Open Line Or Direct Line

It is a telephone line where everyone can call and leave their questions, suggestions, fears, etc. on an answering machine. It can be used by all members of the organization and it is mandatory that, along with your message, they leave their name, surname and sector.

The messages will be reviewed by the internal communications department and within a few days the messages must be answered (this is very important).

Communications Mailbox

They allow all members of the organization to express themselves freely and can go to higher levels. You can leave messages, but don't expect any rewards for that. Anonymous messages should not be considered.

Initiative system

Everyone in the company has the possibility to suggest their ideas in writing. They must be taken into account as they provide efficiency, creativity and quality, and it must be a communication known to all company personnel.

In this system, those who have made their contributions (both morally and financially) should be rewarded in proportion to the contribution they have made to the organization.

  1. Meetings With Leaders

These are meetings where employees are given the opportunity to speak face-to-face with their leaders and to express themselves. This will also give them a feeling of prominence. This type of meeting is not widely used in Argentina.

They can be done weekly, biweekly or monthly on a pre-set date and time.

This oral communication system has the advantage that each one will be able to give it its special and personal tone, the speed, it is economical and it has an instant response.

Members must register and are free to participate or not, they can also be chosen at random.

They are very interesting since the leader has the possibility to learn from her subordinates through the concerns, proposals or thoughts that they transmit to her.

The topics to be discussed will be open, but it will not be allowed to discuss topics that lead to personal gain.

A summary of what was discussed at the meeting can be made and then edited in the house organ.

The groups gathered should not be more than 10 people.

A record should be kept of what was discussed and the solutions that were implemented after raising the problems.

There will be a registration order and to participate again you will have to re-register and wait for the pre-set date.

These talks may be a bit conflicting at first, but then sincere dialogue will be valued.

For employees it is a great opportunity to be listened to and to hear information from their bosses.

For bosses and employees, it is the opportunity to meet and rethink certain issues, affirm the organization's objective and work together to achieve it.

These communication situations are a training to interact and exchange opinions.


The higher hierarchical levels lower the information to their subordinates regarding their performance.

It is positive in the sense that it generates a sincere and personal dialogue. It is fruitful since the subordinate can correct his mistakes quickly because his boss has made them known to him.

If the evaluation is well managed, it is an enriching factor for the organization.

Internal Image Audit

It is done through surveys and opinion polls of the internal public. The data will be analyzed and will lead to future actions. If these data are not taken into account or simply are not found out, it will be very difficult to maintain an institutional communication structure.

Opinion Polls And Surveys

They are used to permanently update the data obtained from the image audit. Controlled means of communication are used and are very low cost.

Organization of internal events:

Anniversaries and inaugurations


Cultural events


New Year's Eve parties, etc.

These are good occasions for staff to become aware of the organization's policies and philosophies and to learn about the responses from employees.

Also, gifts (that may be useful), special benefits, commercial offers, prizes, etc. can be delivered, but any action carried out must be communicated to all staff in order to avoid misunderstandings or create conflicts.

Every event that the organization does must do so convinced that its most important capital is its people.

Scholarship program

It consists of rewarding the educational effort of the staff. It is applied as a benefit and must be communicated so that the staff feel the interest that the organization has for them.

They may be:

Primary: Eg:

School supplies Secondary: Eg:

University books: Eg: Money or

tuition payments Postgraduate: Eg: Payment of higher education

Specialization: Eg: A special career of the employee and that is of interest to the organization.

Radio And Tv Local

You can sponsor or participate in local radio or TV programs (especially in the interior of the country) that will give good results to communication with internal and semi-internal audiences.

Closed circuit radio.

You can play functional music, social and daily update messages, or fast arrival messages during the working day.

Closed Circuit Video

Videos can be used to reinforce important topics, ideally for the manager or director to explain what he expects from his employees and the organization's objectives.

It is advisable that these messages do not exceed 30 minutes and that they are a talk and not a speech. Visual and / or graphic resources can be used.

Training support:

Staff training is another important point to optimize communications.

Communication courses can be given, which are those that depend on the department or the person in charge of Public Relations, which will be aimed at the bosses so that they have a better role as a communicator and know how to manage interpersonal relationships.

The Public Relations function is to support and advise on techniques and motivations, collaborate in making the videos, etc.


It is about relocating employees to other sectors of the company, this will be handled by the Human Resources department, but Public Relations will be in charge of communicating the advantages that this brings for employees.

An evaluation of the employee is carried out and it is located where it can best be developed in pursuit of the organization's plans and objectives.

These personnel movements generate a favorable internal image since the organization is concerned with job well-being and its career plan.

Informal communication: they are rumors.

The rumor “is uncontrolled news, which is usually spread orally. It consists of the repetition to different people of something really happened or not »(R. Knapp)

Rumor is more attractive than formal or official communications; it is difficult to control and its effects can be counterproductive, so much so that "radio corridor" information is often more credible than communications from the formal structure.

Only if you have a strong and important communication strategy, can you fight the rumors, but you can never make them disappear completely.

Radio Hall

It is another name given to the rumor, which is transmitted more quickly the greater the interest of the receiver on the subject in question or the lack of information on a subject that is expected by a receiving group.

Through the course of the rumor it is modified according to the interpretations (Loses data, data is added, etc.).

  1. Knapp classifies them as follows:
  • Black or Aggressive: It goes against a person or group. It is technical because it causes discomfort and anger. Gray or Threat: It generates fear, fear of future events. Pink or Dream: They are illusions and hopes that act as an incentive.

The best Internal Communication consists of:

"Telling the best truth, in the best possible way and at the best time"

Indoor communication and internal communication