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Tips to ensure that your customers are satisfied with your services

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A reader recently asked me how to make her clients satisfied with her services. It is a very interesting question and here I leave you my recommendations taking into account what my own clients tell me and what I have experienced as a client.

1. Make sure you solve a real problem, listen to what they ask for

It is more frequent than it seems (and one of the big mistakes that can harm your business) to create services thinking about what you think people want instead of taking into account, possibly the most important thing when you offer a service, offer what they ask you. Not what you think they need, not what you think they will love (do you realize that thinking like this, you focus on yourself?), But what they want.

Create offers and services tailored to their needs, that you know they will love because you have asked and listened to them before, and that's why you know what they want. When you offer a person what they are looking for, the probability of being satisfied increases greatly.

2. Quality, quality and quality

This is a must. If you want them to be satisfied, give the best you have, that your service is of quality, that what you offer is good or, even better, exceptional. One of the best things your clients can tell you is, as they told me recently: "How generous you are in the course with the information, you add much more than what it says." That's what you want, information that changes your client's life or business, give your best.

Also, although the content is what really matters, if the packaging is also of much better quality. I have signed up for many marketing courses, some basic with good content (and I repeat because I am satisfied) and others good and also beautiful (with careful design, so I repeat and improve my image of the person who offers it).

And don't be fooled, the content has to be good regardless of the price of the program, whether it's free or high. Don't do something mediocre.

3. Exceed your expectations

If you provide a quality service that meets their needs, you will have a satisfied customer, but if you exceed your expectations by giving them more than they expected, much better. For example, some time ago I signed up for a program and a few days later, without notice, a book arrived as a gift. I loved the surprise detail (satisfied customer). Of course, not everything is wrapping, if then the content is bad, do not repeat.

4. Choose your clients

You have to be very clear to whom you are addressing (niche, if you have one) and who is your ideal client. That implies working only with certain people and thus you will avoid nightmare clients. Those who are never satisfied, those who demand more than agreed, those who do not pay on time. That is solved by being clear who you work with and who you don't.

For example, I have two niches: stagnant professional women and stagnant service entrepreneurs. But I don't work with everyone. I work with professionals who feel blocked and don't know what to do next, but they want to change, to get out of that situation as soon as possible. I do not work with unmotivated professionals who do not want to make changes, who only see guilty and only make mistakes.

I also work with female entrepreneurs who may be overwhelmed because they don't have enough clients, or who have a lot of ups and downs in their income, or who simply don't know how to get more out of their business with less work. But what they do know is that they will succeed, yes or yes, that they do not want to continue like this, that they want to go further and that, if they cannot do it alone, they seek help. I do not work with people who hope for miracles, who want to do well but do not want to invest in their business or who expect you to take their chestnuts out of the fire.

That is an example of how to choose your clients and it is essential. If you still have not quite succeeded, do not worry, sometimes it takes a while to define what you want and what not, the experience helps a lot.

5. There will always be someone unhappy

It would be ideal if 100% of your customers were satisfied (when you have few customers it is very feasible, the more you have the more difficult it is) and it is ideal that this be your goal, but there can always be someone who at some point is unhappy. In that case, learn what you can, improve what is necessary and move on. No one is infallible and the important thing is to give the best that you have, with your good will and to continue learning and improving. Nothing else.

So tell me, which of these recommendations are you going to start applying today? Tell me in the comments, I suggest you start with the first one: find out what your customers really want.

Tips to ensure that your customers are satisfied with your services