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Tips for managing your professional profile on social networks

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Currently as a female entrepreneur or entrepreneur who owns her own business, it is essential to use social networks as a communication tool with your clients. However, many times it can be difficult to separate the personal from the professional, especially if you are the one who manages all your accounts and spends long hours in front of your profiles, since you surely have a thousand things on your mind that you do not pay attention to small details.

But you should be aware that your profile is like a cover letter for your clients and the image that you show of your company from your profile is what your client will perceive of you as a professional, and regardless of whether you have closed a good business and you have celebrated it all night or you have simply had a good weekend with friends, unless you consider that you want to show it to your readers, they are details that you should keep for yourself.

Keep in mind that all the people who read you represent a possible client and these days each of them will take a look at your business before making their purchase. So you must be consistent with your publications so as not to generate a bad impression of your work; Well, I assure you that no one will want to work with a person who knows her to be a party girl rather than a professional or who does not feel confident or secure in her work.

I show you now the 5 mistakes you should avoid so that you never miss a job opportunity causing a bad impression on your client.

Error 1- Inconsistency between your profiles, this is when you have different information on all social networks, which creates confusion for your clients and lack of security in your work.

The solution?

Stay well organized with all your social networks and pay attention to each of the publications you make, you can for example use the same photo or banner in each social network or the same range of colors to create a unified style. Also look at the little details, for example if you have two names, either you use one or the but always the same everywhere.

Error 2.- Not knowing the operation of social networks, although you can use each and every one of them to communicate with your customers, but it is important that you know the specifications of each social network to get the most out of it.

The solution?

At this point it is important and especially helpful that you know well What is your business ?, What do you sell ?, What do you offer ?, Product or service ?, etc. and having your ideal client well defined, so you can get the most out of your objective social network, it is not the same as a lawyer offering her services on Facebook than on LinkedIn.

Error 3.- Leaving them in oblivion, if you want to maintain a good image and presence with your followers, it is convenient to create strategies to make different publications and content in which you also allow them to participate and generate a good communication channel with your clients.

The solution?

Plan 30 minutes a day to post something on your most effective social networks. Remember, 30 minutes each day is better than one day for about 4 hours.

Mistake 4.- Making inappropriate publications is not only about bombarding your readers, here we also talk about the importance of creating a strategy that allows you to publish only what will be interesting and leave added value to your customers.

The solution?

Remember that you always appreciate more "quality than quantity" and to keep your followers attentive it is useless if you fill them with publications that do not benefit them at all, your objective in each publication should be to provide some detail or resource that is beneficial to all the people who read you.

Error 5.- Not separating the personal from the professional, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article, combining or not having a separation of your professional work with the personal one is a frequent error and that unfortunately damages your business image. Not publishing your social life does not mean that you do not have it, it is just common sense, think about what your client really wants and must know about you to decide to work with you.

The solution?

Although it is true, social networks serve you both personally and professionally, but it is very important that as a female entrepreneur you separate your business and generate an excellent strategy to know what to publish and that neither of your two profiles is affected. each other. Remember that everything you post online becomes a part of you and what you want to communicate as a person and company.

My advice!

How about taking a look at your profiles and taking a little time to reflect, asking yourself if what you are publishing is really what you want to transmit to your clients.

Do not hesitate to write me your comments and share if you have had a bad experience with your social networks or made any other mistake that you want to tell us so that no one else happens!

Tips for managing your professional profile on social networks