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Tips for consistency in sales


While many want to generate more sales, a large majority of them want to achieve a level of production that consistently leads to the expected periodic results.

This is surely because they value the satisfaction they want to achieve with each of their current and potential clients, and for this reason they are not satisfied with uncertain results.

For this, it is necessary to develop an effective and own methodology that provides consistency in the production of the results that are desired to be achieved in each period of the year and according to each Marketing Plan.

This was possible because the generation of periodic sales results has a great similarity with the generation of goods through all manufacturing processes and therefore facilitated the development of the most didactic and simple way of understanding how to apply it in sales management, even by totally people. neophytes in activity.

The efficient performance of all the members of the plant responds to a key aspect: there is a method or procedure that describes the action that each of the operators in the plant must carry out so that the operating and productive time is the one that allows achieving quality., safety and minimum waste, the expected units that are required to be produced in each period of time.

The same thing happens in the sale. It is required to generate quality sales results, consistently and profitably for the organization, but when this does not happen it is due to the lack of an Effective Method of Own Sales Management.

When this lack exists in any organization or independent activity, the sale wanders through periods of uncertainty and even concern about the unfortunate effects it produces on its finances and its market goals, even affecting even subsistence and continuity.

In such conditions, the sales representatives who join companies are not trained in an effective action methodology, which forces them to apply their own criteria that their best knowledge and understanding suggests to them to generate the necessary results and thus be able to comply with the periodic goals that are required of them in their performance.

Through management consulting experiences, it has been proven that in everyday reality not all representatives have brilliant management experiences so that their personal methods are the most convenient and effective to achieve their goals with quality, efficiency and productivity such as those products or services, the brands and the image of the organization they represent really require.

This important aspect is what leads to compliance with the rule described by Peter F. Drucker (undisputed leader in Modern Administration) that says: “In any company, 80% of sales results are obtained by only 20% of team representatives. "

Final thoughts

I could imagine then how much more could be sold in any organization without just having an effective method of sales management of its own that leads all the members of the team to produce as only 20% of its members do.

Companies that have their own effective method of sales management:

They incorporate it in the initial training of their representatives at the time of incorporating them into the team and before going out to exercise their management in the market. In this way they learn to carry out the proven effective actions that their own method indicates so that they can efficiently achieve the quality and quantity achievements defined in their periodic goals.

They are perfecting it, updating it and improving it with the experiences they gain over the course of their application, providing them with the highest degree of productivity possible with each of the valuable human resources they have on the team.

For the foregoing, it is understandable that each business, company or activity must have its Effective Method of Sales Management.

If we had to define it, nothing would be more accurate than saying that "it represents the logical and proven effective path that must be followed to achieve the results expected by each and every member of a sales team."

It is as indispensable as the ship commander's flight plan that allows him to happily reach his destination every time he takes off, but he shouldn't be too easy to think that all methods are similar.

There are no two similar and even equal companies on the market, even if they are in the same business or activity. Therefore, they could not use identical procedures with identical effectiveness.

Nor is it purchased in the form of miracle recipes or canned procedures.

The only way is to develop the method itself as accurately as possible, and then test and adjust it until you find the most effective one, and update and improve it permanently through experiences that advise you over time.

When the company lacks sufficient experience in the activity to develop it, it can resort to management advice or consulting, where the consultant's background and experience is important.

The results obtained with this are characterized by a solid consistency in the production of results, dispelling the uncertainty present in obtaining its achievements, since it ensures regular compliance with the periodic goals to be achieved during each operating period.

© Copyright 2004, by Martín E. Heller

Tips for consistency in sales