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Contact centers as instruments of customer service

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Powerful CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) systems provide solutions that integrate call routing scheme with business databases where key customer information is stored….

Interaction with the customer based on their value

When a customer makes the decision to call a company, he has an expectation of the level of service he will receive. Once contact is made, the company expects profitable customer interaction - this is a two-way street. Companies today understand that the Contact Center is essentially a point of contact and search for opportunities to achieve that interaction. But this is barely enough to handle customer questions, companies and customers must get value from each interaction.

If each customer can be identified and categorized according to the value he provides for the business, each interaction can be more profitable - the key is in the business information. The key is to manage business information to generate economic benefits for each interaction you make with the client.

It is then necessary to generate a solution that allows the organization to cost-effectively interlace the data obtained from customer interactions with business data, thus the combination of both will allow to act to achieve profitable results.

A Contact Center Solution

Powerful CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) systems provide solutions that integrate call routing schemes with business databases where key customer information is stored - information such as purchase patterns, account balances, case numbers and case histories. service. Thus, the business can use this information to personalize and refine each customer interaction.

Data Based Routing

Identify and route a customer's requirement based on its value

Then offer a more personalized service

Data Based routing applications use the business database to make smart call routing decisions. Using the interaction data such as the dialed telephone number (DNIS), the client's telephone number (ANI) or account number, these types of applications perform operations with the data of the call on different types of databases and based on customer records, a unique routing scheme is used that is applied to serve the customer.

This allows the client to be identified and informed about the decisions made and what types of resources will be used to manage their case. Low value transactions can be sent to automatic attention resources (less expensive in operation) such as an Automatic Voice Response System (IVR or VRU), or if necessary, send it to agents who have specific training in the needs of the client (not only operational but personal, eg Account executives for a specific language). Clients with delinquent accounts can be sent to the collection group. Smart routing now time, leads to profitable operations and helps to create customer loyalty.

Transfer the call with customer information

Retain customer information through calls transferred between agent groups

Minimize the time you spend recompiling customer information

Often when a customer is transferred between groups of agents, they have to repeat their personal information to the new agent. Clients find this extremely frustrating and it is an unproductive use of agent time.

If a customer requires to be transferred from one group of agents to another, or from an automated system (IVR) to a live agent, the self-service information that the customer entered, for example the account number and the data obtained to be consulted at the database must be transferred together with the client to the new group or agent. If an agent modifies the customer profile, all changes must be submitted when the contact is transferred. This prevents customers from having to repeat information and shows that the company recognizes and values ​​each customer.

In conclusion

Using customer data to route calls and inform agents is key to creating a highly personalized contact center experience, leading to more profitable transactions and increasing customer loyalty. The new technologies of Contact Centers and CTI allow to provide a routing based on the client's data and to display on the screen the data related to the operation that is carried out, this is necessary to create a personalized experience, to win and to maintain clients the today's competitive environment.

Hernan Mendez is an Expert in Voice Automation Systems, Voice Recognition and Contact Centers, is dedicated to writing articles online and offline.

Contact centers as instruments of customer service