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Internal control of customer service processes

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Proper control of customer service processes can guarantee greater brand loyalty, as well as guarantee a greater number of clients.

There are five key elements to consider when monitoring customer service processes in companies: determining customer needs, reviewing service cycles, surveys, quality assessment, and reward analysis. These elements will be briefly explained in this article.


Any company must maintain strict control over internal customer service processes. Continuous monitoring of care policies, their mechanisms and the human capital involved is necessary to maintain a level of service quality that is always superior to the competition.

It is proven that more than 20% of people who desist from buying a product or service, decline their purchase decision due to information or attention failures when they interact with the people in charge of serving and motivating buyers. Given this reality, it is necessary that customer service is of the highest quality, with concrete and precise information, with an adequate level of care so that the person receiving the information not only has an idea of ​​a product, but in addition to the quality of the human and technical capital with which it will establish a commercial relationship.

Here are the five basic elements to assess to maintain efficient control over customer service processes.


  1. Determination of customer needs. Service cycles. Surveys. Quality service evaluation. Analysis of rewards and motivation.

1. The consumer's needs:

The first tool to improve and analyze customer service is simply to ask yourself as a company the following:

  • Who are my clients ?: Determine what types of people the company is going to deal with. What will the people I'm going to deal with look for ?: It consists of trying to determine the basic needs (information, questions, material) of the person with What will be treated at this time? What services does my customer service area offer at the moment ?: Determine what exists? What services fail when serving clients ?: Determine the shortcomings through a self-evaluation exercise. Does the area of ​​customer service contribute to brand and product loyalty and what is the impact of customer service management ?: Determine the importance of the customer service process in the company. How can I improve?: Design of policies and strategies to improve the attention.

This analysis generates an internal base of initial information, which will be used to analyze the company's customer service system in more detail later.

2. Analysis of service cycles:

It consists of determining two fundamental elements.

  1. Temporary trends in customer service needs: (how often do they ask for help, what time of year do they need more attention, etc.) A clear example is tourism, where depending on the season it is more necessary to invest more resources human and physical to serve people.Determine customer needs, under parameters of care cycles. An example is when you renew magazine subscriptions, where you can maintain control over the customer and their preferences.

Important: "When you have adequate information about customer service preferences, it is more feasible to offer new products or services"

3. Customer service surveys:

This point is essential. On many occasions, companies place simple complaints boxes, thinking that with this they will improve their attention service comprehensively. A correct control of attention should start from more specialized information, as far as possible personal and where the consumer can clearly express their preferences, doubts or complaints directly.

There must always be a responsible person, to control, attend to and investigate the preferences, inconveniences, claims or clarifications of users.

Tip: When filing a complaint, don't send it through all departments, to find the person with the right information. Do not hesitate the user. Any person must be able to attend and settle a complaint or claim and must be able to attend.

4. Assessment of attention behavior:

It has to do with the personal attention part of the client:

Important rules for the person serving:

1. Show attention. 2. Have a proper presentation. 3. Personal and friendly attention. 4. Have adequate information on hand. 5. Adequate body and oral expression.

Personalized treatment is the best way to "tie" and "retain customers."

5. Motivation and rewards:

Worker motivation is a fundamental factor in customer service. The spirit, the disposition of attention and the competences, are born from two fundamental factors:

1. Valuation of work: You have to know how to value personalized work.

Instruments: Additional monetary remuneration, bonus or commission systems, etc.

2. Motivation: People who exercise the worker's attention must be kept motivated.

Instruments: Company incentives, better working conditions, motivation workshops, integration, participation dynamics, etc.

The constant feedback between clients and workers, will gradually improve all care processes. The above elements will guarantee greater control over customer service in the beginning and better customer service in the medium term.

Customer service is the part where the consumer can get a personal idea of ​​what the quality of the company is.
Internal control of customer service processes