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Postal mail as tangible marketing. support for the mix in modern times


How many times have we found ourselves reviewing the inbox of our email, and in addition to the multiple emails related to topics of our space and professional practice, such as the office, advanced studies, own company, etc. we realize, or not (this is the common denominator), other messages from companies with the following introductory phrases: "take advantage of X% that we want to give you", "Sir / a we need you", "last week off in the products of your interest ”.

Here we could spend an entire afternoon collecting the different ways in which companies write a shocking message to capture our attention, waiting for us to open this email to read carefully what they are offering us. But, dear, we would be liars if we denied that these messages are seen with one eye and our hand pointing the cursor towards the digital trash, and even towards the “spam” file, so that we never have to find them again.

Imagine how all these companies must feel, aiming their efforts to capture the attention of their “ target market ”, and that they be rejected by said prospects, or ever consumers. I would dare to say that it is like that man in conquest of his possible partner, that for more captivating messages that this one I sent him, if the woman is not interested, this poor man will be rejected, or as in the technological-youth slang it is said, it will stay in "blue".

This introductory paraphernalia is simply to tell you that, many times, such digital marketing practice has not always proven to be effective and efficient in the marketing strategies related to customer acquisition and segmentation. Likewise, we have forgotten and put aside postal mail and other forms of direct marketing, thinking that they are obsolete. So does this mean that traditional marketing techniques are dead? Well no, what we have not realized is that they can be a great support to the marketing mix.

In current times it is evident that we must work under a new approach, and with new marketing techniques that denote high doses of creativity. I do not know if they have stopped to think about the following: What do you think will be the reaction of a customer when he observes that a coupon, a product test or a letter addressed especially to him has arrived in his mail? The first thing is a feeling of being taken into account, followed by a tangible experience of the product or packaging. Even when no interest is found, it is inevitable that the person will open and observe what has been sent to them, compared to how easy it can be to get rid of a simple email. That is, whether they want to or not, they will see the product.

Take into account the triggering of emotions that can trigger a client with this type of strategy, combined of course with current digital marketing. We, human beings, love to be taken into account, to be called by our proper names, among other things that arouse a positive feeling, which may possibly end in a purchase action or contact with the company. Of course, the implementation of this type of traditional marketing can sometimes represent higher costs than digital marketing, but in both options, if the resources are strategically allocated, the level of response remains profitable.

So, dear, let's give tangible marketing a new chance. Let's take advantage of the technological development that the Couriers are having, (as a response and delivery in short times) since this can be a way to surprise and draw attention to potential customers. We live in a world where the buyer is ubiquitous in all purchasing channels, and loyalty to brands / products has been lost, reigning market convenience.

However, it is not a matter of choosing between the physical and digital form, but rather, taking the greatest strategic advantage in the combination of both to detonate a Marketing 360 and make sales welcome.


Sebastian Ant

Business administrator

Master in Marketing - University of South Florida

Postal mail as tangible marketing. support for the mix in modern times