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Courtesy of telephone service and customer service


We all use a landline or cell phone daily to communicate in our personal and professional environment. Today the latter is a tool for common individual use. I do not question its significance and benefit in a society where communications have been streamlined thanks to the technological modernity in force these days.

From my perspective, it is worth analyzing its scope in the good manners that it is recommended to develop in a telephone conversation in any circumstance. When we talk on the phone they cannot physically see us, but they can easily "imagine" us. For many people it is the first impression they get from a company. In this sense, the adequate or deficient treatment with the external public shows the corporate identity of the entity.

The way in which they are attended by telephone is important. Their training in techniques that make them professionals in customer service is a factor that we must not ignore. Good performance is characterized by friendliness, disposition, optimal intonation, use of the smile, warm treatment, among other elements. One point we should not skip: Calls are returned within 24 hours of receiving them.

Whoever answers the phone must educate his voice to speak correctly and, in addition, offer excellent care. There are companies, public and private, where the person in charge of telephony is an inexperienced who does not perceive the deficient profile that her organization is issuing - through her intermediary - due to her lack of training. All the functions in an entity are valuable because, among other reasons, they are part of the "puzzle" that will give the consumer a positive or negative opinion.

Some basic recommendations are: When you pick up the handset, answer without waiting for your correspondent; identify yourself with the name of the company and yours; do not pick up the handset and continue conversing with another person; smile slightly, help prepare a nice intonation; avoid having anything in your mouth that could hinder communication (cigarettes, candy, chewing gum, drinks, etc.); Have a pencil, paper and your personal agenda at hand; don't just answer yes? or What ?, this shows lack of manners; always treat people with you; do not speak in a hurry, do it slowly, with the rhythm appropriate to what you are saying; do not use a tone of voice that indicates indifference or reluctance, nor speak loudly; seek to inspire confidence and security; When you receive a call, write down the name of the company and the person who has called.

Another, equally unavoidable topic to comment on is the cell phone, whose comfort -in work and personal activity- is understandable. However, it is common to see people give you an impertinent, not gracious and inopportune job every day. When you are at a business meeting, lunch, religious ceremonies, funerals, special occasions, etc., turn it off. If you are waiting for an “urgent” call, put it on a vibrator, leave the place to answer and this way you will not be uncomfortable -as usual in our environment- to others. Also do not speak out loud, have the grace to use a discreet volume, no one has to listen to your talk.

It is imperative to reiterate that the cell phone is not a "place setting" on the table, as I see in the offices at lunchtime. And more annoying is to appreciate talking to diners -with their husbands, children, lovers- during the snack without caring about the discomfort they generate to those of us who wish to dedicate this moment to share with our colleagues. This is an occasion to show the "common sense" that, apparently, is not abundant in a population full of inconsiderations, few gestures of affability and you proliferate bad forms.

Courtesy and relevance in the use of the phone is part of their way of being. Show your genuine respect and, consequently, give your contribution in the construction of an enlightened community, with better levels of tolerance and care for others. Keep in mind these words of the remembered Spanish playwright Jacinto Benavente: "True education is demonstrated when education is lost. "

Courtesy of telephone service and customer service