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Business creation in Chiapas, Mexico. test

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Promote the Entrepreneurial Spirit in our society, with the implementation, development and strengthening of a program that encourages business culture in the State, this is, without a doubt, one of the best strategies to consolidate economic and social development, since there is a direct relationship between entrepreneurial activity with the creation of companies; the generation of new sources of work; market expansion and competitiveness.

Today as never before, the competitive capacity of companies depends to a great extent on the knowledge and competitiveness of their human capital. This is training for companies and institutions in the public and private sectors, including courses, workshops and diplomas; designed in terms of its content and methodology to meet the needs of Entrepreneurs-Entrepreneurs.

Training has proven to be a very effective means of making people productive, its effectiveness has been demonstrated in more than 80% of all training programs. However, it should not be taken for granted that there is a causal relationship between the knowledge imparted or the skills taught and the significant increase in productivity. Programs designed to transmit information and content specifically related to the job or to imitate procedural patterns must be taught. Futurists say that staff will require training many times throughout their working lives. Most people enjoy the training and find it useful for their career.

The development of human resources is central to the important challenge that companies face in this globalized and competitive world. Training and development of human resources is an important business strategy, which must accompany the other change efforts that organizations carry out; Within a brief diagnosis of the Entrepreneur-Entrepreneur, his real need can be determined. Let's suppose the following example: An entrepreneur goes to Mexico Emprende with the idea that he needs a new team to carry out an activity faster, after the evaluation, it is determined that what he does not necessarily require is a new team, but a training on how Efficiently reduce your production time.

Entrepreneurial training is essential in any organization. Through it, employees learn new things, grow individually, establish relationships with other individuals, coordinate the work to be done, agree to introduce improvements, etc.; in other words, it is in the interest of both the collaborator and the company, for how much the collaborators satisfy their own needs and, on the other hand, they help organizations achieve their goals; As will be seen, training and development begins with an investment where companies must pay attention and invest more, to achieve better achievements with efficiency and profitability.


Any person with the skills and qualities to start a project, work on it to achieve it, establish strategies to achieve goals and achieve set objectives, and the ability to self-learn for business, we definitely consider him an entrepreneur.

All of us at some point in our life show qualities to undertake, however, due to external factors the fear of starting something on their own is fostered and many of them come from their own family, for this reason, the entrepreneur must have the ability to transform all those impressions and focus on your life plan as an entrepreneur-entrepreneur. For those who have decided this great challenge to undertake, they must create new paradigms that indicate that it is the right path, full of challenges and experiences that will allow them to be successful in the business world.

When we ask who earns the most, an employer or an employee? Usually the answer will be: an entrepreneur, that is why, among others, to university students and academics, the question to ask is, why insist on continuing to train or train as employees ?, according to the philosophy of the flow quadrant money made by Robert KiyosakiIn the series of books by Padre Rico, Padre Pobre, he establishes that there are different quadrants, different people, for example: Quadrant “E” (employee) identifies people who like to feel safe and see it in writing; In quadrant "A" (self-employed), the importance of being self-sufficient, being their own employer and independence is the common denominator of these people, doing it on their own, they like to stipulate the money they earn; In quadrant “D” we find people who like to surround themselves with intelligent people from all quadrants, the motto is “Why do it yourself when you can hire someone who does it for you and can do it better? In the “I” quadrant (investor) it is the favorite place of the rich, if someone wants to be rich, they must be in this quadrant,investors make money from money, they don't have to work because their money is working for them.

An entrepreneur must take into account that he requires basic and specialized knowledge in various topics, among others the following: mercantile companies, Financing, Dividends, Intellectual Capital, Associativity, Production and Marketing Systems, Normalization and Certification, Accounting Systems, Costs and Finance, Inventories, Marketing, Labor and tax legislation, Ecotechnologies, Corporate governance, Quality Assurance, Business Chambers, Management Indicators, Administration, Corporate Image, Target Market, Competition, Contracts, Foreign Trade.

It is essential to understand the term holism etymologically, which is the doctrine that advocates the conception of each reality as a whole distinct from the sum of its component parts. It represents the practice of the whole or of integrality. Its root holos, comes from the Greek and means "everything", "whole", "whole", "complete" and the suffix ismose, used to designate a doctrine or practice.

It is for this reason that the entrepreneur-entrepreneur must have a holistic model for the creation of companies, where all the necessary pillars are combined for a successful, profitable and prosperous world-class company that truly improves the quality of life for all. those who participate in it.


Conception of the idea, research and technological application.

The first phase consists of when the entrepreneur identifies a need in society, analyzes the different existing ways of satisfying them, and determines that he has the idea of ​​generating a new product, system, process or service which is innovative and has prospects of success in the market to develop it.

Here it is essential to support the entrepreneur, by the different scientific research centers, technological development, universities, companies and government, to carry out the technological development and research necessary to demonstrate the technical feasibility of the project, including laboratory tests in your case and the prototypes of products that will go on the market.

The high distancing that exists between the productive sector, research centers, universities, government and entrepreneurs is known, it is therefore essential to promote this interaction between these parties, there are isolated cases of success, as it has developed for more than a decade the Scientific Research and Technological Development Group, AC, who during all these years, has fostered the environment to accelerate and concretize the ideas of new technologies by university students and researchers to the national and international market.

We have received influence from abroad that leads to the creation of business incubators, which of course have had success cases, however, the concept of incubators indicates that a company was born badly and that is why it must be incubated, if an analogy is made, with The birth of a son, I ask you, which one of you longs for your son or daughter to be placed in an incubator at birth? Of course the answer is no, since we all want him to be born well.

Taking up the previous comments, it is proposed that the entrepreneur be supported by the Holistic Accompaniment Centers of the Entrepreneur, which consists of accompanying shoulder to shoulder by mentors, experts in different areas of knowledge that allow creating successful companies, with a clear and defined mission and vision., as well as establishing strategies and actions to achieve goals and objectives according to its philosophy and operating rules.

The entrepreneur in case you do not belong to any of these centers, it is important that you contact one of them, now it does not matter where on the planet you are, through electronic means, you can access them, The solo path, it becomes less promising.


The second phase consists of having the elements to select the people who will accompany the entrepreneur in the company, for this the entrepreneur must know that in Mexico there is the possibility of carrying out business activities individually known as a natural person or in some of the species of commercial companies established by the regulations.

Doing business in partnership has several advantages, among them, it allows you to take advantage of partners or shareholders, their investments, business knowledge and experiences, business and government relationships and contacts, as well as the corporate image towards clients. It should be noted that also in equity terms of the entrepreneur, since in his case, the economic responsibility only corresponds to the amount of the contributions made to the company and not with all his personal assets as would happen as a natural person.

In Mexican legislation, there are different types of companies and it is very important to select by the entrepreneur, which one is the one that suits your needs and objectives of your company.

Mercantile companies can identify two classes, personal and capital companies, clearly this classification is made based on the level of importance that has when inviting people to join society, if more for the money or by what the person represents, to better understand it, it will be explained how the social capital of these two classes of companies is integrated.

The share capital of companies known as individuals, their share capital is made up of shares, which represent the contributions made by the partners, and the capital companies, their share capital is divided into 5 shares, which represent the contributions made by the shareholders.

What if one of the key people in society decides to sell their shares or suddenly you find a new shareholder in your company? therein lies the importance of knowing what objectives we have when forming a society, if what interests us is money and not so much who is part of the company, if we need to sell freely and without asking the society for permission (as long as we don't establish the opposite) the shares that we have of a company, the option is a capital company, as in the case of the corporation; In the event that the important thing is to protect the group of partners that are part of the society, the participation of a certain group of people in society is limited or exclusive, the option will definitely be a society of people, as in the case of limited liability company.

Therefore, determining the type of society that you will create for the development of the business activities you carry out is a priority, since it will allow you to invite the right people to join your project, with a win-win, grow-grow philosophy.

Business plan.

The third phase, the business plan, is part of the process of the development of the company, it consists of writing in a document the action plan that leads the entrepreneur to establish his company successfully, obviously it must be written and rewritten several times, not It is a document that must be taken lightly, it is where the entrepreneur honestly, clearly, objectively raises the different scenarios that may arise and in it the entrepreneur describes what his business consists of, the bases of his company as philosophy, mission, vision, values, principles, as well as the results of the different studies carried out, including the market, technical, financial and organizational studies.

It is suggested to have an executive business plan, which will serve the entrepreneur to use it in the different business meetings he has with prospective investors or governmental or private institutions that can finance the project, since these types of meetings are usually performed in a few minutes. The objective of this executive business plan is to provide brief but very attractive information on the viability of the project, which allows the interlocutor to have a clear and objective idea of ​​the entrepreneur's objectives, goals and purposes.

Fund the project

The main characteristic of the entrepreneur is that he has the ability to create, to do, to fulfill, to make an idea come true, and generating sufficient financial or material resources to fund the project is the great challenge to overcome. For this, you must keep in mind the data obtained from the financial study, among others, the required amount of investment, the internal rate of return, the rate of return on investment, the payback period, estimated sales, costs and expenses. estimates, break-even point and cash flows.

You should make a list of prospects, that is, people you think have the ability and the willingness to invest.

Selling a material good is relatively simple, since the buyer sees the good, analyzes it and after evaluating its characteristics, acquires it, however, selling an idea or air, as traditionally said, is the activity that the entrepreneur performs when he is in the search for people in the quadrant of investors who are interested in acquiring the shares or social parts of the company where the business activities will be carried out.

This work is arduous, sometimes it is recommended to split the required amount of investment, in order to make it easier for people to buy such shares or shares. Sometimes it is easier to find ten people who contribute the entire investment than one or two people to do so.

But what to do when the entrepreneur does not have enough liquidity to start the project and one hundred percent of the necessary resource to invest is obtained from contributions from partners or shares, this would mean that the entrepreneur would not have participation in shares or social shares of The company that is creating, for this, it is suggested to set a premium on the sale of shares for those who acquire these social shares, in order to protect the participation of the entrepreneur in society. For example, if an investment of $ 1,000,000.00 (one million MN pesos) is required, and you find four shareholders, each of them will invest $ 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand MN pesos);This would mean that the entrepreneur would not have a participation in society in the event that one hundred percent of the investment is what was established as share capital; To avoid this situation, the existence of a premium for the sale of shares of $ 50,000.00 (fifty thousand pesos MN) is proposed to each of the shareholders and that the capital stock that amounts to the required amount of investment will be divided into five equal parts, that is to say, the four investors plus the entrepreneur, which means that each of them will contribute $ 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand pesos 00/100 MN) to the share capital; when adding the four contributions we found that it would take $ 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand pesos MN) to cover the needs of the project, which,This resource may be covered with the resources from the share sale premium received by the entrepreneur from the shareholders, which amounts to the same amount. This strategy allowed to cover the economic needs of the project and the entrepreneur's knowledge was capitalized with shares of the company.

Intellectual Capital, Standardization and Certification.

The latest data generated by the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), indicate that in 2009 14,000 patents were registered of which 5.5% of them are registered by Mexican inventors, the rest are from transnational companies that register their inventions in our country.

To capitalize on the value of technological development, it must be registered with the organizations that protect intellectual capital, which is why the entrepreneur must have a research strategy and protocol in accordance with the requirements of IMPI, in order to facilitate the registration of the patents, utility models or industrial designs that you have developed.

Once the registration procedures have been completed, it is also essential to approach the standardizing and certifying bodies related to the purpose of the company, since at present most of the companies in the private sector and all the dependencies and entities of the public administration require for their purchases of products that meet the Mexican quality standards and certificates of compliance with quality standards.

ISO 9001: 2008 certificate or ISO 14000, are the most recognized certificates worldwide and therefore in our country where it is validated that the processes established in a company, pursue and ensure the quality indicated in each of the products, as well as meet the characteristics of ensuring the be friendly to the environment.

The Mexican quality certificates are classified into two, the Official Mexican Norms (NOM) and the Mexican Norms (NMX) , both are granted when the acceptable quality requirements in our country are met and these have been performed in laboratories accredited by the Mexican Accreditation Entity (EMA).

Having the ISO 9001: 2008 certificates and the NOM or NMX certificate, regardless of whether it strengthens and contributes to the quality assurance of your products or services, guarantees your participation in the tenders carried out by the different government orders.

Formalization and Business in Progress.

The great opening to the general public and starting to sell is one of the most remembered and exciting moments for the entrepreneur, however for this to happen, we must establish business systems that allow us to satisfy customer needs optimally, profitably and effectively..

The systems that we must establish are those of commercialization, production, accounting, inventory administration, quality assurance, direction and administration of resources, credits, among others.

Core is the selection, hiring and induction of staff, it is very likely that at the beginning in your company there will be few people and the entrepreneur will have to occupy different roles, from cleaning staff to general manager; however, adequate planning of the optimal personnel and the strategies that must be taken in each of the stages of the life of the company must be available.

Let us remember that one of the purposes of the entrepreneur in a holistic model of business creation, it is important to meet different expectations that the entrepreneur's society has, since it is expected that it will really reactivate the economy, have fair plans for salaries and benefits, which Strengthen the knowledge of living well in each of your collaborators and that you know how to optimize and awaken all the talent of the people who work in the company.

The purchase of materials, equipment, machinery, furniture must be made according to the policy established in the business plan, remember that in our country and in research groups and universities we can find very interesting options for the development of machinery and equipment., as well as a series of technological developments that allow optimizing resources and recognizing one's own technological development.

They must comply with the provisions of the different tax, health and economic laws, for the start of the company, for this reason it is important to approach experts in the area to make all the necessary registrations, for example, to the Tax Administration Service, Mexican Institute of Social Security, Institute of the National Fund for the Savings of Workers, local Secretaries of Finance, among others.

The financial part must be a pillar of the entrepreneur's information about his company, his financial system, he must establish it with the purpose of having timely, reliable and verifiable information, and he must comply with the provisions of the financial information standards, issued by the Mexican Council for Research and Development of Financial Information Standards, AC

Having all these systems, the entrepreneur starts the company, it should be noted that these systems must evolve according to the needs of the company, and must be declared in the organization and procedure manuals, as well as in the company's operating regulations..

Implementation of planning, execution, monitoring and control indicators.

Management indicators are essential for proper administration of resources, if we are not clear about our objective, it is very difficult to achieve it, as recounted in his novel Jorge Eliot in Alice in Wonderland, when Alicia asks which way he should take, and upon receiving the answer from her, who did not know where he was going, the Seshire cat wisely replies that it does not matter then which way he takes.

The management indicators consist of having a panel of one or two pages where the entrepreneur evaluates the results he is obtaining in the different areas and activities of his company, where the financial, production, marketing and insurance reasons are known. of quality, customer satisfaction, market share, and all that are essential to have.

Planning is one of the little-kept activities in companies, sometimes it is easier for people to execute and correct during the march, and many times they could have been avoided if proper planning of activities had been carried out. Remember that there are many planning tools, it is very easy to use them.

Execution work is the stage where the most time is used in companies, it is where all the strategies are carried out to achieve the objectives, this is where the work of production, commercialization, administration of inventories, liquidity management, marketing, logistics, personnel management, maintenance of real estate and furniture, purchases, participation in exhibitions and conferences, attention to the media, and many more. For this reason, it is essential to have the indicators that can indicate the movements in each of them and in a timely manner make the necessary decisions to potentiate the results or correct in the case of adverse situations that put at risk the achievement of the objectives.


To combat the high rates of poverty and crime in the country, one must work at an educational and productive level, as we well know the World Bank suggests encouraging young people and entrepreneurs to open competitive companies, however the lack of viable and functional models, means that we do not have the results we want to date, as shown by the World Bank indicators where our country occupies the 53rd place on our planet according to per capita income.

We must take advantage of the scientific research and technological development that is carried out in our country and potentiate them at the productive level, which allows us to generate companies and gradually replace some of the technologies that we import, in deterioration of the national economy.

In this research work, the HOLISTIC MODEL FOR THE CREATION OF COMPANIES is proposed, which consists of seven phases that take the entrepreneur from the conception of the idea to the installation of management indicators to accelerate the growth of the company.

The creation of HOLISTIC ACCOMPANYING CENTERS FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR is also suggested, in order to provide the entrepreneur, through expert mentors in different areas of knowledge, with knowledge and experiences that facilitate and increase the chances of success of your company.


  • General Law of Commercial Companies.Federal Tax Code.Fostering to Global Spirit of Youth Enterprise. Kirsty Baker. Preparatory Briefing. Paper for Delegates of the Global Forum on Youth Entrepreneurship. November 2008 The Cash Flow Quadrant. Robert T Kiyosaki. Time & Money Network Editions 2002.The business coach. Bradley J. Sugars. Mc Graw Hill. 2007 - Retire young and rich. Robert Kiyosaki. Edit. Aguilar 2001.

The quadrant of money flow. Robert T Kiyosaki. Time & Money Network Editions 2002.

Royal Spanish Academy. http://buscon.rae.es

Holistic model for the creation of Companies.- Enrique Alberto Vázquez Constantino.

Federation fiscal Code. Article 16. In force in Mexico for the fiscal year 2011.

General Law of Commercial Companies article 58 and 62 in force in Mexico in 2011. General Law of Commercial Companies article 111 in force in Mexico in 2011.

Who are the leaders in patents in Mexico?


ISO 9001: 2008, Quality management systems - Requirements. www.iso.org

ISO 14000, Environmental management

To find out which NOM or NMX you are obliged to comply with, visit the following page of the Ministry of Economy

To find out which laboratory can carry out your quality tests, consult the following page of the Mexican Accreditation Entity.

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Business creation in Chiapas, Mexico. test