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Creation of a solidarity company based on the razeto model

Table of contents:


This research is based on the development of a social project based on the Luis Razeto model for the formation of solidarity companies, whose general objective was to determine the elements and factors necessary for the elaboration of the proposal for the creation of a company. Solidarity of Nursery, in the municipality Valera, Parroquia Mendoza cold, Trujillo State. The methodology used required a process of organization and programming exercises, activities and practices made up of two sessions of individual study and group work. The development of the project allowed acquiring the skills, knowledge and tools necessary for the structuring and future consolidation of the company, regarding the formation of the solidarity group,the development of the production unit and the factors necessary for its creation.

Key Words: Nursery, material factor, factor C, technology factor, management factor, financing factor, solidarity company


In recent years in Venezuela, the economy has required the management of solidarity companies that allow the entry of economic resources that satisfy the needs of individuals living in the country. This associative form oriented to the fulfillment of its economic ends, assures the social and cultural integration taking advantage of the elements of each member for production for the benefit of the common good.

This is how the idea of ​​the creation of the solidarity company “Madres UVM” Nursery arises, which is an independent nursery that has the main advantage of not being subject to any type of external regulations, except those imposed by current legislation on all sector and those derived from the clientele. The main strong point is the customer portfolio, their confidence and the market segment.

Taking into account that the care of boys and girls is an important activity for parents since through these nurseries they feel calm because their children are safe, cared for and achieving an education, while both father and mother work and do not they have relatives close to or available to take care of the children. Previously it was believed that this was only the need for companies located in large capitals, however it is no longer a priority for this economically active population, currently they are seen from rural areas.

The creation of the “Madres UVM” nursery school constitutes a challenge that forces the university sector to increasingly count on human resources that provide services with high quality standards, that improve competitiveness and give the satisfaction results expected by parents and time benefit the partners or owners of the company. Therefore, the nursery will carry out its operations through the Universidad Valle del Momboy. The work is structured in three chapters:

Chapter I corresponding to the Basic Aspects. There reference is made to the presentation and description of the Company and the solidarity group, the presentation of the objectives proposed by the solidarity company, the description of the products or services that the company will offer, exposing its qualities as well as the distinctive values ​​and the potential market or community in which the activity to be carried out is inserted.

Chapter II conformed by the necessary factors which include a description of the proper factors: labor force; means - production materials; the technology; management; possible sources of financing, Factor C; presentation of defined proportions and description of external factors.

Chapter III refers to the Theorem of the company and the proportionality of the factors. It contains all the elements identified as necessary factors, their percentage of importance, after having analyzed the true importance in its initial phase, capable of generating benefits for the solidarity company.



Determine the elements and factors necessary for the elaboration of the proposal for the creation of a solidarity daycare company based on the Razeto model


Specify the Basic Elements for the creation of a Solidarity Company for a Nursery based on the Razeto Model.

Identify the factors necessary for the creation of a Nursery Solidarity Company based on the Razeto Model.

Present the proportion of the different factors in the theorem for the creation of a Daycare Company based on the Razeto Model.


The scope of this investigation corresponds to the Universidad Valle del Momboy, located in the City of Valera, Valera Municipality, Trujillo State, on a date from May to December 2012; This lapse of time was what led the solidarity group to develop the research idea and propose the creation of the company. The study is based on the Sustainable Human Development (DHS) research line of the Universidad Valle del Momboy, which aims to promote relevant processes with ethics and quality, under the component of the Scientific Society Social Economy, Development Project.


The methodology is nothing more than steps to follow to carry out activities in order to achieve a goal or purpose. The methodology followed for this study is based on the orientation to the group in its formation process and in the different stages of the creation of the company offered by Luis Razeto, made up of units that were developed from the reading of the corresponding texts.

The development of each unit included a series of activities, which were carefully scheduled and prepared. The activities planned in each unit basically consisted of the execution of individual or small group work and a day to carry it out.

The individual works were carried out from home, which tried to answer the assigned questionnaires regarding the suggested readings. A second version was based on group work to carry out the activities that required the analysis of the lexicon, complementary readings and supporting material and thus contribute to the consolidation of the idea in the creation of the solidarity company. All these activities were carried out through the University's virtual classroom system.


Below is the procedure for the development of the activities structured by chapters where it is evident how the specific objectives proposed for the creation of the solidarity company Nursery “Madres UVM” were achieved.


Basic Aspects

Chapter I forms the basic aspects for the creation of a solidarity company based on the Luis Razeto model, in this case, Nursery. It contains the description of the company, its objectives, products and services it offers, as well as the potential market and the marketing plan.

Description of the Company and the solidarity group

According to Ceballos (2001: 106) "a solidarity company are the legal entities organized to carry out non-profit activities in which the workers or users, as the case may be, are simultaneously their contributors and managers"; that is, a group of people organize themselves in order to provide services generating their own benefit and the community where it is inserted and characterized because its owners are the same administrators and workers.

On the other hand, Ceballos (ob.cit) points out "these companies are created with the aim of producing, distributing, jointly and efficiently goods and services to satisfy the needs of their members." Within this perspective, the creation of the company called “Madres UVM” is a Kindergarten, intended to provide childcare services for their parents belonging to the Universidad Valle del Momboy, as well as administrators, teachers and students.


The company was created by the solidarity group made up of two members María Daniela Mejia and Elismar Santiago, who possess skills, capacities, and knowledge that will be provided through the company's services. One of the bases that sustains and drives the group is Factor C, determined in an activity carried out where the time that it has been getting to know each other and working together, confidence, solidarity, will, union, work in team and above all the same approach towards a common and precise objective such as organizing your own work to satisfy basic needs that improve the quality of life of the solidarity group. In this way, this factor was represented by a symbol that describes the union, love, and the other elements that factor C encompasses.


  • Carry out our solidary company Make our solidary company be successful Offer an excellent quality service to clients Achieve the satisfaction of our clients

Figure. 1 Solidarity Team Logo

Once factor C has been defined, we proceed to define what the objectives of the solidarity company will be to comply with the common goals and objectives of the group that will allow personal, group and social satisfaction.


  • Promote the care of the children of UVM workers and students. Offer quality of service, advice on the care of children. Offer the opportunity to help UVM workers and students in the care of their children..

Description of the services that the company will offer

The Madres UVM nursery will present the service of caring for children while their parents are working or studying within the UVM to present their daily activities more easily and thus meet their goals since it has been observed that on various occasions the Parents do not have enough time and resources to care for or enter their children in a private daycare.

Actions are carried out aimed at creating the best possible environment for the child to develop the potential of his personality comprehensively and harmoniously. The educational program is based on theories of child development and its objective is to provide the child with complete and sufficient attention in formative experiences that enrich her physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually, fully satisfying the needs that this stage of human development requires. In addition, receiving welfare activities that benefit your health by promoting the acquisition of eating habits, hygiene and care for the environment.

An opportunity will be presented so that the student can provide a service to the kindergarten through the university as a scholarship or community work, acquiring greater knowledge in activities that occur in life such as caring for children. A flexible schedule for the needs of UVM workers and students that would start from 8 am to 6 pm.

Potential Market in which the agency is inserted

When considering entry into the sector, one of the strategic dilemmas will be which population group or groups to target, in order not to waste resources in the wrong place. To determine the target or potential market, the following questions must be answered: What group of people are we targeting? How many are our potential customers?

In principle, the Nursery will face some important barriers that it will have to overcome in order to compete with both private and public nurseries since many of them already have a brand image and a degree of loyalty from established customers. Therefore, from a strategic point of view, it would be very smart to focus on segments of specifically providing childcare to workers and students at UVM.


A well-known and widely used concept in marketing philosophy is market segmentation. According to this theory, it is possible to know and understand more precisely what are the primary needs that consumers want to satisfy for a specific product in order to more efficiently allocate the company's resources and obtain better results from the marketing efforts that will be carried out to meet the objectives.

Market segmentation is a process that consists of dividing the total market for a service good into several smaller and internally homogeneous groups. The essence of segmentation is to really know consumers. One of the decisive elements of a company's success is its ability to properly segment its market.

Segmentation is also an effort to improve the precision of a company's marketing process. According to the above, the nursery is run according to the tastes and preferences according to the profile of the people who want the care, protection and education of their children. The market segment is made up of mothers and fathers who want the best care for their children while they are working or training for a better future.


It is aimed at people who need to decide who will take care of their children since this is one of the most difficult choices that parents must make when babies grow up, work and studies are the most common reasons to use the kindergarten.

To the trauma of the physical separation of the child is added the concern for the care they will receive, the conditions of the center where they will spend a large part of the day, whether they will be safe and well cared for, the food, the treatment, among a number of questions and of course, the economic burden that this will entail.


  • A good project. Knowing your competitors. The innovation of a nursery project for UVM university. Know the market. Know your customers.


Economic development. Competition. Offers to the consumer. Promotions

Market study objectives:

The UVM mothers nursery is a nursery that is dedicated to offering services for the benefit of UVM workers and students, such as: care, teaching, comfort, tranquility of their children, therefore the objective of the market study is based on:

Satisfy the need to care for the children of the people established at the Universidad Valle del Momboy. Know the concerns and needs of UVM workers and students. Develop a strategic plan for the company, which allows you to feel safe, effective and flexible when entrusting your children to daycare, in order to excel and achieve a better position in the global market.


Quite wide, boys and girls from 2 months to 5 or 6 years.

Marketing strategies

Advertising opportunities that promote the service within the university in order to publicize the project that can benefit many mothers who have concerns about the care and development of their children.

Advertising for the start of the nursery would be to accept children at a lower cost than the other nurseries.


Necessary factors

Every company to sustain its existence needs to satisfy its workers or partners, for this they need the necessary factors that contribute to the consolidation and continuation of the company. In this regard, the model offered by Luis Razeto points out that for the creation of a company it is necessary to combine a set of productive factors within these are its own factors and external factors. Each of them is detailed below to specify the information.

Own factors

The proper factors are those that are owned by the company, or that its owners or owners place in the company as their direct contributions. Among the proper factors are:

Work Force Factor

According to Razeto, the workforce is the ability to do that people have, and implies a sustained effort over time, the exercise of physical and mental energies, the deployment of abilities and skills, the application of the will, in the realization of tasks previously assigned and planned to be completed in defined times. It is individual and collective: each person has a certain workforce, but the work is usually carried out combining the energies and capacities of a group of workers.

According to the aforementioned, in the company Guardería Madres UVM the workforce is:

Communication skills. Ability to capture people's needs. Responsibility. Knowledge. Skills and abilities.

Factor Media Production Materials

The material means of production are the physical objects that are used in production, and include the place where one works, the machines, tools and equipment that are used, the inputs and raw materials with which the products are made, the implements with which services, places where objects are stored, electrical energy and other essential facilities, etc. are provided.

The material resources have in common with the workforce, which also have different productivity, depending on their specialization, their quality and the time in which they can operate. There are more efficient material means than others, as some perform more and others less. There are long-lasting material means, which depreciate very slowly, and others that deteriorate rapidly or are completely consumed when used in production.

Within the company "Mother UVM Nursery" the factor, material means of production is made up of:

Table 1 Material means and financing method

Pens Donation
Toys Cooperation
Mattresses Donation
Stories Contributions
Chairs Cooperation
Tables Cooperation
Television Donation
DVD Donation
Bathtub Contributions
Films Contributions
Air conditioning Contributions
Kitchen Donation
Protectors Contributions
Radio Contributions
Didactical games Contributions
Fridge Donation

Source: “Madres UVM” Nursery Solidarity Group (2012)

Technology Factor

Technology is practical knowledge, knowing how to do things, the set of information necessary to produce. Technology is not machines; machines "contain" technology as soon as the knowledge has been applied and objectified, determining that they carry out precise predefined activities.

As for technology, it is knowledge, knowledge and information, it is a human factor. Technology is "objective" not only in material machines and instruments, but also in people: technology is the knowledge of the engineer, the mechanic, the craftsman. Technology is also expressed in the design of products, in the formulas and calculations related to the production process, in the procedures and in the organizational systems, in the rational sequences that the processes and activities follow. This factor in the company “Madres UVM” Nursery is represented by: staff training, artifact management.

Management Factor

Management is decision making. The operation of a company constantly requires making decisions related to multiple functions and aspects, which must be the most convenient for achieving its objectives, and taken promptly and quickly. This implies that every company organizes a management system.

The decisions to be made are at different levels: some relate to the general operation and organization of the company, others deal with very particular operational issues. Some commit long-term processes, and others are valid for the day, the hour or the minute . In the company that will be launched related to the “Madres UVM” Nursery, the management factor is made up of: ability to relate to people, planning capacity, decision-making ability, teamwork capacity, ethical commitment, team assignment, accept team support.

Table 3 Solidarity Group Factors

Work factor (trades and professions, abilities and skills, and other work skills developed in their previous work experiences). Humanware. Knowledge and skills. Technology Factor (knowledge and practical knowledge corresponding to the studies, training courses and other learning carried out by each one). Software. Procedures, manuals and processes. Hardware. Materials, machinery and equipment. Management Factor (managerial and organizational capacities that are appreciated based on work experience and participation and positions held in social organizations). Orgware. Structures and forms of organization, communication, relationships. Factor C (social organizations in which people participate)

Financing factor

Every company needs financing to carry out its activities. The same is to provide money and credit for the acquisition of goods and services with which the company will operate. For Razeto, financing is necessary because the company is not an isolated entity, self-sufficient, and whose production remains within it. She must establish economic relationships with third parties: suppliers, factor suppliers, clients, etc. The company needs what others offer, and produces goods and services for others. In the solidarity company the financing is given by the partners' own contribution in material means or in cash, also donation and cooperation.

In accordance with what was previously expressed by Razeto, it has been considered that for the company “Madres UVM” Nursery the financing factor is declared by the aspects that cover the acquisition of the necessary products for the creation of the “Madres UVM” nursery and this will be through the two members that make up the solidarity group with which the company's operations can begin.

Factor C

According to Razeto, Factor C is solidarity converted into a productive force; that is created with the union of consciences, wills and feelings behind a shared objective; and that its quality -consistent in the strength, consistency and permanence of the links that make up the community or the human group of the company- is decisive in its productivity. Taking into account the elements that make up this factor, the group has elements that become a productive force such as: spirit of collaboration, innovation, spirit to work in the Nursery "Madres UVM" and technology, teamwork, communication, commitment, cooperation, trust, adaptation to changes, coexistence.

External factors

According to Razeto, external factors are those that the company must hire in the market, since it needs them to produce and they are not part of its assets. According to what the author has stated, the company “Madres UVM” Nursery does not need external factors to start its operations. As the activities are carried out and the services are offered, a review will be made and the decision to access external factors, if the evaluation made evidence that warrants it.



The theorem and its defined proportions

This chapter corresponds to the identification of the elements that cover the necessary factors, the results of their combination for the highest production, both private and general.

With respect to the theorem of the company according to Razeto, it consists of solving the basic equation of the company; that is, in designing the combination of factors with which the solidarity company could operate efficiently, taking advantage of the potential productivity of each factor. It is to identify that proportionality among the six factors that ensures that they are used with productive efficiency. It means that it is the combination of knowledge, abilities, skills, resources in the operation for greater production. For this combination, the proportions must be respected, that is, the quantities of each factor so that there is a balance between them, in addition to them, the characteristics of each one must be taken into account.

In this sense, the solidarity group of the company to be created following the exposed by the author has examined and identified the factors that are needed to consolidate the creation and has defined its best combination for greater and better productivity. For this, the necessary elements, the quantity, quality, productivity and the proportional combination of these were taken into account, which are reflected in the following table:

Solidarity Group Theorem. Source: Solidarity group Nursery Mothers UVM (2012)

Analysis of the Factors Theorem

The material means factor occupies 32%, allowing us to conclude that this factor represents the highest percentage, all this because as the company is starting it needs a greater investment that will allow it to start operating.

The factors Workforce, Factor C and Technology Factor represent 16% each and in this aspect we believe that there is a balanced combination of factors that is very positive for us.

The Management Factor and The Financing Factor represents 8% where the group has the ability to make decisions and make more convincing strategic plans to achieve the objectives and obtain the necessary materials to start operating the company.

Representation of cost benefits

Every solidarity company has its own factors and some of them external factors, these imply cost-benefits, some generate costs and others do not, for example the own factors, which are the ones contributed by the partners, do not represent any cost, on the contrary, the contributions that will form part of the capital are rewarded with the surpluses obtained from the operation of the activities. However, external factors are those that are made through contributions from third parties, that is, from other natural or legal persons who decide to "place" factors in that company if it generates direct costs.

Within this perspective, Razeto points out that the partners or members of the company can also place factors in it as external factors, that is, without integrating them into the company's assets but demanding a fixed payment from the company for its use. For example, the partners can contribute to the company an amount of money, either as a capital contribution (in which case it will constitute for the company an "own" factor), or as a credit that the company must repay, additionally paying interest on the time in which it is used (being for the company an "external" factor). Similarly, if a partner contributes a premises, it will be for the company a factor of its own if its ownership and domain is transferred, or an external factor if the company must pay the rent for its use. The same workforce can be integrated into the company as a contribution,or by contract with the commitment of a fixed salary or wage.

Given the aforementioned, the company to be created will need external factors to start its operations, since it does not require funds contributed by financial entities, nor any loan, what is necessary is the workforce; tools, equipment and other useful material goods; knowledge, practical knowledge, skills and creativity (technological factor); organizational and leadership capacities (management factor), the spirit of cooperation and solidarity, their capacities to generate trust, coexistence and group integration (Factor C).

But if a contribution from the parents of each child or children is necessary for the cancellation of fees that is comprised of 450 Bs. Per child, which will be used for the cancellation of cleaning, maintenance and workers personnel required for the better quality of service.

Ways to contribute

According to Razeto, there are different ways in which partners can make their factor contributions to the company. Many things will depend on them, among which: the ownership structure of the company, the composition of its costs, operational efficiency, the use and distribution of surpluses, the strength of group cohesion, etc. As participation in the company is a free and voluntary decision of each partner or participant, so the contributions they make and the way they are made will depend on the sovereign decision of each one. To make the relevant decisions, it is important to know and distinguish the five main ways in which the partners of the company can make their contributions of factors. They are:


Members of the solidarity group can give away or donate to the solidarity company some of the factors they possess. They give away workforce when they do unpaid volunteer work; They give away material resources when they provide free tools, furniture, the use of a premises, etc. without charging for it; they give away technology when they deliver and share their knowledge, they give management factor when they contribute their organizational, administrative and leadership capacities, without expecting to be rewarded for it; They give financing when they make voluntary contributions of money or offer their credit capacities without demanding the payment of interest; they give away Factor C when they do their part to promote group integration, the resolution of internal disputes, relationships with other organizations, etc.

Capital contribution valued.

Members of the solidarity group can make contributions of factors by transferring their property to the company so that they become part of its assets; but these contributions are not given away but, valued monetarily, are accounted for in the partners' contributions account. In this way the partners to porters become owners of the company in proportion to the valued amount of the contributions made by each one.

Based and in proportion to these contributions, the partners acquire certain rights with respect to the company, basically, that of participating in the distribution of profits in proportion to the contributions made, and that of redeeming the value of their contributions if in the future they decide to withdraw from the company quotas of money and capital contributions, material means transferred to the company, rights to patents and inventions, are of this type. To value them, their value is calculated at market prices.

Non-patrimonial contribution of the right of use usufruct.

Members of the solidarity group can contribute factors to the company without transferring ownership of them, but only offering that they be used productively in the company. The contributed factor remains the property of the people, but is used by the company, which benefits from its usufruct. These contributions can be made in two ways. One way is that they are donations that people make to the company, but not of the property but of the use and benefit that they generate to the company for fixed or indefinite periods of time. The other way is that they are non-equity contributions but valued and recognized in the partners' contributions account, which give proportional rights over the assets and profits.

Contributions compensated.

The members of the solidarity group can make contributions of the different types of factors, without being valued in the capital contributions account of the partners or being remunerated as external, but obtaining in exchange certain compensation from the company, the solidarity group or other partners.

Contribution of external remunerated factors.

Members of the solidarity group can contribute their factors to the company in contractual or market terms, these contributions being remunerated at pre-established prices, for the time they are available to the company. In this way, partners can make loans to the company, leases, sales, leasing, etc. For the company that needs to resort to external factors, it is usually more convenient to have external factors provided by the partners than by third parties, provided, of course, that they are carried out at the lowest cost that could be obtained in the market.

For the company that will be created Nursery Madres UVM, the contributions that will be made as their own factors were carefully analyzed, resulting mostly in the form of donations from partners and family members who in one way or another have wanted to collaborate with the creation of the same without any condition.

Donations will be represented as follows:

Table 3 Individual contributions Partner 1

Proposal for individual contributions


Factor Specs(*) Contribution modality
Work force student



Technology Computer knowledge, I know how to use Word, power point, Publisher. Help when using a computer program C
Material resources 1 TV in use

3 stories in use

2 new educational games

5New recreational games





Management Understanding, support, friendship, appreciation of people: I listen to the opinions of the group both in the focus group and in their personal life, I value each of the abilities they have.

Teamwork, cooperation, analytical skills, decision making: Work together to achieve the team's goals, convenient decision making for the team, analyze all the alternatives before making any decision

Motivation, support: Development of all possible techniques for the fulfillment of activities



Financing Savings account. C
Factor C Knowledge



Family support.


Respect to the others.



Source: Solidarity Group (2012)

Table 4 Individual contributions Partner 2

Proposal for individual contributions


Factor Specs(*) Contribution modality
Work force v Motivator

v Creative

v Teamwork

v Student

v Worker

v Responsible


Technology v Experience

v caring

v Staff Training

v Responsible


Material resources v fridge

v TV

v dvd

v Kitchen

v Mattresses

v Corrales

v Radio

v Toys

v Teaching Games

v Air conditioning


Management v Teamwork ability

v Ethical Commitment

v Acceptance of team support


Financing v Donations

v Contributions

v Reciprocity

v Cooperation


Factor C v Respect

v Communication

v Adaptation to changes

v Cooperation at work

v Commitment

v Trust

v Express ideas

v Coexistence

v Collaboration


Source: Solidarity Group (2012)

Table 5 Contributions of the Partners

Members' own contribution.
Elismar Santiago
TV in use
Tales in use
New educational games
New recreational games




Without condition
Maria Daniela Mejia
Didactical games
Air conditioning










Without condition

Source: “Madres UVM” Nursery Solidarity Group (2012)

Family donations:

  • Cash donations to help buy equipment or what is necessary for the installation of the company.

Table 6 Opportunity Cost.

Biweekly 1 225 xc / u of the children
Fortnight 2 225 xc / u of the children
Monthly payment 450 xc / u children's

Source: “Madres UVM” Nursery Solidarity Group (2012)

The number of children may vary but an approximate of 25 boys and girls is taken into consideration. That would give us 25 * 450bs = 11,250 monthly

Table 7 Possible Donations

Donation Source Expected quantity Terms Probability Accumulated
VALLE DEL MOMBOY UNIVERSITY 50,000.00 Cooperation fifty% 50,000.00
NEW ERA CYBER CONNECTION 5,000.00 Donation 100% 55,000.00
LOYAL OPTICS 5,000.00 Donation 100% 60,000.00

Source: “Madres UVM” Nursery Solidarity Group (2012)

Table 8 Budget of Costs and Financing

AIR CONDITIONING Bs 4,800 4,000 Bs 3,200 Bs
BATHTUBS 1,200 Bs 2,000 Bs 1,500 Bs
KITCHEN 3,900 Bs 5,000 Bs 4,000 Bs
MATS Bs 3,600 4,000 Bs Bs 3,750
Corrals Bs 14,500 Bs 16,800 Bs 22,000
STORIES 500 Bs 600 Bs 400 Bs
DVD 500 Bs 700 Bs 550 Bs
SHELVES TO STORE BACKPACKS 2,500 Bs 4,000 Bs 3,000 Bs
TABLES 1,380 Bs 2,000 Bs 2,000 Bs
FRIDGE Bs 4,500 Bs 5,700 5,000 Bs
RADIO 1,700 Bs 2,000 Bs 1,000 Bs
CHAIRS Bs 2,670 Bs 3,600 1,500 Bs
TELEVISION 2,850 Bs 3,500 Bs 4,000 Bs
CARPET Bs 60 150 Bs 80 Bs
TOYS 1,000 Bs 1,000 Bs 1,000 Bs
DIDACTICAL GAMES 500 Bs 800 Bs 600 Bs
SUBTOTAL 45,160 BS 55,850 BS 53,580 BS
Light 100 Bs 150 Bs 80 Bs
Gas 20 Bs 25 Bs 16 Bs
Workers Bs 1,800 Bs 3,600 Bs 5,400
Maintenance 1,000 Bs 1,400 Bs 2,000 Bs
Air installations 600 Bs 1,500 Bs 1,000 Bs
Kitchen installation 500 Bs 1,000 Bs 800 Bs
SUBTOTAL 4,020 BS 7,675 BS 9,296 BS
TOTAL 49,180 BS 63,525 BS 62,876 BS

Source: “Madres UVM” Nursery Solidarity Group (2012)


At the end of the project to create a solidarity company, in this case, the “Madres UVM” Nursery, it was concluded that the development of the proposed activities to arrive at the planning and implementation of a solidarity company allowed obtaining knowledge about the organization in societies to satisfy the needs of its members, through the management of the means of production. This type of company benefits the owners precisely because each one exercises actions, putting all of himself to the achievement of common objectives.

Solidarity companies require the formation of a team whose main basis is trust, integration, skills and knowledge that allow managing factors and elements necessary to actively participate in the search to organize activities rationally and efficiently to consolidate the objective. proposed and the expected benefits both socially and economically.

This type of companies consider management relevant because the property is in the partners' own hands, it is also governed by social ethical principles, with clear purposes and with a focus on justice, equity, equality and desire for improvement, elements that it replaces individualistic practices to generate production processes.


  • Ceballos (2001) The business organization. Mac Graw Hill Editions 3rd edition Razeto L. (1991) Workers' Companies and Market Economics. PET Santiago de Chile editions
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Creation of a solidarity company based on the razeto model