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Creative problem solving cps to solve problems


This world-renowned method develops the CPSI (Creative Problem Solving Institute) sequence and consists of the following steps.

a-Identify and describe the problem and assess its intensity:

Describe briefly and completely what the problem is for which it is recommended to do it in writing, and it will be given a value from 1 to 10, with 1 of minor importance and 10 of maximum.

b-Specification of the problem:

Break down the components of the situation and responses as much as possible.

c-Redefine the problem on the basis of gathering data:

It is to see the problem from another perspective, that is to say, to restructure it, for which it is necessary to read everything previously expressed and change any data that seems inaccurate to the problem situation and add new information that has arisen as a result of the redefinition of the problem.

d-Determine Objectives, that is, clarify the problem

Specify in a clear and detailed way the ideal situation that you want to achieve, that is, the goal that you want to achieve; as well as the desired end situation

e-Search alternatives that is to generate ideas

We must look for alternatives to find the ideal solutions taking into consideration that:

  • Any idea that appears must be taken into account and write it down Anything goes and that the most wild and strange ideas are better because they open up creativity Ideas can be improved by combining some of them since they generate and give rise to a better idea.

f-Assessment of Solutions:

Evaluate each one of the alternatives that were generated from your search to make a selection of those that can offer greater advantages, which will be determined by the group evaluation.

g-Selection of the most appropriate solutions and visualization of consequences:

The best of the alternatives will be the one that has obtained a higher qualification for which it is convenient not to focus on a single solution since there is always the possibility that inconveniences arise and it cannot be carried out, so it is better to have a second one. and third alternative in case the first one did not give the expected result.

h-Application and evaluation of responses:

The process will have concluded once the selected alternative is put into practice and achieving the objective, they would have proposed, therefore, you must be careful to observe the consequences to assess to what extent things are developing as planned and the objectives are achieved. desired, i-Adjust the results obtained:

But if the results are not achieved then the precise adjustments will be made in the corresponding phases or the CPS process will be started again.

j-The planned Action Plan must be able to be controlled in detail and, if possible, have a plan of potential problems at hand.

The stages must be completed but making deliberate efforts to optimize each step. As an example let's see this.

We have recently studied and solved the problem of a well-known ceramic tile manufacturer, which sees its sales abruptly decrease due to imports from Asia and took the following objective.

Goal: Create a floor with minimal cleaning

Then we will start with point d, that is, clarify the problem, on the basis of gathering data and visualizing the situation of the Product ideas to be created.

We explore with a group of five to six people, the context or environment, for example we select the kitchen for being one of the dirtiest places, and we look for problems and opportunities or provocations, imagining being there, in the style of:

  • How can you make several meals? How can you peel potatoes without making garbage? How to keep kids away from the kitchen? How to avoid eating too much? How to clean cobwebs near the ceiling? How to keep the floor clean?

Now we go to point e, looking for alternatives, applying brainstorming or Provocation, and we have these variants of pre ideas applicable to How to keep the kitchen floor clean?

  1. hire assistants put a plastic on the floor ** Self-cleaning floor Wash very often Use cleaning shoes ** removable floor Have the boys clean it Don't use the kitchen Economic floor every so often

** Both alternatives are chosen, as the most provocative and appropriate.

In stage f, we value each alternative objectively.

A simple and quick way is to use De Bono's PNI. For this, we list the positive first, then the negative and the Interesting regarding the removable floor.

On the positive side, the question is: What are the advantages of this idea?

In the negative, the question is: How can I solve or improve this negative limitation? In this way, alternatives to change the original idea for an improved idea are explored.

The interesting thing is how to jump into something different and insulting but that complies with what is reliably required. In this way, reinforcements and quantitative leaps are explored.

So the analysis of the removable floor is like this:

Detachable floor

Positive negative interesting
Quick to wash But how do you do it? Change for another floor design
Floor without water biodegradable? Different bands of patterns
With the warmth of carpet loses robustness Economic alternative
resolve the problem How to make the floor sturdy Part of the floor can be changed
With pipes for heating More expensive Final savings for the purchased

Something similar is done for the self-cleaning floor and based on the scores you can choose between both Ideas, the most favored. This is stage h. Sometimes a combination of both alternatives is optimal.

For stage i of adjustment of results, the removable floor has the following changes:

  1. Make the floor biodegradable and robust Use the interesting to sell the floor

Stage j is sometimes done in a sloppy way, but it is valid both for an invention and for vacations, parties, projects, etc.

The Action Plan process involves:

  1. Describe in detail what you are planning. List the necessary resources to get ahead List all the steps to execute and put dates where possible (you can use the Project or spreadsheet) List the potential problems

In the first stage, you should have a group discussion of what you want as a final product, attaching diagrams, photos, brief descriptions, plans and whatever is necessary, giving you an idea of ​​execution time.

During the second stage, all materials, people, machinery, etc. are listed. necessary.

The third stage contains a detailed plan and the necessary Cash Flow, without forgetting the Advertising of the product and the time of return of the money for the monetary Investment.

The final stage lists the potential problems, asking: What if…..? and specifying its solution or its avoidance in sufficient time, for example with these questions.

1. What do I plan as a model to sell my apartment to Others

2. Delay of Supplies and make a custom prototype

3. Steps:

A. Contact the patent process and Apply the patent.

B. Investigate other biodegradable floors, robust and inexpensive materials

C. Create at least 5 floor designs

D. Make prototype models with contact paper

E. Prepare the Presentation to accompany the model

F. Contact other flooring companies to make Agreements

4. Problems: What would happen yes…

… do companies want to do their own development?

… No materials found

We do not have sufficient economic capacity?

Any stage of the CPS process can undergo changes to satisfy economic, technical, governmental, etc. requirements.

But if the expected results are not achieved, then the necessary adjustments will be made in the corresponding phases, or the CPS process is restarted with a group other than six people.

Creative problem solving cps to solve problems