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Creativity and innovation for successful companies


Surely we all know the famous anecdote that relates how Galileo Galilei tried to make the ecclesiastical authorities understand that the Earth was moving.

As much as the Italian astronomer tried to make his censors reason, they ignored his evidence, arguing that, as the Bible says that Joshua ordered the Sun and not Earth to stop, it is the Sun that moves while the Earth remains fixed. Under threat of torture, Galileo was forced to recant and had to spend the last years of his life under house arrest.

After Galileo many others came, and much later (1900) Einstein came.

From that time of Galileo (1600) until now (2006) the human mind, ideas and forms have evolved a lot, although the paradigm has not changed. Today imposing a new idea is an odyssey, just as it was back then. Or is it not difficult to explain a new idea or a new concept that is out of the known? Doesn't it cost a lot to get us approved of a new product or a new strategy? Is it not difficult to innovate? Don't we have to ask permission to create?

For reasons and causes, justified or not, in companies it is very difficult to give space to creativity - To creation - To madness - To the different - To encourage that behavior of INVENTING - Have we not said or heard the phrase…? ".- Let's not touch anything that works well."

This phrase is the beginning of the end. This is how companies begin to disappear from the planet. With this idea and this thought the end of a company is built.

What worked for us in the past will not necessarily work in the future.

So creating new forms, new products, new markets, new needs is essential. This is how the future is built. That is why I use Einstein's formula, the great formula, because the future is written in the way you want to read.

Today to be successful in a globalized and highly competitive market, creativity and innovation are essential.

In the four basic pillars of an organization or company, creativity is what makes the difference. As it is a traditional company we have:





On the other hand, in a modern, innovative and creative company, what you have and seek and demand permanently are:

Creative partners Creative

providers Creative

resources Creative


The result of this conjunction will undoubtedly be a CREATIVE COMPANY. And a creative company is growth. It is movement. It is joy. Is a model. It is reference. A creative company is success. It is profit and it is business. A creative company is to dream with your eyes open.

What Einstein did was "simply" develop a more accurate description of nature than Newton's many years later, and it is possible that someone will find an even better one than Einstein's in the future. But nature is not going to change its behavior. What is modified is the point of view. That is why in the business world it is the BUSINESSMAN and its people who must squeeze their brains out so that their products, strategies and developments are better and more chosen than that of the competition.

Thus times change and some forms also, but the nature of things is always there to be rediscovered. What definitely changes is the people. And to produce that change, you have to start by changing yourself.

"To change the destiny of a company, you must first change the way of thinking of those who face this great challenge."

Creativity and innovation for successful companies