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Advertising creativity, packaging and triz


Advertising creativity must know how to connect brands with people through their particular feelings.

What is the evolution of digital in brands?

Tuning our nervous system with the digital system is essential in our day.

The first tools, such as the wheel or the ax, extended the physical reach of man, but the current tools extend his mental reach and avoid repetitive tasks that machines can do.

Writing reduced memory and the calculator reduced mental calculation, but Google is an external memory available all the time and anywhere on the planet with satellite communication.

The effect of technology is open and collaborative, and the Internet is an extraordinary opportunity to host new knowledge and facilitate communication access for all.

When we delegate part of the routine work we do to computers, that powerful conjunction will make us much more productive, as is already the case in the Nordic countries of Europe and Japan.

This productivity means that today's professions must also mutate. For example, accountants in the US have already been outperformed in profiting from the treasury by standardized programs that cost about $ 20 and are bought in supermarkets. So, in the near future, accountants must retrain to become financial advisers or another specialty, or they will see their clients decrease every day.

Digital evolution is noticeable not only in people but also in any brand or product, such as in music players. SONY innovated with the Walkman in 1980 and with the Discman in 1990 but in the 2000s APPLE won the current battle with the iPod for its efficiency in downloading free music from the Internet.

This digital economy called WIKINOMICS, means that services like WIKIPEDIA even emerge and that it has open codes for access by private users, which constantly feed and update it.

Can Facebook be used to connect with potential customers?

Definitely. The reason why Wikipedia is a success lies in the collaboration of users. But why do people collaborate on Facebook or on social media?

There are three reasons, in principle the ease of access to the Internet, second is the digital generation that is very active, but a third factor is the new modes of production, such as Blogs, social networks, online advertising, E-learning or tablet training.

The new advertising appeals to connect brands with sensations in the so-called Emotional Connectivity, which not only serves for new products and services but has made presidential campaigns, such as Obama's, reach a person in charge of a blog and that same person activates hundreds of followers.

The advertising creativity in this way is just connect brands to people with particular sensory sensations.

You create new sensations with the proper advertising, if you don't see "how rich it is to drink a yogurt" when you are rich you have almost nothing.

Everyone benefits from blogs, forums and social networks as Knowledge is exchanged, and it is that Knowledge that has transformed the language of ones and zeros into a universal code.

The genetic code, has opened the doors of bioengineering, biodegradable fibers, vaccines, at the same time as the universal code of ones and zeros, have accelerated the deepest changes of this beginning of the century along with systematic innovation.

What is systematic innovation?

When we study the world of inventions we find that the 40 principles are repeated in all of them.

An important obstacle in problem solving is the psychological inertia determined by the language in which the problem is expressed. This makes us think that our problem is unique and that we are alone in front of it.

But always our problem has already been studied by other people in other places, from there the inventive principles arise, which are a fundamental part of systematic innovation under a methodology called TRIZ.

And for this it is observed that the breakage of diamond crystals or the discouraging of peppers is carried out with the same inventive strategy, which is a sudden drop in pressure to cause fractures, both in the skin of the pepper and in the crystal structure of a Diamond.

Furthermore, at the heart of TRIZ is also the study of the evolution of the products and the achievement of its ideality.

What is TRIZ?

TRIZ is the Russian acronym for Inventive Problem Solving Theory (Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch) developed by Genrich Altshuller and colleagues since 1946 and still in development.

The root cause of any invention or innovation in the Industry is the solution of a technical problem and it is in the inherent contradictions to the problem where TRIZ is a profitable and effective alternative.

Historically it has been taught that trial and error is a useful method of solving problems and situations, although it is inefficient, costly, not focused, subjective, and mainly does not have a guide to the optimal solution. Precisely all of this is what TRIZ offers.

TRIZ is a systematic guide based on Knowledge Management and aimed at solving problems and situations.

TRIZ originated from the Russian scientist and engineer Genrich Altshuller in the early 1950s that began with the massive study of available patents. TRIZ reveals the common similarities and patterns between design problems and solutions that have resulted in patents worldwide.

In these sixty years of research, the understanding of the origins of inventive activity and the formulation of the forty general principles of design were produced.

Today there are over 300 TRIZ research institutes, educational centers and teaching centers in the former Soviet Union and about 50 between the USA / Asia / Europe.

Where has TRIZ been applied?

TRIZ has solved ecological problems such as the death of dozens of crocodiles in South Africa's Kruger Park in 2008.

There, the root cause was the disposal of uncontrolled waste in the river of the national park of the open-pit mining companies, which with high temperatures originated a highly toxic soap. This soap passed into the body of the fish, and from there to the Nile crocodiles causing pansceatitis, a deadly paralyzing disease of the body's vital organs. The food chain destroyed these prehistoric animals that survived even the extinction of the dinosaurs.

TRIZ has been applied by forensic experts in air accidents and catastrophes such as Concorde flight 4590, and Scandinavian Airlines flight 686, Alliance Airlines flight 7412 and Air Philippines flight 541, all with mechanical failure and some human error.

Recently in 2009 Air France 447 from Rio de Janeiro to Paris disappeared with 230 people in the Atlantic. There were 880 units in service and there have been no accidents since then. The Air France 447 reportedly entered an excessively cold storm front that its radars did not detect in time, so the pilots took manual control, but due to the simultaneous freezing of the three speed pitots and an electric shock, both failed. altitude control systems.

Then, due to lack of speed and altitude data, serious failures occurred in the fuel system for the turbines with complete lack of control of the wing automatism. The flight log simulation shows that the accident had a root cause in the erroneous cruising speed data and a successive string of human failures.

TRIZ also assisted in the investigation of the World Trade Center 09/11, the longest-running terrorist attack in the US by 19 terrorists spread across four commercial flights by United Airlines and American Airlines.

Based on filming and people registration data, the history of the attack could be reconstructed, and even the monetary funds involved in the operation could be learned.

It is even used by Interpol and the European police departments. A famous case was that of the Idar Oberstein murders. The news appeared in the newspapers like this: "The German police finally solved one of the cases that has brought him headaches for the last 20 years, it is the Idar Oberstein case."

In 1991 an older woman appeared strangled in the city of Idar-Oberstein, with the killer leaving no more clues except a trace of DNA from her hair. Over the next six years, and in different parts of Europe, the same DNA fingerprint, belonging to a murderous woman, appeared in more than a dozen unsolved murders, without the police and Interpol being able to find a pattern of behavior.

In reality, there were different patterns of murder under the same genetic fingerprint.

Who was that mysterious murderer wanted in these years to date by Interpol and other forces?

A scientific police team using TRIZ solved the mystery. The police found that the answer lay in the swabs used by the officers to take samples at scenes of various crimes in different cities.

All of the swabs came from the same factory in Germany and were used to investigate the various murders.

The swabs were contaminated with hair and DNA from the same woman.

The genetic sample of the mysterious woman belonged to the same worker who negligently did not use a hair protector and always contaminated the swabs with her own DNA during packaging.

All the consignment used by the European scientific police came from the same batch of swabs and corresponded to the woman in charge of the factory packer.

Where is TRIZ useful?

TRIZ is based on solving technical or social problems through a systematic and profitable process that guides you towards disruptive products.

Disruptive inventions have their own logic and do not obey comparisons and analogies, as are incremental inventions.

For example, if you think that Email is like a letter but faster, or that blogs are like newspapers but without paper, you are wrong.

Email and Blogs are disruptive phenomena that have their own logic and dynamics, and that is why it is so important to differentiate between incremental and disruptive innovations.

Microsoft believed that the evolution of encyclopedias was about transferring the contents of paper to DVD and the Web with Encarta.

But the real evolution is that the encyclopedias were to be written by the readers.

What did Microsoft not see and what led Encarta to its closure just seven years after its inception?

That when information flows without barriers, training an expert costs little money; therefore, not only can you no longer charge for knowledge, but you can count on someone somewhere to know more about a topic than all the experts put together.

That's Wikipedia, about 15 million articles in 240 languages ​​at zero cost, for any reader and updated in real time.

Regarding uses in the Sciences, you should investigate triz-journal.com and you will have the files of the last twelve years with more than 600 TRIZ applications.

Could you tell us the advantages and disadvantages of TRIZ?

The advantages of TRIZ:

  • Triz is based on the patent knowledge of the element and its management. Triz surprises with the speed and quality of the results obtained. It is used in very difficult problems of industries and basic sciences. No other creative method has the extensive number of applications in processes, products and services. See triz-journal.com Eliminate psychological inertia and the main focus is to prioritize contradictions.

The disadvantages of TRIZ:

  • Triz delimits the problem definition space and the user must deploy the full algorithmic problem-solving process, even in simple problems. The user must study the method for at least one year and practice it continuously. It does not have a short training.The classic Triz process does not allow the simultaneous resolution of more than one inventive problem. This boundary is an area of ​​opportunity in exploration, in which tools such as neural networks are more appropriate.

Are there recent examples of TRIZ even in rural communities?

A few years ago, a system was designed that allowed the transport of water over several kilometers, which was easy to handle and that even children could transport water easily and without getting tired. This was an urgent need in Africa and Asia.

So if I apply TRIZ like this:

a).- Attribute to be improved: "Convenience of use". Parameter No. 33. Make the technological system easy to manipulate.

b).- Attribute that worsens: "Weight of the stationary object". Parameter No. 2. Which refers to the container. If you want even small children to carry it, you must reduce your weight. It is a "stationary object" because it goes over the head of the person carrying it and does not actually move.

The TRIZ Contradiction Matrix suggests: 1, 6, 13, and 25.

1.- Segmentation. It doesn't seem to have an application.

6.- Universality. That the technological system that you want to design carry out other functions, for example, in this case, that it has wheels, which is a viable option.

13.- Investment or doing something contrary to the conventional way. This principle also points to a part of the solution, that is, that now the "stationary object" is the "moving object".

25.- Self-service. It means that the new technological system is itself transporting itself.

The final design has been in service since 2006 in some 300 rural villages between Africa and Asia, and is a rotary cylinder, with a capacity of 30 to 50 liters, to which two tubular guides, in the form of handlebars, have been adapted to direct it.. In some designs, a small mesh is included between the guides, in order to allow the transport of food or firewood. With this system, even young children can easily transport water. The commercial name of the system is "Hippo water roller".

The possibility of solving a problem is observed through a combination of inventive principles, that is, principles 6, 13 and 25 are the ones that together provide an innovative solution to the problem.

Search Google under the name Hippo water Roller and you will see the photos of the use.

Are there flaws in the educational system in teaching innovation?

There would be dozens of answers, but where it is most noticeable when one talks to students and university graduates is in three important points.

Today's education does not teach an entrepreneurial attitude nor does it provide financial literacy, let alone facilitate a systematic innovation mindset.

If you have an entrepreneurial attitude, then you will know how to use the means to transform a good idea into something beneficial for yourself and your community.

If you have financial knowledge then you can better organize your budget and know how to invest what you earn in your company.

While the innovative mindset makes it easier for you to make decisions and learn about the systematic process of devising and optimizing products and services.

This entrepreneurial, financial and innovative attitude frees you from being an employee to becoming an employer or entrepreneur.

And in distance education?

In Latin America and its companies, universities and organizations, the focus is not being placed on E Learning, due to the need for greater infrastructure and the absence of investment capital, compared to other much more active parts of the world such as Singapore, Japan and South Africa.

If those infrastructure and capital problems are solved depending on the country, then there are interesting opportunities. Market penetration I think should be done with a regional focus.

The Latin American market is fragmented but also people demand ingenious and simple interfaces (it should not be forgotten that the Interface is only a tool).

Tim Berners Lee, creator of the web, has already said it: Let's make the InterCreative network, this is quite a challenge.

Are there problems in the interfaces of the PCs?

These problems are addressed by reducing consumer stress by making information easy to find, common words must be used, and wizards must be developed to help users navigate. The current interfaces are unfriendly.

And in mobile learning, what is the difference you find between smart phones and tablets?

I love smartphones, they are wonderful.

However, when it comes to mobile learning, I don't see it. While the social media apps are there, most people use smartphones to check their email and surf the web. They are not using them to tweet. No one is going to take a course using a smart phone.

Tablets are a different story. As for mobile learning, much more can be done than on a smart phone. The screen is much larger, so people can access, view, and take interactive, scenario-based courses that use HTML5, which offers greater multimedia and Flash capabilities.

On the other hand, another growing market is that of e-readers and PGP (portable game players). They can be used in some kind of mobile learning, since the gaming platform is a type of social media.

What about the training resources of each company?

Many small and medium-sized companies do not have IT resources available to use at any time. In fact, outsourcing of these services is very common.

Open source systems are not "turnkey", but require multiple people with extensive technical and programming skills.

Some are highly standardized and minimalist, so they need to be customized from scratch and in small businesses this is a real problem.

So while there seems to be a growth in Open Source LMS: Learning Management Systems, once people actually download and start using the systems, the turn becomes stronger and many switch to a proprietary LMS. lower cost.

How does the design and packaging of a product intervene in innovation?

All the specialists of brands (branding) and Containers (packaging) we must focus today on achieving:

  1. Ease of understanding the differentiating messages Clarity of relevant content for decision-making Usability for the post-purchase experience to be positive AND business intelligence and creativity, of course, must always be present.

The consumer is hungry for stories that surprise him through the packaging.

What are the design steps to make a winning package?

The first thing that must be done is an analysis of the market, that is, what happens in the category in which we operate, such as offering products, positioning, targets, time of consumption, visual messages, color codes, differentiation, formats, materials, ways of use, what are the trends in this sector, what may be the next innovations, etc.

With this analysis, conclusions should be drawn about where we are and where we want to go; and what is the difference that separates us from the goal. Or what is the objective that we must achieve, if it is a new product launch.

Once the context, the challenges, the competition, the consumer are clear, then the communication and packaging strategy is defined.

It is important to note that this consulting phase is key and defining for any design project, because it is the phase in which the content hierarchy and the strategic communication approaches of the creative routes are established.

From here, hard design work begins by responding to the roadmap that has previously been prepared by the consultancy.

Are the brands sufficiently aware of the brand and packaging?

Increasingly, brands realize the enormous power that packaging has as a communicating and differentiating element.

The divestment in conventional media in recent years has redirected efforts from commercialization to the point of sale, and packaging there is the unbeatable protagonist to help brands achieve their commercial objectives.

Packaging is capable of arousing great emotions, interests, even passions, but it also generates rejection and indifference, if you do not work with expert criteria and you do not get the most out of it.

Packaging reflects the brand's DNA and its commitment to consumers.

Every detail is taken into account and however small it may seem, it can break psychological barriers and convince with cunning, sincerity and innovation.

You must have a systematic method of working and listen carefully to the consumer's voice.

Advertising creativity, packaging and triz