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Creativity and service from the customer's perspective


Many think that coming up with something new is about creativity.

But not everything new is necessarily creative!

First, make every effort to find out what your customers understand by creativity! This is important, since each person understands something different under creativity. You must clarify very concretely the goals that your client has and who decides and what factors affect, so that he reaches those goals or does not.

The same or who? Who influences the client and who influences the decision maker? Who helps you in this?

Don't make the mistake of thinking that it's about selling your products or services. Accurately determine the customer's intentions, decision makers, who influence and help them.

Behind every product or service, there is something hidden that makes sense to the customer. What do you expect from it? The client provides to a lesser or greater degree of arguments about a purchase decision. Listen well!

Find out what the customer really requires and what they find good in their products. First, "take a look" at the conventional solution possibilities and think what would happen if you did the opposite. Determine what cannot. Then object to what so far seemed irrefutable, trying to find a creative solution, without losing sight of the customer's goal. Finding a new path in that direction will always be creative.

Just ask people why something can't be done. You will hear the most "creative" excuses.

Then “play the role of the smarty”: You will “feel” the stones that hinder you; find new ways. If possible do it “learning by doing”. Many ideas will have to be tried before they exist, but without risk. Then show your solution alternatives. Do not store your ideas in the den, value your knowledge and only if you share it will they multiply.

If you now give the client what he requires to meet his goals, he will give you what you want, as long as it is appropriate to the “Client-Profit” that your client expects.

Take into account that not everything must be produced by yourself. Only do what you can do better than others. However, many people and companies face the reality that what they do best is no longer in good demand. Therefore: it is vitally important to use our "human communication qualities". Strictly speaking, we only require the ability to find potential clients, but “ideal clients”. With this, we minimize the risk, since if we are able to deliver what they want to other people, as a general rule they reward us with what we want.

It will be important not to be afraid to work with the best. In many cases it doesn't really make sense to produce yourself, if there are others that do it much better. But it always happens again, that we do not choose some for what they know how to do, but for their knowledge or sympathy. Knowing how is not the same as knowing or having knowledge.

Examples of creativity are:

Recreate the old or established, compress, miniaturize, replace components, modify processes, search for new combinations, find new applications, etc.

Generating new meanings, importance and meanings through decisive differentiating characteristics of success, as well as solving problems through new creative paths from the client's perspective, are decisive innovation factors.

Other practical examples of creativity:

  • Implement an operations center where the client. Also transforming customer collaborators into experts. Buying and reselling at cost, everything that prevents a distributor of yours from concentrating resources and effort on what it does best: serve the end customer well with its products.

But what people truly think can often only come off their way of acting. You will also demonstrate creativity, for example by hiring an actor, who personifies the decision maker in your “ideal client” or accompanies you to observe a meeting with the client.

Why an actor? Because before acting a character, they spend their time observing and studying others. In this process they are able to identify what is decisive, which will always be hidden from a "pollster".

Other smart people can get involved in this process, too: people who spend a lot of their time with their "ideal customers." That can even be a vegetable vendor at a free fair.

We hope your ideas spurt out. So our final questions:

  1. Who have been frequenting their "ideal clients" for a long time? Who has long worked with their "ideal clients? Who have earned the trust of their" ideal clients "?
Creativity and service from the customer's perspective