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Crowdfunding and social entrepreneurship in mexico


The social entrepreneurship in Mexico has had a rapid growth, young population currently the country is increasingly concerned about environmental problems, education, access to basic services, and health.

Financing is the key in creating new innovative ventures. Digital financing platforms are an expanding market, driven by entrepreneurs seeking a social benefit.

The traditional forms of financing that social entrepreneurs seek is through donations, subsidies and government funds, but with the arrival of technology, new doors have been opened to obtain financing, such as crowdfunding.

It is a model where through digital platforms, the entrepreneur is contacted with multiple donors, who may be interested in supporting the cause.

The steps that must be followed are: promoting a cause, establishing a work team committed to the cause, planning the campaign with the involvement of all team members, devising rewards that are attractive to potential donors, creating alliances with people who commune with the same objective, as well as with institutions or associations, launch the campaign on the chosen platform and monitor it daily.

A social venture that seeks financing through crowdfunding has to create empathy and be legitimate, so that people have the confidence to give money to outsiders.

The way the proposal is presented is very important; A convincing pitch, audiovisual resources, and social media of the campaign are necessary to reach a greater number of possible donors.

In Mexico there are platforms such as Donadora, Hipe give, Social Crowd Mx, these platforms are the most used by entrepreneurs in the country who are interested in social problems that affect the community.

Achieving a successful campaign requires effort, knowledge and resources, which is why entrepreneurs need expert advice and support to achieve a successful campaign in the shortest possible time, since if it takes time, the probability of leaving the project is older.

Achieving the success of the campaign and the objectives opens doors to create more projects that benefit more people, job opportunities and the satisfaction of having managed to help society.


Iturbide, JR (July 02, 2018). The Economist. Retrieved on November 05, 2018, from

Crowdfunding and social entrepreneurship in mexico