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When to leave work and become independent?


The question in question can be applied to two situations:

1. When you're unsatisfied or stagnant and don't know if it's worth trying harder or quitting your job.

2. When you have in mind to start your own business but you are afraid to leave the economic stability that your job gives you.

About the first part I have spoken in several articles. First of all you have to be very clear if you are where you want to be, you already know that it is important to stop planning your professional career so as not to get carried away by the current and realize, one day, that you are very far from your initial destination. On the other hand, if you feel unsatisfied or stagnant, before taking drastic measures that involve boycotting your career, find out if you can do something about it (in the links you will find more information on how to do it).

Regarding the second part, in my experience the stage in which you are considering starting your own business is one of the most stressful I know. All the insecurities, doubts and blockages have appeared and have to appear. Fear of failure, of living up to the challenge, of getting clients, of not having money, etc. The first thing I recommend is that you analyze the role of money in your professional decisions, it is important to know.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that each case is unique, each person is a world and what serves me, maybe not you, as in everything. Other than that, when is the best time to quit your job if you want to establish yourself? It depends.

1. If you have savings or an economic support that allows you to live without stress until your business prospers, your work does not contribute anything, and you are 100% sure that you want to be an entrepreneur and you are going to make your business work if or if -> whenever you want. I usually recommend the following option but if you want to dedicate all the time and you can afford it, so that you can make more detours.

(Note: making your business work if or not means holding on to something and sinking with the boat if it doesn't, but making all the changes and adjustments necessary to make it work.)

2. If you have some savings, you are pretty sure you want to try it but it makes you nervous to lose the economic stability that your job gives you -> This situation is one of the most frequent and I recommend continuing with your work until your business is up and running and you have to choose between one of the two. By then you will have more savings, you will be more sure of yourself and it will cost you less. And with luck and hard work it may already be giving you profit.

3. If you do not have a financial back but you do not have debts and you allow yourself some comforts, you can apply the previous recommendation and add cut the luxuries to create your mattress. Remember sometimes a short-term sacrifice is necessary to collect the long-term reward. And notice the "short term" may not be so short.

4. If you do not have savings and you are indebted or living on the edge, leaving your job is not a recommended option, better focus on getting out of that indebtedness and when financial stress decreases, start planning your business. More than anything because a business involves expenses, it is necessary to invest and it is not an easy way out of your situation. If someone has told you that to make quick money the best thing is to start a business, they have not advised you well. Here are some things you should know before starting your own business.

That's all, determine what your situation is and please don't come up with excuses. It is your business, you decide if you really want to become independent or not. So clear. If you want to start a business and you cannot quit your job for now or you postpone the idea or take time from anywhere (television hours, weekends, etc.) until it is viable. It is not easy, it is sacrificed but in this case it is the most sensible thing to do. Leaving your job without financial support for at least a year is crazy. But it is your choice.

When to leave work and become independent?