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When not to say how much you charge for your services

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Attention business woman on the web who is a coach, consultant or coach: Do you receive many "No" when you try to sell your services and products? Find out what NOT to say when you sell to a potential customer.

If you are a female Internet entrepreneur and offer coaching, consulting or some type of training that transforms the lives of others, you should already be familiar with the unpleasant feeling of receiving a "no" from a client who declines your offer to work with you.

It does not matter if this conversation is done by phone or face to face, the importance is always the same: your success will depend on what you are going to say and how you are going to act.

I have seen that most businesswomen who are passionate about serving and helping others make many mistakes during these conversations, and chase away their potential customers without even realizing it.

The bad thing is that it is too late to change things, when the client rejects the offer or loses interest in your services.

If you get a lot of “No” when you try to sell your services, you are probably missing a guideline that you can follow when conducting sales dialogues with your clients.

Because it is precisely this dialogue that you must master perfectly, if you want to be a successful businesswoman.

Robert Kiyosaki, the famous author of the Best Sellers "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and "The Cash Flow Quadrant", advises anyone who wants to be a businessman or businesswoman, to be employed as a seller or salesperson for a time, just to get a kick in sales talks.

That's how important they are!

These conversations are NOT about what you imagine:

  • They're not all about the fantastic features of the product or service. The price of the product is never mentioned, but until the end. They are not about launching your special offers.

On the contrary! A successful sales conversation is not about the product for the most part, but about the customer's problems and the benefits they receive if they decide to buy.

That is why it is so ineffective to give your price at the beginning of the conversation.

If your client asks you, you simply reply:

I would love to answer this question, but first I need you to share some information with me. Can I ask you some questions?

Then they guide you through a conversation in which you show them where they are now, what are the challenges they have and the results they can achieve if they solve their problems with you.

Once they understand what the true magnitude of their current situation is and how it is affecting other areas of their life, they will want to work with you and will be prepared to listen to your fees.

So you already know! The next time a customer wants to know how much you charge for your services, it won't be time to say it if you haven't been able to talk about their particular situation before.

Do you want to learn how to have conversations with your clients and make them long to be able to work with you when you offer your services? Apply to a free strategic session with me and we'll see how I can help you fill out your queries and your programs, with my proven guidelines for successful sales conversations.

When not to say how much you charge for your services