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Qualities of an innovative genius


What makes Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, Lance Armstrong or Frank Rijkaard great?

He doesn't waste his energy on subtleties, deftly focusing all his effort on his important priorities and goals.

He doesn't get caught up in gossip or fighting to be right. Take advantage of valuable information, and don't waste time to act.

Values ​​clear content, and communicates in an agile, frank and open way, asking what you need to know, and always focused on discovering what you need to know.

Consume the necessary resources for your goals, no more and no less. Enjoy your work and talent without being a slave to it.

It has no need to exhibit itself, although it does not rule it out if the project and its objectives require it.

Innovate within an open process in the medium and long term, generating short-term results along the way.

Express your emotions, including anger when it is convenient, using them as tools at the service of your action. Their passion for achieving their dreams is what endows them with great capacity for emotional self-control.

See life in a broad perspective, understanding complexity, and surfing the waves of chaos.

Its products are simple, spontaneous and full of meaning.

It is unbearable and can only be controlled if this control is aligned with your goals.

You can show your gentle or ruthless face. It can be the most conformist or the greatest dissent. This will depend on whether the circumstances are suitable for the healthy development of both your projects and human progress.

Their motivation is internal, based on their own ethics and values. It is immune to external pressure and judgment.

Qualities of an innovative genius