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Qualities of a creative person


Being creative means seeing reality differently, peculiarly, differently from others.

A creative person is one who can decompose a situation or problem in the opposite way to the majority and, at the same time, as a result of that singular analysis, finds novel responses or modifications. Such a solution will only be considered truly creative if it is useful and productive, if it brings more benefits than the previously used procedures.

Qualities of a creative person

Among the characteristics mostly attributed to creative people we have:

1. Flexibility: Contrary to the rigid person of criteria, the creator can see beyond a norm, a rule or procedure. He is someone for whom there is always another way of doing things and is usually in search of more efficient work methods. This person can also change his mind or posture more easily than others.

2. Fluidity: Like a liquid that flows from a source, ideas flow relatively easily from the creative mind. Faced with a problem, it will propose various options for action.

3. Originality: The original person is one who delivers new, unknown things, departs from stereotypes and from what most accept and spread.

4. Amplitude: He is an open-minded person, who sees no problem accepting other points of view that may correct his own.

5. Curiosity: Creatives are people who are constantly looking for new things. They are interested in a large number of topics. They are accompanied by a kind of ambition or cognitive impatience.

6. Versatility: Creative people have a unique plasticity to carry out numerous activities with relative success; apparently they adapt easily to different media.

Passion: Creatives are emotionally driven when getting involved in a job or project. They really put mind and heart in their accomplishments.

Qualities of a creative person