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Qualities of the successful seller

Table of contents:


Sales are one of the components in the strategic management of the company that most depend on the personal skills or qualities of the professionals who carry out this mission.

These professionals, whether they are called salespeople, commercials, commercial agents, representatives, commercial technicians, "product managers", etc. they are the base on which the foundations of the company are based.

In our article we review the qualities and skills necessary for the performance of the role of "successful salesperson" or "sales professional", and a comparative study is carried out based on two real cases. This article talks about sellers and not managers or departments, it focuses exclusively on the personality of the seller.

1. Introduction

Throughout my life I must have far exceeded 15,000 interviews with potential applicants for the "salesperson" position, I must have personally trained more than 3,000 salesmen, and in many cases they reached professional success; that is to say, they became "sales professionals".

The position or performance of sales functions requires specific and concrete skills that are not found in other positions in the organization. We are not going to argue about whether the "seller is born or whether the seller is made." What we are going to do is a review of the qualities and skills necessary for success, based on 2 extreme cases; Well, of all the vendors that I have met, there are two cases that have impressed me enormously and that I am going to present as a basis for reflection.

Nor am I going to judge the profitability or not for the company, since it is to be assumed that a "good sales professional" is always profitable in economic terms, what we are going to question, at some point, are the concepts of profitability in terms of suitability for the organization.

2 - Qualities of the successful seller

There is no general consensus on which qualities are the most suitable, nor on essential skills.

This is logical considering that each company, sector, product would require a specific treatment.

A "pushy" vendor may not be the best fit for a high-end product that requires ongoing customer follow-up. Instead, it is an essential quality if you intend to sell a product without after-sales service.

I detail below a list obtained by adding various sources, including my own opinion. I detail it completely because, to my surprise, the free access literature on the personality of the seller is frankly scarce, compared to other functions of the company. Altogether they add 25 qualities or skills that would distinguish the professional salesman, understanding as such "someone who is capable of working and living from his work as a salesman." Add, that I consider the list valid whatever the way in which the seller has reached the fascinating world of sales.

It may have been because he couldn't find another type of job, because the company he worked for had "recycled" him, or because he really was a "vocational salesperson." The list should give both prospective vendors, sellers, and sales and / or marketing managers, food for thought.

1. You have a strong and healthy self-esteem.

A seller's success is intrinsically related to what he thinks of himself. A healthy self-esteem will generally mean a person who will strive to achieve his goals.

2. He is positive and optimistic.

Positivism is closely linked with a good attitude. Being optimistic is related to what he believes he can be and achieve.

3. You are aware of your "packaging".

He knows that clients will get a first image of him depending on his "outer packaging." So he shows respect for his interlocutors by introducing himself appropriately. Professional marketers keep in mind that there is no second chance for a good first impression

4. You consider yourself and behave like a professional.

He doesn't see sales as a passing occupation, but instead views them as a whole profession, one that he will probably be in for the rest of his life.

5. He is an expert in his product.

You know that 50 percent of your success as a seller will depend on how well you know what you are selling.

6. Constantly update and polish your techniques.

He never improvises. She knows that techniques change, and that's why she cares about staying as up to date as possible in her sales techniques.

7. It is strongly results-oriented.

You understand that the process is key to achieving results, but always keep in mind what you want to achieve.

8. Drive a healthy ambition to win well.

He has a healthy vision of what money represents, and he feels at ease aspiring to earn more constantly. So you set your own sales goals.

9. He is an excellent communicator.

He knows that the word is to the seller what the instrument is to the musician. Be very careful with your vocabulary and how you write. Strives to listen to the customer.

10. Has a strong orientation towards proactivity.

The professional seller generates his own shares. You can work without close supervision and still do your homework.

11 - Capacity for teamwork

All speak - in order - all listen, respect everyone's opinion, commitment and collaboration, constant search for knowledge, practice empathy, constant cooperation, establish objectives for each meeting, respecting and having clear the central objective. group determination (Date of meetings, tasks, etc.), positive energy for the group and the result, tolerance (Give opportunities and understand mistakes), respect and adopt as their own each of the guidelines previously established by all.

12 - Featured sellers generally add to this the seasoning of "loving what they do."

They enjoy benefiting others with the contribution of their solutions to problems or managing to satisfy their needs with the products or services they offer. Here is the great difference in terms of results: those who love what they do will always stand out from the rest because when they do it with real pleasure they add another important personal spice that translates into "the passion" with which they do it.

13 - Empathy

Ability to create a good relationship with your client. It is the ability to interpret the needs and feelings of your client, to generate trust, to create that climate of cordiality and relaxation that you need to make a decision.

14 - Projection

Capacity for resolution, concretion, closure. It is the "healthy" aggressiveness that the seller must cultivate in order to help the customer make a decision.

15 - You will greet the day with love, because it is the most powerful weapon of any company and if you have this weapon in your favor, nothing can fail you. They may mistrust what he says, what he does, what he sells… but if he has love, it will spread and fill the hearts of others.

How will do? Loving everything around him no matter how insignificant, speaking well to his enemies so that they become his friends, not criticizing anyone,…

He will love everyone because everyone has something to teach him or something he can learn from; He will love those who fail, as well as those who succeed, the ugly, as well as the handsome, and thus all people. Above all, he will love himself, because he is worth it; and it will treat its body with cleanness and moderation, and will not allow evil to enter it. With love everything is possible.

16 - You have to persist until you achieve success, because neither failure nor defeat are part of it, so you will avoid not listening to those who complain because it may be contagious. The prizes of life are hidden you can never know where they are, so it has to persist because the jackpot may be closer than you think, it will always go one step and another, all that is necessary. He will never accept defeat, and the words that insult him and tell him that it is worthless will not collapse and persist in achieving success; he will always do everything he can and each obstacle will help him to overcome the next one, he will not stop for anything and he will forget the events of the previous day, thus achieving success.

17 - He has to learn that he is a unique and special creature, that for many people on earth no one will be like him. Since nobody is like him, he will try not to imitate others in any of his ways of doing things because each one is different and special.

You can do whatever you want, everything has value, but you must learn to take advantage of your potential since most of it is wasted, so every day you will strive to sell a little more and will not settle for what you sold yesterday. It is a miracle of nature and every day it will try to improve its ability to sell, but it will separate it from its family, neither in the market will there be family nor in the family market.

You will never be fooled by people's costumes, you will look beyond their outward appearance, and you will be aware of the deceptions. Above all, you will learn that it is unique.

18 - You have to live today as if it were the last day of your life, you will not think about yesterday that is buried every day that passes, and buried with yesterday is tomorrow, you will never think about what will happen tomorrow, no must be tormented by him. Every hour of the day is something that will not be repeated, so you should not waste a single hour, or keep something to spend tomorrow, since you do not have to think about tomorrow. He will learn not to waste time on idle things, but to show his affection and affection for others. He will do things on time, he will do what he has to do today, and every day he will try harder because he wants to improve himself, he has to live today as if it were the last day, and he wants that last day to be the best of all.

19 - You have to master all your emotions, because if you do not manage to do this your life will be a failure, you have to learn to control your thoughts so that they do not dominate your actions, you have to sell with joy so that it will be transmitted.

In this way each time you feel a negative thing, you will do the opposite, or something to try to control that bad feeling; in the same way that if you have some too positive feeling, you have to remember another negative thing so that this does not go to your head.

In this way you will be able to control all the emotions, and in this way you will also be able to see the emotions on the faces of others.

20 - He says that he has to laugh at the world, that no being except man has the virtue of laughing, so he has to take advantage of this gift.

When things go wrong, the first thing he has to do is laugh, and when he sees something that can happen to him, he will say to himself "This will also happen", because everything, after all, has to happen, so He will laugh, and he will spread this laugh to everyone, sometimes unwilling to get buyers to buy from him, but he will laugh.

In this way he will never again shed tears other than sweat, and he will never forget to laugh at himself and at others; because to be successful you have to laugh and be happy.

21 - This day today will multiply its value one hundred percent, if man can do it with things, can't he also do it for himself? The answer is affirmative, and with an advantage: man can choose what he wants to multiply.

To achieve this, you have to set goals from time to time, and remembering in the past you will realize what you have done and you will see that you can achieve all the goals you set and you will multiply your value as much as you want.

Every time the goals will be bigger, more difficult to achieve, and you will stumble, but you will not fall, you will keep going, you will never be satisfied with what you have done, you will always have a greater goal, and you will announce this goal to everyone, but you will never announce your goals. successes And this way you will be able to multiply your value as much as you want.

22 - He says that dreams have no value, like goals, that he has to take action in order for these things to have value.

You have to proceed in all your thoughts because "it is better to proceed and fail than to remain inactive and barely get out of trouble." So every day you will do your best, you will proceed and when you do not feel capable you will remember that to succeed you need to proceed now.

23 - He says that every man has a God, whoever he is, and to whom he has to pray every day, but not to ask for riches or material things, but for him to point out the path that leads him to achieve all these material things.

And so this parchment tells you the prayer that you have to pray to your God to give him strength to keep going, to help you, and to mark the path that you have to follow to reach success.

24 - It is organized and has its own method that strictly follows.

25 - It has its own monitoring, control and correction system to achieve the set objectives.

3 - Sales work

There cannot be a general description applicable to all positions, or to all types of salespeople, as the actual sales job to be performed will depend on the organization for which you work. The description for a store salesperson, for a telemarketing commercial, or for a free sales agent will never be the same. For the case at hand, we will consider the following:

The interaction that exists between the seller and the buyer accentuates the possibility of developing an adequate and effective procedure to carry out the sales process, which varies according to the characteristics of the clients, the sellers, etc. However, a general process is followed when it comes to selling products; This process consists of the following steps.

A. Presales activities. The certainty that the sales person is prepared is taken into account, that is, that he is related to the product, the market and the sales techniques.

Furthermore, this person must know the motivation and behavior of the market segment to which they want to sell; You must be informed about the nature of the competition, the business conditions and those that prevail in your territory.

B. Location of potential clients. The seller will design a customer profile; This will be assisted by consulting past and current customer records to obtain a list of individuals or companies that are potential customers.

Other means of obtaining a list of prospects are:

  • Sales managers usually prepare a list for them. Current customers may suggest some clues. Current users may wish for newer or different models of the product. The seller may compile a list of users of competing products.

A. Pre-approach to individual candidates.

The seller, before visiting potential customers, should learn as much as possible about the people or companies to which they expect to sell. You can also know what products or brands they currently use and the reactions to them. The seller should try to find out the personal habits, likes and dislikes of the potential customer; I also have to obtain all the information possible so that I am able to plan presentations for their clients.

B. Sales presentation. This stage comprises three steps:

Attract attention.

  1. Personal contact is a simple way to attract the attention of the future customer: welcome him, introduce himself and mention what is coming. If the seller was referred to the prospect by a customer, the correct technique will be mainly the presentation with A reference to this common acquaintance. A training consultant frequently greets a potential client with the question: If you can cut your sales costs in half and double your sales volumes at the same time, would you be interested?

If the seller has a new product, the way to attract attention is to simply show the product to the potential customer.

O Maintain interest and spark desire.

To maintain interest and stimulate a desire in the customer for the product, a sales talk can be made.

The demonstration of the product is invaluable since when it is shown, it will sell itself. Sellers are encouraged to use that pre-made sales talk as it is most often effective.

O Answer objections and close the sale.

As an important part of a presentation, the seller should periodically try to make a trial sale closing in order to measure the potential customer's willingness to buy.

A. After-sale activities. Sales success depends on repeat business. The satisfied customer will provide data for other potential customers.

After-sales services can promote a good image before the client after his decision, since according to the so-called cognitive dissonance, after a person has made a decision, anxiety will invade him because he knows that the chosen alternative has some unpleasant characteristics as well as advantages.

Like other after-sales services, the seller must assure the customer that he has made the right decision by:

  • A summary of the benefits of the product. An exposition of the advantages of the product against the possible alternatives discarded. The indication of the degree of satisfaction that the customer will have with the use of the product.

Once we have reached this point, we will enter the description and comparison of two real cases.

4.- Case 1 - The star seller

I held the position of sales manager for a stock market investment company. This company had developed a system for forecasting stock prices on high-risk products, which was correct more than 75% of the time and provided customers with a profitability well above the usual financial products, minimizing the real risk of the product (we are talking about options and derivatives markets). The commercialization was carried out in two aspects, on the one hand the information of the forecast system was sold to investment entities and financial entities in the form of a monthly subscription, given the limited number of potential clients, I personally managed this area. On the other hand,There was a commercial department that through capital calls raised capital to manage according to the forecast system. This department consisted of 4 people whose work could be summarized as follows:

Call to company or investor - offer to receive stock forecasts for a period of 15 days for free - call to collect impressions to which they had agreed and first closing - extension of the deadline for sending the system if applicable - Call for final closure.

The final closing of the operation involved the signing of an account opening contract and the transfer of capital to manage.

Well, one morning I received a phone call from a colleague - a friend who held the same position as I did at another investment company - asking if I was interested in a "good commercial". When asked why he was willing to resign said employee, he replied that "they couldn't pay him what he demanded of them." I asked him to update me on volumes and results, and I agreed to interview him. Do not speak directly to him.

Said person did not appear at the scheduled appointment. I called my friend and he told me that just after arranging the interview and talking to him, he had signed his settlement and was gone and that he didn't know anything else.

After three weeks and without an appointment, this person went to the company. I received her and she told me that she had just arrived from her vacation and what could I offer her. Said like that, - it was like that - my predisposition was not too good, but with the background that I had, I proposed that before speaking of conditions, I should demonstrate its worth with facts. And agreed.

I explained to him in no more than two hours our commercial operating system, I showed him in another hour how the forecasts of our system were elaborated and I asked him what if he thought that he would adapt to our working system. For an answer, he asked me for some “Yellow Pages” and a phone, and he went to work.

And I understood why my friend considered him a "good commercial", I have never met anyone with such skill in handling telephone conversations. I was amazed.

And he had only made the first part of the sales circuit, the offer to meet and receive the system's forecasts. His results in the hour he was on the phone almost matched the daily results of the rest of the department.

Next, we sat down again to discuss conditions, and between payroll - as a permanent employee - and commercial contract as a sales agent, he opted for the second option, which offered him a greater chance of "making money".

He joined the sales team the next day.

Everything worked fine for the first seven days. Their results were equivalent to 50% of the entire department. But from there, their results began to drop, but not only that, but the results of all the components of the pre-existing sales team plummeted. What was happening?

Very simple, he did not follow the conversational script that others followed and his style was so personal that it was inimitable.

The rest of the team's members, in view of the results they obtained, modified their work system, to imitate him, but evidently they did not succeed, in addition, they complained that they were not focused and that they were not allowed to work.

So it was clear that a decision had to be made - and I was beginning to understand why in my friend's company they had to do without their services. The situation could not continue. However, the results I obtained forced me to raise the issue with the general management.

What did the management do?

He rented a new office, appointed a secretary, and segregated him from contact with the rest of the company. It was a good decision. My commercial department recovered its tranquility and its levels of results, even improving the results they had been obtaining by 15%. As for the "star commercial", it was no longer directly dependent on me, although it was under my supervision.

It was from this moment on that his true potential was truly unleashed. Description of your working system. He arrived at his office around 10:30 am, read the newspaper, having coffee until approximately 12:30. He walked for half an hour through his office, with exceptional views of the street and began to make phone calls.

It ended with approximately the last call of the day at about 2:30 p.m. He was going to eat, and around 16:30 he went to the technical department to follow the evolution of the markets and the results of the company's forecasting system.

Its annual results represented 40% of the company's total turnover. Weekly or monthly speaking they went directly depending on the degree of success of the forecast system. If the forecast system generated many benefits, its results were exceptional, if the forecast system obtained few benefits or even missed a week, its results plummeted.

But the reality is what it is, irregular billing but 40% of the total invoiced !!

After 13 months, he resigned. He said he had already earned enough to do what he really wanted to do, be an entrepreneur, and was leaving. And so, in a calm and friendly way, our labor relationship ended.

After about six months we met again, it had not gone well. He had not been able to teach his sales system to any other salesperson and the company supported himself by the sales work that he personally did. After a year he closed the company and returned to work as a commercial, although not with me, he did not want those who had known him to know of his failure as an entrepreneur.

He continued working in different companies in the sector until I lost track of him.

You never got the results you got from working with us again. Perhaps, he had lost his "good star". I sincerely hope that she has recovered it in these years that we have not seen each other.

I would say that he was for a time in the right company, with the right product and at the right time, and that he never found that combination again.

5 - Case 2 - Constancy and persistence

Now let's change the scenery. A few years ago and being the Head of sales of a software company that commercialized large systems - our clients were obviously large companies or corporations - and late at night, I was designing an offer to our client base, to compensate for the decrease in operations to new clients. Honestly, he was with his tie loose, without his jacket, with his reading glasses on, his shirt unbuttoned and in such a state of despair for the hour that it could be said that he was in another world. It was past eleven at night when the doorbell rang.

Being alone in the office and already hours since everyone had gone home, I did not know whether to call the police, turn off the lights or do what I did, which was simply to open the door. And in this way I met the second salesman. What greater mark has it left on my memory. An impeccably dressed man, short, with glasses who simply said: Good night!

I have been going by here under your window for days at this time and I always see that the lights are open - it was absolutely true, it had been unusually 15 days since I extended my workday unusually - and I thought: in this company they surely have a lot of work. After this entry, which left me completely perplexed, he presented his case to me. More or less it would be like this:

He was a representative of commerce - hardware store - but the company he worked for had closed and dispensed with his services and, at the age of 58, could not find a job in the sector, well neither in his sector nor in any other. And he had thought that in a company that has as much work as the one I ran some work there should be for him.

All this conversation carried out at the door, brought me back to the world and to someone who presents things so sincerely and with such calm, the least that can be done is to chat with him for a while. So I let him in, we sat in the meeting room and made ourselves coffee.

I tried to explain to him that we sold big computers and programs for insurance companies, banks, etc. that I couldn't offer him a job. But he insisted, with all courtesy, but insisted that a company like ours should have something he could do. And thinking, thinking I had to admit that he was right and I was wrong.

He did not want a permanent job or a contract, he was self-employed, and what he wanted was simply to reach retirement age with a source of income sufficient to live, and that if he did very well better, but that he only wanted to earn a living, that nobody gave him work. He was right, my company had a job for him, and he created a new position within the organization chart of the commercial department. I prepared a price list with consumables, computer paper, printer ribbons - we are talking about a few years ago - floppy disks, etc. That same night we signed the corresponding commercial contract and a list of clients to visit, as the company's consumable representative.

He did not understand computers but he did understand what personal treatment was. The last thing she said when we said goodbye that night was Thank you, you won't regret it!

He could have stayed here, but he was right about this too, I never regretted the time we spent working together. Every day she brought me 10-20 requests for paper, ribbons, etc. Some of our clients who also thanked us for the service, but many of new clients, to whom we later sold pc's, etc. Obviously, the turnover was laughable compared to that of the company but, although he never knew it, he allowed us to retain customers for other reasons, since we entered the philosophy of comprehensive service and called us for any question related to computing, new networks, new custom software, etc.

However, what has left its mark on me the most is its working system. He would go out on the street with his suitcase at 8:30 in the morning and would not return home until he achieved the number of orders he had set for himself, or until he could no longer do it. And so day after day, from morning to night.

We had come to serve orders to guard pharmacies and bars, gas stations and individuals. And if he hadn't met his goals for a week, he would go out to work on Saturdays. I said to him, you don't have to, he said "it's what I've done all my life."

Our relationship lasted just under a year. One night he told me that one of my own clients in the hardware sector had offered him a representative position and that before accepting it he wanted to talk to me.

We talked about it and accepted the job that lasted until retirement, it took me 3 weeks to find a new commercial, but I learned the value of perseverance, although I must admit that I have never reached his level.

6 - Comparison between both cases

If we analyzed both cases based on the results obtained - generated billing - it would be clear from the point of view of the company that with the first example much more “money” was earned; however, it is not so clear if we analyze the case as a whole.

In the first case, high direct billing, but in the second, we can assess the synergies generated.

In short, both are proof that extremes exist, although most of us who are dedicated to selling are somewhere between one and the other.

Both are "sales professionals", as both have earned a living from this profession.

Let us now analyze them from the point of view of the qualities that are supposed to be a "successful seller".

1. You have a strong and healthy self-esteem.

They both had clear self-esteem. Perhaps the first stronger, but the second healthier

2. He is positive and optimistic.

They were both positive and optimistic, although the former more easily left discouragement, while the latter was unwavering optimism.

3. You are aware of your "packaging".

Both were very clear that there is no second chance for a good first impression

4. You consider yourself and behave like a professional.

The first aspired to stop being a seller, although he behaved like a professional, for the second it was almost a reason for living

5. He is an expert in his product.

The first was a true expert, the second was supplemented by simplicity in the products.

6. Constantly update and polish your techniques.

None of them ever improvised, they were always clear about when and how to do things

7. It is strongly results-oriented.

The first of them could never focus on results because he always exceeded them, the second worked for results

8. Drive a healthy ambition to win well.

The former always wanted to earn more by making him a weakness and never set goals, the latter had his goals above any other consideration.

9. He is an excellent communicator.

At different levels they were both good communicators.

10. Has a strong orientation towards proactivity.

Both could work unsupervised

11 - Capacity for teamwork

The first of them was unable to work as a team, the second adapted to the assigned guidelines without problems.

12 - Featured sellers generally add to this the seasoning of "loving what they do."

Both had the necessary passion and thus transmitted it.

13 - Empathy

Both enjoyed a very high level of empathy.

14 - Projection

Both were "born closers"

15 - You will greet the day with love, because it is the most powerful weapon of any company and if you have this weapon in your favor, nothing can fail you. They may mistrust what he says, what he does, what he sells… but if he has love, he will catch it and fill the hearts of the others.

They both infected others with what they believed.

16 - You have to persist until you achieve success, because neither failure nor defeat are part of it, so you will avoid not listening to those who complain because it may be contagious.

The second was significantly ahead of the first in this regard.

17 - He has to learn that he is a unique and special creature, that for many people on earth no one will be like him. They both had a unique style and way of doing things.

18 - You have to live today as if it were the last day of your life, The first one did it despite the fact that in a very particular way, the second one was rushing the days to the limit because the sale was his reason to get up every morning.

19 - You have to dominate all your emotions, because if you do not manage to do this your life will be a failure, you have to learn to control your thoughts so that they do not dominate your actions. In this section the second widely surpassed the first.

20 - "This will also happen", because everything, after all, has to happen, so he will laugh, and he will spread this laughter to everyone

The second was significantly ahead of the first in this regard.

21 - This day today will multiply its value one hundred percent

If the first had tried as the second who knows how far he could have gone.

22 - So every day you will do your best, you will proceed and when you do not feel capable you will remember that to succeed you need to proceed now.

Both comply, although the second leads the first.

23 - It says that every man has a God, whoever he is, and to whom he has to pray every day,

I do not know of the first that he meets the condition, the second I do know.

24 - It is organized and has its own method that strictly follows

Both had their own and exclusive method.

25 - It has its own monitoring, control and correction system to achieve the set objectives.

The second one had it and put it into practice, the first one never needed it.

7 - Conclusion

If you are a seller, analyze yourself from the point of view of the 25 qualities, it will help you to improve. If you are responsible for sales, analyze your sellers and you will probably have more than a surprise.

  • Which of the two would you like to look like? Which of the two would you hire? Which of the two would you like to learn from?

Make your choice.

If you want to know which of them is the best "sales professional" for me, I would choose the second, but each one has their goals and points of view. Also nothing is black and white, because the exceptions although they exist are just that, exceptions, most of the people, most of the sellers move in a line between the two extremes.

8 - Bibliography:

  • The professional seller (Rodolfo Ganim) Sales control and distribution system (Raúl Fernando Chamoso Vedia) Requirements for successful sales (Martín E. Heller) Twelve competitions from the best presenters (José Enebral Fernández) Summary of the book “The best seller in the world - Og Mandino ”(Not indicated)
Qualities of the successful seller