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Four useful tips to close sales

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Do you find it difficult to close sales or feel terror when offering your products and services? Don't worry, this has a solution. The problem is that you do not know the correct method to optimize your sales process. Here are 4 key facts to help you turn your followers into great enthusiasts of yours and then customers or members of your membership site.

One of the biggest challenges for membership site owners is converting their followers into members.

I have seen people with the best desire to help others, with excellent training and years of experience, teachers in their field, fail time after time when making their offer.

For what is this? Are sales skills innate, and only a few lucky entrepreneurs possess them?

No. Customer acquisition and sales of your products and services is a skill that everyone can learn.

The key is in the art of effective communication. You have to learn how to use the right words in all the advertising you do.

Your words have the power to act like a magnet on your audience, or it can repel them. That is why it is so important that you know how to use the correct language.

You may know how to help many people, but if you can't get your message across the right track, you won't earn the money you want-and you can-earn.

When you learn to express yourself better, you will be more effective in recruiting your members and, therefore, in earning money with your membership site.

If your message expresses exactly what they are looking for, people are going to want to subscribe as members on your site.

Four mega-useful data to communicate well when you sell

1. Target only your ideal customer when you advertise.

Define your ideal client and direct all your advertising efforts to that person.

2. Use the words that your customers use when making your offer.

When I do surveys, I always leave a writing field so that people can describe their problem to me from their point of view, using their words. Then I use those same words for my sales messages.

For example: you can go to your market with this question: "Do you have back pain?"

But, your ideal client may put it this way: "I'm tired of taking pain relievers and I'm ready to try another option!"

Another example, in the market for children's education:

You say: "Help for parents who want to educate their children well"

Your ideal customer says, "I'm tired of scolding without seeing a change!" or "I want peace and harmony to reign in my home!"

3. Focus on the benefits that you will give to your clients and describe them according to the needs and pains of your ideal client.

Always remember that the sales message should answer only one question from your customer: "What's in it for me?"

Your client is not interested in your courses, your diplomas or anything that refers to you. She wants to know what you can do for them. Nothing else.

So always try to answer that question in all your sales language.

For example:

Instead of: "My super xyz method will help you make more money!"

You can say: "Never again will you have to say: it is not enough!"

4. Integrate this concept in all your marketing efforts.

It always includes the benefits that you offer along with the pains that you avoid, when communicating your message to your potential clients.

When you express yourself in THEIR language, they will think, "I have to buy this!"

Four useful tips to close sales