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Four suggestions to effectively lead your project

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Is the leader of whatever you decide and carry out anything or anyone stop you

  • Are you about to start a new project? You already started a certain venture a while ago but you feel stagnant, paralyzed or a little lost?

It does not matter if you are starting something (a new job, studying for a career, finding your next home) or if you are in the middle of that path you started a while ago and suddenly you feel paralyzed, it is difficult for you to move forward, make optimal decisions, you lost motivation and / or that push and that strength with which you started months ago.

Whatever situation you are going through, it is important that you are aware of your leadership role. You are the protagonist of what you chose to start and, although you share the project with others, there is no doubt that you play an important role in decision-making and in the execution of them so that what you have proposed is finally achieved. Are you willing to assume it? Because leading your own project implies in the first instance that you “roll up your shirt” and begin to “row” J that is, take your place, the one that corresponds to you and the one that you deserve and need to have. What vertigo, right?

Now, to assume this role then, do you know what are the aspects that you have to take into account?

Take note of the three suggestions that I will mention to you to exercise leadership of your project effectively:

Organize and differentiate objectives and goals from the short, medium, to the long term

Consider the option of hiring a coach, mentor, tutor or someone who has enough experience and knowledge to provide you with the tools you need in the process that will involve carrying out your project. The look, the listening and the feedback of who can be more objective than you and who in turn has the optimal suitability to accompany you on this path. Beyond all the courses you take, the books you read or the tutorials you download from the internet, the presence of someone who will guide you and guide you in the leadership of your project is extremely enriching and will mark a before and after in your undertaking.

I established an effective network of contacts

It's not just about meeting more people but about meeting the right people for you right now. And the right people are those who will contribute to your project, either because they were part of it or because their energy, support and accompaniment will be of vital importance to you. What I want to point out is that it's about surrounding yourself with people who nurture you and who don't boycott your growth. You will have to sharpen your skills to select those who can make a difference in your project, with whom you can make a strategic alliance and / or who will help you with motivation and constant energy always on top.

Build a strong team to delegate certain tasks

Beyond facing your project in solitude there will always be tasks that you can delegate and that by doing so you will have more time and energy so that you can focus on what is most important. Whether it is a work, academic project, the organization of an event or the purchase of a home, regardless of how different all these activities that I have just mentioned are, they all have something in common and that is that in any of them there are things that can be delegated to suitable and trustworthy people who will do these tasks with commitment. In this way, the time that you do not dedicate to that can be dedicated to continuing to advance in the main objectives. Learn to let go by selecting people you trust who will take care of tasks that are not strictly necessary for you to do.Run for a while at least from that place of omnipotence that makes you believe that as you do things nobody will do them, because that way you only manage to stay stuck in the same place without being able to advance and without being able to grow.

In short: organization, the ability to delegate, a good network of contacts and constant training and education are essential tools and skills to become a successful leader in any project you carry out.

And you, which of these skills do you have? Do you have any other capabilities in mind besides the ones I mentioned? I invite you to leave your comments and opinions and contribute to continue debating on the subject.

And I thank you for being there, on the other side, reading the articles I write week by week thinking about you.

A hug!

Maria Noel

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Four suggestions to effectively lead your project