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Consumer culture and new computer technology trends

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For a long time it has been believed that marketing emerged as a combination of tools to meet the needs of a specific group called the market, these tools were classified into product, price, place and promotion. It really is necessary to go back to the initial era of economic change and determine how individualism differs by creating a culture of consumption, this culture of consumption subsequently results in the emergence of marketing in post-modernity, where marketing is seen as a series of tools that satisfy whims and desires since the needs are covered by macroeconomic phenomena.

Currently, computer technology tools bring the communication processes that organizations seek in terms of profitability with the benefit of symbolic value or that each object called product has, these technologies are becoming smaller but their specific market to which the message is transmitted is much More punctually, check your cell phone's message inbox and there you will find the relationship between marketing and new computer technologies.

Through a long time, Marketing was believe as a combination of tools to satisfy needs from a specific group called Marketing. These tools were classified into product, Price, place and promotion. It is really necessary go back to the economical age change and determine how the individualistic being is differenciate by creating a consumption culture. This culture would be later in the emergence of post-modernity marketing; at this, Marketing was being watched as a series of tools that satisfy whims, desires and needs; the last ones are covered by the macroeconomic phenomena.

Actually, computer technology tools approach communicating processes which are looked by the organizations in terms of rentability with the benefit of symbolic value that contains each object called product, these technologies are being smaller time by time, but its specific market which conveys the message is more punctual. Check the inbox messages from your cell phone and there you will find the relationship between marketing and new information technologies.


The individualistic canon is presented with a consideration from the theoretical system that explains the behaviors and characteristics of individuals in a social environment and is marked by a clear concept of methodical individualism, this methodical individualism expressed as the individuality of being in the moment of consumption, we can describe that it occurs clearly in the macroeconomic theories of demand.

In the general economic system for more than fifty years there is a clear trend that the rational behavior of the consumer and his sovereignty was a formulation and management of macroeconomic theories, this theory emerged in the final decades of the nineteenth century, there the replacing the conception of work with that of utility and value began to be the indeterminate capacity of a good to satisfy human need. The theory made that men who had the aptitude of producers began to analyze themselves with two different connotations, being separated in the individuality of the being and the finished objects as satisfiers of needs. This is where the process of behavioral study of man is seen as consumer and that analysis of man within a space of social consumption.

With the marginalist theory, a formalist and supermatized construction was established where the consumer was associated in an environment where the market acted articulated and all those economic agents optimized their offered benefits, thus maximizing the relationship benefits between organizations and benefits for each individual consumer that at the After all, they are expressed as your satisfaction. Whenever there is a need, satisfaction becomes a potentialization of individual consumption that tends to increase and maximize its utility, a relationship that is presented today as object acquisition and object utility, that is where the principle is presented of homo-oeconomicus rationality, which presents itself demanding and seeking higher satisfaction, making it the absolute owner of its purchase and use decisions.With these subjective thoughts the collective social relations disappeared and for the study of these behaviors individual units were taken taking into account that the collective actions were characterized in many actions of the individual units, the collective elements are not presented as their own behaviors but are presented as a simple summation of individual behaviors. Society is consolidated as a conglomerate of sovereign individuals, individuals who are formed with their own thinking in search of decisions that are unique in their being but that ultimately will be shared by others.

When neoclassical marginalist utilitarianism originated, the most powerful scheme of consumer research emerges, it is there that consumption is taken as a methodological individualism that gave way and opened to a structure of consumer research that was in the environment of economic elements and social, achieving a balance that made it a specific point of observation. As the French economists Jacques Attali and Marc Guillaume (1976: 171 ff.) Once pointed out, the marginal analysis of consumption is only carried out on the basis of the price system, the monetary value says a lot about the individual as a consumer, that who has no money simply cannot acquire that something that classifies him as a consumer, the need is prior to production,and the production process never determines sovereign demand at any time.

At the end of the seventies, neoclassical utilitarianism began to change its concept of consumption, with this evolution something called the mass consumption society was created, which had to be given due to the continuous use of elements of technological benefits that were leaving By imposing and replacing objects of lesser benefits, when this occurred, a typology was formed that classified national societies according to their growth process and classified them as societies of mass consumption. Subsequently, a generalized world of well-being was appreciated (measured in the availability of material objects), this leads to the fact that their needs were met, any citizen can have these benefits without inequality, turning abundance into a social canon.The opportunity that the satisfaction society has to possess goods shows it as a prosperous and crowded entity that leads it to set its eyes on other objects and activities more exalted than the materialist high mass consumption.

In the evolution of the consumer society, concepts extracted from North American social psychology are analyzed, the belief that the fundamental basis of the development of consumption has been the increase in family income. Likewise, it is also precisely the desire and the desire to improve the standard of living that constitutes the solid foundation of American prosperity. In this way, mass consumption could only be sustained thereby stimulating the growth of the economy, Katona tried to demonstrate how consumption was intimately linked to population factors such as education and customs that were formed in the individual as new attitudes and aspirations, as this happened, other more psychological, behavioral and motivational factors became noticeable,for Katona, consumption is clearly determined by market forces (income, prices, assets), and psychological factors (motives and attitudes, previous experiences, projects) were also referred to, which together tend to shape consumption behavior.

James S. Duesenberry, explained family spending as a central concept of American sociology of that time, he analyzed the impact of membership groups and reference groups in the formation of affective economic behaviors, consumption became a position According to this economist, the comparative evaluation of the purchase is carried out more by the people with whom it is in contact than by hierarchically distant stereotypes. Subsequently, the necessity - motivation dichotomy of how utility is seen was created. Abraham Maslow established a functional needs scale widely used in business research and consumer psychology to this day,Maslow differentiated a set of lower and upper basic needs in the first place. The basic needs are ordered by themselves, this makes the satisfaction of any need allows other weaker, who had been displaced come to the fore to present their motivation. Thus, the satisfaction of one need creates another, in a process that knows no end.

Pyramid of needs according to Abraham Maslow

The groups of needs according to their classification correspond to:

  1. Physiological needs, associated with homeostasis or normal and constant balance of the human organism; needs for security or preference for stable survival in the world; need for possessiveness and love, linked to the individual's desire to establish affective relationships with his human environment; needs for personal esteem or self-price, a reflection of the evaluation that the person makes of himself with respect to others; needs for self-development or fulfillment, produced by the study of man to explain his creative potentialities. The lower the need, the more individualistic and selfish the subject that seeks to satisfy it, henceforth the other needs request social interrelation that have a civil and coexistence character.

If we take as a clear example the theory of Thomas S. Kuhn, which by the way is a somewhat hackneyed classical scheme, we realize that in the field of the analysis of consumption and demand, a paradigm shift with respect to a point of view More ideological in a social universe centered as the references of study and of methodological questions where the studies done are explained, the change had as a reference the characters of economic policy and social organization, this being simply Keynesianism. The state imposes itself in Keynesianism as a welfare state and it is precisely where the system of eradication of social underconsumption was created that was a fundamental factor for the crisis of 1929 in American society,With the crisis, the trend of unproductive consumption and social policies that hindered the workforce grew, giving way to subgroups of social conflict or class struggle.

Due to the routinization imposed by Henrry Ford, semi-automation and cybernetization processes are accelerated in the assembly lines, this obviously varies the technical conditions of mass production, increasing the speed, precision and simplicity of operations. This automation what allows is that it is possible to regulate, direct or control the different stages of production without the need for man to intervene, the implementation resulted in a notable increase in the productivity of the processes.

The Keynesian state proposed a society structure that went hand in hand with the growth of large economic and political organizations around a direct or indirect conditioning either to citizens, consumers or voters, according to the purposes that in the cases it would be economic, political and social. In order to achieve these objectives, a strategic / communicative deployment was necessary that slipped into social ideologies like a virus that gave way to the so-called opulent society of the 1970s in the central countries of the western economy.

With the arrival of these paradigms, the form of analysis of consumption was radically changed and the transition from an individualistic rationalism of macroeconomic marginalism to a thought in which abundance, a factor of superior significance for a consumer who consecrated himself as king depending on this increase in his At the level of a group, it became a system of codes of social control, where the power of supply determined the structure of demand and of society itself. Subsequent to the change from marginalist utilitarianism, economic versions of heterodox North Americans appeared who rejected the power of individualism, arguing that the broader importance is given in the role of large companies as direct demand-makers,to which antithesis is made with the approach of John Kenneth Galbraith where the economy is technified, consumption being ostentatious and marginalist consumption. In all situations, different research schemes were used as principles that complemented each other, giving way to an inverted economic order.

The inverted economic order proposed induction, demand programming, exploitation of a series of exploitation of false needs, opening up the creation of a unifying consumer culture and depersonalizing it through the use of advertising, advertising campaigns, sales, consumer credit and many other techniques in the production of demand, today known as marketing or marketing.

With the emergence of a consumer culture and the real origin of marketing where its main objective is to satisfy desires and whims, new forms of seduction to consumers with technological tools such as the Internet appear, which perhaps is compared to the industrial revolution and its high impact between the economy, politics and culture of each town. Within a few years of the World Wide Web, the economy and internet-generated marketing has matched in importance the economic and industrial sectors of the past century.

After the impact caused by the communication and bombardment of advertising pieces on the Internet, mobile devices with access to the Web are created that personalize the organization-individual contact, their utilitarian relationship focuses on continuous and direct contact with the sensations produced and infused in a desire for unnecessary acquisition allowing the inescapable analogy between consumption and technology.

The iPhone, iPod, Pocked PCs, cell phones and the typical and popular www.google.com are just advertising communication channels that carry impulses of consumer relationships in the daily life of being, the most interesting of these computer trends is innovation to make them smaller and smaller and to cover so much information, marketing and computer technology will always seek that human beings carry consumption in the body, brain and heart, six senses to consume.


- Alonso, Luís Enrique. The Age of Consumption. Madrid: XXI century of Spain, 2005.

- Appaduraia, Arjun. the social life of the things. Cultural perspective of goods. Mexico City: Editorial Grijalbo, 1991.

- Consumption as a Symbolic Value. 2007. Dr. Ernesto Duque Gómez

- Money and Credit: Impact and Control EAN: Authors: James S. Duesenberry Binding: Hardcover Publisher: Prentice-Hall Publication Date: 1967.

- The American Political Science Review, Vol. 69, No. 1 (Mar., 1975), pp. 21-30.

- Kuhn, Thomas S. Estrutura das revolucoes cientificas, AP printing: Sao Paulo. Perspectives, 1987.

- Economics in Perspective: A Critical History, JK Galbraith - 1987 - Houghton Mifflin

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Consumer culture and new computer technology trends