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Digital culture and social networks

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I think this article will be very easy to assimilate for all those people who have lived surrounded by technology since they were practically born.

Although I am going to save the meaning of some words for the key concepts section, by digital culture we understand that it was created by the fact of living surrounded by the Tic's (Information and Communication Technologies) and that has been won as well as being considered a new “culture” since practically everything we do in our day-to-day life is directly related to technologies, including this article is totally digital culture, since it was written using the hardware of a computer (CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse) and software (Word computer program for writing documents) and will be sent to a digital platform for Dr.Fernando Aguirre y Hernández (my professor in the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering) will review it and later it will be sent to the Gestiopolis platform so that it can be published and available for consultation by anyone anywhere in the world. Another important example is that, since before to be able to access certain information of an article or a book, we had to go to the library or some place where a copy was sold to access it, now it is available within a click from our cell phone or computer.we had to go to the library or some place where a copy was sold to access it, now it is available within a click of our cell phone or computer.We had to go to the library or some place where a copy was sold to access it, now it is available within a click of our cell phone or computer.

It is not only in educational spheres where we can take advantage of this digital culture, since even for our leisure time, it facilitates everything considerably, since before, in order to see a movie, we had to wait until it was in our closest cinema or in a place where we could rent it, but now with digital platforms, we only need to select the movie we want and it will be available at that very moment.

In short, there are too many benefits that digital culture has, although like everything in this life, it has its small disadvantages, but all of this will be addressed in this article.

Key concepts.

To facilitate the reading process on the topic "Digital Culture", some definitions that are considered important for the reader to know are cited:


"It is the set of all forms, models or patterns, explicit or implicit, through which a society regulates the behavior of the people that comprise it. As such it includes customs, practices, codes, norms and rules of the way of being, clothing, religion, rituals, norms of behavior and belief systems. ” (EcuRed, 2018)

Information and communication technologies

"It is a set of tools and resources of a technological and communicational type, which serve to facilitate the emission, access and treatment of information through various codes that may correspond to texts, images, sounds, among others." (Your Brain Gymnastics, 2017)

Digital Culture

"It is an expression that refers to the cultural changes that occur from the development and diffusion of ICT and, in particular, the internet and the web." (Lippenholtz, 2015)

Origin of the Internet.

Although it does not have many years of existence, the internet has a somewhat long past, but to tell that story a bit shorter, it is said that the internet was born thanks to ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), which was the computer network of the defense cabinet of the United States, which led to the lifting of the internet in a war project of the United States, which aimed to create a computer network that would bring together the research centers of the defense cabinet in the event of a possible offensive (remember that at that time the cold war was aroused against the Soviet Union), that they could remain in contact despite being in distant places and that they continued to function even if some node stopped working.However, another goal was to study better ways of using computers, walking much farther than it was in the beginning as huge calculating devices, and after its birth it was used by the government, different educational centers and some universities such as a social support.

The thought of an interconnected network of computers began in research centers of some universities and of the government itself, which were in various parts of the United States, mainly the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, Stanford Research Institute in Palo Alto California, Rand Corporation And the

Institute For defense, and started with the group of Bob Taylor (with his Galactic Network term), Ivan Sutherland and Lawrence G. Roberts.

In the year of 1969 the first traffic of data packets began between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California, Los Angeles, during the 80's the majority of those who used this new technology were mainly academics and scientists, during the 90's the ARPANET ended and there was a free way for the interconnected networks which is the internet as it is known today, which currently, which gives us different services such as the use of emails, access to distant computers, file transfers, the WWW (World Wide Web), being able to talk to someone who is on the other side of the world, see news from around the world, among others.


The internet is a great opportunity to disseminate any kind of information around the world and a way to collaborate and interact between people and their computers no matter what their location in the world, it has also replaced traditional libraries, encyclopedias, also with the creation of different search engines such as Google or Yahoo! we can look for anything, the only thing that is needed is that it occurs to us.

Communities and virtual networks.

A virtual community is defined as a social network of people who relate to each other thanks to a particular virtual social medium. Virtual communities are not limited by large geographic spaces and their members can collaborate by sharing a diverse amount of information, ideas, activities and even events, without the need to move from the most comfortable seat in their homes. Unlike social networks that are oriented from the interaction between different people who share their tastes and practices; Virtual communities are built around the common interests of a group. In this digital culture, there are different social networks and virtual communities that came to make life easier for everyone in the world.


I think that this social network does not need any presentation, I am sure that the person who is reading this article right now has an account on this social network. Facebook is the most used and most significant social network in the world since it has approximately more than a billion monthly active users, in other words, the number of people who use Facebook for various activities per month. According to the company's own numbers, more or less 82% of the users of this social network are outside the United States and Canada. For this reason, Facebook is available in more than 70 different languages. You only need an email address to create an account; which will make it possible to create different virtual communities within this network,so that people who have common interests can share their ideas. Among the most regular uses that are given to Facebook are that of a personal social network, pages of different organizations, both public and private, among others.

Currently Mexico is the fifth country with more users in the world with more than 85 million, only behind India, the United States, Indonesia and Brazil.

Reasons for Facebook's success.

According to (Ferrari, Nuñez, Tapia, & Pal) some of the reasons why Facebook has had great success is because:

The breadth of the social network at national and international level

This is a very important element to take into account, since we all have acquaintances living in different parts of the country, and even in different countries, and it is a simple and practical way of communicating with them.

Free and multilingual access

We only need an email account to be able to access Facebook, and to be able to enjoy its multiple benefits, in addition to that, it is available in more than 70 languages.

It is a social network that allows you to easily create a personal and business profile

This section is of utmost importance for organizations, be they SMEs or large transnational corporations, although there are some options that represent an expense for organizations (such as paying for advertising) it is a way that any organization, regardless of its size, should be connected to some social network.


It does not matter the type of social network or virtual community that wants to confront Facebook, since it must compete with the gigantic reach that it has around the world, as well as an impressive technological and innovative section, such as: applications, rooms of chat, games, groups and the system to be able to have publicity; as well as a technical team that is only for the user to have the best possible experience, very specific marketing research and an exceptional organization.


LinkedIn is a professional network, it is the largest in the world, with around 200 million users spread across 200 countries. LinkedIn wants connections between professionals and organizations to be as efficient and fast as possible.

The LinkedIn system also has more than 23 labor services for all the members of this network. The most used services are:

  • LinkedIn Company Pages, unites the organization's website with the network of millions of professionals, as well as giving the opportunity to discover who are visiting the page.LinkedIn mobile, is an application for smart phones, we can enter to the network from our cell phone.
  • LinkedIn Job Seeker Premium, will give us the necessary elements to find our job suitable for our skills. It will generate a professional profile for the user, in addition to the organizations it will give them a list of potential future collaborators who have consulted the page. LinkedIn has created an application programming network, which will give the capacity to different websites of external people to access information stored on LinkedIn.

Networks for music.

Social networks such as Facebook and professionals such as LinkedIn have already been explored, but they also exist for people who love music and cannot stop listening to it, there are networks such as Deezer or Spotify that serve as databases for music, in other words As "files" that will allow its members to listen to all the music of their favorite artists. These applications, which in turn function as stations, give the user the ability to create a profile, create their own list for different moments in their lives, follow their artists so as not to miss their latest songs, among other interesting functions.

This class of stations have revolutionized the way we can listen, buy and save our music, and it also allows us to learn new songs based on our tastes. It is important to emphasize that it has two options, one Premium for the user who pays one monthly subscription and the free one that only needs to create the profile, although it should be noted that this is too limited compared to the previous one.


There are also different networks for photo lovers, for those who like to take them and for those who just like to be able to observe them, Instagram is a free application to share our photos with everyone, we can apply different filters, frames, retro styles, edit them, and they can also be shared on our Facebook and Twitter profiles, among others. The application will generate an image that has a square outline with slightly rounded tips (especially for nostalgics) that refers to the photographs that were taken with Polaroid cameras. Instagram is one of the most used applications by photo lovers, since it has more than 100 million users worldwide,It is important to note that this application was purchased by Facebook a few years ago.


As the case of Instagram, it is a social network designed for photography lovers, which will give us the ability to share our best images and that we can manage them as we please, since we can create dynamic boards, collections of our best images, whether from travel, our family, events, among others. It has a very clear mission and that always tries to make the user keep it in mind and this is: "connect everyone in the world, through things they find interesting." Like Instagram we can share our beautiful postcards on the social network of our choice, for the moment it has a base of more than 48 million users.


It is the turn of talking about one of the most important and used applications in the world, I am talking about WhatsApp, which is an application that allows us to send messages for smartphones, send and receive these messages thanks to the internet, enhancing the service that is already It was previously offered by email, the same instant messaging on cell phones as short messages and multimedia messages. In addition to being able to create and send text messages, it also allows you to share images, documents, create groups for our contacts, make video calls, record audio notes, among other different functions. According to information from the year 2016, WhatsApp had more than 1,000 million users worldwide,It should be noted that this messaging service was also acquired by Facebook, which is why it has repeatedly been accused of having a monopoly within the digital culture.

Cambridge Analytica case.

I think that some have heard or read a little on social networks themselves about this scandal in which the social giant of Facebook is involved, since this scandal is considered the largest leak of information that is recorded by any social network, since Cambridge Analytica used the information of more than 50 million users of this network without their consent.

In recent months, the shares of the Facebook organization suffered its worst drop in the last four years, falling around 6.80%.

Cambridge Analytica Consulting, is a company that was founded in 2003, which is accused of having obtained information from millions of Facebook users, as was said without their consent, violating Facebook's terms of condition and policies. With this valuable information, he would have produced political announcements that were directed to favor Donald Trump's presidential campaign, as well as for the benefit of Brexit in the United Kingdom.

Christopher Wylie, a former Cambridge Analytica contributor, reported to The New York Times and The Guardian newspapers, and that's where the bubble burst.

Wylie pointed out that in 2014, when she was still working at Cambridge Analytica, she contacted the professor at the University of Cambridge Aleksandr Kogan, in order to create a tool that would allow them to get important information from a large number of users.

Kogan designed an application called “This is your digital life”, which served as a kind of online test, and which had the scoop as a supposed research tool, but this was far from its true essence.

Users who used this tool were paid a payment ranging from $ 2 to $ 5, for conducting a detailed survey of their personality and interests in politics. In order to finish everything, it was necessary to log in to Facebook and give some permissions to this tool, in order to take information about what the person was doing on the social network, as well as their list of friends and locations.

«We exploit Facebook to access millions of user profiles. And we build models to exploit what we knew about them and target their inner demons. That was the foundation on which the company was founded. ”Wylie's exact words were.

The information collected was sent to the Cambridge Analytica computers without the consent of the users, since they claimed that their information was collected for academic purposes, but nothing more. Also, the information of the friends of said users who also completed the questionnaire, who, likewise, were not aware of the situation.

The lack of transparency that involves the use of information without the consent of users is the great problem that exists. In this way, Paul Grewal, vice president and legal advisor of Facebook, pointed out that the rules for using the social network were not followed.

Thesis proposal.

Advice for SMEs in the Córdoba - Orizaba area to know the importance of their business being on the Internet.


That the owners of SMEs know the importance that their businesses can be found on the internet, either on a social network such as Facebook or through their own internet page.


I thank my family, for giving me all the support and the drive to continue day by day, the Orizaba Technological Institute for opening its doors to me and allowing me to continue my studies with the Master in Administrative Engineering and Doctor Fernando Aguirre y Hernández for motivating me with their Knowledge in the Administrative Engineering Foundations seminar to carry out each of the assigned articles.


We were able to read the importance of social networks or virtual communities in this digital culture, it is something that we live with day by day, we cannot deny that most of the day we spend with our cell phone or in front of some computer. The advantages that this culture has for us are infinite, it totally changed the way we communicate, how we work, how we live, in short it was a total turnaround for humanity, but like everything in life, this culture also has its mistakes. As you could read in the article, the exposure that our information has is impressive and the embezzlement that can be given to it, we saw that it is capable of changing the result of some important elections around the world.

We must be aware of both the benefits and the disadvantages that this digital culture has for us, although if we know how to use it for what it is, I think it can be a very important stage in the history of humanity.


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Digital culture and social networks