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Development and objectives of imaging


Today, society faces changes in all areas of human development, people change their interests, preferences and needs in a matter of a short time and motivated by various factors.

Given this, companies must be focused on detecting all those changes, to recognize those that may represent an area of ​​opportunity to position themselves in the taste of their clients and thus obtain a competitive advantage.

This constant competition means that organizations sometimes look for any element that allows them the opportunity to expand their market, position the product or service and create an identification with consumers. Said elements can be of diverse nature, for example price, functionality, availability and image.

Companies have discovered that developing an appropriate image of their product or service is a key tool to consolidate the company; Thus, imaging is a field that is in charge of this study and develops the corporate image. Taking advantage of all the resources, assets and liabilities that give prestige to the company.

Therefore, more and more managers are investing to develop, maintain and strengthen the image and good reputation of companies and, consequently, also of the products or services they offer to the client in order to receive significant benefits.

Recent research shows that customers or users are considerably attracted to the meaning of the brand, product or service, for what they perceive represents, for its quality, for its design, for its contribution and for what it provokes in their minds. and heart.

Currently there are indicators that measure the level of prestige and value of a brand and / or a company both in Mexico and abroad, for example; the Brand Reputation Index (IRMA) in Spain; the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor (MERCO); the CNN-Expansion report of the “Super Companies”; Grupo Reforma's survey of the corporations most admired by managers and executives in Mexico City.

Corporate reputation is a powerful intangible asset, a new arena in which companies that seek to generate customer trust compete.

The study of the image is not exclusive to companies; it is also a matter of personal development. Therefore, personal image has become a tool for individuals to gain an advantage over others, improving their perception of themselves.

Thus, imaging is a discipline that studies the image of companies and people, providing ideas and solutions to create, improve and enhance the appreciation that one has towards an individual or organization.



The word "imagology" starts from the Latin root Imago, which means image, and is defined as the figure, representation, similarity and appearance of a thing; and loggia, a term from logos, which is the study, science, the expression of something, in this case the image. (TORRE, 2010)


Know the individual or the organization, respect their essence and qualities to detect and work on their areas of opportunity. In such a way that an entire impact strategy is built, the same in the physical, professional, verbal, visual, audiovisual and environmental aspects, to project an image of credibility and trust.


For the public image expert, Víctor Gordoa, the image is a process of perception and can produce a value judgment in who or those who perceive it, the result is that it drives the individual to a degree of acceptance or rejection regarding the generator of the picture. In his first published book "The Power of the Public Image" he makes a successful approach to what the concept of image is, making use of four principles:

  1. The image is a result and therefore it is caused by something. It is the effect of one or more causes, which will always be external, foreign to the issuer and the effect will be internal. The image will produce a value judgment in whoever conceives it, so that their opinion will become their reality. value is the spring that drives consistent individual action: accepting or rejecting what is perceived. When the individual mental image is shared by a public or a group of them, it becomes a collective image, originating the public image

Starting from the fact that the image is perception, and from the figure that we have on the right. We can define in terms of equation the way the image is built and the elements that compose it. The stimuli are the cause of the public image and basically consist of the incitement to act or make something work, the stimuli can be verbal (with words) or non-verbal (without words).

PRINCIPLE # 1 RECEPTOR STIMULUS PERCEPTION Perception is the result of stimulation, which is captured by a person (receiver).

PRINCIPLE # 2 MIND IMAGE PERCEPTION Once perceived, a mental decoding originates, resulting in an image

PRINCIPLE # 3 IMAGE OPINION IDENTITY The image becomes an opinion. A hypothesis originates: it is or it is not.

PRINCIPLE # 4 IDENTITY TIME REPUTATION If the stimuli are constant and are in constant renewal. Over time it translates as a reputation.

(SADOC, 2012)


When analyzing the concept of public image, it is inevitable to take a look in two directions. On the one hand, the image is interpreted as a visual representation, that is, conceived from the point of view of communication-reception; on the other hand, a mental idea is supposed, as a result of the imagination of a creative subject. In addition, the Image presents the individual with communicative elements that manifest themselves in an obvious way and some others that remain hidden, with more or less levels of darkness. That is why it is possible to speak of public messages and others that are not entirely so, called even subordinate, that act in various ways, perhaps, unconsciously in the collective imagination of their recipients.

In the field of images, imagology and iconology have many elements in common. Both methodologies seek to study the images in their context, in order to first extract from them an artistic concept, which refers to the creator-emitter; secondly, the psychological concept, which refers to the recipient or recipients. In both cases, the explicit, what can be called iconography and the implicit, that is to say the content, are so interested.

For this reason, it is important to know the context of the creation-reception of images very well in order to deepen their meaning. Thus, imagology goes beyond art to cover other fields of contemporary visual culture. (LEFT, 2009)


The public image can be classified in two ways:

  • IndividualGroup

In order to design a public image, it is necessary to have knowledge in some areas such as communication, marketing and psychology; since by combining these disciplines it is possible to design an adequate physical image or, where appropriate, a functional and pleasant space.

That is why specialists in imaging should dominate issues related to these areas of knowledge, because the purpose of the public image is to locate in the political, business, institutional and commercial markets. As presented in the following figure:

Public image

It is important that when describing a person or a company, the public image that is developed is preserving the norms of ethics and coherence with what is being presented.

Therefore, an image that does not correspond to the reality of its characteristics should not be formulated of a person or company.

Physical image

The image of a company is the sum of all its collaborators. The most influential physical image with the exterior and interior environment is of the person who is in charge of the company, that is, the leader, who is in charge of directing and managing the contracts for the company.

However, there are the rest of the collaborators, they have a special importance within the company, since some are in direct contact with customers and suppliers and others without so many reflectors carry out a discreet but effective work that allows the harmonious operation of the company.

The physical image of a person includes the way of dressing, speaking and acting in different circumstances, but personal physical features, height, weight, body language and accessories also come into play.

Professional Image

The public image of the company is the consequence of the sum of its collaborators; managers, systems, sales, logistics, accounting, quality, production and all those who participate in the company.

The professional image specifically of a person is one that is associated with an activity that they carry out. That is, it includes executive competencies, the way in which it demonstrates its abilities and capacities within a company. Likewise, the attitude that the person presents within a waiting room, the way of greeting others and the handling of a crisis are analyzed. The professional image even addresses everyday aspects such as how to answer the phone. Essentially, they are behavioral protocols for people in a normal state and / or under pressure.

Verbal Image

This includes the perception that a person or a company produces to its target groups, using the word, orally or in writing. So care must be taken in the way in which the members of the organization express themselves and communicate with other people, through presentations, conferences or in interviews with the media.

Visual image

Colloquially, it is known that the first image is very important, since it is very difficult to modify the first impression of a person or object, therefore, it is important to create an excellent first visual image.

When referring to the visual image of a company, it can be said that it is one that is formed by the design of the containers, the labels, logos or any other symbol or element that helps to differentiate the product lines with respect to competition.

It is even considered the way in which their transport vehicles are designed and painted to give more support to the visual image.

Audiovisual Image

It is related to advertising forms, propaganda and all those elements related to the media, for example infomercials and instructional videos.

Thus, the audiovisual image refers to the fact that the organization must seek the best way to increase its clients through the correct use of the above tools.

Environmental Image

It refers to the scenarios in which one works, the use of colors, lighting, furniture, music, decorative items, aroma, among other elements that can be used; the scenarios can be designed in a functional or recreational way. (GORDOA, 2007)


Victor Gordoa raises the following axioms of the public image:

  1. It is inevitable to have an image. 83% of decisions we make through the eyes. The brain process that decodes stimuli takes only a few seconds. The mind decides mostly based on feelings. The image is dynamic. The creation of an image You must respect the essence of the emitter The image is always relative. The process of creating an image is rational, so you will need a methodology. The effectiveness of an anger image is proportional to the coherence of the stimuli that cause it. It takes longer and it is difficult to reconstruct an image, than to build it from its beginning As long as the image is better, the influence will also be The image of ownership permeates the institution The image of the institution permeates all its members (MENDEZ, 2015)


It is the set of methods, techniques and / or tools applicable to the representation of a visual object which is wanted to be perceived by the world, generating stimuli that create or modify its discernment of what is being projected (image). In a few words, it is the application of tools that, through imaging, project an image onto the world.

The image is related to the emitter who is the person who is projecting their image, this projection will be easy to transmit, however, once transmitted, it will be difficult to erase it from the mind of the person who perceived the image. Due to the aforementioned, the creation, development, maintenance of an image requires skills and abilities for the dynamism it requires, sensitivity because it reaches the senses of the recipient and knowledge because without these foundations coherence will not be achieved and it will fall into falsehood, which the receiver will perceive and that image will not be erased.

For this, the construction of the public image must have the previously mentioned aspects well grounded, prior to the construction of a public image, a market study must be carried out to determine if it is feasible or not that what is intended is in demand and if what is proposed will be innovative. Once having the aforementioned, you should not hide the characteristics of the person to whom your image will be created, developed or maintained, since that "something" is your strength for transmission since its essence must be respected as well as qualities such as the charisma or personality with which he was born, giving him tools to better position himself in the public's mind, with public image engineering,deficiencies that it may have to eliminate and / or diminish them will be visualized and their qualities will be exploited; for this the public image engineering will generate a strategy according to your needs.

For this the engineering of the public image in conjunction with the imaging is applied since the execution of an image is decisive, so the saying "Renew or die" has a very relevant meaning, since this determines the dynamism of an image or public image which may have a cycle similar to that of a product shown below: (NAVARRETE, 2011)

Image cycle


Usually the corporate image is designed to be attractive to the public, with the aim that the company can stimulate an interest and impact among end consumers, creating in the public mind the development of appreciation for the brand that facilitates product sales. or the demand for a service.

The image of a corporation is created by the company, however it is a fact that other actors intervene that favor the creation of the image; for example, the media (press, radio, television, print, internet and social media), journalists, unions and environmental organizations.

Also, for the development of the corporate image, issues such as the selection of colors, designs, shapes and logos are involved. In terms of the design of the corporate image, the organization has to consider the identifying signs of its brand, product or company, that is, those elements of perception that make the client or any person in the public identify the organization, brand or product; with the simple fact of contacting any of them, which are:

  1. The name of the company The logo The logo The slogan The institutional colors and typography The graphic supports of communication The symbolic artifacts with which the company regularly identifies

These identifying elements are regularly used on different objects inside and outside the organization, for example: the decoration of facilities, stationery, promotional items, uniforms, product packaging, and official vehicles. (HERNANDEZ, 2014)


The public image audit is the measurement by means of the identification, analysis and evaluation of the impact of the planning of the image that has been projected to a society or to the world, with this the weak points are detected for their correction as well as the strong points, in order to improve or innovate them; The projected image is also evaluated to determine if it remains on track for the different markets it is intended to reach. There are procedural phases to be able to audit, these phases are shown below: (MONTIEL, 2011)

Procedural steps to be able to audit


The benefits that a good image can give and that are important for one's life is that there will be effective communication at an enriched level; it will increase the security of the individual in a sensational way since the self-knowledge and the development of the potential will be marked in a satisfactory way; Self confidence will not be forgotten to strengthen security and this confidence will give the individual credibility to the external environment.

Likewise, for organizations it has a positive impact on aspects such as:

  • Achieve a good perception by clients or consumers Increase in the number of clients or final consumers Diversity of suppliers Development of a more pleasant work environment Maximize the profits of the company Modify and improve the spaces of the company Attract new collaborators, that enrich the workforce of the organization Contribute with marketing activities Gaining a competitive advantage Staying ahead of the public's tastes Achieving customer identification Developing brand, company, or product loyalty (PASTOR, 2015)


The benefits that can be obtained by gaining a good reputation are considerable, since a good image is a magnet for customers, since products, services or a company become more attractive; it allows products to offer a plus in its position in the market, in the internal environment of the company, it manages to attract talented and motivated people to work in the company, it achieves a dissuasive effect in the face of threats from competitors and it is reflected in better financial results.

These results are the effect of a methodological process of research, analysis, planning and production. The so-called fame or reputation is created not only outside but within the organization itself, it comes from the executives and affects all employees.

To achieve an excellent business reputation, total customer satisfaction is necessary, offering quality products or services, also performing with ethical and professional values, taking into account the fame of executives, attending corporate social responsibility and maintaining an adequate image., sober and reliable of the company.


Thankful to God for all his blessings, also for the opportunity to work in the process of improving myself.

To my “alma mater” the Orizaba Technological Institute for their dedication in training quality professionals, to my MAE Professor Fernando Aguirre y Hernández for their dedication, dedication and commitment in sharing their knowledge.

To God for life and for science!




  • GORDOA, V. (2007). PUBLIC IMAGE. Obtained from http://blog.imagenpublica.com.mx/HERNANDEZ, N. (2014). GESTIOPOLIS. Obtained from http://www.gestiopolis.com/imagologiateoria-de-la-imagen-publica-de-la-empresa/IZQUIERDO, J. (2009). IMAGOLOGY. Obtained from: http://jorge-imagology.blogspot.mx/2009/12/la-palabra-imagologia-parte-de-la-raiz.htmlMENDEZ, G. (2015). PREZI. Obtained from: https://prezi.com/nvxz71um-yyn/bases-yfundamentos-de-imagologia/MONTIEL, E. (2011). SCRIBD. Obtained from https://es.scribd.com/doc/75801554/IMAGOLOGIANAVARRETE, DM (2011). GESTIOPOLIS. Obtained from http://www.gestiopolis.com/la-imagenpublica-que-es-y-como-gestionarla-en-una-organizacion/PASTOR, R. (2015). SLIDESHARE. Obtained from: http://es.slideshare.net/TommyYacksson/imagologia-estudioanalisisimagenpagenicaSADOC, R. (2012). SLIDESHARE. Obtained from http: //es.slideshare.net / rul22 / class13-imagologist TORRE, JL (2010). IMAGOLOGY. Obtained from:
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Development and objectives of imaging