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Administrative diagnosis of the ecological reserve Santa Rosa, Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas Ecuador


The present investigation tries to evaluate the administrative level in which the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve is developed through field work, developed in the company, using the interviews and surveys as tools, it will establish the strengths that they have and are used in Frequency, the opportunities that must be recognized and exploited, its weaknesses that will be identified and eliminated, as well as its threats that it must face in the face of the current demanding demand for leisure and comfort. The reserve in terms of its potential attractions shows a wealth of welcoming tourist settings that provide satisfaction by generating a reaction of personal fulfillment in those who visit it, however the administrative level of it must take a professional approach but not artisanal, in order to generate innovative products and present diversification of their products, and find themselves as a company prepared to assume the competition in the tourist field.


Given the growing importance of tourism for the economic development of the country and the need to develop sustainable financing alternatives for the area, the implementation of this administrative analysis is required.

This is aimed at satisfying the need to improve tourist care, providing quality of service and alternative visits to different natural settings, with a vision that involves activities aimed at improving the living conditions of local populations.

Within the regional context, the local and provincial governments of Santo Domingo have set their sights on tourism as a development pole, which will undoubtedly contribute to the improvement of the economy of the society involved in this activity.

Santo Domingo is a privileged city, with wonderful, hard-working and enterprising people, who fight tirelessly for the development and progress of the city, who always receive tourists with open arms and take them to know the wonderfulness of its culture and environment.


The Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve is located in a privileged place, not only for its ethnic wealth, but also for the unusual landscapes that can be found from the entrance to this beautiful reserve.

Problem: Inadequate and inefficient administration affects the profitability of the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve.

The General Objective To diagnose administrative management in the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve.

Specific objectives

Prepare the SWOT of the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve.

Analyze the administrative and legal level of the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve.

Determine the income, expenses and utility of the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve.

Detail the internal rules and values ​​of the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve and its relationship with tourists.

The interview is a technique of gathering information through a professional conversation, with which in addition to acquiring information about what is being investigated, it is important from an educational point of view.

The questionnaire asks a series of questions that allow one or more variables to be measured.

Direct observation is a technique that consists of carefully observing the phenomenon, fact or case, taking information and recording it for subsequent analysis.

Within the analysis of the foda we find that: as strengths you can identify the 15 years of experience in the market, its private administration, its infrastructure is its greatest strength contrasted with the scenic beauty.

Opportunities to develop in the field of ecotourism, its proximity to the city Santo Domingo de los T-sachilas, the search for new offers, existing agricultural and ecological tourism.

Weaknesses are due to the lack of technical and trained personnel in the tourism market, in order to promote the development of sustainable and sustainable ecotourism in the area.

Threats is fierce competition in the tourism field with non-environmental practices and respect for nature.

Analysis of the administrative level of the Santa Rosa ecological reserve

As for the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve, it was born 15 years ago, the idea arose in order to take advantage of the site that is on the banks of the Baba River which has a width of approximately 70 m, the same that is very abundant especially in winter.

Today the change has been very important, the experience gained has been positive and through the media and travel agencies the place has been promoted, gaining a good reputation for the services it offers. Visits received are generally from outside; Among them there are personnel from private companies, educational establishments, foreign tourists who have visited the modern facilities of the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve, which has more than 10 hectares of land.

In the area, nature is worshiped; Trees are always being planted such as mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King.), cedar (Cedrela sp), white guayacán, black guayacán, laurel (Laurus nobilis L.), among others; in order to reforest the place and provide a true natural environment to the tourist.

The Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve has four family rooms with all the basic services, called Posada el Ladrillal, there is also a cane plantation bar, because the construction of guadua cane, varnished and toquilla straw predominates. Los Crotos Stadium, well known because on all four sides of the stadium the plants of that name are planted, in addition, wide trails surrounded by Ficus, which takes tourists to the main facilities of the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve. In addition to this there is the jungle forest divided into 4 zones, the best known being the guaduales.

Mission: Offer quality services to achieve greater profitability.

Objectives: Implement the infrastructure in harmony with the environment to provide quality service to visitors.

Promote the economic development of peasant organizations based in the area of ​​influence, through the promotion and development of tourist activities.

Convert the reserve as a self sustainable protected area within the SNAP.


Creation of the website for informational dissemination of the reservation.

Bank loan for the creation and maintenance of the reserve.

Find the necessary and trained human resource to manage the RESR.

Policy: Sustainable development of natural resources

Administrator Functions

The administrator has the following tasks:

1. Representation, It is the formal authority of the reservation.

2. Leadership, is directly responsible for achieving the stated objectives.

3. Planner, performs the interpretation of operational and strategic needs and the means available to satisfy them.

4. Spokesperson, The administrator is the official spokesperson of the reserve.

5. Conflict manager. The reservation is in a process of change and within an equally changing context. This causes a constant ebb and flow of positive and negative stimuli.

6. Resource facilitator, This function has two great edges. The first is to define and allocate resources for each unit. The second is to be attentive and predisposed to provide any other resources that the different sectors may need to fulfill their mission.

7. Negotiator, since he is the person who can dispose of the resources of the organization, the weight of the negotiation will always be on his shoulders.

Duties of the Guardian

Caretaker of everything that is within the reserve, as well as watches over possible acts that go against the reserve's policies.

Functions of the Reception department

* Receive guests

* Sell and assign rooms

* Give general reservation information

* Check in the guest

* It has the control of entry / exit of guests

* Keep track of room keys

Functions of the Kitchen department - Cooks

Cooks, and food preparation workers are the ones who prepare, season, and cook a wide range of foods.

Cooks are also responsible for directing the work of other kitchen workers, estimating food requirements, and ordering food supplies.

Maintenance department functions

- Take adequate time.- No job is so urgent that it has to be done in an unsafe and hasty way.

- Correct unsafe conditions immediately.

- Do things correctly from the first moment.

On a work day, maintenance personnel lift heavy objects, climb stairs, use machinery and dangerous cleaning chemicals. All of these activities represent potentially dangerous situations.

Functions of the Tourist Guide

The guide is responsible for the coordination, reception, assistance, driving, information and entertainment of both domestic and foreign tourists.

Direction: Process by which the people responsible for an organization combine the available resources to achieve the objectives that have been proposed.

Control: Control is exercised with reference to the plans, through the regular and systematic comparison of the forecasts made regarding the objectives.

Integrity and values, the transmission of values ​​is done by establishing written rules.

Physical security of equipment and information (emergency programs)

Access controls

Data processing operations controls

Controls on application development and maintenance

Application controls


According to the investigation carried out, the following is concluded:

Deficit in the administrative and control management of the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve.

Lack of financial resources to promote eco-tourism development in the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve.

Waste of the physical, economic and natural capacities of the Reserve, for lack of a promotional dissemination plan for it.

Lack of inter-institutional agreements in the reserve.


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Administrative diagnosis of the ecological reserve Santa Rosa, Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas Ecuador