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Diagnosis of the tourist destination Trinidad in Cuba

Table of contents:


Diagnosis of the tourist destination Trinidad.

1. Summary

2. Introduction

3. Internal Analysis

3.1. Brief characterization of the tourist destination Trinidad

3.2. Identification of the tourist resources of the Trinidad destination

3.3. Evaluation of the tourist resources of the Trinidad destination

4. External Analysis

4.1. Competitive analysis

4.2. Market analysis

4.3. Surrounding analysis

4.4. Sector analysis

5. SWOT analysis

6. Conclusions

7. Bibliography

8. Annexes


This work deals with the diagnosis of the tourist destination Trinidad and its positioning in the market in relation to the competition. It has been implemented through the performance of various activities such as: the identification and valuation of the resources of the Trinidad tourist destination; the analysis of the tourist market, the competition, the sector, the environment and its implications for the tourist destination; and the identification of the weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities of the tourist destination.

Different methods were used, including documentary analysis related to competition, the environment and the tourist market; a diagnostic study of the Trinidad tourist destination by identifying and evaluating its resources; as well as use of the SWOT analysis. It was concluded that the Trinidad tourist destination has varied and excellent attractions that are exploited and others, such as the Valle de los Ingenios, which at the moment are not fully exploited.

The main value of this work lies in the need to deeply know each and every one of the peculiarities of the tourist destination with the aim of applying participatory procedures in the design of new products in Cuba and fundamentally in the territory, in such a way that Integrated and genuine products are achieved, according to new trends in the international market.

Key Words: Diagnosis, tourist destinations.


Tourism presents a new possibility to boost the economic sector, commercializing the landscape and cultural resources of a country. The main reason for its development is the economic benefit from its income and the employment it generates, as well as its contribution to the balance of payments; also occupying the first place in the world in the export of services.

The Cuban tourism industry is not absent from these realities. The important role of tourism as a pivotal sector of the Cuban economy in terms of the drag of the rest of the sectors of the national economy is indisputable based on the demands of its aggregate demand.

Currently, after concluding an unprecedented stage of growth, the Cuban tourism sector faces the challenge of increasing its competitive capacity with important opportunities that can be exploited, as well as a group of indisputable advantages that can strengthen this process.

"… Companies do not manufacture their products to later find a market for them, rather the opposite occurs: they work in close communion with their clients, investigate their tastes and demands and elaborate for them what they are just needing." (Boullon, 1998)

Taking this approach into account, it can be considered that: “A product is anything that can be offered to satisfy a need or a desire… the product concept is not limited to physical objects… in a broader sense, products also include experiences, people, places, organization, information and ideas. "(Kotler, 2004)

Therefore, the tourist product arises from the need to integrate in one, all the components to offer a higher quality service, with the aim of satisfying the needs and expectations of tourists.

The tourist product is based on the geographical place, which in this case is the tourist destination, which can be conceived as “… a space where the confluence of agents, initiatives and experiences takes place, which end up shaping the place as an attractive par the attention of the consumption desired by the demand of tourist order, once a whole network of companies specialized in different plots of leisure satisfaction is constituted, from which a space becomes an area capable of supplying one or more tourist products. " (Monfort Mir, 1999)

"The destination is the territory where physical elements or factors come together in the territory (natural environment such as beaches and culture, and built as hotels, service providers, infrastructure, technology), processes (planning, management, image), that are combined into individual products and activities that make up the visit experience. ” (Ritchie and Crouch, 2000)

"Also included are the environmental factors that determine the competitiveness of the economic activities that are located in the destination (governance, politics, international events, among others). Thus understood, the destination becomes the global tourism product and is the scope of the different tourism products, and the competitiveness of the product is subject to that of the destination, or territory where it is made. ” (Quintero, Bernal and López, 2004)

To create a tourism product, first you need to carry out a deep internal and external analysis that provides the necessary information to guarantee that the product created is successful.

The Trinidad tourist destination, considered in its beginnings, mainly as Sun and Beach, is clearly projected today as a very varied and diverse product, with an important weight of historical-cultural tourism, which is increasingly consolidated by the significant equity values ​​it possesses; being the Valle de los Ingenios one of its main exponents.

Internal analisis

Within the framework of the internal analysis, the various resources that can be found in general in tourist destinations are first detailed. After their identification, it is essential to assess them in an orderly, systematic and continuous way.

Tourism resources, as components of the tourism system, constitute the raw material of tourism development and together with the offer of accommodation, the complementary tourist offer, the general services and infrastructures, the training of personnel and the like, the tourist product of a destination (López, 1998).

Brief characterization of the tourist destination Trinidad.

The tourist destination Trinidad is located in the south center of the Cuban archipelago, facing the Caribbean Sea and in the foothills of the Guamuhaya mountain range, belonging to the province of Sancti Spíritus.

The Historic Center of Trinidad, made up of 55 blocks and 1,211 buildings, in addition to the Valle de los Ingenios, was declared by UNESCO in 1988 with the status of Cultural Heritage of Humanity. In the case of the city, the preservation of one of the most valuable architectural ensembles among the villas founded by the Spanish colonizers in America was recognized, giving it the charm of a city detained in time.

The Valle de los Ingenios, on the other hand, constitutes a great natural and archaeological reserve of what was at the beginning of the 19th century, the flourishing local sugar industry, whose production made Trinidad one of the most prosperous cities in Cuba and its subsequent ruin, a museum-city as detained in time. 73 sites have been located in this region (according to the Department of Tourism Planning DPPF, 2003), which conserve constructive remains of factories, elements of industrial machinery and innumerable objects that tell us about the nature of production relations and the customs of our ancestors..

13 km from the city you can find the María Aguilar and Ancón beaches, which provide visitors with 4 km of white sand for their enjoyment. In addition, the Topes de Collantes Natural Park is located 20 km from Trinidad, 800 meters above sea level.

Identification of the tourist resources of the Trinidad destination.

For the purposes of this chapter, the Godfrey and Clarke (2000) classification is adopted, which establishes the following typology for the identification and evaluation of tourist resources:

  1. Natural Resources Cultural Resources Resources Events Resources Activities Resources Infrastructures

Natural resources


The destination Trinidad has a very rich and varied flora. In the Topes de Collantes Natural Park you can find more than 15 species of pines, 12 of eucalyptus, more than 100 species of ornamental plants; It also has numerous species of ferns, orchids and butterflies. You can also find cedars, mahogany and magnolias. (National Tourist Information Office)

The Valle de los Ingenios area is mainly populated by: seedlings, cedars, jobos, ateje, palmas reales, ceibas, yayas, ocuje, jaguas, ferns, sugar cane, guao, agricultural crops, fruit trees and pastures. (Department of Tourism Planning DPPF, 2003)


The destination Trinidad has, just 13 km from the city, the beaches of María Aguilar and Ancón which are considered to be the best beaches on the southern coast of the island of Cuba. 15 nautical miles from Trinidad are Cayo Blanco and Cayo Machos de Afuera, in the Caribbean Sea. The destination has several viewpoints, one in Loma del Puerto, another in La Vigía and the last one in Topes de Collantes. From them you can see the beautiful landscapes of the Valle de los Ingenios and the city. The city is surrounded by the north and northwest, the Guamuhaya mountain range, which has several caves located in the Topes de Collantes Natural Park. To the east is the Valle de los Ingenios, which is made up of the valleys of Santa Rosa and San Luis; Sierra de Aracas is also located in this area.


In the Topes de Collantes Natural Park there are many species such as: parrots, tocororos (national bird of Cuba), negritos, hawks, woodpeckers, sijú (belonging to the owl species). In addition you can find 7 endemic species of amphibians, deer, wild pigs, partridges, hutias, mollusks, spiders and bats, among others. It is common to see dogs and cats as pets in numerous Trinidadian houses. (www.cubatravel.cu)


The territory has a tropical climate, characterized by a type and subtype of climate, of plains and heights. The average annual air temperature ranges between 24 ° C and 26 ° C, with the maximums ranging from 26 ° C to 28 ° C and the minimums of 22 ° C to 24 ° C.

The average annual precipitation varies from 1 400 to 2 201 mm, concentrating in the rainy period (May - October) from 70% to 86% of the total. The cloudiness fluctuates between 3/8 of open sky, in the months of April and May; and 5/8 of overcast sky in the months of May to October. (Department of Tourism Planning DPPF, 2003)


The destination presents important rivers such as: the Guaurabo River basin and the Agabama-Manatí River basin and its tributaries. Other important rivers are the Cañas River and the Charco Azul River. In the Topes de Collantes Natural Park you can find waterfalls of great beauty.

Cultural Resources


The city of Trinidad has several churches and convents of enormous historical value for their level of architectural preservation. Among them are: the Temple of San Francisco de Paula; the ruins of the Church of Santa Ana; the Church of the Holy Trinity; the old San Francisco de Asís Convent and finally, the ruins of the Hermitage Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria de la Popa.


The destination Trinidad has numerous sites of cultural and historical interest, which are located in the Historic Center of the same city and in the Valle de los Ingenios. The abundance of these sites, which have a good level of conservation, allowed UNESCO to declare them Cultural Heritage of Humanity on December 8, 1988.


• Romantic Museum: it is located in the Conde Brunet mansion, opposite the Plaza Mayor. It has 14 rooms in which a sample of one of the most valuable decorative arts collections in Cuba is exposed, as well as a rich collection of furniture manufactured by Trinidad's master cabinetmakers.

• Trinidad History Museum: it is located in the Cantero Palace, just 50 meters from the Plaza Mayor. It exhibits rich collections that expose the historical events of the territory.

• National Museum to Fight Bandits: it is located in the old Convent of San Francisco de Asís, whose tower is the symbol of the city and its highest observation site. Inside, the history of the popular confrontation with the counterrevolution in the mountainous massif that surrounds the city is presented.

• Museum of Architecture: it is located in front of the Plaza Mayor. In the Casa de los Sánchez, as it is also called, collections related to the architectural theme are exhibited.

• Guamuhaya Archeology Museum: it is located in front of the Plaza Mayor and exhibits samples of archeology.

• Office of the city Conservator: property of considerable historical and architectural value, former residence of Don Mariano Borrel, Marquis of Guáimaro and very wealthy Trinitarian aristocrat.

• Iznaga Palace: located 50 meters from the Plaza Mayor and formerly belonging to this Trinitarian family, one of the richest in the town and owners of large tracts of land and sugar mills. It is currently undergoing a reconstruction and restoration process with the aim of preventing its disappearance.

• Other attractions are: Plaza Mayor, Plaza Santa Ana, Plaza Santa Ana Tourist Center (formerly the Royal Prison), the Mintur Delegation (former Post Office), Plaza Carrillo, the Municipal Archive of History and the the Municipal Assembly.

Valley of the Sugar Mills: (Annex 1)

• Manaca Iznaga: in this place is the tower of the old sugar mill San Alejo de Manaca. Tower that with its 43.5 meters high constitutes a remarkable work for its technical-constructive quality. The spacious Casa-Hacienda and other archaeological remains are also located.

• Guáimaro: the old Guáimaro mill was a landmark in the Valle de los Ingenios industrial architectural complex. His Casa-Hacienda is notable for the decorative treatment: paintings, murals of romantic themes in neoclassical settings, made by the Roman artist Daniel Dall ´Aglio.

• San Isidro de los Destiladeros: among its attractions is a Casa-Hacienda, a bell tower where you can see the surroundings and other important archaeological remains.

• Buenavista: its Casa-Hacienda sets an odd example within the hacienda house models, built in the 19th century, presenting a unique Roman neoclassical style in the Valley. Its position allows visual control of a large segment of the Valley.

• Palmarito: among its attractions it has an infirmary, a bell tower, as well as the ruins of the Casa-Hacienda and of the mill's manufacturing facilities.

• Cañamabo: it has as attractions a Casa-Hacienda, as well as the archaeological ruins of the mill and its manufacturing process.

• Guachinango: it has a House-Hacienda built in the first half of the 19th century. The complex is also made up of several archaeological ruins.

• El Papayal: a Casa-Hacienda and the ruins of the old sugar mill that used to settle in this place are among its attractions.

• La Pastora: its main attraction is a Casa-Hacienda.

• El Abanico: it has a Casa-Hacienda built next to the railway that constitutes an interesting expression of colonial architecture. It also has the archaeological remains of an old mill.

• Algaba (Monserrat de Algaba): its attractions include a House-Hacienda, an infirmary and the archaeological remains of the manufacturing area.

• Magua: it was one of the most significant sugar mills in the Valley, possession of rich Trinidadian families who invested their capitals in the development of sugar factories, such as the ostentation of their fortunes and the continuation of their comfort in rural and urban habitats.

• Other sites of interest that have significant archaeological remains are: Las Delicias, Güinía de Soto (Meyer), the Casa Familia León, Santa Elena de Sabanilla, Manacas Armenteros, El Corojal, San José Abajo or Ingenio Abajo, Santo Cristo de Los Destiladeros, San Carlos, El Barral, Hacienda Las Bocas and Mainicu Riquelme, among others. (Taken from the Planning Plan: Valle de los Ingenios. Department of Tourism Planning DPPF, 2003; as well as sources from the National Office of Tourist Information)

According to the Proposal for the Recovery and Integral Development Plan of the Valle de los Ingenios prepared by the Ministry of Tourism in March 2008, several of these sites and places of interest will be recovered and re-functionalized to be used in the development of new products in the tourism sector.. (Appendix 2)


Trinidad is a city with very rich traditions. Well-known are the 3 jewels of the Trinitarian tradition: pottery, lingerie and fiber fabrics.

Pottery: The rich history of pottery in Trinidad begins in the mid-19th century with the creation of a workshop owned by Don Secundino Santander. Diversity of utilitarian and decorative objects emerged from the skillful hands of artisans, who transferred their knowledge to successive descendants, who still keep tradition alive today.

Lingerie: highly anticipated in the history of Trinidad stories about embroidery emerge. Table linens, bedding, and bridal gown items were made by skilled hands who dressed numerous generations of locals. Various workshops can be frequented in different areas of the city, where numerous garments in randa, mesh, tatting, made by local artisans are offered.

Fiber fabrics: printed vestiges of fiber fabrics created by our primitive inhabitants appear in certain pieces of indigenous ceramics. This testifies to the antiquity of the technique. Jabas, hats, handbags and many other wonders are made by generations of Trinidadians who offer their products in workshops and fairs near the Historic Center of the city. (Trinidad Guide, National Tourist Information Office)

The destination Trinidad also has many other sites that may be of interest to the visitor.

• Brunet Theater Ruins: offers shows with Afro-Cuban dances and music, popular music classes, Cuban percussion, popular and Afro-Cuban dances. Significant figures of national and international culture have paraded through its hall.

• Segarte Ruins: site that offers traditional Cuban live music, popular music classes, Cuban percussion, as well as popular and Afro-Cuban dances.

• Café Sandunga ARTEX: it is located in an 18th century colonial house with an eclectic architectural style where classes in popular music, popular and Afro-Cuban dances, Spanish language and familiarization with Cuban culture are offered. It also has an art gallery where plastic works are exhibited.

• Casa de la Trova: in this place shows are offered with traditional Cuban music, performed by local artists.

• La Canchánchara Tavern: it is located in one of the oldest buildings in Trinidad, which combines architectural elements from the 18th to the 20th centuries. It is the most popular tavern in the city, where Canchánchara is prepared, a traditional drink of the Liberation Army in the 19th century. Cuban traditional music is mainly offered.

• Palenque de los Congos Reales: in this place you can find the most legitimate and autochthonous of the local folklore, along with the old African traditions arrived in the 16th century, through the Trinidad Ballet Folkloric.

• EGREM House of Music: offers traditional and Afro-Cuban music shows, as well as a presentation site for outstanding groups of the first national level.

• Amelia Peláez Gallery: it displays plastic and applied arts.

• Benito Juárez Gallery: it exhibits the work of the best plastic artists in the town.

• Julio Cuevas House of Culture. (Trinidad Guide, National Tourist Information Office)

Resources Events


The city of Trinidad does not have any kind of festivals established in its territory, despite having great cultural wealth.


Significant sporting events are not held in Trinidadian territory. Sometimes Provincial Baseball Championship games take place and once a year a National Baseball Series game is played. Every year, the Vuelta Ciclística a Cuba passes through the city and ascends to Topes de Collantes, but the city is not a place of stay for competitors and other personnel


In the city there are 2 mecadillos where visitors are offered handicrafts and ceramic products. These markets are located on Media Luna and Peña streets. In addition, in the Santander Family Pottery Workshop, all kinds of clay objects are sold. There are more than a dozen houses that are dedicated to offering all kinds of artisan products and national plastic, all of them integrated into the Cuban Fund for Cultural Assets.

Important congresses or meetings are not regularly held in the city, they occur very sporadically without maintaining a periodicity.


In recent years, the International Book Fair has been held in Trinidad, as a sub-venue, it is always held in the first quarter of the year, although this year it was not held.

Every year the Trinitarian Culture Week is celebrated in mid-January, a traditional festival that celebrates the founding of the Villa de la Santísima Trinidad back in 1514. On that date the city receives the visit of numerous national and international personalities and is headquarters of the performance of numerous artistic ensembles and musical groups. The city becomes a giant party and hosts a varied number of cultural activities.

In the city, as in the whole country, the main national holidays are also celebrated such as: the Day of National Rebellion, the Day of the CDR and the Day of the Triumph of the Revolution.

Resources Activities


In the Marlin Trinidad Marina, located on the Ancón Final peninsula, various activities are offered, such as: Seafari by catamaran or sailboat; Diving and courses for beginners, Resort and Open Water; Fly, trolling, height and bottom fishing; Sunset; Snorkeling and Life on board.

In the hotel facilities of the Ancón peninsula there are tennis and soccer courts. In the Topes de Collantes Natural Park various hiking offers are offered. (Trinidad Guide, National Tourist Information Office)

El Taje Game Reserve: it is located 25 km from the city of Trinidad, with an approximate area of ​​7.5 km². It is exploited by MINFAR Personal Security. Small game hunting is practiced. (Department of Tourism Planning DPPF, 2003)

Of leisure

In the city of Trinidad there are numerous places where visitors can have fun and entertain themselves, among them are shopping malls, cinemas, natural parks, shops, among others.

Grupo Empresarial Comercial Caracol has several stores that offer all kinds of Cuban products (stamps of the main Cuban tobacco brands, as well as accessories for smokers; Cuban rums Mulata, Havana Club, Santiago, Santero, Cubay; Cubita brand coffee, Serrano and Turquino). The best known are: the House of Tobacco, Rum and Coffee; The Vega; the Universe Complex and the Iberostar Caracol, which houses the Coral Negro jewelery.

The ARTEX chain of stores also has a series of establishments, among which stand out: La Cochera Brunet, Santa Ana, Longina, La Enramada, among others. In these latter stores, you can buy national handicrafts, clothing that promote the Cuban Image, souvenirs, prestigious works of Cuban literature, music records and stationery, as well as purchase tobacco produced in the country.

In all hotels in Trinidad and the Ancón peninsula there are shops for Cuban products and souvenirs. In addition, there are other foreign currency stores, among which are: La Amistad, TRD Caribe, Cubalse El Alba, Photo Service and La Comercial. You can also visit some of the existing cinemas in the city of Trinidad: the Romelio Cornelio Cinema and the Guamuahaya Cinema.

There are also several places in the city that offer leisure services, such as: the Carlos de Ayala Nightclub, an ideal place to dance and enjoy; the Daiquirí Bar; the El Jazmín Bar and the Strawberry and Chocolate Bar. Another outstanding recreational center is the Cabaret Santa Ana.

Topes de Collantes Natural Park

It is located just 20 km from Trinidad, it is an extraordinary natural landscape of 200 km², inserted in the mountainous group of Guamuhaya. This mountainous ecosystem has imposing elevations, exuberant vegetation, a high endemism of flora and fauna, innumerable cave systems, beautiful landscapes, numerous rivers and streams that form waterfalls and natural pools. Topes de Collantes is made up of 4 Natural Parks: Guanayara, Codina, Altiplano Topes de Collantes and El Cubano.

• Topes de Collantes Altiplano Park; it has several sites of tourist interest such as: the Caburní trail, which has the Caburní waterfall; the Vegas Grandes trail that also has a waterfall; the La Batata trail, as well as a cave that has fresh natural pools; the Arboretum or Botanical Garden, with its Garden of Giants path that has more than 300 forest species from 4 continents. There is also a Coffee Variety Garden that has the main species and varieties that are cultivated in Cuba and the rest of the world, as well as tasting the aromatic drink, in 10 of its 400 forms of production and knowing everything related to its history.. You can have lunch at the Mi Retiro restaurant.

• El Cubano Park; It has places of interest such as: the Huellas de la Historia trail, which allows you to learn about the colonial past of slave life in the region. It also has hanging bridges over clear rivers and streams; the Cimarrones de Javira ecological trail, which leads to Salto de Javira. In this place you can go horseback riding, birdwatching, camping and enjoy lunch at Ranchón Los Almendros with the house specialty: catfish.

• Guanayara Park; It has the following sites of interest: the Sentinels of the Melodioso River trail, which allows you to discover numerous endemic species of flora and fauna in the area, as well as observe extraordinary pools and waterfalls, including the El Rocío waterfall; the most daring can make a 500 meter journey by moving through the river canyon to Poza del Venado. You can also go horseback riding, bird watching, camping… In this place you can also visit the Casa de la Gallega, where you can have a lunch with the specialty of the house: Chicken a la Gallega.

• Codina Park; It has the following attractions: the Encantos de Codina trail, where an orchid and bamboo variety garden stands out; El Altar cave surrounded by a great diversity of flora, fauna and picturesque landscapes. In this park you can do activities such as: trekking, hiking, bird watching, camping, horseback riding and speleotourism; as well as taste a pork on the spike with congrí in the restaurant that is located on site.

The Topes de Collantes Natural Park area has exceptional climatic conditions, with temperatures that average between 16 and 25 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of 85%. (Trinidad Guide, National Tourist Information Office)


On the Ancón peninsula are the beaches of Ancón and María Aguilar, which together with La Boca, constitute the best resort on the southern Cuban coast.

Infrastructure Resources

Communications and Transportation

In the city of Trinidad there is an airport that is exploited in small and medium-sized planes and does not admit extensions in its length as a result of having the city in the northeast and the tourist pole in the southwest, in addition to having operational security problems. In Topes de Collantes there is also a heliport that provides services.

There is a loading port and another fishing port in Casilda, the loading port has two berths, maneuvering dock and other support facilities for port activity. The port has been used by tourist cruises. The Marlin Trinidad Marina offers technical services to ships with a maximum length of 25 meters. 70.5% of the territory's road network (114.8 km) is classified as good or fair.

There is a tourist train that offers services to visitors and for this purpose a corner in the Condado area (Los Cocos) was built to be able to turn the locomotives of said train, and there is also a corner in Meyer. In Iznaga a branch of the MINAZ is born that crosses the FNTA and Aracas settlements and arrives at the Delicias site. (Department of Tourism Planning DPPF, 2003)

n Trinidad the following transport services are offered: Trinidad BUS Tour, which is an excursion to the beach; Interhoteles Trinidad-Habana, regular route to Havana hotels with daily frequency (sale in AA.VV.); Trinidad Dance, excursion from the hotels to Trinidad at night (sale in AA.VV.). The Viazul Group also provides services, with departures to Havana, Varadero and Santiago de Cuba. Other transport companies are: Taxi OK, which from the Cubatur Office offers a transfer for all cities in the country; as well as Rent a Car, which offers car rental services from: its Commercial Office, Cubatur Office, Infotour Office, Ancón and Trinidad del Mar hotels. There is a Transgaviota Office that also provides services. (Trinidad Guide, National Tourist Information Office)


The Trinidad destination has numerous places where visitors can stay, among the most outstanding are:

City and surroundings

• The 5-star Grand Hotel Iberostar Trinidad, with 40 rooms.

• The 3-star Cubanacan Las Cuevas hotel, with 114 rooms.

• The Cuban Recreation Villa Maria Dolores, with 45 rooms.

• Mesón del Regidor, belonging to Palmares and with 4 rooms.

Topes de Collantes Complex

• The 4 star Kurhotel Escambray hotel, belonging to Gaviota Hotels with 210 rooms.

• The 3-star Los Helechos hotel, belonging to Gaviota Hotels with 105 rooms.

• Villa Caburní, with a 3-star category, belonging to Gaviota Hotels with 64 rooms.

Ancón Peninsula

• The 4-star Brisas Trinidad del Mar hotel belonging to Cubanacan, with 241 rooms.

• The 3-star Club Amigo Ancón hotel, belonging to Cubanacan and with 279 rooms.

• The 3-star Club Amigo Costasur hotel, belonging to Cubanacan and with 132 rooms.

Trinidad also has a large number of private hostels, which according to data from the Mintur Delegation in the territory were 486 in 2005; reaching a total of 102,408 tourists in 2008. (Commercial Office. Office of the Minister's Delegate in Sancti-Spíritus, 2008)


The main Cuban Travel Agencies coexist in the Trinidad destination. Cubatur Centro provides services at: its Central Office and at the Cremería Sales Bureau. For its part, Viajes Cubanacan Trinidad, provides services at its Central Office, at the Gallery Universe Sales Bureau, at the Tourism Bureau located at the Ancón, Brisas Trinidad del Mar and Costasur hotels. Havanatur provides services at the Trinidad Sales Office. Trinidad has a Tourist Information Office located in Plaza Santa Ana; In addition, in various parts of the city there are maps showing the main tourist attraction sites. (Trinidad Guide, National Tourist Information Office)


In the Trinidad destination there are numerous sites where visitors can carry out their restoration, most of them belonging to Palmares. Among them are:

• Gourmet Restaurant of the Grand Hotel Iberostar Trinidad. In this restaurant you can enjoy a lunch of international food with excellent service, and for this it has 152 seats. It provides buffet and a la carte services.

• El Jigüe Restaurant. It provides international food services and for this it has 132 places.

• Trinidad Colonial Restaurant. It provides Creole and international food services and has 100 places.

• Don Antonio Restaurant. It provides Creole and international food services and has a capacity for 106 clients.

• Plaza Mayor Restaurant. It provides Creole and international food services, both buffet and à la carte, with 160 seats.

• Santa Ana Restaurant. It provides Creole and international food services, both buffet and a la carte, for which it has 200 seats.

• Manaca Iznaga Restaurant. Located in Manaca Iznaga Km 12½ to Sancti Spíritus. It provides Creole food service and has 90 seats.

• Grill Caribe Restaurant: it is located on the highway to Ancón, Km 10. The menu is based on fish and seafood dishes and has a capacity for 60 diners.

• Mesón del Regidor Restaurant. The Menu focuses on international dishes and has 74 seats.

• Vía Reale Restaurant. It has capacity for 100 seats.

• D´prisa: it is located on the Trinidad-Cienfuegos highway. Its specialty is light food and it has a capacity for 30 diners.

• El Mirador: it is located on the Trinidad-Sancti Spíritus Km 2 highway. Its Menu is made up of Creole food dishes and has 60 seats.

• Covadonga Cafeteria: the specialty is light food.

• Other notable restaurants are: Las Begonias Restaurant, Ruinas de Lleoncy Restaurant and La Canchánchara Tavern. (Trinidad Guide, National Tourist Information Office)


The Trinidad destination has a series of services that guarantee that the presence of visitors is satisfactory. These services include the following:

Banks: in the city there are branches of Banco Financiero Internacional (BFI), Cadeca and Banco Internacional FINTUR; In addition, the hotels Ancón, Brisas Trinidad del Mar, Las Cuevas, Costasur and Grand Hotel Iberostar Trinidad provide currency exchange services. Currency exchange services are also provided in BANDEC and FINCIMEX.

Medical services: the city has the Trinidad International Clinic, a branch of Cubanacan Tourism and Health, where medical consultation, nursing, pharmacy, ambulance services are provided with medical and nurse support to any part of the country, clinical laboratory, stomatology and specialized consultations. Extensive medical services are provided at the General Hospital. There is a pharmacy located at the Brisas Trinidad del Mar hotel.

Post and communications: the city has an international Post office branch, which provides Internet services, money orders, cables, sale of stamps and stamped species, rental of sections, messaging and packages. TelePunto ETECSA sells cards for Internet access and international mail, these 2 services are also provided; as well as others related to telephone service.

The telephone service is extended throughout the destination and at the moment the implementation of the fiber optic service is already in its last phase, which will result in a notable improvement in communications. (Trinidad Guide, National Tourist Information Office)

Electrical Infrastructure: the destination was served only by the 33 Kv airline that comes from Cienfuegos, which is not reliable and was demonstrated in 2005 with Hurricane Denis. Hotel facilities are powered by generators that guarantee the provision of services in extreme situations.

Water supply: current water demands for tourism activities can be guaranteed in a stable way, excluding the city of Trinidad. The supply to the population presents some problems and many private wells are contaminated bacteriologically by the proximity of latrines and graves.

Wastewater: the service levels reached at the pole are very low, there is no sewage system. The poor technical condition of each system is due to lack of maintenance and poor operation.

Domestic wastewater does not receive any type of treatment, except in some areas. The population served by sewerage is 5535 inhabitants, representing 13% of the total population of the pole. (Department of Tourism Planning DPPF, 2003)

Security: it is guaranteed in tourist facilities by the SEPSA and SEPROT security agencies. The Ministry of the Interior is in charge of guaranteeing citizen security. The destination does not present problems due to insecurity problems for visitors.

Evaluation of the tourist resources of the Trinidad destination.

Natural resources

The Trinidad destination can be considered privileged for the wealth and variety of its natural resources. The destination is lucky to have the Topes de Collantes Natural Park, of extraordinary natural value and which enables the development of numerous natural and ecotourism programs. The Valle de los Ingenios, the nearby cays and the beautiful beaches make the destination a great attraction for tourist activities. Fate is not easily imitated by its competitors.

Cultural Resources

The cultural resources of the Trinidad destination can be considered as very valuable, not in vain was the Historic Center of the city jointly with the Valle de los Ingenios declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. However, among the competing destinations there are also declared World Heritage Sites, so in this respect it competes under the same conditions as its competitors. The wealth of traditional and folk music undoubtedly constitutes one of its main values.

Resources Events

It is important to note that the destination shows a poor development in this regard, which is why it is widely surpassed by competitors such as Havana, Santo Domingo and others. At the moment there are no glimpses of actions to reverse this situation; Although it is good to point out that the 2009 Havana International Tourism Fair is dedicated to cultural destinations and may represent an opportunity in this regard.

Resources Activities

The destination has a varied number of activities that allow satisfying the most varied tastes and needs of clients; Although it cannot be ignored that in this aspect it is still possible to improve to a great extent, since the destination has several attractions that are not fully exploited, such as the Valle de los Ingenios. Other competitors are better positioned in this regard.

Infrastructure Resources

In general, the destination has an adequate infrastructure to face the tourist activity. It is true that there are some things that need to be improved (such as the water supply service), but this does not limit the development of tourist activity at any time. At the moment, new works are being carried out or are in projects that will undoubtedly result in a qualitative improvement of the Trinidad destination.

Residents' Attitude

The local community generally has a friendly treatment with visitors, who feel comfortable in the destination. However, it is necessary to point out that sometimes the foreign visitor is constantly harassed by people who propose products and services in an insistent way that sometimes causes them disgust.

External analysis

The external analysis examines the competition, the tourist market, the environment as well as the relevant trends in the sector and their implications for the tourist destination.

The study of competition involves both the identification of competing destinations and their evaluation to determine the competitive situation and obtain competitive advantages and weaknesses. The study of the market is aimed at determining the target tourists, as well as identifying their needs and essential characteristics. The study of the sector is carried out with the aim of detecting trends, market segments and key success factors that allow us to know the opportunities and threats to the destination. The study of the environment allows us to know the factors not controllable by the destination that restrict or drive its development. This analysis also allows to know threats to the development of the destination as well as being a source of opportunities.

Competitive analysis.

Dominican Republic

According to data cited by Perelló, it has a population of more than 8.6 million inhabitants. The most representative form of tourism is All Inclusive, with more than 60% of the rooms with this regime, with a strong emphasis on family tourism. Its main issuers are: United States, Canada, Dominicans living abroad, France, Spain and Germany.

Machado and Cuevas cite that there is a departure tax of $ 10 and a hotel tax of 23%; It has low prices, more than 16 high-class hotels, regular air service with its main emitters and space for the arrival of cruise lines. Data from the Caribbean Tourism Organization set at 3 979 672 the number of visitors arriving by air in 2008, with 0% growth compared to 2007. According to the local statistics office, the Dominican Republic had 66 in 2008 116 rooms, a hotel occupancy rate of 70.4%, 4,176.1 million dollars in tourism revenue, and generates a total of 196,000 jobs. It has outstanding tourist poles, with Punta Cana, Puerto Plata and Santo Domingo being the most visited.

Santo Domingo is the capital of the Dominican Republic, being also the first city in the New World and where it can be affirmed that the modern history of America began. It is located southeast of the island of Hispaniola, and is washed by the waves of the Caribbean Sea. The Colonial Zone of Santo Domingo de Guzmán was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1990. This has made the city a significant tourist center and has a wide range of accommodation, including luxury hotels.

Because it is the first city in America, it has ancient buildings of incalculable value. The Colonial Zone has impressive buildings from the 16th century, including houses and churches that reflect the architectural style of the Renaissance period. The most important are: the first cathedral in America, the Santa María La Menor Cathedral; the Alcazar de Colón, the former residence of Don Diego Colón, Viceroy and son of Christopher Columbus; the Monastery of San Francisco, first in America; the Palace of the Royal Audiences; The Colón Park; the Ozama Fortress, the oldest in America; and the Dominican Convent Church, the first in America.

It also has other attractions such as: the Aquarium, the Botanical Garden, cave art caves, caves with underground rivers, the La Caleta Submarine National Park, among other attractions. The city also hosts the largest carnival celebration in the country, merengue festivals, discos, large shopping stores. According to Salcedo (trustee of the National District), no other city in the Caribbean has a greater variety of restaurants and nightlife than Santo Domingo.

In recent years, some factors have negatively affected the development of tourism in the city, these are: the increase in crime, blackouts and traffic problems; as well as the lack of promotion and the decline of the country's infrastructure, and of the city. It has not been taken advantage of that about 50% of the tourists who go to the country stay in Punta Cana, Bávaro, who, if properly motivated, could visit the city; Since the leisure offers outside the hotel are quite limited.

Puerto Rico

According to data cited by Perelló, it has a population of 4 million inhabitants. Its main source markets are: United States with more than 80% of the total tourists that visit the country, Canada and Spain. According to the UNWTO, in 2007 it received a total of 3,687,000 tourists, with a decrease of 0.9% compared to the previous year; in income of the order of the 3 414 million dollars in that same year. Machado and Cuevas cite that hotel taxes are 7% and in casino hotels 9%, with a surcharge of 15% for services rendered.

San Juan is the capital of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, located east of the Dominican Republic. The city has the historic district of San Juan Viejo, the old "Walled City" that dates back almost 500 years and is a valuable tourist attraction. The forts and walls of Old San Juan are among the best preserved in the hemisphere.

The area is full of houses, churches and old squares that represent the most appreciated architecture in the Caribbean. The places of interest that stand out are: the Spanish forts of San Felipe del Morro and the Castle of San Cristóbal, La Fortaleza (Palacio de Santa Catalina), the Cathedral of San Juan el Bautista, the White House, the Plaza de Armas de San Juan, the Pablo Casals Museum, the University of Puerto Rico and the Art Museum of Puerto Rico.

Various highly significant cultural activities are held in the city, among which are: the International Folk Festival, the Puerto Rican Music Festival and the Patron Saint Festival of San Juan Bautista.

Ponce is another city in Puerto Rico and is known as the Pearl of the South or the Stately City. It is located in front of the Caribbean Sea and approximately in the center of the south coast of the Island. There you can enjoy the architecture of the Colony, which dates from the Spanish past of the 16th century and the beautiful beaches it has.

Ponce is a significant tourist destination and among its main attractions are the Serallés Mansion, the Ponce Art Museum, the Cathedral of Ponce dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe, the 19th century architecture that surrounds the Central Plaza and the famous Carnival of Ponce (the oldest that is celebrated on the island of Puerto Rico).


According to data cited by Perelló, it has 11.4 million inhabitants. Its main source markets are Canada, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Germany, France and Mexico, in that order. More than 60% of the housing offer correspond to the All Inclusive modality.

All visitors must present their passport upon arrival in the country, where an exit tax of 25 CUC is applied. The CUC circulates, with a rate of 8% on the US dollar and other convertible currencies within the national territory. In addition, there is a 10% exchange tax on the dollar. According to the Caribbean Tourism Organization, in 2008 Cuba received a total of 2,348,340 tourists, with a growth of 9.1% over the previous year. ONE data suggest that the hotel occupancy rate was 60.9 in 2007; and according to the OMT, the income for international tourism was 1 982 million dollars in that same year. Cuba currently has a housing infrastructure of 46,500 hotel rooms, according to the sector minister, Manuel Marrero.

Havana is the capital of the Republic of Cuba, it is also known by the founding name of Villa de San Cristóbal de La Habana. Its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982 and it has more than 100 buildings whose origin dates back to the 16th and 17th centuries, while another 200 go until the 18th.

This Historical Center has innumerable places of interest such as: the Plaza de Armas, El Templete, the Palace of the Captains General, the Plaza de la Catedral, the Museum of the Revolution, the Central Park, the Great Theater of Havana, the Capitolio Nacional, Plaza de San Francisco de Asís, Plaza Vieja, Plaza de La Habana, La Bodeguita del Medio bar-restaurant, Casa del Ron, the Museum of Colonial Art and the National Museum of Fine Arts.

The city also has a very important network of fortifications of great historical value, including the Torreón de San Lázaro, the Castillo de los Tres Reyes Magos del Morro, the Fortaleza San Carlos de la Cabaña (the largest built by Spain in America), the Atarés Castle and other elements dedicated to the protection of the port and the city.

In Havana renowned cultural activities are held, such as: the Havana Ballet Festival, the New Latin American Cinema Festival, the Jazz Plaza Festival, the Leo Brouwer International Guitar Festival, the Casa de las Américas Award and the International Fair from the Havana Book. In Havana there is also a great variety of nightclubs, discos, cabarets, theaters, etc; where you can enjoy the nights in the city. Today there are numerous hotels, totaling more than 10,700 rooms. The city receives more than 1 million tourists a year and has a varied complementary offer.

Santiago de Cuba is a city that is located in the south eastern part of Cuba. Obligatory site in the history of slavery. Among its attractions it has the ruins of several dozen Franco-Haitian coffee plantations established in that territory in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The vestiges of that past, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, make up a true monument to hydraulic, road, domestic, funeral and productive system engineering, all of which reveals the mastery of its creators. Other places of interest are: the Historic Urban Center, the Castle of San Pedro de la Roca (El Morro, also declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site), the Castle of La Estrella, the battery of La Socapa and the Carnival Museum,dedicated to those cultural manifestations of deep roots in the country. The city reported 1,826 rooms in 2007.

Mexican Caribbean

The Riviera Maya is a tourist area located along the Caribbean Sea in the State of Quintana Roo in Mexico. It is located along the coast for more than 130 km, from the town of Puerto Morelos to the town of Punta Allen. It is together with Cancun, the most significant tourist destination in Mexico and one of the most visited internationally.

Statistics obtained from SEDETUR in Mexico provide that in 2007 the Riviera Maya received 2,837 million tourists, had 37,350 rooms, a hotel occupancy rate of 71.6%, and visitors spent an average of $ 630. It is also necessary to highlight that the state of Quintana Roo, where the Riviera Maya is located, received in that same year 10,997 million visitors, together has 73,669 rooms and a hotel occupancy rate of 60.1%. Quintana Roo raised 3,391 million dollars in 2007, which represents 27.6% of the 12,176 million dollars captured by Mexico for tourism.

The Riviera Maya is made up of various towns, among which are: Puerto Morelos, Playa del Carmen, Xcaret, Puerto Aventuras and Tulum. It has varied and exceptional resources and sites of tourist interest for the practice of numerous modalities; Among these we can mention the following: Arrecife de Puerto Morelos National Park, private marinas, a botanical garden, a crocodile zoo, golf courses, shopping malls, shops, restaurants, discotheques, shopping areas, several beaches, countless species of native flora and fauna.

In addition, in this destination you can find numerous archaeological ruins of ancient and impressive Mayan cities such as: Polé, Tulum, Cobá, Chichén Itzá, Uxmal, Mayapán, Dzibanché, Ichpaatán, Xel-Há and Xcaret; It also has the Kukulcán Pyramid, declared the New Wonder of the World in 2007. The varied and impressive remains of the Mayan culture, together with the beautiful beaches of this region, make it one of the most dynamic multimodal destinations in the Caribbean.

Market analysis.

The main tourist markets for Cuba in recent years are: Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Germany and France, according to data obtained from the Cuban National Statistics Office. According to UNWTO, these countries are included in the list of the top 10 emitters worldwide. Data provided by the Mintur Delegation in Trinidad state that the main emitters of tourists to the destination Trinidad and that have stayed in hotels are: Germany, Canada, Russia and France in that order. (Annex 3) The same source states that 163 387 international tourists stayed in accommodation in the sector in 2008. Statistics released by the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) show a growth in the Canadian market of 23.9% in Cuba, while Europe as a whole decreases by 1.6%;all this in 2008. The other markets showed an annual growth of the order of 9.4% also according to the CTO. Studies carried out by the Cubanacán Group and the Ministry of Tourism have yielded the following information cited by Machado and Cuevas:


• Travel is considered the first source of recreation.

• The ages included are between 18 and 49 years with the highest incidence being ages over 36 years.

• Family income ranges between 26 thousand and 50 thousand Canadian dollars; they have a high educational level.

• Most decide the travel destination more than a month in advance.

• Tour packages are the type of travel you are most interested in buying and prefer all-inclusive offers.

• They make the trips accompanied by their partner or family.

• The high season is located from the months of November to March with a sharp decrease in the month of April.

• Their expenses are very planned, they only buy what is necessary. They like recreational activities, the beach, tranquility and security. They love nature and have a deep respect for it.


• They are generally middle-aged and elderly people.

• They have very marked customs since they require and demand specialized and efficient treatment; They are very strict with the schedules, the quality of the service they receive and the correct use of their language.

• They are mainly public employees, professionals, retirees and small merchants with average annual incomes.

• They prefer stay programs.

• They are very critical of prostitution and language difficulties.

• Generally speaking, the British place more emphasis on good health and accept more personal responsibility; They travel mostly with their spouses.

• Another factor related to well-being is the weather; therefore, sun and beach tourism is more important for the British than for other Europeans.

• The seasonality of this market is not as pronounced as that of other European countries such as France and Italy.

• They are people with a high cultural and educational level.


• They receive medium and medium high annual income; they prefer trips in groups or families and travel in the type of stay.

• They belong to the group between the ages of 26 and 55.

• They are mainly looking for offers that combine the city with the beach, ecology and activities on national culture, with history and people.

• They place great value on the service culture, as well as prefer to visit places of cultural interest.

• They require a climate of seriousness, trust, security, good treatment and kindness, to feel at home. They behave with familiarity whenever they observe respect and desire to provide you with good treatment and good service.

• Free time considers it as a process of growth of personality and culture; they try to use it more efficiently and less dispersed; they are more passive at home and more active outside it.


• Most of the visitors belong to the group between 26 and 35 years old. There are more influxes of men than women.

• They prefer the stay programs, as well as the combination of stay and circuits. Once in Cuba, more than half buy excursions.

• The main motivations in the desire to travel to Cuba are: the people, the climate, the beaches, curiosity, culture and socio-political interest.

• In them, greater dissatisfaction is generated in aspects related to hospitality, efficiency in service, maintenance of facilities and restrictions on moving to girls' rooms and national visitors.

• The largest number of trips is made during the months of July and August and a smaller percentage is made from April to September.

• 60% of those who plan to return prefer to do it individually.

• 57% of those who visit Cuba are employees.

• 70% have made one to three trips to Cuba.

• The best valued aspects in the tourist offer are: tranquility, leisure activities and value for money.


• 55% of Germans plan one or two vacation trips a year.

• Most trips are carried out in Europe.

• The main months in which they travel are November and December, generally deciding to book a year in advance.

• 37% organize trips through a tour operator, while 47% organize it on their own.

• 73% travel as a couple and family, so the presence of children is significant.

• They look for in their vacations good climate, sun, natural beauty, clean and hygienic environment, safe places, with no wars and social disturbances, bathing in beaches or swimming pools, possibilities for excursions and cultural offers.

• Both men and women travel, although women are more frequent; the highest percentages are concentrated in ages ranging from 20 to 49 years.

• The main reasons for dissatisfaction of German tourists with the Cuban product, is related to the quality and little variety of food.

• Other causes of dissatisfaction have been organizational problems, high prices, poor infrastructure for individual tourism and poor staff training.


• Programs with cultural and historical offerings, as well as those that promote the enjoyment of nature, are in considerable demand among French vacationers.

• The hotels, as well as the price levels of the different products, the guides and the security that Cuba offers to tourists satisfy their expectations and demands, but not gastronomy and transportation.

• The highest percentage of visitors are between the ages of 26 and 55.

• About half of those who visit Cuba are employees.

• They have among the main reasons for travel: the weather and the beaches.

• They prefer programs that combine stays and tours.

• Other causes of dissatisfaction have to do with language proficiency and the maintenance of tourist facilities.

Due to the importance of the Russian market for Trinidad, (which represents the third in tourist arrivals), according to data from the Mintur Delegation in the territory; It is considered necessary to make a study of your profile.

Russian Federation

• They generally travel accompanied by their family or partner.

• They look for the sun and the beach combining their stay with cultural, natural or urban excursions, of which they are great consumers.

• Their average stay varies between 10 and 14 days.

• Russian has one of the highest average expenses.

• They love to shop, and above all they look for fashion brands.

Surrounding analysis.


National policy: Cuba fully guarantees the country's political and monetary stability; In addition, there is a government political will to promote tourism, mitigating the negative influences it may have on society, using the national culture prominently. The Cuban State owns or participates through joint ventures with foreign capital in the development of tourism; although some activities such as private hostels, whose activity is regulated by the State, also coexist. The income from tourism is reverted to the integral development of the country; It is also necessary to highlight that the Ministry of Tourism actively collaborates with the Ministry of Culture in the development of tourist activity.

International politics: Cuba does not shy away from global globalization, but it is good to point out that it is not influenced by the economic policies of the IMF and the World Bank. Prestigious foreign companies participate in Cuban tourism development, but the State is always the main shareholder of the various projects and associations.


Right now the world is going through a very turbulent moment, which will undoubtedly affect tourism activity to a greater or lesser extent. A major economic-financial crisis is in full swing, affecting almost everyone, including the most powerful countries and the main emitters of tourism worldwide. There is also an increase in the gap between rich and poor and the notable growth of countries such as: China, India, Brazil, Russia, Mexico and Indonesia; that give a new dynamism to the world economy. The market is becoming more and more international in character and large transnational corporations are absorbing smaller companies. According to ONE data, in 2007 tourism represented a little more than 4.3% of Cuban GDP,which means that if the sector suffers the impacts of the current crisis, the economy will not be as affected in this regard as other countries in the area whose economies are based on tourism. In these troubled times there is no other alternative than to wait to see how the world economy evolves.


An increase in the average age of marriage is observed; The aging of the population; reduction of the active population in industrialized countries and an increase in divorces worldwide. An increasing awareness of the inhabitants and tourists in socio-cultural and environmental matters is increasingly evident. Many tourists only travel if they think they will be understood; beliefs, education and social structure will also determine the choice and type of vacation. A fragmentation of the holidays is evident: shorter, but making more and more trips. It is of utmost importance to know that the impact of globalization is causing conflicts between identity and modernity in developing countries.Tourists increasingly want a higher level of activity on their vacations and a greater participation in the socio-cultural life of the destination they visit.


There is evidence of a significant improvement in the means of transport, which are increasingly faster and cheaper; a liberalization of air transport, which reduces the price of travel; an important development in information technology, which is affecting the distribution of the product; and lastly, the use of new business management methods with the aim of increasing performance.

Sector analysis.

Currently, the best known study on the perspectives and trends of the tourism sector is the one carried out by the UNWTO with the title of "Tourism 2020 Vision". In this study, published in 2001, a series of forecasts are made that until now have been fulfilled, so this document will be used to foresee the future development of the sector. According to this study, China will assume the first place among the main tourist destinations, followed by France, the United States, Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, Mexico, Russia and the Czech Republic. Long-distance tourism is expected to grow, going from 18% to 24% of the total. Asian issuing markets are also expected to strongly challenge current leaders; in this way the main issuers will be; Germany, Japan, United States, China, United Kingdom, France,Holland, Italy, Canada and Russia.

According to the "Exceltur tourist perspectives. Balance 2005 ”published in January 2006, changes in demand will occur. The incorporation of women into the world of work is one of them, which will increase family income and lead to greater consumption of goods and services, including tourism. Another notable change is the increase in the wedding age and the prolonged stay of the children in the parental home; which creates a group of people with sufficient financial resources due to the absence of family burdens and with the desire to experience new sensations.

Tourism for the elderly is also expected to grow considerably, mainly due to the increase in their quality of life; For them the most important thing will be the safety and quality conditions of the destination. Another segment that will grow will be that of immigrants, known as -Visiting Familiy and Friends- who will take advantage of their vacations to travel to their countries of origin. It is also expected a reduction in the time dedicated to work and an increase in that dedicated to leisure; reason why it is waited for a growth of increasingly shorter vacations, but in a greater number to the year. If these changes are confirmed, the effects on demand will be: greater demand on the quality of the demanded tourist services; increase in last-minute bookings and decline in highly anticipated ones; revaluation of the small and local,tourism linked to nature and popular culture, the stagnation of Sun and Beach tourism and finally, the enhancement of the brand image of destinations.

According to the same “Exceltur tourist perspectives. Balance 2005 ”, there will also be changes in the offer. Among these are: technological progress that will improve two fields with an impact on tourism such as transport and communications, the prices of the first will become cheaper and there will be greater access to supply thanks to the use of the Internet; liberalization of transport as well as the reduction of procedures for travelers and merchandise, although the latter is threatened by increasing emigration and the increase in organized crime (especially terrorism); Furthermore, global globalization will favor the development of tourism as it will allow a better understanding of diverse and distant cultures.

However, it is very important to take into account the current situation of uncertainty that is experienced worldwide due to the economic-financial crisis, the international political situation and terrorism; which can have a very negative impact on the sector.

SWOT analysis

The study of Weaknesses, Threats, Strengths and Opportunities is very important to summarize the study of resources and to coordinate it with the key factors of the study of the environment. SWOT matrix is ​​conceived "the conceptual structure for systematic analysis that facilitates the comparison of external threats and opportunities with the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization." (Munuera and Rodríguez, 1998) This analysis clarifies the type of conditions in which fate finds itself and also points out some of the most logical actions that must be carried out.


A menazas

D.1 Marked tourist seasonality in the destination. A.1 Reduction in the duration of vacation trips.
D.2 Low average stay of the traveler. A.2 Impact of the world economic crisis.
D.3 Lack of high-level airport infrastructure. A.3 Tendency to decrease in European issuing markets in Cuba.
D.4 Lack of long-term policies to improve citizen culture in tourist care. A.4 Impact of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI).
D.5 Dependence on European operators. A.5 Environmental deterioration.
D.6 Access road networks in regular condition. A.6 Most renewed competing destinations.
D.7 Poor air connectivity (hardly any regular international flights are received) A.7 Greater use of tourism marketing instruments by competitors.
D.8 Insufficient tourist use of the historical-monumental heritage. A.8 Decrease in tourist movements to the Caribbean (market saturation).
D.9 Insufficient budget of the territorial tourist management entities for the execution of the programmed projects. A.9 Increased competition from other tourist destinations with similar tourist resources and attractions.
D.10 Poor innovation in the tourist services provided.



Or portunities

F.1 Consolidated and differentiated offer in nature and cultural tourism. O.1 High assessment of cultural, heritage, natural and environmental quality as a product.
F.2 Steady increase in tourist arrivals. O.2 Changes in the tastes of consumers / tourists.
F.3 Historical-monumental and natural attractions of special singularity. (UNESCO) O.3 Lifting of travel restrictions for Cuban-Americans.
F.4 Efficient professional training for workers in the sector. O.4 Dedication of FITCUBA 2009 to Cultural and Heritage Tourism.
F.5 Numerous and varied offer of gastronomic and cultural establishments. O.5 Improvement of infrastructure and services (road network, signs, water treatment plants, etc.)
F.6 Presence of a consolidated brand that distinguishes it from the rest of the Cuban tourism offerings. O.6 Use of the Valley road network for tourist use (hiking, bicycle touring, equestrian routes)
F.7 Presence of nautical infrastructure (sports marinas) for the reception and care of recreational boats. O.7 Security and stability problems of competing tourist destinations, as well as certain levels of poverty.
F.8 Excellent levels of visitor safety. O.8 Future tourist development of the Valle de los Ingenios.
F.9 Existence of spaces for new tourist developments. O.9 Potentiality of complementary products to sun and beach.
F.10 Existence of an important offer of hostels. O.10 Development of new marketing channels.
F.11 Existence of good quality beach.
F.12 ​​Presence of a tourist signaling system.


At the conclusion of this investigation, the following conclusions have been reached:

1. The bibliographic analysis carried out allowed us to penetrate the peculiarities of the Trinidad tourist destination, one of the Cuban priority poles.

2. It can be pointed out, according to current trends in the sector, that nature and cultural tourism modalities are widely accepted by tourists and there is evidence of an increased preference for these modalities.

3. It could be seen that the tourist destination Trinidad has varied and excellent attractions that are exploited and others (Valle de los Ingenios) that at the moment are not fully exploited, although there are plans for their best use.

4. Based on everything analyzed, the weaknesses and threats, strengths and opportunities of the destination could be clearly defined, which allows establishing the position it occupies with respect to the competition.

5. Despite the current uncertainty due to the global economic crisis, fate had good results, which allow us to look confidently to the future, waiting for better times.


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Annex index

Annex 1: Refunctionalization of Casas Haciendas for tourist use

Annex 2: Physical tourists in the main sending destinations lodged in the Hotels of the Trinidad destination, 2008.

Annex 3: Physical tourists staying in establishments in the province of Sancti Spíritus, 2008.

Appendix 1

Refunctionalization of the Haciendas Houses for tourist use.


Proposal for Use

Manaca Iznaga

Maintain the gastronomic offer, increase the number of museum exhibitors through the recovery of the slave barracks, increase the offer of traditional products.


Site museum, cultural offer and gastronomic services. Repair and restoration of the Guáimaro hacienda and its surroundings as the Interpretation Center of the Valle de los Ingenios.

San Isidro

Restoration of San Isidro as an open-air Archaeological Museum and Center for Studies on Industrial Heritage.

Good view

Recovery of farms for rural tourism and other activities related to the theme: horseback riding, hiking, trekking, hunting, fishing. Accommodation.

Red snapper

Remodeling of the hacienda for rural tourism incorporating areas of cultivation and exhibition of animals, horseback riding, hiking, boating, hunting and fishing, placing elements of the agricultural tradition such as coffee making, guarapo, traditional cuisine and other related. Accommodation.


Pottery Industry Research Center. Commercial offers related to ceramic production. Restoration of La Pastora house for a cultural community project.

The fan

Restoration of hacienda for rural tourism. Accommodation.


Recovery of farms for rural tourism and other activities related to the theme: horseback riding, hiking, trekking, hunting, fishing. Accommodation.

Las Bocas

Recovery of farms for rural tourism and other activities related to the theme: horseback riding, hiking, trekking, hunting, fishing.

Source: Own elaboration based on data from the “Proposal for the Recovery and Integral Development Plan of the Valle de los Ingenios. March 2008. Mintur Trinidad Delegation. ”

Appendix 2

Physical tourists from the main sending destinations lodged in the Hotels of the Trinidad destination, 2008.



















Trinidad del Mar









South coast









The caves









Ma Dolores





















3. 4. 5
























Source: Own elaboration with statistical data provided by the Delegation of the Mintur of the territory, 2008.

Annex 3

Physical tourists staying in establishments in the province of Sancti Spíritus, 2008.


Accumulated December

Real 2007 Pres 2008 Real 2008 % R08 / R07 % R08 / P08
Hotel Ancón






Hotel Brisas Trinidad del Mar






Costasur Hotel






Villa Ma. Dolores






Plaza Complex Hotel -Rijo






Iberostar Hotel






Las Cuevas Hotel






San José del Lago






Zaza Hotel






Los Laureles Hotel






Villa Rancho Hatuey






Kurhotel Escambray






Los Helechos Hotel


















Source: Statistical data provided by the Delegation of the Mintur of the territory, 2008.

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Diagnosis of the tourist destination Trinidad in Cuba