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Management and organization of sales in the company

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Some famous views on the direction of Sales:

"Guide, direction and control of the efforts of a human group towards a common objective."


"The responsibility of the sales director is to ensure that the planned sales objectives are met through the efforts of his sales representatives and not in replacement of these: This means that the sales director must create and maintain a stable, productive and productive commercial team. satisfied. »

(John Lidstone in training salesmen on the job)

"Generally, the more professional vendors are, the more professional management will be"

(Benson P. Shapiro; Sales Program Administration)

"A quiet life is not made for sellers"

(Philip Kotler; Marketing Management)

Fundamentally, the sales manager has a direct relationship with the results. But many times he does not know how to explain exactly how those results were obtained.

Challenges of the Commercial Director of the Future

  • Customers will always be more demanding, have greater knowledge and require more specific sales strategies to be designed that are totally "tailor-made" and completely different from traditional ones. Competition will be tougher, better prepared and able to respond in less time.. In addition, with a total globalization of markets, national competition will be joined by international competition. Products and services will become increasingly comparable to each other, which will make differentiation more difficult and expensive. Sellers will, in general,, more expensive, in smaller numbers, more difficult to manage and more demanding, since they will be more prepared

Responsibilities and Duties of a Sales Manager

  • Planning and sales budget. Structure of the sales organization. Recruitment, selection and training of the sales force. Compensation, motivation and leadership of the sales force. Analysis of sales volume, costs and profits. Measurement and evaluation of sales force performance. Monitoring, control of the field of marketing.

Does the future sales manager have to be the best salesperson ? Actually, the best salesperson is usually not the best sales manager

  • The Seller develops clients The Manager develops people The Seller's task is solitary The Manager's task is performed through others The Seller is the player The Manager is the coach, Coach The Seller's No management. Execute tasks The Manager Yes. Must direct and motivate sellers Seller performs tasks to patrol their territory, retain customers, detect needs, service, sell Manager recruits, selects, trains, motivates, controls, leads, plans.

Skills of a Sales Manager

  • He is strongly oriented towards oral communication and knows the techniques to be an effective communicator. He is also a good communicator in writing, which facilitates feedback to higher levels. He is a good listener. He knows how to show his salespeople that he cares about what they have to say. He is organized. You are aware that good time management will help you do your job better. You are persuasive. He knows how to "sell" ideas to his team of sellers. He is a motivator. He is aware that the only way to convince people is through the effective use of motivation techniques.


It means action and effect of organizing or organizing. Disposition of the organs of life, or way of organizing the animal or plant body.

No other activity or function of a commercial company is more important to its viability than the sales function.

All other activities of a firm are subordinate to the sales generation function.

The sales department serves as a firm's point of exposure to its clients, prospects, and the general public.

The members of the sales force are the representatives of the company. Their honesty, knowledge and personalities, as well as their effectiveness at work, can convey a good image of the company, a mediocre image, or something worse: a negative image.

The key to having a successful sales team is in the staff recruitment and selection mechanism.

  • Encourage the Applicant to talk about himself or herself. What were your reasons for attending an interview for a sales job? What do you like best about the sale and why? What do you least like? Do you like the sale? Would you buy our product / service? Sell it to me. What do you know about our company? For what reasons should I hire you and not the others? What would you change in yourself, with which part of you you do not Do you feel comfortable at work? Where do you imagine in five years?

The sales team is the biggest asset of any sales manager

You have your team and they count on you

"In the sky, the constellations shine better"

One of the conditions that produce success in sales organizations is when everyone works for the same cause and to the rhythm of a single drum, and not when salespeople tend to act as "lone stars".

A team is as good as its coach.

The clearest comparison is that of soccer teams.

The players are almost always the same, the rivals too, the grass courts are the same and the same size, the ball is the same.

But the same team with a certain Technical Director wins all the matches. Suddenly the technician changes and with all the variables the same, he loses everything.

In American football, where the competition is fierce, there was a famous coach named Vince Lombardi, who is considered one of the best coaches of all time.

Lombardi believed in team motivation and attitude more than anything else.

He took a "minor league" team from a university, led him to win the national championship, then took him to the "major leagues" and fifteen times was a national champion until his retirement. The team, now the pride of Denver, Colorado, is called the Green Baypackers.

How to Manage and Strengthen Your Ideal Sales Team

  • To identify the needs of your team, you need to be able to tell how they are feeling. Are they enthusiastic and energetic, or are they lazy? Greet each member of your team every morning and try to sense their humor. If you expect your people to be sensitive to you, start with being sensitive to them.
  • You have to create an environment that they don't want to leave. This means you have to treat them differently than a normal salesperson. You might worry about the morale of the rest of your team, but people generally recognize that the difference in better performance justifies a different reward.

He knows everything, and it is evident in his desire to say, "I know." You can point him to anything new and he will always defend the way he has always done things. His lack of flexibility and resistance to change are his downfall.

Your job is to challenge him

You have to tell him that you need to comply, but you also have to tell him that he may not be able to. Tell him that he is going to have to get someone else to help him

He's always busy, always trying to break the record, surpassing his last pay, setting the company's new record down to trifles like miles traveled per day, etc.

He works best when overloaded.

You should never be supervised with a heavy hand and you need constant congratulations from him.

He is like a puppy, he is always following and learning from his manager and even idolizing him. In fact, she would love to do her job, if it meant that the manager was going to get a better one!.

Assign control responsibilities.

He is the person who can inform you about the temperature of the group, collaborate in communicating to the group.

Do not make differences with the group so that they do not reject it. Recognition must be open and at the same time that other vendors assign other responsibilities.

He knows how to sell but is no longer as aggressive as he was before. Their sales are stable and their calls to get new clients are less every year.

You have a good portfolio of existing clients and serve them well, but you need them to grow.

You have to show him discontent.

Even if I achieve the goal. It must tell you exactly what you expect of it and set short-term growth challenges.

You need to like him. When this approval is received, he lowers his arms with the feeling of the objective accomplished.

You have to show him that you are unhappy with him.

Tell him you are not up to the task of others in the office. Tell him you're disappointing him. This way you will do everything you can to like him again.

You need to put your ideas in order, it may come from a dysfunctional family and you are used to being yelled at. In fact, it's the only way it seems to respond.

You have to show your rigor.

If you order something in a good way, you can be sure that it will spoil it. These people need strict bosses. If you lose your good mode, you do anything quickly.

It is guided by its own rules, it is difficult to handle and it does not accept orders. Generally very good at sales

It must be said that you respect her desire for independence and her desire to do things her way.

Tell him to stay out of the office as long as he wants, avoiding sales meetings and keeping him away from other salespeople. You can continue to allow him to dictate his own rules as long as he continues to outperform everyone else.

But with a challenge: If his production falls to a certain level, then he must follow the same rules as everyone else.

He is always complaining. She always has excuses. His performance is always below acceptable levels and despite that, everyone thinks he has a lot of potential, except he never takes advantage of it.

Fire him

But always with a plan in which he leaves without conflict, because it generally has a lot of impact on the rest of the group.

You only need your daily dose of your trusted medicine and that is enough to keep you active until the next day, sometimes up to a day later. She is always flaunting the calls she makes to get her attention and thus obtain the portion of trust that she so desperately requests.

The first thing to do when you arrive is to provide confidence.

If possible, encourage your colleagues to do so, because these people when they come out of insecurity have the ability to sell more than many others, but EYE always go back to their oyster.

Management and organization of sales in the company