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Collective addressing for skills management

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A trend is a collective direction towards the same end, it is a point of reference towards which many point, until it becomes the central axis of the view of a social group. Placing this concept on the human management of the current world and being consistent with the historical reality of the present time, it can be affirmed that the tendency of human management has a very clear purpose and is competition.

But what is meant by competition?

This term that is so widely used today needs to be looked at with a magnifying glass, since behind it hides various interests, some of them petty and inappropriate for the same development of the human being.

Among the many concepts of competencies that circulate today in books, press, magazines and Internet pages, a concept issued by ICFES is striking, who defines competence as “a know-how in context, that is, the set of actions that a student performs in a particular context and that meets its specific requirements. ”(1)

This concept alone, not to mention many others, has a myopic gaze, a bias that must be pointed out since it can be reversed against the true essence of human management.

Focusing competition only on making human is, in a way, turning it into one of the many other ways of production, is to objectify the human being, is to make of what is an end in itself, a means. Man should not be put at the service of things, it is things that must serve man. (1) Menu. Republic of Colombia. National Accreditation Council. Self-evaluation for Accreditation of Undergraduate Programs. CNA 02 Procedure Guide. 2nd. Ed. Santafé de Bogotá, DC: CNA, 1998

It is also read in the previous definition that the set of actions that a student performs in a particular context must meet the specific requirements of that context.

Is it possible that the external to the human being can make demands of the intrinsic and hold it accountable without any question?

With this question, what is being pointed out is that true human management must start not from without, but from within, that is, from real knowledge of the inner potential of each person and not vice versa. The internal potential of people cannot be subjugated for the benefit of economic, political and social interests. (The underline means that not everything that appears as a social good really is). Management is defined as the transformation of the present reality into a desired and prospective future reality. This concept is very abstract and subjective, it will never be possible to measure it quantitatively in a total form, much less classify it in unique and immovable parameters.

Management is dynamic and evolutionary like thought itself, in it tangible and intangible factors, quantitative and qualitative, objective and subjective, therefore, when talking about management, uncertainty, change, innovation and transformation will always be present. processes as well as the people involved in them.

Now, what is meant by human talent? Talent is something innate, it is not taught, it is not learned, it is that unique and unrepeatable potential that each individual possesses and that makes them respond and act in a unique way. If everyone has their own structure, it is because everyone has a talent.

Let's not accept the idea that they sold us that we all have the same potential; the discovery of human talent has broken certain canons of the past paradigm of "we are all equal".

This paradigm was sold since the time of the French Revolution and since then many things have been worked and destroyed in the name of equality. If we are all equal, we can demand that we all have the same way of seeing the world, the same capacities, the same speed, the same logic, the same mental filter which would make the universe a homogeneous context, which is not true.

Today we are talking about how fantastic the difference in human potential is, where each one has their own share, although we all have talents at different doses, in different aspects; we are not the same.

What makes you unique, unrepeatable in all this wonderful human adventure, is the way you select what you take and leave the world, the way you receive stimuli, what you listen to and how you listen to it at every moment… Every person is absorbing something or rejecting something, considering the pleasant, the unpleasant, the boring, the good, the bad under its own filter.

That makes us unique, even if we share a potential of the talent that is characteristic of the human species. In other words, if we are going to introduce ourselves to human talent, we are going to introduce ourselves to the most individual, to the uniqueness of each person. What we are born with, what we innately bring to develop and do well, that ability to do something with excellence.

Whenever there was talk of talent, it was said that it was what empowers to perform any function with excellence; Any role that is brought to excellence requires talent. Why? Because it requires a recurring, habitual pattern of thought, behavior, and feeling. We know many things, but talent is not knowledge. Knowledge is acquired through an intellectual path, through perception, and through the assimilation of the structure of something, through lived experiences that often modify the theoretical; but you are not born with knowledge. All our knowledge is acquirable, but cannot be transferred to various situations.

“Talents are not acquired, you are born with them; however, they are transferable to various situations in which such talent is required. Yes, we could also add our skills, our skills (which we can also acquire), if the talent is not the skills or knowledge, but the ability to do something with excellence; something that often has nothing to do with our current role, not even with our profession. "

“Companies did not take talent into account many times; they took knowledge and experience into account.

Until now our assessment under the canons of the old paradigm was "I need for Production Management a person who has such studies, knowledge, such experience, his resume, period." We rarely analyze, we demand as a requirement, how does this person react to pressure? How does he react in case of conflicts? How does he react to unmotivated personnel? In a company in each position it is essential not only what is known, but how you behave in human situations that are what we finally handle beyond the title we have. "

They have sold us the idea that change is something that is achieved in all fields. It is not true and we all know the deep nature of the human being, nobody changes it, the approaches are changed in certain situations. Human talent is unique and unrepeatable it is there within you and it is necessary to develop it so that it serves personal and social benefit, talent is for the dignity of the human being in favor of a more just and more humane society.

But how to speak of justice in a globalized world, where having above being prevails?

How to properly manage our talent in an environment that manipulates the being in his desire to have and possess?

The current trend of human management rather than a trend seems like a counter trend, since, for many, the desire for progress is framed in obtaining power and economic possessions.

Human management, rather than being framed in competitiveness, must be its own way of being, thinking, acting and doing within a culture in which the vision, mission and organizational values ​​are for the benefit of man and society, that is to say contribute to the common good.


GIRALDI POLAR, María Ángela. Management and Development of Human Talent. Compendium of conferences Person, University and Company. EPM. And Eafit University, Medellín, p. 35

MEN. REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA. NATIONAL ACCREDITATION COUNCIL. Self-evaluation for Accreditation of Undergraduate Programs. CNA 02 Procedure Guide. 2nd. Ed. Santafé de Bogotá, DC: CNA, 1998

Collective addressing for skills management