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Discipline and personal leadership

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Really, if talking about Discipline is about, the truth is that it is not a subject for which most of us show a lot of interest, especially because we relate it to rules, norms, prohibitions, punishments, among other things, that the truth does not sound at all pleasant, or fun, but today I want to tell you in a very simple way the reward that we can obtain if we apply it in our life and especially if we understand its great usefulness.

Discipline emerges as an exceptional "character" trait that every successful person possesses in their Personal Leadership.

Discipline forges Habits, strengthens Character, achieves goals, and crystallizes dreams, therefore it is not something to be taken lightly.

To start I want to give you a couple of definitions of discipline, in the dictionary of the royal academy of the Spanish language we find the following:


(From lat. Discipline).

  1. Doctrine, instruction of a person, especially in the moral art, faculty or science, especially in the militia and in the ecclesiastical and secular and regular states, observance of the laws and regulations of the profession or institute, instrument, ordinarily made of hemp, with several branches, whose ends or cannons are thicker, and which serves to whip. U. m. in pl. with the same meaning as in sing. Action and effect of disciplining.

~ ecclesiastical.

1. f. Set of the moral and canonical dispositions of the Church.

As you can see the definitions above show us essentially 3 things, the instructions of our parents, teachers, bosses and leaders to correctly do an activity or the warnings after making a mistake. The ability, capacity and vocation that we can develop in different areas of our lives, for example sports, and lastly, constancy, an order that is carried out in an academic, professional and work process.

Well, but I do not want to talk to you about those definitions precisely, but about 2 different definitions that you will not find in any book or dictionary, but I hope that with them you can apply your personal discipline more efficiently and thus reach your goals faster.

Definition 1:

Discipline is, do what I have to do, when I have to do it, whether I feel like it or not.

Definition 2:

Discipline is doing something by personal effort, to achieve something that I cannot do by personal effort.

Let's start with the first, note that there is one thing that highlights the "desire" or "desire" as you see fit, but the truth is that people act most of the time due to emotional rather than rational impulses, that is, if they make me want to I do and if not, no.

But in reality, if you really want and want to achieve the objective, goal or prize that you long for, you must understand 2 things that are: The Process and the End.

Most of us want to get to the end without going through the process, we don't want to pay the price, we want things easily, without making efforts, that is why in our Latin culture the lottery, casinos, bingo, raffles are so successful, bets, and other games of chance that somehow give us hope that one day, a "Lucky Strike" will change our lives, hehehe sounds familiar?

Well, today I want to confront you and tell you that we are no longer "lazy", and that it takes a really naive person to think that luck is going to change our lives, if we want changes it is we who must provoke them or else we will follow the ordinary like ordinary people who complain without taking the reins of their lives in their hands.

Now if we already know what our end is, the discipline is in the process, we must learn to act and do things no matter what our state of mind is, that is, we have "desire" or not, whether we like it or not, it is not the activity that we have to do in the process that matters, it is the final objective that should motivate us to act.

Analyze this:

The Failed are motivated by "pleasant activities" such as sleeping, eating, watching television, playing games, surfing the internet, resting, drinking, smoking, being at parties and parties, among others…


Successful people are motivated by " pleasant results " such as: our family unit, enjoy good health, achieve personal and professional success, achieve our goals, enjoy an excellent spiritual life, and live in prosperity…

… although to achieve all this we have to do not so "pleasant" activities such as: getting up early, studying, reading, planning, working overtime, exercising, among other activities.

Now do you really believe that pleasant activities give us pleasant results?

Definitely not, on the contrary, the results of pleasant activities are: diseases, debts, problems, loneliness, and even death.

But not so pleasant activities if they give us pleasant results.

What do you prefer Activities or Results?

It must be the result that we wish our true motivation…

So next time… don't expect you to feel like it, do what you have to do, when it's your turn to do it, period… the result of that effort and activity will be your «Reward»


In the first part, we concluded that if we really want "Pleasant" results in all areas of our lives, we must act and do activities that are often not so pleasant, but that will give us "Pleasant" results.

We must work on our emotions to take care not to act when the desire or impulse to do so is not present, our true motivation and reward is in the result, we are going to think that we are going to “ Win ” and you will see how what we are going to do it is more interesting.

Let's go now with the second definition:

Discipline is: making a personal effort, to achieve something, that I cannot do by personal effort.

Let's make an analogy, and I ask you a question first: Do you think you can run a marathon today?

Well I confess to you that most people when I ask them at my live lectures they say yes. The truth is that only a professional athlete or someone who has trained for years is capable of doing it.

A marathon is 42.5km long and if we are honest, many of us (except athletes or those who exercise frequently) may only be able to run for 2 or 3 km.

But if we really want to run the 42.5Km one day we must start today with 1Km, then 2Km, 3Km, 5Km, 10Km, 20Km, up to one day, maybe in 1 year or year and a half, we can have the resistance and physical capacity to to get it.

In the same way that things are achieved in life, many of us are not athletes but we do have the goal of running our own marathon in business, in sales, in the arts, in music, in studies, in personal projects, business or in whatever our current occupation or profession.

Now I want you to reflect on this: What is the marathon you want to run and in what area of ​​your life is it? Example: economic, health, professional, academic, social, cultural. What level are you in right now to get it? Are you willing to pay the price and have the patience to start raising your level little by little, no matter how long it takes to achieve it?

I am not saying that it will last a lifetime, for this you must also set deadlines to achieve it, but I ask you again, are you willing to pay the physical, mental, labor, academic, social price to achieve it?

First we are going to work on our mental firmness and our will, we are going to strengthen our will by refusing to give up.

To strengthen your character, I would like to quote you a message that I read some years ago and that has become one of my personal motivators until today:

You only live your life, nobody lived it before and it takes a lot of Faith to hear that voice that comes from the bottom of you, that speaks to you every day and that makes you dream great things, that others say are impossible, and since you believe in others more than in yourself, you think that your dreams are nothing more than that, dreams, and you do not make the slightest effort to make them come true. Your Faith is the only thing that counts, everything else is nonsense, if you do not believe in yourself, you do not believe in anyone, if you do not believe in yourself, you are part of the crowd, you have no right to dream or to think, you are a coward, you are mediocre.

Héctor Tassinari

I know you clearly understood the message, now you understand that all you need is more courage, more strength, more effort, more work. Say no more, I already did what I had to do, I did what was within my reach, I did what I could, I already exhausted all my resources, because we only say this when our spirit is cowed and we make excuses to stop trying, if you you realize there are things that you still don't do out of pity, pride and fear.

We are going to work to achieve it… Or don't you think it's worth it?

But keep in mind the following:

Everything is a process, we go from less to more, you do not want to do everything today and enjoy the results today, you must have patience to wait, but wait doing, not expect anything else.

A Farmer knows that there is a time for planting and another for harvesting, but in the process before harvest there is the process of care, protection, irrigation and vigilance so that the result is exceptional.

Now you know what to do and you know that everything has a process, do not despair, the results will come soon if you keep trying. Always keep this in mind and it will definitely strengthen your Discipline.


We reached the 3rd. Part of this article, and here I am going to reveal to you what is the highest price that we really must pay to conquer our objectives, so I left it until the end.

You know a person asked me this week the following: Why do you write this article in 3 parts and do not share it all at once? And I answered him: because I want to know if the people who read it, have the discipline and perseverance with themselves to finish something that they have already started, since the lack of discipline often makes what we started one day never come to a successful conclusion.

Well, if you followed me in this process, I want to "congratulate you". This shows that you have a high commitment to your personal development, and you know what? I love to share this information with people like you.

Well, let's make a brief reminder of the previous two definitions:

  1. Discipline is: Do what I have to do, when I have to do it, whether I feel like it or not. Discipline is: Do something by personal effort, to achieve something that I cannot do by personal effort.

In the first installment we define that we are going to look for "Pleasant Results" not Pleasant Activities.

In the second installment we define that everything is a Process, the important thing is to take the first step, take action and continue raising the level of effort and work as our abilities and skills develop better.

You clearly know that if you manage to forge or strengthen your personal discipline, you will enjoy an immensely great reward, in fact among the many benefits that you will obtain are:

  • A Stronger and Determinant Character Greater Self-Mastery Greater Security and Trust Achievement of your Objectives whatever they may be.

Now, if you are ready and you really want to achieve your most desired dreams, you should know that, the price you must pay to achieve it is him:

" Pain "

What do you mean pain?

Yes, just as you read "Pain".

The discipline “It hurts” to develop it, and it hurts a lot, that is why not many can reach their goals, because they are not willing to bear the pain that this brings. Or because when they experience it they are not able to continue.

As always let's make an analogy:

  • Have you ever been to the gym? Did you ever start a diet? Did you set yourself a day, to raise your academic performance? Did you swear to yourself one night that you weren't going to get up late again? Did you mean to save?

Yes, I know what you are thinking, right now all the excuses are going through your mind for which you have not done any of these things successfully.

Well, don't feel bad, I've been through several of them and believe me, it has not been easy to battle with them, and it is for an inevitable reason called "Pain"

Ok, tell me…

  • What emotion does it make you to diet? Pleasure or Pain? What emotion does it make you get up early and more when it is cold? Hahahaha Pleasure or Pain? What emotion do you feel when to save you should avoid buying something you really like? Pleasure or Pain? What do you feel when you see a small print book without drawings of approximately 500 pages that you should study for your next exam ? Pleasure or Pain?

Remember when you went to the gym, running or training the first day and you had the firm decision to improve your physical condition, increase your endurance and energy, you did the routines that the coach told you, and not only those, but even a little more, because you thought that you were very well physically and that it was not difficult at all to try harder, hehe What happened the next morning?

The next day it probably hurt your hair, you did not want to get up, or move, it came to seem that dressing was a punishment, climbing stairs a penance and of course you had to return to the gym that new day to continue your training, but what happened this time? A voice in your mind told you "there is no, today I am not going everything hurts, I better go tomorrow when I feel better" hahaha what happened to your desire? In one day you lost discipline, many others in 2, 3 days or a week.

But unfortunately the result was the same "deserted". All because of the blessed "Pain". Or rather, for not bearing it.

You see, it is inevitable to feel it, it is human to feel it, but it is mediocre to accept it.

Furthermore, I give you an example in another area:

Do you know why many people fear dedicating themselves to the profession called Sales, in any of its areas, be it services or products?

Because they are afraid of the Pain produced by being Rejected, or disapproved.

And by avoiding that Pain (emotional, physical, mental) we feed our fears and therefore our excuses.

But you know? not everything is bad, I have good news for you: what hurts you today, if you resist, if you persist, if you endure it, in a short time it will become “Pleasure”.

I'm not saying that you should enjoy pain, but that your mind, your body, your habits, when facing changes or efforts that are beyond our comfort, will always produce that feeling of discomfort, discomfort, maladjustment and pain.

But if you face it thinking about what you are going to “Win”, visualizing those “Pleasant” results that you are going to enjoy, you will realize that the pain is insignificant with the “Well-being” and Quality of Life that you are going to obtain if you continue striving.

Nothing, absolutely nothing in this life that is really worth it, is "easy".

Everything has a price, and the most valuable things in life are not paid with money, they are paid with effort, with faith, with struggle, with dedication, sometimes even with a little bit of suffering. However, most people want things more easily, that's why not all of us are successful.

You can't avoid the pain, you can't help feeling bad when things don't go as you expect, you can't help but feel like throwing in the towel when the results you expect aren't seen, believe me I've been wanting to throw in the towel many times However, each of those experiences makes you stronger, increases your faith and your commitment to your goals.

Now you know that pain is only part of the process, and the "Pleasure" of the Well Achieved, The Reward of Discipline.

I do not know what your goals are today, and what you have tomorrow, but keep in mind that the higher you want to get, the greater the price you must pay.

Write me, I would like to know not only your opinion and comments, but also enrich myself with your experiences.

Discipline and personal leadership