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Preliminary design of the business plan of a hostel in lacatunga, ecuador

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The business plan is any plan that works to see ahead, with allocating resources correctly, taking advantage of all the opportunities and potential problems. As known, businesses have existed since before the advent of computers, spreadsheets, and detailed projections; which means that there are also business plans from before.

The main value of the business plan is the creation of a written project that evaluates all aspects of the economic feasibility of your business initiative with a description and analysis of your business prospects with the respective definitions of what a business plan is.

This research aims to carry out the preliminary design of the business plan for the Sol Caribe Inn in order to achieve higher levels of competitiveness at the country level and thus channel its work towards the search for the best alternative for improve their economic activity, thus achieving higher yields and profits in it. For this, an analysis is made that goes from the general to the particular, based on the analysis of their environment, market study and the projections of their financial statements to support the proposal.


Main concepts and approaches of business plans, their uses, purposes and benefits

The business plan is a written and concise document in an orderly, systematic way, describing the current business, the market situation, future actions and implementation actions, detailing the financial aspects of a company. Like a map that guides a traveler, the business plan allows you to determine in advance where you want to go, where you are, and how long before you reach the set goal. (Pereira, 2006).

The main value of the business plan is the creation of a written project that evaluates all aspects of the economic feasibility of your business initiative with a description and analysis of your business prospects with the respective definitions of what a business plan is. (Díaz de Santo 2003)

The business plan aims to achieve a high knowledge of the company or the activity it intends to start, find partners or serve as the basis for the project, obtain the resources and capacities necessary to implement the plan, in this way obtain financing and running the business.

A business plan defines the company precisely, identifies its goals and serves as the company's curriculum. The business plan helps you allocate resources appropriately, handle unforeseen complications, and make good business decisions. A good business plan is a crucial element for any commercial or economic activity, because it provides organized and specific information about your company and how it guarantees the investment made. (Candela, 2002).

The business plan justifies any future goals that are set. Example: If an increase in the size of the market and in the participation of the company in it is forecast, the reasoning must be explained and supported with logical and convenient information. It must be very dynamic, so it must be updated and renewed according to the needs of the moment. Likewise, it must provide an overview of the market and the requirements of the new company, product, service or, where appropriate, its growth.

The need to create a business plan is for the company to maintain a competitive level, it does not matter if the recently created company or for one that is already operating all kinds of businesses must have a business plan so that when the company is operating and growing, a plan serves to restate objectives, goals and needs, as well as to request additional credits or investments for expansion and / or special projects.

After a certain period of operation of the business plan, it is advisable to make the respective changes to the plan, in order to know the possible deviations, the reasons for these, the consequences and the corrective measures to be taken, improving the competitiveness of the business, always updating the information according to the new demands of the market and the client, being these the promoters of growth and the ones in charge of keeping the company in the existing market.

It should be understood that each business plan is different because it has the personal touch of the person responsible for its preparation and is designed based on the size and turn of each company, which makes it impossible to establish an identical format for all cases, although it can be stated that the Most are similar.

The true information included in the business plan is vital for its success, it is convenient for investors and financiers to know the projections that were used to estimate the predicted profit.

To make the business plan more objective and easier to analyze, it must include historical and comparative information, with statistical data and graphs from the last three years, in money and percentages, on different aspects of the company and / or the market.

Making a business plan is not an easy task. It implies a great extra effort on the part of the entrepreneur and many hours of work by a whole team of people. But this effort could determine the difference between the success and failure of a business initiative and undoubtedly prepares the company to enter to compete with greater possibilities for growth and development. In general, how complex a business plan can be is directly proportional to the complexity of the company, and inversely proportional to the knowledge and experience of the entrepreneur of the company and the industry in which it is located. (Weinberger, 2009)

1.1. Business plan

The business plan, also called business plan, is a document that specifies the business that is intended to start or has already started. Here the general purpose of the company is exposed, and the market, technical, financial and organizational studies, including the marketing channels, the price, the distribution, the business model, engineering, location, the organization chart of the company. organization, capital structure, financial evaluation, sources of financing, the necessary personnel along with its selection method, the company's philosophy, legal aspects, and its exit plan. (Chain, et all, 1997)

The business plan is a document that helps the entrepreneur analyze the market and plan the strategy of a business. The plan is used for both a large company and a small business (López, 2008).

At different stages of the life of a company it is necessary to establish through a document the essential aspects of projects that may be related to: launching new products, improving existing products, changing or expanding premises to increase production capacity, supporting a credit order or interest a potential partner. (Chain, 1997)

It is generally formulated by entrepreneurs, managers, or an entrepreneur when you intend to start a business. Taking into account that the company is the economic-social unit, for profit, in which capital, work and management coordinate to carry out socially useful production, in accordance with the demands of the common good. The necessary elements to form a company are: capital, work and material resources. In addition, they use it to convince third parties, such as banks or potential investors, to provide financing to the business.

The plan is a written explanation of the company's business model to be implemented. Which requires constant updating and updating.

The business plan is a strategic document with two fundamental functions.

  1. Determine the economic and financial viability of the business project. It will suppose the first image of the company before third parties.

Both investors and managers use the plan to better understand the business, the type of product or service offered, the nature of the market, as well as the characteristics of the entrepreneur and the management team. (Longenecker J et al., 2000)

Figure1.1: Outline of business plan.

Business plan outline.

The main applications that a business plan presents are the following (Chain, 1997):

  • It is a very useful tool for the promoters team itself, since it allows detecting errors and adequately planning the start-up of the business prior to the start of the investment. It facilitates obtaining bank financing, since it contains the forecast of economic statements. and financial of the business and adequately informs about its viability and solvency. It can facilitate negotiation with suppliers. Recruitment of new partners or collaborators.

For the authors, the business plan basically consists of an orderly and detailed document where the economic possibility and feasibility are seen, starting from a commercial initiative with a previous analytical description of the business prospects, for the creation of a company, in order to facilitate the viability of the achievements and objectives set by the company.

Once you have a clear understanding of what a business plan is and what a company is, you can move on to conceptualize it through the different criteria of various authors.

1.1.1. Characteristics of the business plan. (Fleitman, 2009)

Within the business plan, the following characteristics must be followed, which the author points out as the most important for the creation of a written project that evaluates all aspects, essential steps that any prudent entrepreneur must take, regardless of the size of the business. The plan must be useful in several ways, define and focus the objective making use of the information to solicit opinions and advice from other people, including those who operate in the commercial field, in order to find alternatives. The characteristics that the business plan must have are:

  • Define various stages that facilitate the measurement of your results. Establish short and medium-term goals. Clearly define clear final results. Establish measurement criteria, what are your achievements. Identify possible opportunities to take advantage of them in your application. elaboration to the objectives that will participate in its application. Be clear, concise and informative:

Sure.- Bluntly, understandable (that anyone can understand it), that leaves no room for doubt or confusion.

Concise.- That it contains only the necessary information, with no other data than is really essential.

Informative.- With the necessary data, allowing:

  • Have a clear image of the project (including its competitive advantages and its areas of opportunity). Measure its feasibility. Facilitate implementation, which ensures, step by step, an adequate development of the project.

A business plan is a way of thinking about the future of a company. When planning, an entrepreneur or an entrepreneur is making a series of advance decisions about where a firm needs to go, how to get there, and what actions to take during that time to reduce uncertainty and manage risk and the possibilities of change. (Fleitman, 2009)

A good business plan is characterized. Because it is effective, this means that you must prioritize the key characteristics and factors of business success, you must answer possible questions from investors, you must not leave ideas unresolved and you must use precise terms without turning around, and you must be structured, you must be highly organized to allow easy reading. (Anonymous, 2008)

1.2. Purpose of the business plan

The purpose of a business plan is to assess the feasibility of a possible investment, knowing what it means to carry out quantifying profitability and risks.

Once the person interested in investing or executing the business idea is fully convinced of its success, the second objective is to raise funds for the development of the project.

From an internal point of view, the business plan allows the promoters of the company to plan in a structured way, establish objectives and benchmarks for further evaluation. Likewise, it allows to clearly identify the expected profitability of own funds or of third parties committed to the business. (Valcárcel, et all)

The advantage of a business plan is that it facilitates the interpretation of the different circumstances where the company's activities are going to take place. Taking into account the complexity and dynamics of current markets, no company can grow and compete without taking into account the variables involved and carry out a comprehensive analysis to verify whether or not the undertaking is feasible. On the other hand, it is necessary to point out that the risk and uncertainty associated with its success or failure is always present in any business. Planning contributes to solving a significant number of problems that small and medium-sized companies have, such as:

  1. Lack of investment capital and access to financing sources. Predicting situations that affect profitability. Effectively introducing new products and services to the market. Establishing and applying production standards and quality control. Lack of marketing strategies.

The reasons for deciding to carry out a business plan are:

  • Verify that a business is economically and financially viable before it is carried out. Detect and prevent problems before they occur, saving time and money. Determine resource needs in advance. Examine the performance of an ongoing business. a company for sale. Driving and finding the most efficient way to start a business. Supporting the loan application to a financial institution.

It is important to organize the information taking into account to whom it is addressed and to try to be as complete as possible so that it meets the proposed objective.

It should not be forgotten that a business plan is a valuable instrument that serves to reflect on the critical issues of a venture, helps the entrepreneur to communicate with investors, partners, employees, etc. and it is used as a permanent reference document to measure the progress of a business.

The business plan is a management tool subject to permanent review, because the reality where the company operates has the particularity of being dynamic and changing by nature, the same as the following elements that serve to carry it out. (Chain, 1997)

The advantage of a business plan is that it facilitates the interpretation of the different circumstances where the company's activities are going to take place. Taking into account the complexity and dynamics of current markets, no company can grow and compete without taking into account the variables involved and carry out a comprehensive analysis to verify whether or not the undertaking is feasible. On the other hand, it is necessary to point out that the risk and uncertainty associated with its success or failure is always present in any business. Planning contributes to solving a significant number of problems that small and medium-sized companies have, such as:

It is important to organize the information taking into account to whom it is addressed and to try to be as complete as possible so that it meets the proposed objective. (Chain, 1995).

It should not be forgotten that a business plan is a valuable instrument that serves to reflect on the critical issues of a venture, helps the entrepreneur to communicate with investors, partners, employees, etc. and it is used as a permanent reference document to measure the progress of a business.

The business plan is a management tool subject to permanent review, because the reality where the company operates has the peculiarity of being dynamic and changing by nature.


2.2 Preliminary proposal for the business plan of the Hostería Sol Caribe.

The second section aims to propose the design of the business plan for the Sol Caribe Inn. For the elaboration of the same the steps exposed by Guerrero, 2008 were used.

2.2.1 Executive summary

This business plan presents the information so that decisions can be made to penetrate the market that has been investigated.

Hostería Sol Caribe is a recreational, hotel complex created to provide relaxation, distraction and adventure in a safe and healthy environment for all who visit the business, a different place in Ecuador offering a tourist service at national and international level.

The administration, for its part, pursues common objectives with the effort of a good team of employees, perfects the organization, modifies work systems, finds alternatives for innovation, and is concerned with staff training, since the complexity of the subject means the integration of a series of administrative actions.

The global market that is intended to enter with the service, is made up of a population of national tourists, students and a small but very important market such as foreigners.

The location of the business in the province of Cotopaxi, canton Latacunga, Juan Montalvo parish, San Martín neighborhood, General Pro street, has been identified, enriching them with more services to raise its competitive levels.

2.2.2. Business Description

This point has been addressed at first in the characterization of the inn, then we proceed to deepen the subject, addressing other elements that are included within it, which are discussed below.

To describe the business, part of the mission of the inn


Being an icon within the best inns offering a high-quality, comprehensive and personalized service, specialized in providing relaxation, distraction and adventure to our local, regional, national and foreign clients, based on sustainable and competitive growth, in communion with the environment. environment and people's energy.

Shared values

Values ​​describe Ecuadorian culture. They are essential to propel the company in the right direction. Customers will only perceive these values ​​to be real when they guide all of our daily activities.


Be honest.

Act with transparency, trust and equality.

Membership and identification

Feeling like family as part of the organization.

Be proud of the workplace.

Take care of the resources of our company.

Responsability and compromise

Comply with our obligations.

Assume the consequences of our actions.

What we say we do.


Do things with love and affection

Give 100% of our effort.

Commitment in body, mind and soul.

Respect and humility

Treat others as we want to be treated.

Courteously serve the public and my colleagues.

Be willing to learn from our mistakes.

Excellence in service

What we do, we do well.

Provide the best service and customer care.


Work as a team and communicate respectfully to achieve common goals.


Encourage enthusiasm and give our best smile.

Feeling happy at work.


Search, imagine, create, teach and delight.

Freedom to express our ideas.

Hostería policies

Quality of service

The inn guarantees the quality of its services, ensuring the company's commitment to satisfying customer needs.

Customer relationship

The inn promotes the construction of long-term relationships with its clients, based on the understanding of their needs and framed in a kind, respectful, equal and free treatment of discrimination.

Client protection

The inn seeks to preserve the well-being and safety of its clients, granting them the best conditions for the benefit of their comprehensive development.

Claims management

The inn guarantees the accessible mechanisms for clients or users that allow obtaining feedback on the service received, as well as receiving suggestions, complaints or claims.

Contact with the client

At the hostel, customer service constitutes an understanding of your rights and obligations focused on our service proposal.

Our staff

The inn promotes the participation and involvement of the staff and their commitment to excellence in service.

Customer service processes

The inn values ​​the time of its clients and users, facilitating in a timely, safe and effective manner the requirement of the services offered.


The inn cares about offering its customers the best conditions in the provision of its service.

Critical factors:

The success of the business plan depends on:

  1. Accelerated growth of customers in the hostelry. Acceptance of some companies to pay part of the service that is provided to their employees as a benefit. Acceptance of the hostelry to give priority to companies for the delivery of receptions on time. That customers make their reservations well in advance.

Strategic Goals

  • Turn the hostelry into a first-rate center in the provision of services in the business world. Use tourism as a key tool to promote the hostelry inside and outside the country. Promote the image of the company internationally in order to create an adequate identity to make it competitive in the market. Convert the client into a key instrument for generating jobs and increasing profitability. Establishing a favorable environment to receive national, local and foreign tourists supported by the Local private company.Create the right conditions to provide tourists who visit the inn, a quality service.Use tourism as the ideal instrument to achieve economies of scale.Expand the hotel plant,develop attractive tourist activities and products, in order to ensure and improve customer services.

2.2.3. Type of service

The business plan consists of offering the client new quality services, being innovative according to the user's requirements, in order to maintain a high level of competitiveness in the market. The client can select from various services offered by the inn, by budget, by special dates, by type of service, etc. The service is offered through advertisements and online, as they are the perfect means of informing the potential client.

The service that the inn will provide is:

  • Lodging

For clients who decide to spend a few days in the city of Latacunga, the business has 28 comfortable rooms in single, double, and double accommodations, equipped with cable television, hot water, telephone, broadband internet, cafeteria and parking lot; in a natural environment.

  • I dance therapy and contests

During the vacation season Sol Caribe offers its distinguished clients free dance therapy, which is led by highly experienced instructors; In addition, carnival contests are organized for both sexes such as: La Colita Bonita, Wet T-Shirt and Mr. Sol Caribe.

  • Heated and covered pools

The infrastructure built with the most rigorous international standards make Sol Caribe Latacunga, a safe and comfortable place for customers, a warm place covered by wooden and plastic gnomes with filters that will protect them from direct exposure to sunlight, its five heated pools, diving pool with diving board, semi-Olympic pool for those who like swimming, children's pool, pool for the aquapark, pool for slides.

  • Swimming courses

Sol Caribe offers swimming courses throughout the year and special summer courses are offered for the holiday season; by professional instructors. At the end of the course the student will receive a certification.

  • Spa area

For adults who like to enjoy good health, there is a sauna, steam room, whirlpools and a polar pool, a low-impact gym to strengthen the body and enrich the spirit.

  • Games area

The villa, table football and table tennis are other services that the inn has made available to visitors. Coming soon will be putting to the service, grass soccer field, beach volleyball court, sport fishing in a beautiful place with natural surroundings.

  • Receptions and Events

For receptions and events there are three rooms with capacities for 250, 60 and 50 people, a cafeteria and a large parking lot. The creators of the inn are in continuous research worldwide that allows the implementation of new services that provide greater distraction, relaxation and adventure to all our clients, which combined with personalized service make a stay in Sol Caribe a true experience..

  • Restaurant and snack bar

To nourish and refresh our visitors, the inn has a restaurant, bar and snack bar where you will find a variety of refreshing foods and drinks, without losing sight of enjoying one of our exclusive cocktails, and having a great time. Service process

Every company must maintain strict control over the internal customer service processes, this will guarantee adequate control of the customer service processes, giving greater acceptance of the service, as well as guaranteeing a greater number of customers.

Customer service is the part where the consumer can get a personal idea of ​​the quality of the company, this benefits the hostel in its commercial profitability. These are the basic steps that the inn will offer to the client:

  • Reception.

All clients must enter reception for a prior registration, where they will indicate the services that are available to them, the policies and rules that the client must comply with.

  • Customer Support.

It consists of trying to determine the basic needs (information, questions, material), in order to cover all the customer's demands.

  • Register the service.

This registry will allow to keep a control of the clients and of the people in charge of attending and motivating the clients. Given this reality, it is necessary that customer service is of the highest quality, concrete and precise information, with an adequate level of care so that the person receiving the information not only has an idea of ​​a service, but also of the quality of the human and technical capital with which it will establish a commercial relationship.

  • Customer location.

The customer is the most important person for the company, without customers there is no inn. Therefore, the comforts that the client seeks for their healthy recreation with quality services must be given.

  • Record departure.

This registry will help to know which clients still remain at the company's facilities and offer the services that the client has to satisfy their needs. Added value to the customer

1. Wide selection of services provided by the inn and additional promotions.

2. Flexibility in the various prices charged for staying or acquiring services according to the client's needs. The client can select the services according to his budget. The budget ranges are between $ 65.00 and $ 150.00.

3. Flexible payment options. Different payment possibilities will be made available:

  1. In cash at the time of delivery. With credit card at the time of reception. Through a personal account that will be offered to frequent customers, providing weekly, biweekly and even monthly credit. Business account, so that companies pay part of the customer's account as a worker benefit, which is deductible for companies. This account is a critical factor for meeting the goals.

4. The client can make a menu, according to his need for food in the restaurant for the time of his stay.

5. Photos of each of the dishes will be made available, including a list with the nutritional information of each one, for the customer to select.

6. Selection of a list of additional services when registering as a guest of the inn.

7. Comfort, speed, efficiency in a comprehensive customer service.

2.2.4. Financial projections

Vertical balance sheet analysis

One of the methods to make this analysis is to reduce the Financial Statements to hundreds, this has the objective of separating the content of the financial statements into their elements in order to determine the relationship that exists between each of the items with relative to a total; It is also known by the common percent method or integral percent method.

To apply this method we divide each of the parts of the whole by the same whole, and the result is multiplied by 100. In the case of reducing the balance sheet to hundreds, the value of the assets is taken as a whole and in the case from the income statement the amount of net sales.

The formula we applied to perform the calculations was:

Common Percentage Formula = (partial figure) / (base figure) * 100


After the study of the bibliographic review studied to know the state of the art on the subject, it is concluded that the business plan is an ordered and detailed document where the possibility and economic feasibility are seen starting from a commercial initiative with a after an analytical description of the business perspectives, for the creation of a company, in order to facilitate the viability of the achievements and objectives set by the company.

The business plan will be feasible, being the plan an indispensable resource for economic and social growth within the company, the purpose of this plan is that the hostelry is not vulnerable to changes and new market demands, in the face of competition and its potential customers, which is why the need to create a business plan for Hostería Sol Caribe was seen.

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Retrieved May 14, 2010 From: http: //www.swisscontact.org.pe/docu_linea/plan_de_neg_para_cse3.pdf.Weinberger, K, (2009). How to design a competitive business plan? Retrieved February 22, 2010 From: www.articuloz.com/…negocios…/negociacion-comercial-plan-denegocio-en-entidades-latinoamericanas-667967.html.Business Plan, Pereira, J, (2006). The business plan. It is widely believed that business plans are useful only to operations. Retrieved May 22, 2010 From: www.gestiopolis.com/canales6/mkt/…/el-plan-de-negocios.htm.Terregno, D, et all, (2002). How to put together a business plan. Product editorial group. Caracas Venezuela. Retrieved June 10, 2010 From: http://www.dinero.com.ve/plandenegocios.html.Valcárcel, A, et all. Business Plan for Business Service Centers. Retrieved May 14, 2010 From: http: //www.swisscontact.org.pe/docu_linea/plan_de_neg_para_cse3.pdf.Weinberger, K, (2009). How to design a competitive business plan? Retrieved February 22, 2010 From: www.articuloz.com/…negocios…/negociacion-comercial-plan-denegocio-en-entidades-latinoamericanas-667967.html.It is widely believed that business plans are useful only to operations. Retrieved May 22, 2010 From: www.gestiopolis.com/canales6/mkt/…/el-plan-de-negocios.htm.Terregno, D, et all, (2002). How to put together a business plan. Product editorial group. Caracas Venezuela. Retrieved June 10, 2010 From: http://www.dinero.com.ve/plandenegocios.html.Valcárcel, A, et all. Business Plan for Business Service Centers. Retrieved May 14, 2010 From: http: //www.swisscontact.org.pe/docu_linea/plan_de_neg_para_cse3.pdf.Weinberger, K, (2009). How to design a competitive business plan? Retrieved February 22, 2010 From: www.articuloz.com/…negocios…/negociacion-comercial-plan-denegocio-en-entidades-latinoamericanas-667967.html.It is widely believed that business plans are useful only to operations. Retrieved May 22, 2010 From: www.gestiopolis.com/canales6/mkt/…/el-plan-de-negocios.htm.Terregno, D, et all, (2002). How to put together a business plan. Product editorial group. Caracas Venezuela. Retrieved June 10, 2010 From: http://www.dinero.com.ve/plandenegocios.html.Valcárcel, A, et all. Business Plan for Business Service Centers. Retrieved May 14, 2010 From: http: //www.swisscontact.org.pe/docu_linea/plan_de_neg_para_cse3.pdf.Weinberger, K, (2009). How to design a competitive business plan? Retrieved February 22, 2010 From: www.articuloz.com/…negocios…/negociacion-comercial-plan-denegocio-en-entidades-latinoamericanas-667967.html.gestiopolis.com/canales6/mkt/…/el-plan-de-negocios.htm.Terregno, D, et all, (2002). How to put together a business plan. Product editorial group. Caracas Venezuela. Retrieved June 10, 2010 From: http://www.dinero.com.ve/plandenegocios.html.Valcárcel, A, et all. Business Plan for Business Service Centers. Retrieved May 14, 2010 From: http: //www.swisscontact.org.pe/docu_linea/plan_de_neg_para_cse3.pdf.Weinberger, K, (2009). How to design a competitive business plan? Retrieved February 22, 2010 From: www.articuloz.com/…negocios…/negociacion-comercial-plan-denegocio-en-entidades-latinoamericanas-667967.html.gestiopolis.com/canales6/mkt/…/el-plan-de-negocios.htm.Terregno, D, et all, (2002). How to put together a business plan. Product editorial group. Caracas Venezuela. Retrieved June 10, 2010 From: http://www.dinero.com.ve/plandenegocios.html.Valcárcel, A, et all. Business Plan for Business Service Centers. Retrieved May 14, 2010 From: http: //www.swisscontact.org.pe/docu_linea/plan_de_neg_para_cse3.pdf.Weinberger, K, (2009). How to design a competitive business plan? Retrieved February 22, 2010 From: www.articuloz.com/…negocios…/negociacion-comercial-plan-denegocio-en-entidades-latinoamericanas-667967.html.Valcárcel, A, et all. Business Plan for Business Service Centers. Retrieved May 14, 2010 From: http: //www.swisscontact.org.pe/docu_linea/plan_de_neg_para_cse3.pdf.Weinberger, K, (2009). How to design a competitive business plan? Retrieved February 22, 2010 From: www.articuloz.com/…negocios…/negociacion-comercial-plan-denegocio-en-entidades-latinoamericanas-667967.html.Valcárcel, A, et all. Business Plan for Business Service Centers. Retrieved May 14, 2010 From: http: //www.swisscontact.org.pe/docu_linea/plan_de_neg_para_cse3.pdf.Weinberger, K, (2009). How to design a competitive business plan? Retrieved February 22, 2010 From: www.articuloz.com/…negocios…/negociacion-comercial-plan-denegocio-en-entidades-latinoamericanas-667967.html.


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Preliminary design of the business plan of a hostel in lacatunga, ecuador