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Entrepreneurship ecosystem within the framework of a regional innovation system


In today's knowledge society, entrepreneurship becomes the first basic organizing factor and in our country, especially socially-based entrepreneurship in the region, as the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Michel Barnier, says during the closing ceremony of the conference on social entrepreneurship «Have to say», held in Strasbourg on January 20, 2014, where he stated: social entrepreneurship and the social economy must be part of the way out of the crisis in Europe 1. The type of knowledge that today What is demanded is useful knowledge, doing and living that impacts the daily life of societies.

In this order of ideas, science and technology play a leading role for the generation of product innovation processes and production processes, which is why there is a broad global consensus around the idea that economic growth is related to creation of new technologies that improve the productivity and competitiveness of companies or allow the development of new industries and businesses.

Scientific advances in recent years have given rise to technologies such as robotics, mechatronics, telematics, data processing, computational processes, interconnection models, and communication protocols. Additionally, these technologies have given rise to the creation of new sectors that have activated investment niches and in this way have fueled economic growth.

Traditional economic sectors have also grown thanks to permanent innovation, which allows them to introduce new products, improve processes and compete better. In this way, technology and its scientific / social support have become the basic element of success in societies that compete globally ”.

This also leads us not to forget about the social part of the social component, which is usually interpreted as a synonym of poverty, for the poor, which is wrong; social work is to work in a team together and in an associative way, in a few words we can say that the social effect is reflected in the impact that projects have on a community.

The ability of companies to learn and innovate is closely related to the way in which knowledge is constituted, generated and used, so that any analysis must incorporate conceptual categories that examine the way in which companies carry carry out this process, in which the concepts of INNOVATION and CREATIVITY can be assumed as synonyms .

The second fundamental element of the knowledge and learning economy is innovation, which acting in a system makes the set of interrelated agents, institutions and practices act and participate in the processes of functional changes of goods and services.

The innovation system of a developing country can be focused by focusing it on the traditional rural production system, considering that what matters are the innovative practices applied in the economic vocations of the culture and society in particular, giving added value to the raw materials.

Industrial development has always taken place in a certain territory where a set of requirements is met, which can be summarized in the "constructive cooperation" between the various existing local agents, where we find both public and private: companies, business associations, regional and local governments, unions, universities, research centers, financial institutions, higher education institutions.

The rapid and continuous changes of a fundamentally technological nature, which are taking place at an international level, are associated with a notable shortening of the distances between the knowledge generated and its industrial applications, which are relevant to the social and cultural behaviors of a particular vocation. local economic. At the same time, an increasing role of society is being verified as a demand for knowledge and technologies applied to its Regional Innovation System (SRI). For these reasons, it is strategic to generate the actions that allow the agents of the Regional Innovation System to carry out a more active and fluid cooperation in the current local social event, in accordance with the ENTREPRENEURSHIP ECOSYSTEM.

To articulate an SRI, the existence of collaborative work networks is necessary. These networks must be built on the concertation of common objectives and expectations of various actors on different issues. They are a creative form of organization that seeks to carry out public-public, public-private and private-private management in a more democratic and concerted way. This network should have as objectives:

  • Improve the transfer of creativity, innovation and scientific-technological processes. Structure relationships with various regional and local actors for the development of work networks. Achieve a high level of organization and public-private cohesion as part of social capital. as a process of evaluation, exchange and joint accumulation of knowledge, know-how and living together.

Within these networks, the different existing interface entities play an important role, to transfer knowledge from the academy to the productive sector; Among these organizations we find the Entrepreneurship and Business Development Centers (CEDE).

A CEDE is a space where processes are streamlined and joint actions are developed in order to respond to structural problems such as unemployment, unemployment, the high degree of uncertainty regarding reality and the lack of opportunities for social development and economic growth. In addition to facilitating to a certain extent a business incubation.

The CEDE then appear as a pertinent "institutional commitment" to account for the political objectives to qualitatively improve the conditions for the development of technology and innovation, based on the articulation between science, production and an organized and fundamentally constituted community in MyPymes; working R + D + i (Research, Development and Innovation).

In the case of our department (Antioquia), the CEDE must be articulated by an Antioquia Center for Business and Entrepreneurship Services. This will be a space for innovation and integration of all the municipalities of the department of Antioquia, seeking or providing an approach to new technologies, which will contribute to generating greater participation in social processes, issuing concepts, achieving consensus, streamlining processes and developing joint actions, in order to respond to the structural problems of the community, such as unemployment, unemployment, the high degree of uncertainty regarding reality and the lack of opportunities for social development and economic development.

The Entrepreneurship Ecosystem is organized to facilitate the production system to incorporate knowledge in a permanent circuit. It is not a matter of once and for all, but requires continuous review by a social and economic observatory on creativity. Interaction is the key to its proper functioning.

Among the central objectives of a CEDE are:

  • Promote, facilitate and stimulate the social welfare and growth of local companies. Attract investments from foreign companies with experience in community interaction. Promote strategic linkages and alliances between companies, universities and research and development institutes, and organized community. Strengthen education in different areas with a humanistic approach. Promote in the region the existence of an entrepreneurial climate with a creative-social base.

For the advice of the productive / economic units, the CEDE of each municipality will be a space for:

  • Awareness: work with the design and execution of a common and unified language, aimed at motivating the spread of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in the area and in the environment. Training: through teaching-learning processes, Legislation: keeping existing legal information updated pertinent to its different stages: business creation, tax benefits, incentive plan, procedures, registrations, copyrights, patents, licenses, among others. Business Training and Sustainability: design and streamline a model that diagnoses the management of companies, markets, finance, project formulation, among others, so that there is permanent improvement. Company Creation:The initiation of operations in the short term and the guarantee of sustainability of the companies created and the solution to marketing problems. Pre-incubation (Business Plans): Identify business opportunities and unify a methodology to adapt them to decision-making of investors and the financial sector. Provision of the comprehensive service for microentrepreneurs: in the areas of technical and business training, technical advice specialized in the workplace, administrative consulting specialized in the workplace, obtaining and managing financial resources, and materials, organization of commercial events that support the sale of products and services. Development of competencies and skills: from the proper handling of concepts and foundations,of their skills and competences in terms of the economic activity that each one develops.Recognition: of capacities and development for the generation of productive proposals and especially the ability to build a productive project.

As background, the region had a great project called Ciudad E, a project of the municipality of Medellín in participation with the COMFAMA family compensation fund. This project brought 32 higher education institutions to talk about entrepreneurship. It involves: an environment, public policies, an academic network, an entrepreneurial network and the participation of the organized community.



Juan Daniel Cifuentes Diez. October 2014

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Entrepreneurship ecosystem within the framework of a regional innovation system