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Example of a business plan. az zait oils and lubricants


When we face any project in life, business or personal, we all have a plan. You can be conscious or unconscious, verbal or written. We all have an idea of ​​the steps necessary to follow a goal, the associated costs and benefits, the risks, the chances of success and failure. However in business it becomes more necessary to have a written plan. The business plan is a document that helps the entrepreneur analyze the market and plan the strategy of a business. We can define the business plan as a written document that clearly defines the objectives of a business and describes the methods that will be used to achieve the objectives. It serves as the map with which your company is guided. The plan is used for both a large company and a small business.At different stages of the life of a company it is necessary to establish through a document the essential aspects of projects that may be related to: launching new products, improving existing products, changing or expanding premises to increase production capacity, supporting a credit order or interest a potential partner.

"The business plan makes it possible through a document to gather all the information necessary to value a business and establish the general parameters to start it."

The document establishes the nature of the business, the objectives of the entrepreneur and the actions required to achieve those objectives. It is similar to a route map. You must be able to guide the entrepreneur through a maze of business decisions and alternatives to avoid wrong paths and dead ends. The implementation of a project does not only depend on a good idea, it is also necessary to demonstrate that it is economically and financially viable. In the business plan, economic and financial aspects predominate, but also information related to human resources, strategic, commercial and operational proposals is essential, therefore, when preparing a business plan, it is necessary to respond to a number of of questions about the organization.



In this first part of the business plan, it is essential to define what the business will be, that is, the entrepreneur will have a broader vision of what his business will actually be, from the name of his business, going through the location of the land where the business will be and until reaching the objectives of the companies, in addition to the detailed description of what they plan to do.

1.1.- Brainstorming.

Brainstorming is a group work tool that facilitates the emergence of new ideas on a certain topic or problem, it is a group technique to generate original ideas in a relaxed environment, giving the opportunity to make suggestions on a certain issue and taking advantage of the creative capacity of the participants.

Within the meeting that took place on March 11 in order to gather ideas to start a company, the CC Ing. Karely Chame Fernández, Ana Elvira Gómez Ramírez and Carlos Alonso Terrazas Reyes contributed the following brainstorm about what that they could invest in the future.

(See PDF)

1.2.-First evaluation of brainstorming.

When taking into account all the ideas contributed for the future investment, one of the options that had to be the most profitable had to be decided, so the evaluation of each of the ideas continued taking into account the following criteria: Level of Innovation, Potential Market, Technical Knowledge, Capital Requirement and the results were as follows. Evaluated from 1 to 5, where the number 5 indicates that it meets the evaluated criterion more satisfactorily.

1.3.- Description of the idea.

According to the previous rating, it was decided that:

The service of engine oil change (including oil filter change) will be provided, and the sale of it, this with the aim of giving the engine a longer useful life using the oil corresponding to the type of engine and the conditions of This, keeping in mind the care of the environment when carrying out the correct disposal of the oil that has lost its properties, in an environment of comfort and satisfaction for the client.

1.4.-Justification of the idea.

Since we have well defined the project that we will carry out, the idea must be justified:

It is justified because the investment is not much compared to the other options. The needs that this service satisfies is that the engine has a longer useful life since the change of oil is intended, in addition to keeping the engine parts lubricated, the evacuation of waste and rust, since in the service provided to the Customer will be made with the highest quality oil for each of the vehicles.

1.5.- Brainstorm to choose the name.

Knowing the above, we set out to hold a meeting again to agree on the name of our company, for this the originality, attractive, clear, significant, descriptive of it was taken into account and was evaluated accordingly way that the product or service that would be chosen was evaluated.

1.6.- Name of the company.

Once the evaluation corresponding to the name was made, it was decided that the company would be called AZ-ZAIT, which represents the name of the oil in Greek, in addition to the fact that it is attractive to the customer in some part, it is clear and easy to pronounce and gives a vague idea of ​​the product we handle.

1.7.- Line of business.

According to the activity developed by our company, we can classify it within the range of services.

1.8.-Location and expected size of the company.

Regarding the size of the company, it will be classified as a small company, and the location will be at 13 sur poniente # 862 in Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas.

1.9.- Mission of the company.

Carry out the oil change to all mobile units to ensure the good operation of the motor, providing it with a longer useful life without damaging the environment.

1.10.- Company objectives.


Make ourselves known in the market as a competitive and high quality company, providing our clients with the best service.


Satisfy the new needs of our consumers in the change of oil and have more customers.


Being a medium-sized company.

1.11.- Description of advantages and distinctions.


We have directly trained personnel to be able to provide the appropriate oil depending on the type of motor and its conditions, to guarantee a longer useful life.

By being directly connected with the distributors of the best oils, we are committed to improving their prices, so that you can be a creditor of one of the best brands and guarantee the best performance of your vehicle.


Have a service of the highest quality and provide comfort and safety to the customer with personalized service which consists of picking up your vehicle at home and taking it back to your home as well as keeping track of each oil change.

1.12.- Industry Analysis.

With a view to growth towards a medium-sized company, we will develop some competitive strategies which will make us stand out notably from our competitors.

Among our strategies are:

Carry out contracts with associations dedicated to public transport.

Reception and delivery of the vehicle at home.

Promotional packages for oil change.

Discount vouchers.

Pleasant treatment for all people.

1.13.- Description of products or services.

We will have different types and brands of oils for all vehicle models to carry out the oil change with its corresponding filter in the best way, whether the client arrives at our facilities or prefers to call so that we can go for your vehicle to your home and that at the end of the oil change it is returned in good condition ensuring the confidence that you will give us when leaving your vehicle, in addition to knowing that the fluid levels of your vehicle are properly reviewed, to be able to move to any place without any concern.

1.14.- Qualifications to enter the area.

Good because we have an excellent location, adequate equipment to perform the service, variety of oils of the best quality. Affordable prices, good treatment and especially specialized personnel.

1.15.- Basic supports of the company.


Octavio Lara Martínez.


Lic. Edgar Cruz Arenas. INSURANCE AGENCY:

Axa insurance.


Ramón Alonso Terrazas Reyes.


Letter a".


In this part the planning process of the activities that will be developed throughout the process will be carried out, covering aspects such as prices, promotions, distribution and sales. The service that will be carried out is defined in greater detail, since it will take into account the consumer, that is, both the expectations established by the clients must be met, but without neglecting the objectives of the company, that is, the consumer company link will be strengthened.



Make ourselves known in the market as a competitive and high-quality company, providing our clients with the best service, with the aim of recovering 40% of our investment in a period of 7 months, through promotions that interest our clients, such as:

Disposition in rush hour, Partnership with cooperatives (in 10 services = 1 free).


Meet the new needs of our consumers in the change of oil and have more customers increasing it by 15% every two months for the next 2 years. All this based on our new packages which will be the following:

Engine oil change.
Engine oil filter change.
Brake fluid change
Antifreeze change
Oil change in the box
Differential oil change
Hydraulic Steering Oil Change
Engine oil change.
Engine oil filter change.
Brake fluid change
Antifreeze change
Inspecting the box oil
Differential oil inspection
Power Steering Oil Inspection
Engine oil change.
Engine oil filter change.


Being a medium-sized company increasing the clientele and recovering the total investment counting with a profit of 60% of the total investment before the first 5 years. This is based on greater coverage in the state based on more contracts with companies in cooperatives and the search for agreements with companies.

2.2.-Characteristics of the market segment.


Products and services for companies and individuals that have a mobile unit.


According to the economic census registered by INEGI in the transport and communications section, the number of cars in circulation as of December 31, 2007 in the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez is 68,682, this data can be corroborated in the following table:

Registered cars in circulation by main municipalities As of December 31, 2007 (See PDF)

2.3.-Apparent Consumption

THE NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS IS: 6,000 vehicles per year.



2.4.-Potential Demand.


In the period of subsistence of the company it is intended to serve the largest number of services to win customers, we talk about 1200 services in 1 year.


In this stage of stability and growth, we intend to serve 3,600 services in 1 year.


In this stage of expansion of services we intend to fulfill 6000 services in 1 year.

2.5.-Study of the Competition.

2.6.-Define the product or service offered by the company.

We will have different types and brands of oils for all vehicle models to carry out the oil change with its corresponding filter in the best way, whether the client arrives at our facilities or prefers to call so that we can go for your vehicle to your home and that at the end of the oil change it is returned in good condition ensuring the confidence that you will give us when you leave your vehicle, in addition to knowing that the fluid levels in your vehicle are properly reviewed, in order to move to anywhere without concern.

2.7.-Investigation of the opinion of your product or service.

Since we will have the sale of products and services, it would be good to know: How much would you be willing to pay for an oil change service? How long would you wait for an oil change? How close to your home are you? the oil change service? Would you like them to go to your home for your mobile unit? Have they explained what an oil change consists of? How often does your mobile unit take an oil change? Would you like to be informed about new oil brands?

2.8.-Prepare a questionnaire for your potential clients.

The interaction of the public will be by means of a cordial greeting, to proceed to a verbal question "Do you have a vehicle?", Where the public response will take the last to decide if the survey is carried out. If the question tends to be answered negatively, you will be given a gesture of kindness and appreciation for your attention, but if the answer is positive, you will participate in our survey.

The survey is shown on the following sheet and consists of seven simple questions that will be very useful for our company.

Since in Az-Zait, «Oils and lubricants, to your mobile: what you ask for» and In order to provide you with a better service, we would like to know your opinion by answering these simple questions by marking an “X” according to your criteria.

  1. The quality of the oil you use in a service should be?

Excellent Good Regular

  1. Does the waiting time of 1hr - 1: 30hrs for an oil change seem to you?

Excellent Good Regular

  1. What do you think of the facilities of the company where you carry out the oil change service for your vehicle?

Excellent Good Regular

  1. How would you like your mobile unit to go to your home?

Excellent Good Regular

  1. How is the treatment you receive from the company where you carry out the oil change of your vehicle?

Exente Good Regular

Since we know that your time is worth gold, we appreciate you taking the time to fill out this questionnaire.


2.9.- How will you get the Information?

HOW WILL THE SURVEYS BE: They will be written.

HOW YOU WILL GET THE INFORMATION: Through questionnaires.


WHERE YOU WILL GET THE INFORMATION: Outside the shopping centers.

WHO WILL APPLY THE SURVEYS: It will be applied by us, the initiators of the company.

WHAT SIZE WILL THE SURVEY BE: It will be a questionnaire of 5 questions to a representative population of 134 people, this sample was calculated with the following formula:


n = Size of ours. (133.06 the immediate superior 134 is taken out of the formula).

N = Population size. (6,000 vehicles, potential demand).

Z = Statistical value of the normal distribution (1.96 for a confidence of 95%).

  • = Probability of positive response (85%). = Probability of negative response (15%).

E = Estimation error (0.06 in practice, work with an accuracy between 2% and 6% for 95% confidence).

2.10.-Interpretation of the surveys

2.11.-Conclusions of the Market Study

One of the important things for our customers is the quality of the oil used in the service, so Az-Zait is committed to having the best quality oil at a good price for our customers, in addition to being able to provide the home reception service.

On the other hand, we are sure that for the part regarding the time of realization of the service we are at a very competent level, so that our clients can be satisfied according to the service provided.

With regard to the company's facilities, we will have the obligation to be at least on par with our competition in order to satisfy this item. And speaking of the personal treatment with the clients; The deficiencies of this service must be overcome.

2.12.-Selection of the distribution system.

Due to the commercial line of our company (Service) we will focus on the distribution system for "Industrial Goods":

Producer - Industrial Consumer

In this case, the company Az-Zait will act as a producer, due to the services to be provided, in order to satisfy the needs of our clients (industrial consumer).

2.13.-Advertising Message.


"In Oils And Lubricants, To your mobile what you ask for."


Az-Zait 13 sur Pte. # 862 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.

Telephones: 0449611508502




2.14.-Design of the product packaging

RADIO SPOT: We won't have.

ADVERTISING FLYER: The advertising flyer will carry the following information:

Location of the Az-Zait facilities.

Customer service hours.


Company name

Advertising message

Company's distinctive logo.

Types of services provided.

  • Change engine oil with filter Change hydraulic power steering oil or Change brake fluid. o Change of antifreeze. o Inspection of differential oil Inspection of gearbox oil o Special packages (Gold, Silver, Bronze).

NEWSPAPER AD: We Won't Have.

PRODUCT LABEL: We will not have


2.15.-Costing of the product or service

In order to determine the cost of the product, the quantity of spare parts to be used for each service activity was taken into consideration and a standard was made, which can be shown in the following table. A standard price was also taken for the sale of this spare part without import brand.

Package prices:



GOLD PACKAGE: $ 1,430.00

2.16.-Determine the price of the product including distribution channels

Within the Az-Zait company, there will be no distribution of the product, since the service within the Az-Zait facilities will only be provided to all those who have a mobile unit, that is, the treatment of the company will be direct with the consumer.

Service provider - End consumer.

2.17.-Establish actions to introduce the product in the market.

PROMOTION: Disposition in rush hour, partnership with cooperatives (in 10 service = 1 free), promotional packages, vehicle reception services at home.

ADVERTISING: Through adhesive flyers and a visit to the radio, which consists of an interview.

PRICE: $ 4,500.00 pesos (Flyers and interviews)

STAFF: The Az-Zait company will not require staff to distribute the flyers, since the radio will bring its own staff to carry out these activities.

2.18.-List possible risks and opportunities for the company.

Having little clientele for being new to the market. Have promotions and partnerships with cooperatives.
Not having the right oil for the mobile unit. Having the largest range of oils possible at the best price.
Be accepted in the market by having a specialist.
Gain more customers for home service.
Being a medium-sized company.

2.19.-Sales Organization Chart.

The department does not exist.


We can define the Production process as the set of decisions on the objectives, policies and action programs in production, consistent with the business mission, through which a company competes and tries to obtain a certain advantage over the competition, in other Words would be the creation and processing of goods and merchandise, including its conception, its processing at various stages and the financing offered by banks. Production is usually considered one of the main economic processes, the means through which human labor creates wealth.

3.1.- Production and Sales Objectives.


According to the potential demand, our company will try to carry out at least 1200 services in a one-year stage, as it is still just the subsistence stage and to make ourselves known in between.


At the end of the third year, our company is expected to comply with at least the 7200 services performed, that is, there will be an annual growth of 1,200 services each year.


For this stage, 6000 services are desired to be carried out in a period of one year, with the aim of becoming a medium-sized company that can compete on a par with large agencies in the field of oil changes.

3.2.- Product or service specifications.

This part focuses on the final design of the product or service of your company, which as we well know if we are talking about products, this could be industrial or commercial and if you are talking about services it is divided into commercial, professional and educational. In this case we would be talking about a type of professional service.

To carry out the service we will have highly trained personnel, so you can be sure that your vehicle will be in the best hands and the work will be of the highest quality. If we talk about the replacement of your vehicle, (oil and filter), you can count on the best oils at a good price and you can choose between the different brands that will be available. In addition, our service will have the appropriate tools to carry out the service.

Depending on the quality of the oils, it is advisable to change the oil every 5,000 kilometers in severe conditions and up to 10,000 kilometers on long trips on asphalt or people who travel every day by road, using the fifth gear most of the way. For those who do not reach these routes in 6 months, they should still change their oil to refresh the additives, eliminate deposits and stop the growth of corrosion.

3.3.- Description of the production or service provision process.

one We must start by saying that the reception of the vehicle can be in two ways; Either the client comes to our facilities, or that he calls us by phone to go pick up his vehicle. -
two When receiving the vehicle, an inspection will have to be carried out to avoid service anomalies, that is, it will be checked that the vehicle does not have blows, the client will be asked for some valuable object that he will leave in his mobile unit, he will register the mileage and quantity of existing gasoline, the make, model and year of the unit will be detailed on a verification sheet. Delivery time will be assigned. 5 min
3 According to the type of service that will be given to the vehicle (see packages), a tower with a corresponding number and color will be assigned. The vehicle will be taken to the parking lot. 5 min
4 The person in charge of the control area will record the work order, assign and call the technician to carry out the work. 3 min
5 The technician, with the work order in hand, goes to the parking lot to be able to move the vehicle to its corresponding ramp. 4 min
6 Performing the corresponding service in the work order:
Bronze Service:

The unit will be placed on the ramp and secured.

The oil plug will be removed with the appropriate tool (wrench according to the type of car is the measure), recovering this oil carefully in containers intended for use (small drums).

All the oil contained in the vehicle's engine will be allowed to drain perfectly. The oil filter will be removed with its appropriate tool (Remove filter), recovering in the same way the oil that is spilled by the filter.

Clean the place of the oil plug and the oil filter perfectly with a damp cloth of gasoline.

After the above, the technician will go to the warehouse taking the work order with him so that the specialist can analyze it and assign the appropriate type and quantity of oil for the brand chosen by the client, as well as its corresponding oil filter.

The specialist loads the spare part of the vehicle into the work order in the system and will give the technician a voucher to go to the warehouse manager to get the spare part.

The technician returns to his ramp with the spare and lubricates the oil filter link with a little bit of oil, and places it in the vehicle tightening it properly by hand. Place the crankcase plug silicone and tighten it properly with the help of the wrench.

Drain the oil with the help of a funnel in the vehicle.

Turn the vehicle on for a while and then turn it off to check the oil level, if the oil level is correct the service has ended and if it lacks then fill it until it is level.

25 min
Silver Service:

The unit will be placed on the ramp and secured.

The oil plug will be removed with the appropriate tool (wrench according to the type of car is the measure), recovering this oil carefully in containers intended for use (small drums).

All the oil contained in the vehicle's engine will be allowed to drain perfectly.

The oil filter will be removed with its appropriate tool (Remove filter), recovering in the same way the oil that is spilled by the filter.

Clean the place of the oil plug and the oil filter perfectly with a damp cloth of gasoline.

The brake fluid will be removed with a fluid suction pump to be able to extract all the fluid through the reservoir.

The antifreeze is removed by the drain pipette included in the car radiator.

Power steering oil, differential oil, and gearbox oil levels are checked.

After the above, the technician will go to the warehouse taking the work order with him so that the specialist can analyze it and assign the type and quantity of oil suitable for the brand chosen by the client, as well as its corresponding oil filter in case In the absence of power steering oil, differential oil, and gearbox oil, as well as brake fluid and antifreeze, the specialist will be asked to attach to the voucher so they can be refilled.

The specialist loads the spare part of the vehicle into the work order in the system and will give the technician a voucher to go to the warehouse manager to get the spare part.

The technician returns to his ramp with the spare and lubricates the oil filter link with a little bit of oil, and places it in the vehicle tightening it properly by hand. Place the crankcase plug silicone and tighten it properly with the help of the wrench.

Drain the engine oil with the help of a funnel in the vehicle.

Top up if the level of power steering oil, differential oil, and gearbox oil is needed.

Fill the reservoir with brake fluid and the four-wheel bleeders open so that a little brake fluid drains and there is no air left inside, the reservoir is refilled until bubbles no longer come out of the fluid.

Having done the above we proceed to bleed the brakes on each of the wheels. The radiator drain pipette is closed and the radiator reservoir is filled with antifreeze.

Turn the vehicle on for a while and then turn it off to check the oil level, if the oil level is correct the service has ended and if it lacks then fill it until it is level.

35 min
Gold Service:

The unit will be placed on the ramp and secured.

The oil plug will be removed with the appropriate tool (wrench according to the type of car is the measure), recovering this oil carefully in containers intended for use (small drums).

All the oil contained in the vehicle's engine will be allowed to drain perfectly. The oil filter will be removed with its appropriate tool (Remove filter), recovering in the same way the oil that is spilled by the filter.

Clean the place of the oil plug and the oil filter perfectly with a damp cloth of gasoline.

Oil will be removed from the power steering with a fluid suction pump to allow all oil to be drawn through the oil reservoir.

50 min
The brake fluid is likewise drawn from the reservoir of the brake pump.

And the antifreeze is removed by the drain pipette included in the car's radiator.

The oil plug is removed from the box and differential to be able to discard these.

After the above, the technician will go to the warehouse taking the work order with him so that the specialist can analyze it and assign the type and quantity of oil suitable for the brand chosen by the client, as well as its corresponding oil filter, the Amount of power steering fluid, antifreeze and brake fluid, should differential oil become missing, and gearbox oil the specialist will be asked to attach to the voucher so they can be refilled.

The specialist loads the spare part of the vehicle into the work order in the system and will give the technician a voucher to go to the warehouse manager to get the spare part.

The technician returns to his ramp with the spare and lubricates the oil filter link with a little bit of oil, and places it in the vehicle tightening it properly by hand. Place the crankcase plug silicone and tighten it properly with the help of the wrench. Likewise, put the other plugs previously removed.

Drain the engine oil with the help of a funnel in the vehicle.

The power steering reservoir is filled to its level.

The oil is drained from the box by means of a funnel in the hole of the level check bayonet.

The differential oil is introduced by means of the exhaust differential thereof. Fill the reservoir with brake fluid and the four-wheel bleeders open so that a little brake fluid drains and there is no air left inside, the reservoir is refilled until bubbles no longer come out of the fluid.

Having done the above we proceed to bleed the brakes on each of the wheels. The radiator drain pipette is closed and the radiator reservoir is filled with antifreeze.

Turn the vehicle on for a while and then turn it off to check the oil level, if the oil level is correct the service has ended and if it lacks then fill it until it is level.

7 At the end of service, the technician will take the vehicle back to the parking lot and take the service order to the control area. 2 min
8 In the control area, the service will be given as finished, registering its end time and the order will be taken to the collection area. 3 min
9 As soon as the order is in the collection area, the total service is downloaded, that is, the used spare part and total labor, so that the client can pay at that moment, if he stayed in the waiting room or is He will speak to the owner of the vehicle to inform him of the total cost and to know if it will pass through his unit or if he prefers that it be taken to his home. 5 min
10 Once with their payment invoice, the customer can go to the reception to have their mobile unit delivered. 3 min


Bronze package service: 55 minutes.

Silver package service: 1 hour 5 minutes.

Gold package service: 1 hour 20 minutes.

3.4.- Process Flow Diagram.

3.5.- Technology Features.

Well, in this aspect our company will not have relevant technology, that is, by not requiring highly sophisticated equipment, it will not be necessary to use state-of-the-art technology. and more functional for the activity that we are going to develop, and the other part would be an oil extraction pump that in your case does not require great knowledge for its use and is not very high-tech.

3.6.- Equipment and Facilities.

In order to provide a quality service, the use of the following equipment and tools will be necessary. The following table is determined by quantity, price and brand.

3.7.-Raw Material.

The following table indicates the raw material that we require in our production process, specifying the estimated quantity per period.

The estimates were made considering the period of a month in which 100 services should be performed as follows: 35 bronze packages, 49 silver packages and 16 gold packages, this can be corroborated in the sales forecast.

3.8.-Identification of Suppliers and Quotes.

3.9.-Installed Capacity of the Plant.

Period Amount of services
Daily: 12
Week: 70
Month: 300
Year: 3600

It has been considered that only 300 days of the year will be worked, also that from the first year to the third year it will be the growth and initiation stage of the company, so there are still only two technicians who can develop an average of six services a day considering that the longest service per package lasts 1hr with 30min this would give us 7.8hrs of work in a daily workday as required by law from the fourth year onwards, more staff will have to be hired to fill the time gap.

3.10.- Inventory Management.

The reorder point is established for each raw material, based on a monthly period in which 100 services must be performed as follows: 35 bronze packages, 49 silver packages and 16 gold packages.

3.11.- Location of the Company.

The location of the company is located at 13 sur poniente number 862 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.

3.12.-Distribution of the Plant.

3.13.-Manpower required.

The following table establishes the personnel required to carry out the production process, as well as its skills.

Exercise No. of people Skill type
Receptionist two Basic knowledge of computer systems (Exel and Word)

Dealing with people

Ease of word

Control area one Basic knowledge of computer systems (Exel and Word)
Technicians two Basic knowledge of automotive vehicles in general
Specialist one Knowledge of engines and oils

TOTAL REQUIRED LABOR: 4 positions for a total of 6 people, in this case the control and specialist area will be carried out by the same person, so only the workforce of 5 people will be required.

3.14.- Continuous Improvement Procedures.

In order to ensure that our service will meet the most demanding quality standards that the client proposes (Price, time, friendliness of care, availability of service and hours, entertainment, security, work well done) the following activities will be carried out:

Constant market research.

Monitors of increases and decreases of spare parts (inventories).

After-sales services with customers to see customer satisfaction with the service.

Distribution in work shifts to always be available.

Check daily that the coffee and internet services work, so that there is no lack of water in the dispensers or magazines in the waiting room.

The work carried out will be supervised in order to avoid anomalies in the service.

A course on personnel treatment will be held periodically. Constant updating in novel oils.

3.15.-Pre-operational Production Program.


The business organization corresponds to the process of organizing the resources (human, financial and material) available to the company, to achieve the desired objectives.

The purpose of the organization is to make it effective through human cooperation, the reason that there are organizational levels is to set a limit of people that an administrator can control more effectively

One of the aspects of the organization is the establishment of departments, which designate a particular area or division of an organization over which an administrator has authority over the performance of specific activities.

4.1.- Objectives of the organizational area.

Work in an organized way in the different areas, in order to integrate into a single work team, satisfying the client's needs in the shortest possible time.

4.2.- Organization chart of the company.

4.3.- General and specific functions of the Company.

MANAGEMENT: It will be the person who will take control of entries and exits at a general level, as well as a balance and growth of the company; He will be in charge of supervising all the departments in the company and the accountant for financial activities. Therefore, it will be the one that carries a program of activities for the staff, either for updates and induction courses among others.

CUSTOMER SERVICE (reception): Will be the person in charge of attending and imparting information on all packages and promotions to anyone interested in our services. Therefore, it will carry out a valet parking job, during the stay of the vehicles, which will consist of inspecting the vehicle before and after it, asking the client for some valuable object that she will leave in her mobile unit, recording the mileage and.

WAREHOUSE: It will have an entry and exit control; as well as an order control, will be the person in charge of providing material for each vehicle service.

CLEANING: Will be in charge of cleaning the office facilities.

CONTROL: It is the person who will register the assigned work order, and call the technician; to carry out the corresponding work, in addition to being on the lookout for the termination of the services in order to be able to conclude them and move on to the collection area.

TECHNICIAN: Person specialized in carrying out the vehicle service.

FINANCES: It will be in charge of printing invoices for each service order and will carry out internal control of the monetary entries and exits existing in the company.

4.4.- Recruitment of Personnel.

Recruitment medium cost
Radio: $ 2000.00 pesos
Total budget: $ 2000.00 pesos

Specialized personnel willing to work in the areas of:

Oil Treatise.

Automotive technician.

Indistinct sex, availability of hours, between 24-30 years, it is essential to take a job application. Salary according to attitudes and benefits according to law.


Proof of non-criminal record Application for employment.

Curriculum vitae.

2 Letters of Recommendation.

2 Photographs (children's size and current). Schedule availability.

4.5.- Personnel Selection.

The selection of personnel for the Az-Zait company will be carried out as follows:

In the first moment, the reception of a job application and curriculum will be carried out for all interested persons.

Candidates who meet the required profile will be selected from among the members of the company, after which the candidates will be investigated and will end with an interview.

This procedure will have no cost.

4.6.- Staff Recruitment.

The hiring of staff will be carried out through temporary contracts (this will be in a period of 3 months), letting you know that everything will depend on the performance of your work to guarantee contract renewal or otherwise dismissal.

4.7.- Induction Process.

PERSON WHO WILL CARRY OUT THE INDUCTION: The induction process will be carried out by Ing. Carlos Alonso Terrazas Reyes.

INDUCTION PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED: Employees will be informed of the company's policy, as well as its values, standards and the position to be held.

It will be disclosed what the company wants from him as an employee and what the company can offer him.

MATERIAL TO BE USED IN THE INDUCTION PROCESS: The material that will be used in the induction process will be the tools with which they will provide the service to customers accompanied with a notebook and pen for any notation they require to make.

4.8.- Define the Company's Training and Training Program.

4.9.- Administration of Salaries and Wages.

4.10.- Concrete actions to improve the quality of life of the worker and his family.

In order to integrate the workers, each member's birthday will be celebrated with a small meeting in the workshop, in order to meet the workers and bring the family closer.

Christmas Posadas celebration with Christmas basket raffles and family outings to recreational centers.

4.11.- Define the most convenient form of regime for the microenterprise.

REPECO (Small Taxpayers Regime), since the capital with which we are starting as a company is very little, as are the employees.

4.12.-Fiscal Aspects to Consider.

Among the tax aspects to consider we will take into account:

  • VAT Income Tax. Living place. Bonus.

4.13.- Aspects to Consider in Contracting.

  • IMSS. INFONAVIT. Holidays. Bonus. AFORE.

4.14.- Legal Aspects to consider for the implementation of the Company.

  • Incorporation of the company before a notary public. Public registry of property and commerce. High before the SAT. High before the treasury delegation. High before H. City Council for permission to announce on the wall. High IMSS. (Employer And Worker) High INFONAVIT. Health.


In a company, the finance area is essential to carry out the control of the inflows and outflows of capital that are available, this with the objective of knowing the financial situation of our company and in this way being able to carry out activities that allow saving costs to increase our performance expectations.

5.1.- Define Objectives of the Accounting area.


In order for the company to move forward without accounting problems, the accounts will be kept as clear as possible through daily records in accounting books and computers.


In order for the company to continue growing, the record of all financial activities will continue to be kept through daily records, documentary regime and on the computer. LONG TERM.

As it became a company with more capital, control of all financial activities would be carried out more strictly through daily computer records and by a file clerk.

5.2.-Indicate who will be in charge of the Accounting system

The accounting will be carried out by the accountant Octavio Rolando Lara Martínez.

The cost will be $ 1,500.00 monthly.

5.3.-Catalog of Accounts.

5.4.-Software to Use

The computer package called conta plus will be used, which will be managed by the accountant Octavio Rolando Lara Martínez who will be in charge of the accounting system which will manage it in his work facilities.

5.5.-Cash Flow INCOME:

Initial contribution of partners:

5.6.-Share Capital.

Initial amount: $ 1,393,197.00


By common agreement between the partners we have decided not to process any type of credit.



5.10.-Projection of Cash Flow.

5.11.-Financial Indicators.

IRR, Net Present Value.

5.12.-Assumptions Used in the Financial Statements.

5.13.-Financing Options.

We will not have any financing.


Within the company, the preparation of the work plan is essential, since it assigns time, managers, goals and resources to each activity of the company, with the aim of reaching the goals that have been set.

Without a doubt, the work plan is fundamentally the concrete, clear and specific expression of the planning that has been carried out in each of the areas of the company.

6.1.- Data to include in a Business Plan.

The Marketing area covers a series of activities to be carried out, such as:

6.2.-Preparation of the Work Plan.


  1. 1.- Steps to make an Executive Summary.


The Az-Zait company arises from the idea of ​​three entrepreneurial leaders who seek to get involved in the market in order to apply knowledge acquired in the career of mechanical engineering.

The company Az-Zait will be dedicated to providing oil change and oil filter services to the mobile unit for individuals and companies.


The Az-Zait company will not only have the best service to its public, but it will also have promotions, packages (gold, silver and bronze), partnerships with cooperatives and good prices, not to mention that the client will be able to choose between various brands of oil and filter.

One of the main advantages that the company will have is having oil specialists, who will undoubtedly be able to recommend the type of oil to use to prolong the life of your mobile unit, another advantage that will be available, will be the service of reception at home, where the client can be sure that his mobile unit will be in the best hands.


Az-Zait is a company committed to its clients, since it cares about providing the best service for each lifestyle of your mobile unit. To carry out the AzZait service, you will have highly trained personnel, so you can be sure that your vehicle will be in the best hands and the work will be of the highest quality.

If we talk about the replacement of your vehicle, (oil and filter), you can count on the best oils at a good price and you can choose between the different brands that will be available. In addition, our service will have the appropriate tools to carry out the service.


Regardless of the hierarchical ranks within the company, its organization is essential for good work. As a company, Az-Zait aims to make the organization effective through human cooperation, teamwork, bringing workers closer together as be human and generally integrate the family.


The accounting of the company undoubtedly formed an important role, since to begin with the construction of the company, it was essential to take control of the capital that was available at that time, this with the aim of knowing the financial situation of our company and in this way we can develop activities that allow us to save costs to increase our performance expectations, offer the best prices in the market and give economic stability to all our workers.


To facilitate our work within the company, a work plan was prepared in which time, managers, goals and resources were assigned to each activity of the company, with the aim of reaching the goals that had been set.

Whenever an activity was carried out, we compared with our work plan to visualize the performance made in the process.

7.2.- Executive Summary of the Company.

The Az-Zait company arises from the idea of ​​three entrepreneurial leaders who seek to get involved in the market in order to apply knowledge acquired in the career of mechanical engineering.

The company Az-Zait will be dedicated to providing oil change and oil filter services to the mobile unit for individuals and companies.

Az-Zait will not only have the best attention to its public, but it will also have promotions, packages (gold, silver and bronze), partnerships with cooperatives and good prices, not to mention that the client will be able to choose between various brands of oil and filter.

One of the main advantages that the company will have is having oil specialists, who will undoubtedly be able to recommend the type of oil to use to prolong the life of your mobile unit, another advantage that will be available, will be the service of reception at home, where the client can be sure that his mobile unit will be in the best hands.

Az-Zait is committed to its customers, as it cares about providing the best service for each lifestyle of your mobile unit. To carry out the Az-Zait service you will have highly trained personnel, so you can be sure that your vehicle will be in the best hands and the work will be of the highest quality.

If we talk about the replacement of your vehicle, (oil and filter), you can count on the best oils at a good price and you can choose between the different brands that will be available. In addition, our service will have the appropriate tools to carry out the service.

Regardless of the hierarchical ranks within the company, its organization is essential for good work. As a company, Az-Zait aims to make the organization effective through human cooperation, teamwork, bringing workers closer together as be human and generally integrate the family.

The accounting of the company undoubtedly formed an important role, since to begin with the construction of the company, it was essential to take control of the capital that was available at that time, this with the aim of knowing the financial situation of our company and in this way we can develop activities that allow us to save costs to increase our performance expectations, offer the best prices in the market and give economic stability to all our workers.

To facilitate our work within the company, a work plan was prepared in which time, managers, goals and resources were assigned to each activity of the company, with the aim of reaching the goals that had been set.

Whenever an activity was carried out, we compared with our work plan to visualize the performance made in the process.

8. Cash Flow

8.1.- Indical data

8.2.- Preoperative Expenses

8.3.- Sales Forecasts

8.4.- Considerations for the Sales Forecast

8.5.- Expenses

8.6.- Considerations for expenses

8.7.- Initial investment

8.8.- Cash flow statement

8.9.- Product prices

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Example of a business plan. az zait oils and lubricants