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Exercises to improve creativity


"How good it would be to be a child again so that our imagination would fly again beyond the reality that overwhelms us", this phrase we have heard many times and unfortunately continues to be a challenge for many human beings.

The entrepreneur and the entrepreneur are beings who constantly have to play with their imagination, either in an internal conflict or to tackle an external project. By the very nature of the entrepreneur, he cannot be stiff and gray. I think that image of the businessman who was exclusively dedicated to operating, fortunately is already disappearing.

A few weeks ago we published an article on creativity and its difference with invention and innovation. Entitled «Starting Creativity to Reach Practicality», this article aims to complement it from a practical perspective, for this I have selected some exercises that will be very useful to exercise your mind and above all motivate your creativity. We will work with two basic exercises that will develop your creative mental force and also relax your mind in the process.

The first exercise is called "Word Pictures": Your thoughts and wishes are usually expressed in words. But you could also express them in images. Put the two together: make shapes with the words, shapes that optically show what they mean. Here are some examples.

Think in each case: What is represented here? Why precisely like this? How was this expressiveness achieved? What will another feel about this? Follow these games with your thoughts: Take words, little sentences and transform the letters according to your imagination. The entrepreneur and the entrepreneur are beings who constantly have to play with their imagination, either in an internal conflict or to tackle an external project. Play not only with single letters or words. Also play with numbers (which will certainly be nicer than before).

Here are some examples. Go on your own initiative in this. If you do it with friends, this game will be not only useful but also a rest. By means of images of words and numbers, new occurrences are stimulated. But not only with them. Also exercise with given shapes getting used to dismembering them.

This will bring out your creative inclinations. And at the same time you get used to express your occurrences with more plasticity. As you can see from exercising your mind, you also need something in a good mood, now, how about if we now apply a "brainstorming" exercise, this exercise is much more complex because it requires great freedom of thought from you. Imagine for a moment a fictitious problem, what if the problem does not have to do with the company, but with something everyday, for example, how to solve the parking problem in the city, or what would be a creative option for the boys to arrive earlier home. Get together with some people and among all give a solution to a problem, anything goes, the wildest ideas are the most useful, try to get out of the ordinary, it's just an exercise,therefore, there are no limits, the resources are infinite, the immediate applicability is the least of it.

This exercise is practiced many times in classrooms, but on very few occasions do we understand its high degree of practicality. Although the first two exercises will take about 10 minutes each, the third may take a little longer.

Practice it with your team, at least twice a week, you will find that over time your group will be much more awake and proactive. Many board games lend themselves to the development of imagination and creativity through elaborate imaginative building processes. One of the best known is the classic PUMPKINS AND DRAGONS which is one of the hundreds of roll games that you can currently find on the market.

What is really important here is that you dream again, invent your own creative exercises and seduce the imagination with intelligence, maybe in one of those you will discover how to take advantage of the circumstances that surround you. And most importantly dear entrepreneur, Never stop creating.

Exercises to improve creativity