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Human capital in the knowledge society

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Next we will talk about a very common theme that all types of companies are based on human beings. As an individual or worker of the same company, human capital. We will see the concept, where it develops, in which century it begins, which contributes to companies. In development we will talk about how the human being arises.


The term human capital represents the value that the number of employees (of all levels) of an institution supposes according to their studies, knowledge, capacities and abilities. The human capital of a company is undoubtedly one of the most important elements when evaluating the overall performance of the same company.

The term human capital arises in the eighteenth century when economic theorists such as Adam Smith raised the need to dwell not only on technical but also human factors when establishing the rules for the proper functioning of a company or a economic system in general.

In this way, human capital appeared as one of the most important elements to take into account since it is responsible for executing the tasks and skills of each economic area. Thus, the more valuable the human capital of a company is (that is, the better trained or prepared it is for the specific tasks that come to it), the better the results of that institution.

This explanation of the term is based on economic and performance aspects, but nevertheless the concept can also be related to sociological aspects and elements such as access to training means for a group of people, literacy, the future projection of certain careers or work, the possibility of success according to the level of education, etc. All of them are especially related to the notion that the individual cannot be reduced to numbers and statistics that can be quantified in economic or mathematical terms, but must be especially understood as a particular social phenomenon.

The approach of current situations by the author. (García A, 2007)

  • Help the organization. Greater profitability and attitudes towards the orientation of organizational objectives. Helps the individual. Through training and development, the variables of motivation, achievement, growth and progress are internalized and put into practice. It helps human relations in the work group.

Improving communication between groups and individuals.

And there are different types of training, such as:

  • Job training. Pre-entry, induction and promotional. Training at work. Training, specific and human. Development. Formal adult education, personality integration, and recreational and cultural activities.

Which is the investment that a company grants in its personnel, divided to the boss in the organizations of the workers.

For the author (C., 2004) There is no information available at an aggregate level on work experience, non-formal education processes or the individual's mental and / or physical capacity, it has had to be limited to using only data related to formal education or human capital endowment.

There are groups that are used to go through the following stages such as: training period; It is based on the first phases of individuals, such as knowing the attitudes of others, observations and discovering what role each plays. In the workplace, the individual determines what work or activities between methods and standards.

Conflict period: once each member has drawn their own conclusions from the observations, this can give the conflict situation this occurs when the organization incorporates a new group of employees.

Cohesion period: these phases of each member's role are developed in a way of working and solving the delicate problems of group activities.

When the integrations of a person to the group take place, a series of transformation takes place in their behavior and assimilates into their own and into groups.

"A work team is undoubtedly a group but not every work group forms a team, (M, 2012). A work team is one that all members of said autonomous group generate a positive synergy through the coordinated effort and work commitment.


From a biological point of view, an animal species related to homo sapiens is designated as a human being, but whose main characteristics and differences with the rest of the species, all inferior, is that the human being, unlike these, can carry out operations such as thinking or speaking and also, strictly in the body, presents both an external and internal level, a very important evolution with respect to the rest of the species.

Homo sapiens belongs to a lineage of primates known as humanoids, which evolved many years ago in Africa and from that ancestor the hominid family arose.

So, the main difference that this homo sapiens presented with respect to the rest of the species, for this reason, the designation of sapiens that refers to the wise, is that the human being is a rational animal, he can carry out very complex conceptual and symbolic operations, among them the use of really sophisticated language systems, abstract reasoning, introspection and speculation skills.

Many studies that have been done regarding this fundamental leap that gave rise to the human being indicate that these rational possibilities could be due to a neurological reason: the increase in the size of the brain and especially to the extreme development that the frontal lobe suffered.

As mentioned, human beings, despite the similarity they present with respect to other superior mammals, possess the highest level of complexity and specialization. Each organ, each tissue, each system of the body of a human being are interrelated and it is this, then, that gives it the necessary balance to develop everything we mentioned above.

Meanwhile, regarding his ability to move and locomotion, also the human being, is one of the most developed and plastic in the animal kingdom, since he can display an infinite range of movements, which also enable him to carry out activities such as dance, sports, performing arts, among others.

And regarding his life cycle, the human being is one of the longest-living species among all the multicellular animals that exist today. Today the life expectancy of human beings is so extended that there have even been cases of people who have crossed the hundred-year barrier, something unthinkable a few decades ago.

The term human is used to refer to the only living beings that have developed certain characteristics such as reasoning, oral and written language, the biped posture and coexistence in complex social structures. The human being belongs to the world of animals, to the class of mammals and to the order of primates, an order shared with other living beings such as the chimpanzee or the gorilla (considered their ancestors). The term comes from the Latin 'homo' or man.

Today's human being is considered to be the most sophisticated evolution of ancient hominids who found direct relationships with primates. These hominids were acquiring new characteristics that began to differentiate them from primates, ranging from the acquisition of a more erect and biped posture, a greater size and brain capacity, opposite thumbs to the manufacture of various types of tools. The current man is scientifically known as Homo Sapiens Sapiens and is the only one who came to populate all the planetary space while others only survived in certain environments.

In addition to its genetic characteristics, the human being is especially recognized for the development and acquisition of elements that make him unique in the kingdom of living beings. In this sense, the human being is the only one who has been able to develop reasoning or the use of a rational and abstract mental capacity. This has allowed him to build complex social systems that can go from being simple communities to very important civilizations.

The development of culture is undoubtedly another of the exclusive features of the human being, the one that differentiates him from the rest of living beings. Culture is everything that is produced by man and that has to do with its artistic, technical or religious expressions. In many ways, culture has to do with the power of abstraction that the human being possesses.

Human Resources

"What has differentiated the winning organizations from their competitors has been, increasingly, the quality of their human talent"

It has been understood that today the functional area of ​​human resources is at a crossroads and this is due to the existing demand for a greater contribution from this area to the contribution to the final results of the organization.

It is considered that the human resources area needs a new paradigm for action, a change is required, a new role that is much more strategic and generates positive results for the organization and, in return, a new mentality, a renewed profile of professionals area.

Here is a list that leads us to think about the adaptation of the human resources area to the new times:

  • A new paradigm: from the industrial age to the knowledge age, The radical transformations in the nature of work, The new concepts on intellectual capital, The need for self-criticism on the area of ​​human resources, which needs to be judged more for its future than for his past.
Human capital in the knowledge society