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Service design as a strategy for business success


The last 30 years have been characterized by the painstaking search for new alternatives that lead customers to live "experiences they want to repeat", for which models ranging from the statistical review of customs have been incorporated into corporate management systems of customer purchase, through the implementation of strategies such as CRM, which in many cases is nothing more than a model of customer approach that does not represent qualitative leaps in the transactional management of the company.

The apostles of service in companies preach by all means that it is necessary to make the customer an ally, that it is not enough to serve the customer well, that we are in an era where we can lose the customer if he gives us a poor rating in service. We recognize that competition every day is better prepared for the hard battle of having more and better customers, but perhaps we must go beyond the desideratums that they proclaim but do not propose. It is necessary to go beyond the diagnoses that arise from the desire to find alternatives that offer us quick and low-cost solutions.

In this brief reflection I want to mention, first of all, the THREE key aspects that will help to build a strong and robust organizational strategy capable of consolidating the experience of customer loyalty and ensuring some competitive advantage in the turbulent markets in which we have to survive.

The first is to ATTRACT the customer; It is necessary to make the products that we offer in our company a factor of success and of interest to those who recognize that the practices we use are socially responsible and environmentally friendly. New customers will come through effective commercial management, it is true, but also because of the ability we have to show a differentiator in the sea of ​​similar offers. It is worth asking ourselves if we are attractive enough to potential customers and understand the reason for it, that is, that it is not enough to engage in the price struggle that can lead us to the economic precipice, but to enhance the attribute for which a customer is willing to maybe pay a little more than we expect.This component invites managers to reflect on whether the resources invested in advertising are correctly oriented to the expected results or if they point to an exercise that has the consequence of generating a reminder that mobilizes them to "experience" a purchase in our company.

The second is to KEEP the customer; Once our potential client, now current, arrives at our establishment for the first time, it is necessary to make them stay with us, to generate the re-purchase. This component is definitely the key factor of loyalty and it is the responsibility of the WHOLE organization, to make the customer return, who wants to repeat the experience of buying our products. Depending on the industry, it will be those who serve the client or those who produce the products who will have a greater opportunity and responsibility to preserve the client, to meet their expectations regarding the product, to recognize if it meets the promised quality standards, with the amount you need, with the time required and for the cost you are willing to pay.Keeping the client is a daily challenge for the company, it is an obligation that goes beyond serving their order list, it is about putting the entire operation in function of the satisfaction and exceeding of their expectations. In many organizations, clear policies aimed at maintaining the client are not recognized, on the contrary, there are evidences of behaviors that generate discomfort and nonconformity that lead them, sooner rather than later, to look for a better supplier.sooner rather than later, to find a better provider.sooner rather than later, to find a better provider.

And the third component is to DEVELOP the client; We already know how difficult it is to attract new customers, losing them is a luxury that we cannot afford, so strategies must focus on making our customers come back and buy more and more, expanding the portfolio of products they buy from us. To the extent that we get our clients to show us their preference, what we must understand is that it is an applause that forces us to maintain and improve our management. The increase in turnover makes the relationship with the customer become much more solid and therefore more demanding compared to the expectations initially raised.

On the other hand, I consider it of the utmost importance that we differentiate what is the DESIGN of the service with the PROVIDER of the service, this means that not everything is arranged with the “smile operation” perhaps the company, as suggested many years ago K. Albrecht and recently Tom Peters, must allocate sufficient financial resources to generate a link that goes beyond the transactional, it is about producing and maintaining trust in the relationship, consolidating the credibility that the management systems that ensure a result and products in line with customer expectations. Service is not a job, we have described it in another reflection, it is a combination of various elements that together give rise to the service experience.

For this reason, when we talk about DESIGN, we refer to the understanding of the route that the client follows from the moment he comes into contact with our company until he receives what he expects from us, among them we can mention the product, facilities and technology of In such a way that satisfaction levels can be measured from the customer's point of view, it is important not to forget that one thing is the value offered and another the perceived value, in that stretch we earn the service rating. The route of the service allows us to identify how complicated it is to communicate with the company, how long it takes for the delivery of the order, in how long they resolve a concern or claim, how complicated is the company in the documentation, the technological advances that it has to meet my request, etc…

The service PROVIDER on his part, is the one who executes this action path prepared to satisfy the customer's expectations, he is responsible for showing the friendly face of the service, making the customer feel welcome and ready to please, attend and understand the requests that you have in front of the service or product that you hope to acquire. The provider must be very skilled in identifying the hidden expectation that underlies the client's stated need. It is very important then that you have the knowledge of the product to be able to offer its characteristics, but you must also believe and feel that it is the best option (not only for the commission, if any), it is about the internal conviction that leads it to sell the benefits of a good purchase.The service provider cultivates good manners and trains social skills that allow him to look natural, cheerful and always ready to meet the client's requirements. He is aware that his performance may determine the decision whether or not to buy from the site from which he obtains not only his financial support but also his personal and professional development and growth.

Finally, it is important to keep in mind, and not forget that the experience that "the client wants to repeat" is born from the perception and judgment that is made of the combination of these two elements (Design and provision of the service) since, on the one hand, It evaluates the quality, quantity, opportunity and costs of the service received, and on the other hand, the warmth, knowledge and charisma of the person who attended it. In the end, the report card is not only for the person, it is also for the company that formulated its service PROMISE.

Service design as a strategy for business success