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Social entrepreneurship as the new way of doing business

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“Unlike traditional businesses, a social enterprise operates for the benefit of meeting social needs that allow communities to function more efficiently. Social enterprises provide a necessary framework to address social problems by combining business knowledge with the desire to improve the quality of life. " Grameen Creative Lab


Throughout history, society has never remained static, but is in constant transformation, and with it, the desires, consumption habits and needs of people. For this reason, companies across the globe have experienced the push and demand of the new society, and have been forced to evolve to meet these new needs.

In the middle of 2018, it is not enough to have a good idea, a good product, or a profitable business. Companies have to go further. Social entrepreneurship makes its appearance on the scene not only as one more alternative, but also responds to the need of thousands of young people who seek meaning in their lives, who crave more than just "possess" material goods, who seek to transcend through their experiences.

The millennial generation, which has been so criticized and mocked through the multiple communication tools available today for their way of being, for their customs, for the way they were raised, etc., have repeatedly demonstrated that their feeling and love for the world is profound when they are put to the test, that their interests go beyond the material, and that their objective is to leave the world a little better than they found it.

What is social entrepreneurship?

Social entrepreneurship is a (not so new) business vision, which focuses not only on reducing costs and increasing company profits, but on solving / calming the problems that plague our society. (del Cerro, 2016)

Social entrepreneurs are companies that are oriented to solve social problems of different kinds (environmental, marginalization and poverty, politics, economy), using theoretical and technical knowledge about the business world, and always employing a model that is scalable, sustainable and that allows you to generate profits, since in the end it is a company.

In summary, it can be said that social enterprises are a merger of a non-profit foundation, whose objective is philanthropy, plus the elements of a traditional company that seeks to generate a sustainable profit model.

In combination of both types of operation, the social company will seek to address the biggest social problems, since it will offer proposals for innovative solutions to a problem (for example, social, economic, health, environmental, etc.) with a strategy sustainable impact.

So, we have that social entrepreneurship will play a key role in the new business network. The consumer opens his eyes to the needs of society, he is demanding and committed, so companies must adapt to him and these needs if they want to stay alive.

The difference between a traditional and a social entrepreneur, is that the first seeks to create needs in their consumers through the creation and launch of their products / services (needs that in reality, most of the times are fictitious), obtain benefits by on top of everything. By contrast, social entrepreneurship is more related to mitigating a need. Little by little, awareness is raised among existing companies, who realize that generating high capital is not enough and progressively get involved and seek to contribute to the communities in which they are developed to generate a positive social impact.

Social enterprises will not replace traditional companies. At the moment, both models will have to coexist, and little by little they will expand our idea of ​​what doing business really means. In the words of the Grameen Creative Lab organization, "social entrepreneurship is capitalism at its best: creating, innovating and expanding." (Grameen Creative Lab, 2018)

Profile of the social entrepreneur

At this point in history, entrepreneurs realize that they really do have a commitment to society (the so-called social responsibility), and stop focusing solely on making money. Before, both professionals and people who exercised trades were concerned with solving social problems and living happily from it at the same time. All of these people were loved and respected for their value and service to the community (doctors, teachers, firefighters, police, carpenters, cooks, gardeners, etc.)

But, at some point in history, this sense is lost and begins with the belief that we could first generate great wealth, and then, already capitalized and living comfortably, find out how to return to the community some of what she brought us. This simply does not work. Social entrepreneurship does allow us to function with meaning.

We need leaders / example to demonstrate that social entrepreneurship is a way of life and it does work, people who support and promote youth projects with passion. There are many people who live dreaming of leaving their job secure and well paid to do what they are passionate about, who are looking for a sense of life, but somehow do not dare to leave their comfort zone.

In order for there to be more social entrepreneurs in our country, it is necessary to take risks, simply launch and create or participate in a social venture. What is difficult? Yes. But the satisfactions will be many too. The brave who do it have a responsibility to do it very well, to show that it works. Not all projects are going to be successful, but time will provide the entrepreneur with experiences to continue on the path, building interesting business models, paying attention to the market, developing innovative products, and seeking optimal quality results.

Innovation is a word that has been used with some frequency in recent years, referring to any original project that society demands (entrepreneurship). Innovation has always existed as a construction tool. People are forced to innovate every time they encounter difficulty. So innovation occurs not only in technology, but in any other organizational environment.

Tosepan Titataniske / United We Will Overcome

We are all born and part of a community. From our point of view, it should be part of our commitment to participate in it and return a little of what it has given us.

The Tosepan Titataniske Regional Agricultural Cooperative Society (which in Nahuatl means “united we will overcome”), has taken these words to the next level for more than 40 years. What started as a fight in 1977 to feed their families and combat the shortage of basic products in various communities in the northeast mountains in the state of Puebla, has now become a very successful and internationally recognized social entrepreneurship project..

La Tosepan (as it is affectionately called by its partners), is considered the main indigenous coffee producing cooperative movement in Mexico. With 35,000 members (86% of them indigenous population and 64% of them women), they have come out ahead after facing economic crises, political conflicts, social injustices, etc. (Tosepan Titataniske, 2018)

Although its main economic activity continues to be the production of high altitude organic coffee and strict height for export (Europe, USA, Japan), the diversification of activities over time is very wide, encompassing activities such as the production of pepper gorda and melipona honey, to economic projects such as the cooperative's own savings bank (Tosepantomin), health projects such as Tosepan Pajtí, or Tosepan Kali, which is poured into the hospitality and ecotourism industries in the area.

Since its origin, the main objectives of the organization continue to be the improvement in the quality of life of its members, the preservation of their cultural identity and the protection of natural resources. All the programs and projects that they have developed throughout their history are framed by these basic guidelines.

The needs and problems that this great community have faced have been transformed over time. The main topics have been: the production of their crops, food, health, decent housing, education and development, the media, improvement of basic services, and the defense of the territory.

This organization is a clear example of a consolidated, innovative, constant and successful social entrepreneurship work.


It is very likely that the reader of this essay will think that social entrepreneurship is an idea taken directly from a fantasy story and completely implausible in its operation. However, we are convinced that social entrepreneurship can be profitable.

It is very risky that the life of a company depends on the granting of government subsidies, donations, prizes, scholarships and / or other incentives of the type.

Society's concern for a better and sustainable world can no longer be ignored. This attitude is contagious, every day more people join ethics and social entrepreneurship.

In the case of Tosepan Titataniske, we think that it is now better for this cooperative society to use crowdfunding as a means of disseminating its raison d'être, operation and products / services offered, rather than for financing, since they are going through a stable period..

They have relied on numerous occasions from various financial resources and donations to get ahead in their history that already has more than 40 years, but today it can be said that they have succeeded in making themselves known and work day by day to meet their objectives improvement in the quality of life of its members, through the work they already know how to do.

For this reason, the Tosepan does not have to lose sight of the fact that:

  • Although they clearly have a social purpose, they are still a company. They must continue to make consistent decisions and have clear control over their finances. It is necessary to constantly observe their market, detect new needs and constantly evaluate the products and services they offer (are they really appreciated ?, current? Are they still causing interest? ?) Your work is worth a lot. They should not be afraid to collect the "true value" of their products / services. New consumers and true militants of social entrepreneurship must be happy to pay a bonus if the product continues to have ethical purposes.


As it is said colloquially in Mexico, we know that "the oven is not for buns." It is true that the country's economic situation is sensitive, that our people are fighting a daily struggle to get ahead, and sometimes it is not so easy to convince people to "pay more" for a product that comes from a socially responsible company, from the fair trade, made with this or that special ingredient, as well as the services that come from a company that is dedicated to improving the quality of life in your community.

It is simple mathematical logic for some people… why am I going to pay “x” an extra amount of pesos for a simple kilo of coffee that costs “x” an amount of money in the supermarket? Just because it comes from Cuetzalan? Just because it is produced by the indigenous people of the area? Just because it is organic?…

However, we are convinced that there is a market eager to participate in building a better and fairer world, a market that seeks to live with a clear conscience and will be willing to pay a little more to ensure the right origin of their consumption. The more social ventures there are, the easier it is for other people to want to join participating with or for them.

It is our obligation as social entrepreneurs, or in our particular case, promoters of social entrepreneurship, willing to become social entrepreneurs, to do everything in our power not to let our spirits drop. There is no worse fight than the one that is not made. We need to echo all the initiatives and organizations that promote social entrepreneurs, make their voices heard and share their stories.

At what point do we stop dreaming? We have to put aside the beliefs that these types of projects do not constitute real work. The economic, social, political and cultural situation of our country cries out for the development of leaders who are sensitive to all our difficulties as a society. Inspirational leaders who motivate us to pursue dreams. It is time to make our training and talent available to our communities. Ask yourself, what about me? What am I doing to participate in this transformation?


del Cerro, J. (2016). What is social entrepreneurship? Businesses that change the world. In J. del Cerro, what is social entrepreneurship? Businesses that change the world (p. 10). Mexico: Nueva Editorial Iztaccíhuatl SA de CV

Grameen Creative Lab. (July 02, 2018). The Grameen Creative Lab. Obtained from Passion for social bussiness:

Tosepan Titataniske. (2018). Tosepan Titataniske. Obtained from Institutional Presentation:

Social entrepreneurship as the new way of doing business