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The end of the Taylorist vision of organization and the new worker


In the middle of the last century, the twentieth already, after the economic turmoil caused by the wars, the main concern of the companies was to produce more to meet a demand willing to absorb everything.

When the main demands were saturated and the entrepreneurs discovered the stocks, they created the seller, active and aggressive, capable of emptying the ships in three turns of tongue.

At the same time, the consumer discovered the power of their right to choose from a plethora of competitive offers, and marketing specialists (the science of successful market exchanges) dominated organizations.

The financiers also had their golden age, because financing growth and managing profits is a matter of specialists and some made more money from money management than from sales themselves.

Today, most companies control production, finance, and sales with similar effectiveness.

Where then does the competitive advantage lie?

In the Taylorist conception, the worker was a kind of robot, whose satisfaction was not questioned and whose delivery to work was as much greater as it was easy to replace. Taylor separated people into two groups: those who think and those who execute. The former were important, the latter interchangeable.

Today, the worker is a citizen with multiplied income, a much higher level of education, transparent information from the media, an unprecedented level of labor and social protection, and a developed critical attitude towards his environment.

If as a citizen, today's man becomes more responsible, autonomous and demanding, he wants the same in his work environment. However, in many cases, companies have failed to respond to this desire for responsibility, autonomy and decision, but rather through a self-defense mechanism focused on preventing the emergence of new values, covering the pressure cooker with the naive hope of thus shutting down the fire.

Therefore, instead of accepting the evolution and integration of the new values, the company has denied them, which has only succeeded in increasing tensions.

Today's worker no longer only tries to earn a living; It also aims to achieve personal social and affective satisfaction as well as develop their personality.

A worker can, to a large extent, be forced to be present at their workplace, but not to be productive or effective. He cannot be compelled to be interested in what he does, or to do it well. However, the quality of the work of the personnel depends on the quality of production and service of a company. And it is your ability to satisfy your customers that depend on your income, present and future.

The source of the competitive advantage of companies today, and what to say tomorrow, lies in the competitiveness of their personnel. The added value of companies rests on the added value of its human team.

Due to the synergy effect, a team is more than the sum of the individuals, which we sometimes express by 2 + 2 = 5. But a team is not born by a decree, it is built.

Work teams can contribute a lot to companies, and they demand relatively little in return, but they need it in an essential way, such as personal consideration. If you want to receive trust, we could say to the boss, start by giving it over and over again. Consider workers as people, not as license plates on the payroll list. Understand that company and workers are mutually dependent, like the members and the stomach of the fable told by Cicero. And before you complain about what you receive, look at what you are giving.

The end of the Taylorist vision of organization and the new worker