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The format of thought. test




Analyze the format of thought that people come to generate over time in the various roles in which they perform.


Offer a focus on how people come to generate formats in their performance patterns and how they could eliminate them to adapt to new realities.

Provide an epistemological contribution on the thought formats of people in various contexts of their lives.


As stated in Plato's The Myth of the Cavern, paradigms are developed and inherited from generation to generation; until they reach a moment when it is not identified if it can be real or at some point false. This leads me to refer to the Wachowski Brothers box office movie (The Matrix), where a completely virtualized world is referenced, offering a dystopia in what could or could not be. In this film a completely normal world is presented, where all its inhabitants walk like the mechanism of a good clock, each one doing what corresponds to him, in the times and under the established rules.

Why the relationship between Matrix and Plato's Cavern Allegory? It is evident that in this way, as the slaves were chained and therefore, forced to see through a wall that served as a screen towards the world that, for them, was real; The core essence of The Matrix makes an excellent analogy between a real world and a simulated world. Where it would be very difficult to know What is real? This leads me to want to analyze more about what subjective reality refers to and ask myself: What is my reality? What is your reality? Will we find a connection in our realities?

The problem of subjective reality may be that for some the lifestyle of others is a dream and vice versa. Descartes always presented a doubt; which is linked to subjective reality (How many times has it happened to me to dream at night that I was in the same place, dressed, by the fire, actually being naked and in bed!) where we arrived at a moment that did not It can be identified if you are in a dream or in a life event. That is why I have referenced this film, since it is in tune with the meaning that Plantón wanted to express in his allegory. Today, many people are stuck in a routine that day after day repeats and repeats and becomes mechanical, programmed beings, even their behavior is predictable. The same streets, hours, food, clothes, in short;they are immersed in a pattern that does not allow them to see beyond the images they have created of themselves. With this I want to imply that each one of us as individual human beings, we create our own image; In which, we become castaways, castaways in our own mental models, we draw a pattern of behavior, which at the same time becomes our imaginary fence and that transforms into predictable beings. As a result of this, it is evident that over the years various paradigms have been generated that become, not in customs, but in mechanized actions that are done only because the grandparents did so and so on. This does not carry a reason,rather, it carries out a paradigmization process in which each individual generates a reality according to the paradigms that have been executed around them. When referring to this argument, a few words of Augusto Curry come to mind in his book, Multifocal Intelligence (no thought is true, but an interpretation of reality) where he makes subjective reality clear and above all dependence directly to hermeneutics. I remember a story told by a teacher, which was related to how people live their own reality; the story said, that a lady who lived in a community of scarce resources, had as one of her greatest possessions a rooster; which, every morning sang and just after singing, the sun came out. This fact was repeated for years, until one day the lady,owning the rooster, she had to leave the community and move to another community. With her few belongings in them including the bird, she settled in her new house. The next morning, the rooster crowed, the sun rose and she exclaimed: "poor my former neighbors, as I have brought my rooster, today the sun will not rise on them." This little story has served me as a clear example of people's subjective reality, however illogical a reality may seem, but it is someone's reality. And how do you know if it is wrong or not? How do you know if in a moment your reality is the true reality?as I have brought my rooster, today the sun will not rise to them ”. This little story has served me as a clear example of people's subjective reality, however illogical a reality may seem, but it is someone's reality. And how do you know if it is wrong or not? How do you know if in a moment your reality is the true reality?as I have brought my rooster, today the sun will not rise to them ”. This little story has served me as a clear example of people's subjective reality, however illogical a reality may seem, but it is someone's reality. And how do you know if it is wrong or not? How do you know if in a moment your reality is the true reality?

It is in cases like the example that what happened in the cave that Plato described is clearly evident, people who are framed by a reality alien to the reality of others, but without knowing which of the realities is the true one. As I mentioned earlier, everyone interprets their reality according to their contexts and leaving those realities can harm a thought that is locked in a cell with paradigmatic bars.



During the development of life, there is a certain link between truths and lies. But how can a truth and a lie be identified? This is where the use of mayeutics is needed and thus allow individuals to find their own realities. Today, it seems that everything is set aside to program the minds of individuals belonging to a society. But how was this system born? How does this conjecture originate?

The human being from birth is curious by nature, this is logical, because he is a being who has reached a new habitat, where he begins to discover new elements; After training for nine months and getting used to a habitat, he arrives at a completely different one, where he must adapt in order to survive. This generates in him the desire to know and interpret everything that seems strange to him. When this individual, newly arrived at a new reality, begins to see his surroundings and with it, the desire to know, which leads him to the point of forming ideas and representations of reality, making a relationship of prior knowledge and reasoning. But will this logical reasoning be adequate? Considering that the reasoning has a direct link with the way of joining a series of ideas,the reasoning will depend on how this person has his ideals grounded; in other words, it will depend on the context where the individual was raised.

Because of this and with the vague knowledge of a new reality, the individual, when he has already advanced to an age that allows him to identify specific things of that reality, makes use of all his senses to be able to make a true identification and surpassing intuition. From that moment on, you begin to hear the sound of shackles, simulated shackles that will gradually become heavier and much tighter. These shackles will guide a course, building a road that only allows you to see ahead; Which could be properly analogous with the blinders used so that the horses cannot see sideways but only forward. Prohibiting certain actions of knowledge (such as when an infant introduces an object into its oral cavity,wanting to know more about it through their senses), without giving an adequate reason or an explanation that overshadows the feeling of curiosity that the individual is manifesting. When the individual has developed his speaking ability, it is another starting point to awaken and enhance his curiosity; start with the basic questions What is that? what is it for? How does it work? In short, a series of questions that are being the necessary inputs to quench that thirst for knowledge. But the shackles continue to tighten more to eliminate that epistemological feeling that the individual presents by means of an answer like: because yes, that's right, that's what you must do and thus an infinite number of responses that coerce analytical thinking.This makes the individual adapt to the paradigms that his surroundings are offering him; to accept not your realities, but the realities of other people, just for the simple fact of being part of a society. According to this argument, a virtual eugenics is currently being carried out, where parents try to model their children in a way that they wanted to be or simply by making them fit into a society, leading to psychological infanticide. where it is about killing those children who are considered different, based on an uncertain reality. Getting to the point of labeling, where are those who will be something in life and those who only serve to give problems. However, since you can label someone with such a short time in reality,without knowing the diversity of objects that it offers and coming from a reality where he was alone and nothing more for a period of 9 months, this can lead to the fact that at some point he can see a new inhospitable reality.

When an individual of a young age destroys an object, at that moment he is knowing, creating his own knowledge, wanting that ignorance is not chronic, just as Descartes at one time expresses his desire to continue knowing (I would give everything I know, for know half of what I ignore). However, at that time, the event is not accepted by older individuals; who, in the face of this fact, comment on psychic cannibalism, asserting their customs and thereby imposing the paradigms that were imposed on them.

It is evident that a human being from birth to death passes immersed in different systems, when he enters the educational system this individual is absorbed by him for 18 years, where a teaching model that seems more like programming and non-teaching predominates, leaving aside the true objective, that the individual learns to think. Under this argument, it is notorious that those 18 years within a system, make the shackles become heavier and much tighter; making the individual settle for the simple act of loading, dragging, but in no time removing them. Apart from this system, there is also a media system that is strongly oriented to deposit the information that is considered necessary for the individual, to subject him to a reality that he believes is convenient,but not to its reality. This created reality is based exclusively on the act of pouring news and events into the brains of individuals, with the aim of shaping a virtual reality that allows them to adapt to a system.

These systems are the ones that were previously analogous to horse blinders, preventing horses from looking sideways. And with this, it is only obtained that the individuals when developing their maturity and their ability to enter a productive sector, become one more tool of a great system, where they get used to routine activities that they do not know how to get to them, but there it is. Why work? Why pay taxes? Why start a family? Why be part of a society that does not know its reality? All this, the system has dictated, for all this, is that an individual has been programmed most of his life.

In today's society it is customary to label as rebellious that individual who is difficult to educate, direct or control. That individual who questions everything is considered a rebel. According to society, we must obey adults, teachers (teachers) who are involved in various paradigms. Each of them offers a diversity of paradigms dependent on hermeneutics and thus on its categorization. But in reality, the center of all this is based on who those teachers will be. Wayne Dyer makes a reference to the way of learning based on the realities of each individual (The teacher is everywhere. The help you need will be provided by the universe as soon as you make your preparation available), to that individual reality that everything human being owns,Although he is used to living a collective reality, at some point the individual reality makes serious questions about the reality that he prepares for every day.

The true fact is to identify what is the true reality, to diagnose if my individual reality fits perfectly with the reality in which I live. In that reality that I wake up day by day and that allows me to know if I am there because I want to or simply by satisfying another reality. Or at some point, hold on to a reality in which there is chronic dissatisfaction.

The starting point to discover if I am living my reality or a virtual reality, would be framed in the conclusion of a traceability of life; What would happen with that person who realizes at 62 years of age that he has lived a life that is not his, has realized late because he always opaque his moments of doubt, his moments of questioning, for the simple fact that he did not consider himself capable of finding an answer.

Every human being capable of thinking must answer their questions at the moment they arise. This will allow finding a diversity of responses to what could change your reality at some point and nullify the virtual reality in which you grew up and developed, depending on the paradigms that have been instilled in you. At that moment, it may be that the individual is reborn and not a carnal rebirth, but rather a liberation of mind that allows creating the necessary conditions to be able to adapt to a new reality, or to a new interpretation of reality. For example, in the case of a person who is diagnosed with a disease that merits (according to the doctor) a change of life, they would have to ask themselves what would that change of life be? If it would change for the doctor or it would change for a better reality that allows improving your health.But how to change your life. What if, in that change of life, you substitute good habits for other habits? The result would be disastrous. Therefore, a person to decide to change his life, change his reality, must be clear about what he needs to change. Do an internal search in an objective way where you can find those parts that are self-destructive. The moment these self-destructive parts are found, it is there that a plan for that change of life must be generated, which allows eliminating them and thus generating new opportunities that make a reality different from the one that was had.You must be clear about what you need to change. Do an internal search in an objective way where you can find those parts that are self-destructive. The moment these self-destructive parts are found, it is there that a plan for that change of life must be generated, which allows eliminating them and thus generating new opportunities that make a reality different from the one that was had.You must be clear about what you need to change. Do an internal search in an objective way where you can find those parts that are self-destructive. The moment these self-destructive parts are found, it is there that a plan for that change of life must be generated, which allows eliminating them and thus generating new opportunities that make a reality different from the one that was had.

Decipher the self-destructive.

It is important to get to know our interpretation of reality. Many people believe only in what they see and put aside what they do not see, this limits the construction of their reality, restricting the elements of it to simply those things that are palpable. But what about thoughts? Just because a thought is not tangible, has no smell, taste, or is identified by human eyes does not mean that it does not exist. It is under this argument that people can be destroyed by a bad idea in their head, an idea that will generate a virtual reality far from the reality of the individual and is in its path, thus destroying the individual from his being to the material. It is therefore,that detecting the self-destructive is vital for real decision-making in a change of reality or in the construction of a new reality. Just as companies make use of internal and external diagnostic tools, human beings must also make use of this type of tool in order to have an inventory of the self-destructive and the self-constructive and thus, know what they have to adapt to a reality or build it.

The Myth of the Cavern makes it clear that the fears and the state of conformity that a person may have, does not allow one to see beyond the reality in which he has established himself, stagnated or buried. And even more, if it is a question of dismissing that version of a person to whom he has been accustomed to being, he will not want to adopt a new version of himself, for the simple fact that he has not been able to identify his faults, his shortcomings and his weaknesses, which are far from palpable and found in the intangible part of the human being; which marks a crucial decision whether to remain chained or to break free from those chains.


Detecting flaws in oneself (self), deserves to have the mind prepared and above all, very exercised to be able to enter into contact with the interior. This in order to have a high fidelity connection and find everything that needs to be corrected. The hunches, the doubts that the human being feels at some point in her life. It is the subconscious trying to give an alert, an indicator to stop, make a technical stop and answer those questions, as W. Dyer says in his book Your Magic Zones (When the student is ready, the teacher will appear) at the moment from doubts any event, circumstance, can become a teacher. Providing the right approach to get the right answer, as long as the fear of it is overcome.Many people do not seek new results since they fear their behavior, because it is something new, because it is something they do not know and this leads them to focus on one part of their comfort zone, reducing it more and more.

As a result of the identification of the problem and how to solve them, the need arose for me to understand how people adapt to a reality; To respond to this, carry out a small study involving 15 people (collaborators, 11 with more than 10 years of working for the institution, 3 from 2 to 3 years and 1 recently hired) to share their opinion on A reading, the results were as follows:

The 14 collaborators made a superficial analysis of the reading and concentrated on the parts that referred to the problems being due to the environment and the company. While the recently hired collaborator did a deeper analysis and touched on key parts of the document focused on how internal change generates external changes.

This led me to conclude that people, when they are already paradigmed, look for culprits everywhere, but do not accept the reason that the blame may come from themselves. It is important that in order to detect what binds us to those mental shackles, that which does not let us out of a virtual reality created to keep us sitting, tied and stuck in the same place; An effort must be made to get out of that comfort zone that you have been in for some time, be it years, months, days, or hours; recognizing that you have been in a comfort zone is the first step. After determining that there is something to change, or self-destructive factors have been detected; An exhaustive analysis must be done to identify how deeply rooted these factors are and how difficult it will be to eliminate them. These factors can be on different edges:social, educational, work, personal and everything that is related to our daily life. That which has placed us in various systems that we do not know exactly whether they are adequate or simply those that are generated to keep a society controlled. But in reality, it is not known what a true control is. Breaking paradigms can become a real challenge for an individual, especially since he may be too linked to them and, according to him, it is an essential part of his reality. Within this analysis it is worth mentioning that in order to make a true inventory of the paradigms that have been created over time, it is important to know if there are other approaches to what you want to change.That which has placed us in various systems that we do not know exactly whether they are adequate or simply those that are generated to keep a society controlled. But in reality, it is not known what a true control is. Breaking paradigms can become a real challenge for an individual, especially since he may be too linked to them and, according to him, it is an essential part of his reality. Within this analysis it is worth mentioning that in order to make a true inventory of the paradigms that have been created over time, it is important to know if there are other approaches to what you want to change.That which has placed us in various systems that we do not know exactly whether they are adequate or simply those that are generated to keep a society controlled. But in reality, it is not known what a true control is. Breaking paradigms can become a real challenge for an individual, especially since he may be too linked to them and, according to him, it is an essential part of his reality. Within this analysis it is worth mentioning that in order to make a true inventory of the paradigms that have been created over time, it is important to know if there are other approaches to what you want to change.It is not known what a true control is. Breaking paradigms can become a real challenge for an individual, especially since he may be too linked to them and, according to him, it is an essential part of his reality. Within this analysis it is worth mentioning that in order to make a true inventory of the paradigms that have been created over time, it is important to know if there are other approaches to what you want to change.It is not known what a true control is. Breaking paradigms can become a real challenge for an individual, especially since he may be too linked to them and, according to him, it is an essential part of his reality. Within this analysis it is worth mentioning that in order to make a true inventory of the paradigms that have been created over time, it is important to know if there are other approaches to what you want to change.it is important to know if there are other approaches to what you want to change.it is important to know if there are other approaches to what you want to change.

So far, two key questions have been described to make a change in the interpretation of the reality of an individual: Identify the paradigms that prevent giving a new interpretation of reality and analyze if there are new approaches to make the necessary changes and thus change the interpretation of reality. Based on one of Thomas Kuhn's assertions about paradigms (new scientific theories are not born by verification or falsification, but by substitution) it is evident that in order to totally or partially eliminate a paradigm, it must be replaced by another that is conditioned to generate that new interpretation of reality.

En este caso, el problema de cada individuo es que para poder hacer la sustitución de paradigmas, se debe adoptar otro paradigma, pero, ¿Quién será el autor de ese nuevo paradigma? Todas aquellas personas que tratan de encaminarse a construir un propio paradigma son etiquetadas como rebeldes. Rebelde debido a que se está saliendo de un patrón, se está saliendo de la ciencia normal que permite tener controlado todo aquello que se envasa en una sociedad, pero que si en algún momento estos llamados rebeldes, tratan de crear un nuevo paradigma para cambiar uno existente se empieza a ver una anomalía en el sistema, incluso esta anomalía puede ser considerada como una amenaza que desestabilizará los paradigmas que gobiernan en ese momento.

Kuhn emphasizes that a scientific change is fundamentally revolutionary, to which it can be attributed that a paradigm shift becomes a revolution. The problem is to scale this revolution, since it can be a revolution at the internal level or a revolution at the common or social level. What can vary the impact of it and not measure the consequences. Although the revolution is internal, the effects that it may cause may be at the social level. For example: an individual who has kept all his moments of anger, stress, anguish and all those negative feelings that the human being can generate and has not been able to channel them in an adequate way; it may be that at a certain moment it comes to generate an interior change, a significant change in your reality and leads you to commit a crime; perhaps,for his new reality he did the right thing, since it was a justifiable crime, but for society he has violated the rules of the paradigm in which society is bound.

Adapting to changes in paradigms, can become a complicated task if it is not done in the right way, unfortunately there is no recipe to apply a change, simply detect the moment, the actors, the circumstances and the consequences that may entail. Adapting to change is a crucial part in people, each of them will determine how they will adapt to it, whether in a graceful or unpleasant way. Depending on how you apply it, this will be the results you get.


When the person has seen the implications from the different approaches of what it would entail, he adopts a new paradigm, he must also determine if the previous paradigm will be replaced completely or partially, but be clear that the consequences of it can generate an incompatibility between them and generate a pattern that differs, both from the one you want to eliminate and from the one you want to implement.

In order to migrate from one paradigm to another, the idea of ​​owning things must be eliminated from the mind, that is, thinking about enjoying life and not owning it; Deal with the way that life flows at your own pace, without losing sight of it, but not in a dizzying way. Furthermore, the risks involved in making these changes should always be evaluated. In the application of new paradigms to realities, a very delicate aspect is left aside for the success of the process. In the same way that a marathoner trains physically, day by day, to obtain desirable results; One must not forget the fact that in order for a mind to accept a new idea, it must also be trained day by day to have better results.Not with the objective of programming it but with the objective of strengthening and stimulating it so that adaptation to a new idea is more complete and articulated with all the systems that are involved.

A determining factor in the process of change to accept new paradigms and to be able to generate new interpretations of reality, is based on reprogramming the mind, this does not go in the sense of closing in on a new paradigm and anchoring it; it goes further, in order to be able to believe in what was not believed before. Making way for the mind to open up and accept new interpretations of reality. This is a process, which is not reached in an accelerated or systematized way. In addition, it is worth mentioning that in this type of changes or substitutions, logic should be set aside, because when you think logically, you are acting in a way conditioned to a paradigm, which, for a change such as What you want to do is not convenient since it could affect a real accommodation of the new paradigm.The logical part in which people are anchored, prevents them from seeing beyond what is being proposed for a society, so that everyone sees what they should see, without questioning and without reaching a condition of crisis. However, despite various efforts being made to avoid these crises, the advance of the world and human conditions, generate that from time to time crises unfold that will be the starting point of new theories.they generate that from time to time crises unfold that will be the starting point of new theories.they generate that from time to time crises unfold that will be the starting point of new theories.

Resistance to change is one of the main problems for adapting new paradigms; As mentioned, most human beings are governed by various systems from a young age, which is why they adapt to a model that restricts them from seeing other horizons, other realities. This makes resistance to change a natural thing for individuals and is one of the conditions that must also be overcome, generating new spaces for action, new practices of acceptance of the new and with it, giving way to innovation.

Each human being has a level of consciousness that speaks to him in different ways, unfortunately sometimes they are simply ignored; a determining factor to be able to change a paradigm is to listen carefully to what the subconscious wants to say; this is going beyond logic, putting reason aside and listening to what it has to say for us. For example: that moment when a vehicle is going to be passed, but something tells us: stop; in fact, it is verified that a car was coming at high speed and that it had not had the time to pass. This is just a simple example of the times that our subconscious speaks and we do not listen to it, just for the simple fact that we are not used to such an action.

The greatest barrier to overcoming paradigms is believing that they cannot be overcome; believe that they are insurmountable and that they are linked to the development of the life cycle. By overcoming this negative thought and exchanging it for positive thinking, the individual can create strategies that overcome those doubts and fears that the changes imply for him and replace it with the confidence of being able to adapt to a new interpretation of reality.


Refusing to face new paradigms may be a person's biggest mistake, because by that denial, they would be limiting themselves to living in an outdated interpretation of reality. The fear that a crisis can cause when entering a new paradigm must be replaced by the desire for knowledge that every human being from his first days of life carries innate in him.

Face the paradigm, get to know it and then let it flow in your life, without forcing or accelerating it.

  • Dyer, Wayne (2011). Your magic zones. Editorial Random House Mondadori, SA de CV México.Curry, Augusto (2010). The intelligence code. Editorial Planeta. Spain.Kuhn, Tomas (1966). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Editorial SL Fund for the Economic Culture of Spain. Spain.
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The format of thought. test