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The instructor in training and the psychosocial environment from a holistic approach


The role of the instructor in the training process is fundamental for the success or failure in the development of a course, workshop or event; therefore, it is necessary for companies to hire specialized people or institutions capable of leading, stimulating and helping their workers to achieve their objectives.

With this essay, the aim is to make known the importance of the instructor's role as the main actor in training from a holistic approach, which allows analyzing each and every one of the factors that comprise it.


Currently, for organizations to be competitive in this globalized world, they must be made up of people capable of facing new and changing situations, and for this to be possible, there must be a commitment on the part of the company seeking excellence day by day. its workers in the performance of their duties.

In our country, even in the same organization in which we work, we have to face many changes to be at the level of the developed world, but we find it difficult to accept them and we tend to reject them.

However, resistance to change is something that occurs in organizations due to the closing of people's attitudes, thoughts and feelings, the most common reasons that can cause it are: ignorance, fear, conformity or simply rejection, because we think always in a negative way that is something that is being imposed on us.

That is why companies must implement training programs for the continuous improvement of their workers in order to improve their performance and achieve great competitive advantages through the development of their knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Therefore, for a training program to bring positive results to the organization, it is essential to hire the right person or institution that successfully leads a group of workers to achieve the objectives, favoring the performance of their duties.


The present essay will be approached from a holistic approach, therefore, we will begin by defining it:

The word "holistic" comes from the Greek "holos", to give meaning of: everything, whole, complete, complete, organized.

The conceptual framework of a "holistic company", part of the "systemic thinking" that proposes the use of tools and knowledge in order to take a "look at the total patterns", so that the proposal of solutions is more clear.

That is to say, the approach of the general theory of systems proposes the understanding, in a totalized way, of the functions of an organization, which must be seen as a "whole", simultaneously understanding the "independence of the parts".

The holistic concept is based on the philosophical position that ensures that all aspects must be analyzed and understood according to their organic and integrating unity and not only according to their parts.

Now, entering the main objective of the training, is:

"Provide the company with highly qualified human resources in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes for a better performance of their work."

The training contains a series of elements that must be analyzed to design a good program, which goes from when it should be taught? taking into account the needs of workers, who should teach? referring to the person who will serve as an instructor in the teaching-learning process.

That is why it is important for organizations to implement well-structured training programs that allow the development of their workers, since it will bring benefits for both of them, which will constitute the best investment to face future changes.

In this particular case, we will focus directly on who should teach, since all training programs must be conducted by an Instructor who possesses attitudes, abilities and skills that allow him to transfer his knowledge and experiences effectively to a group of people.

And what is an instructor?

“An instructor is the natural person who has sufficient technical and pedagogical knowledge to prepare and train one or more people to carry out tasks related to a job. it is the main agent and actor in the process of training and training within companies ”. Stps

Although it is true, in many occasions the organizations in the desire to comply with the training programs already established, do not worry about hiring the right person who will serve as an instructor in the development of the course, workshop or event; which brings with it its failure. That is why they should pay special attention to choosing an instructor who has the appropriate attitudes, abilities and skills to lead a group to achieve the objectives.

In this way, every instructor must comply with a series of requirements for the proper development of a training program, since the responsibility for its success or failure lies with him: as a first and fundamental step to deliver a training course is you want to share your knowledge and experiences with others; that he is the possessor of knowledge, that he knows how to transmit knowledge through the use of various techniques, that he interacts with people and that he is flexible, in the aspect of making adjustments to his program and session plan according to the requirements of the group.

On the other hand, it is important to emphasize the behavior that every instructor or facilitator must have in the development of a training course or workshop, since through their enthusiasm, self-confidence and knowledge, the confidence they inspire, the interest in helping the participants, their personality, their gestures and posture, their voice (clear and precise), their gestures, the use they make of their authority and, in general, their state of mind and disposition, only in this way can they lead it successfully.

“We know that the performance that each instructor has is different. However, in all cases certain aspects must be taken care of that favor the good development of the course.

Here are some recommendations that can help guide teaching:

1. Start sessions on time.

2. Take care that your personal presentation is correct and without exaggeration, you should also pay special attention to cleaning your personal cleanliness.

3. Maintain an attitude of respect and authenticity with the group. Avoid attitudes of superiority.

4. Guide and convince, never impose, since their role should mainly be that of driver, moderator or facilitator of learning.

5. Direct attention and gaze to all group members.

6. Give all participants the same opportunity to intervene and motivate the most introverted.

7. Maintain control of the situation, not allowing unforeseen difficulties (failure of a device, interruptions of strangers, etc., make you lose self-confidence.

8. Do not get upset. When a situation is irritating or impatient it is more difficult to resolve it, you have to face everything calmly and serenely.

9. Always stand in a place visible to all and use the territory properly.

10. Try to stay upright, in a natural position.

11. Avoid extremes in the use of gestures and gestures, do not abuse them, but also do not remain immobile and rigid.

12. Use a tone of voice that everyone can hear clearly.

13. Use the teaching materials and instructional supports in a timely and correct manner, as indicated in the session plan.

14. Worry about your self-evaluation and self-improvement; for constantly questioning their materials, their performance and making adjustments, always updating the content of their course and their own performance, adapting to the group ”.

From the above we can say that the role of the instructor in the teaching-learning process should not be limited only to the transfer of knowledge to "dry", but it is necessary that the latter take into account a series of characteristics that it must possess in order to comply effectively and efficiently with the main objective of all training, which is nothing more than training highly qualified people, thus obtaining positive personal and professional results for the benefit of the company.


The need to remain in the market in a globalized and competitive world has made companies increasingly include training programs for the continuous improvement of their workers, since every day we face constant changes, which require the preparation of the same; in addition to being a right that every worker has.

Therefore, companies should not view training as an expense but as an investment, which will help them to have highly qualified human resources, improving performance in their functions and thus contributing to the achievement of the objectives set.

It should not be forgotten that people represent the most important resource within organizations, since without them material, financial and technological resources would have no reason to exist, which is why companies must seek constant updating of their knowledge and skills. to guarantee efficiency in its functions.

Let us remember that it is very important that the person who is going to serve as an instructor in the conduct of a training course has the appropriate characteristics and profile, so that it contributes to obtaining the results expected by the organization.


• The instructor's abc. 2nd. Edition. Jesús Carlos Reza Trocino editorial panorama.

• Werther, William B. and JR. Keith Davis, Personnel and Human Resources Administration, Fifth Edition, Mc Graw Hill Publishing House, Mexico City.

• Garry Mitchell Trainer's Manual Grupo Ibero América SA cv 1995

• Book “Clienting for SMEs”, second expanded edition; dedicated to customer loyalty.

The instructor in training and the psychosocial environment from a holistic approach