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Leadership in worker motivation

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The following essay will analyze some points on motivation that a leader must take into account when working with the people under his command. The motivation that is touched on in the writing is not monetary but rather focused on the feelings of the staff, in making the worker feel comfortable in the environment where he works. If we seek to achieve the goals and objectives established by the company, we must analyze the environment where the workers are working, since depending on it, productivity will be positive or negative, affecting it.


Currently companies work with people who are no longer considered as work tools, now they are considered a fundamental part of the company as human talent. Later, we will talk about employee motivation through various means, such as trust in particular, vital points of how to work with our staff will be touched to be more productive in a warm work environment.

II. Background

Among the first theories of motivation Herzberg talks about how the external environment has an effect on people at work "Dissatisfaction in office depends on the environment, supervision, colleagues and the general context of the office…" (Chiavenato, 2001, p. 77). Herzberg talks about two essential factors that are the hygienic and motivational factors which, despite the passing of the years, we can notice that these issues continue to be seen in the work climates of companies, for example the physical and environmental conditions of work are issues that affect workers and we can even locate them in the Federal Labor Law.

Another of the theories that we can mention is that of the hierarchy of needs according to Maslow, one of the best known today that talks about the needs of man as well as their level of importance among them "At the base of the pyramid there are the most elementary and recurring needs (called primary needs), while at the top are the most sophisticated and abstract (secondary needs) ”(Chiavenato, 2001, p. 72). Here it is denoted that man needs as a first instance of basic needs such as food, clothing, etc. in order to advance to self-actualization.

III. Development

Human talent, an essential part of companies, is different compared to the human factor of the industrial revolution, as José Luis Aliaga says "… the generation of baby boomers came out of war time where the most important thing was to survive, therefore the principle is: I get a job, earn an income and stay there… ”(Aliaga, 2013). Now the template is not only motivated by salary, position at work, food, home, etc. as mentioned above, but now also influences the part of taking people into account for what they are, human beings, that the workforce is taken into account by the company as an essential part of it.

In companies, productivity has to do with the work environment, how the worker feels in the company in order to work. If someone feels uncomfortable they tend to notice themselves negatively in work activities, on the contrary, if they feel happy and comfortable, their production will be more effective. The actions of the person in charge of human talent, the leader, have a direct impact on them, as he has people under his charge, he must know that his actions have consequences around him, as mentioned: “A leader can impact up to 30% on the results of his team based on the conditions generated by himself. This impacts your team… ”(Contreras, 2011).

A leader can motivate his employees starting with the word "trust", it can be heard simple but sometimes it is difficult to get it or rather, to transmit it. The person in charge of the area, department, or whoever has people under his command must be constantly informing his subordinates about the current situation of the clients, the market, trying to be as transparent as possible, remembering that with the information received from better decisions can be made from all of them and in the same way it helps to achieve the objectives of the department and the company "Instead of being mean with the information you keep, share it and be transparent both in times of success and crisis" (Chile, 2013). The employees when seeing this type of actions begin to have confidence in who is in charge of them, on the contrary,If you are selfish and the information does not circulate, it is obvious that it has a negative impact declining confidence.

Other ways a leader fosters trust in the organization is by speaking directly. When dealing with the people you work with, you simply have to speak clearly so that your words cannot be misinterpreted. The leader should always communicate his intention to avoid raising doubts about what he is thinking. Here we can notice an essential value, honesty when we deal with others. We should not create false impressions of others to avoid raising doubts or rumors in the work environment.

Loyalty is another value that we must keep in mind in the organization. The leader must give "… credit to other people and talk about them as if they were present" (Covey, 2008), remember that if we came to appropriate the credit of other people we are increasing mistrust in the work environment. We should not speak ill of people behind their backs, rather we must speak of them as if they were present, remember that the impression we give other people speaking of someone else is the same as they would think if they spoke of them when they are not.

If a leader promotes these values ​​in the company, it will generate a pleasant climate for the workers, since they see it more reliably. If someone feels comfortable with the people with whom they work, their activities have better productivity compared to a work environment where they work under the command of an employer whose thoughts are unknown, rumors of selfishness, etc.

Let us remember that companies have human talent which is made up of people, beings who think and feel, as well as individuals who have problems like any other. A leader must demonstrate sincere interest in his staff. If people as mentioned above have problems, their productivity index tends to have a negative impact on the company. It is not combining work life with personal life, but it is necessary to take into account this important aspect of workers. If we know our staff better in this aspect, such as their goals, wishes, problems, etc., we generate a better relationship of trust, we could solve their problems within our reach and, as a consequence, better productivity results,Besides, we create that feeling of importance that you have as a person for the company. Knowing your goals or desires can make that at a given moment that the company has the opportunity to grow and they are aligned, we can collaborate together and reciprocally generate satisfaction between both parties.

When carrying out work that achieves what is established, the leader must show appreciation and appreciation, and must take advantage of this situation to congratulate the worker for his work. This is a way to make the worker, himself the staff he is in charge of, feel happy. We can thank the worker for his good attitude in the activity carried out, remember that this is part of having a pleasant environment in which to work for both the leader, the worker and the organization.

Finally, you always have to put people in the right positions according to their abilities. If the leader knows that the worker is in the right position, they will have confidence in him, because he knows that the activities he carries out will have benefits because his skills are correct for the job. In the same way, if the worker works in the correct position, he will feel comfortable working in the company and will work in a pleasant way. This part has a positive consequence in which leaders must know how to take advantage, if the leader trusts the people under his charge, he will feel comfortable "… no one can work long with suspicious people" (Langer, nd), reciprocally workers will work more comfortably knowing that they are trusted compared to knowing that they do not trust them. Here is a plus,The leader can delegate power by letting workers make decisions at times where they can streamline productivity processes, work faster, and at the same time increase confidence in the work environment.

IV. Conclusions

As we can see the environment where the activities are carried out by the staff must be pleasant to have a productivity that meets the established goals. Now human talent must take into account their feelings, desires, goals, etc. The leader's actions have an impact on the people in charge and trust is a great bridge between them for a better working relationship.

A leader must be transparent with the people in charge of the information, making it available to his entire team for better joint decision-making. The leader must always speak directly expressing her intention to avoid generating rumors, she must always give credit to the work done by the worker without appropriating it and speak of other people as if they were present. All this leads us to build trust among all collaborators.

A leader must have an interest in their workforce, must know what the goals, desires, etc. are, as well as be aware of their activities and show them that feeling of confidence that they have in order to work better with them. The leader can provide help to the worker to achieve her goals with connection to the goals of the company, in itself a mutual help. In the activities carried out by the staff successfully, appreciation and appreciation must be shown, in order to make them feel that they are important to the company, that their activities are worth. People must be placed in the right positions to have confidence and that they perceive it, therefore they will work at ease and as a bonus to empower them in decision-making to speed up times,

All these activities of the leader towards his workers is in order to create a pleasant work environment, remember that nowadays it is not only giving incentives for better productivity of employees, but also making the worker feel comfortable in their work area, having as a result higher productivity rates that at the same time achieve the objectives established by the company.

V. References

  • Aliaga, J. (May 09, 2013). https://www.youtube.com. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTIvDrhWuy0Chiavenato, I. (2001). Human resources management. Colombia: McGraw-Hill.Chile, U. (September 17, 2013). http://noticias.universia.cl. Obtained from http://noticias.universia.cl/en-portada/noticiaContreras, C. (August 23, 2011). Summa Magazine. Obtained from Covey, S. &. (2008). The Speed ​​of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything. New York: Simon and Schuster. Langer, B. (sf). http://www.lanzateya.com. Obtained from
Leadership in worker motivation