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The profile of the facilitator and job trainer


Based on the author's experience with more than 20 years in handling the Assessment Center technique as well as teaching courses in the educational field, highlights in this article what are the main competencies that an effective facilitator must have.

A few weeks ago, while teaching a workshop in Monterrey, related to the management of the Assessment Center technique, a discussion arose on what qualities should be possessed by those who face the difficult task of instructing or training others and what would be the best way to assess who is or is not qualified to carry out this function.

Various ideas were raised that did not reach a conclusion point because the coffee break time had run out. However, talking about such a topic was not new to me since, on other occasions, when I had participated in training projects, I had reflected on it. So I decided to take on the task of formally defining what key competencies should be part of the profile of a skilled facilitator or instructor.

I researched authorized sources, specialized documents and gathered my knowledge and experiences as a pedagogue, and I fed back my results with the point of view of my partners. With this work I managed to conclude that the competences that, without a doubt, every instructor must possess are the following:

Communication understood as the possibility of transmitting in a clear and precise language the experiences and concepts related to the topics of interest. Likewise, this competence implies, at all times, actively listening to the interlocutors. And it is of little use to be a great expert or master a subject if at the time of making us understand we digress or we make trouble or "balls" with our own words.

Interpersonal relationships that allow you to establish links and networks with whom you interact: participants, colleagues and with all those people who could serve as a key piece to carry out the teaching-learning process. This has to do with that gift of people or ability to relate to our fellow men to achieve a common goal.

For example, when I was studying at university there was a very strict teacher who imposed an iron discipline in her class; However, she was at the same time a warm person with enormous capacity not only to clarify all our doubts, even outside of school hours, but to listen to diverse concerns and form help and guidance relationships with diverse people and academic institutions.

Analysis and solution of problems, competence understood as the ability to discriminate and understand essential aspects of the information to be transmitted, as well as the approaches exposed by the apprentices. A comprehensive educational work must be translated into the capacity to synthesize the accumulation of knowledge that, like an avalanche, bombards us from different angles: mass media, electronic media, and the particular learning concerns and needs exposed by each participant in a training process.

Leadership (influence, processes and persuasion), which aims to lead the group towards the purposes that make it possible for them to incorporate the new procedures and strategies into their behavior. A leader is, among other things, someone capable of taking others from an average point of performance to a higher one. As facilitators we must go further and ensure that people exceed their own expectations by embracing the knowledge just heard.

Integrity that allows you to recognize its limitations and act in accordance with a firm professional ethic. Integrity is a component that aims to be an example of responsibility, sincerity, truthfulness, punctuality and honesty between what is said and done.

Customer service, since the reason for its function must be derived from an attitude of service and detection of the needs of its customers to satisfy them. A long time ago, when I arrived at a congress where I participated as a lecturer, I found a young woman in the parking lot worried that her car keys had fallen into a sewer; When I saw her, I wondered whether to continue on my way so that I had more time to prepare or support my intervention. I decided on the latter, which was satisfactory, as it turned out to be one of the assistants to my exhibition.

Orientation to results defined as the ability to implement the necessary steps that facilitate the achievement of goals. This aspect is also key; Many instructors transmit their knowledge in a wonderful and clear and precise language, but they lack a specific method that translates all that conceptual wealth into visible, practical and useful results to achieve the nodal objective.

Time management, having the ability to carry out a schedule of activities and put it into practice with the adjustments that are given at the time of its execution. I remember an instructor, an eminence by the way, who was vast in his exposition; However, his big problem was that time never reached him and he left his explanation unfinished and half-heartedly his goal of transmitting knowledge. Let's avoid “eating time”, it is enough to elaborate a detailed plan of steps to follow that in turn has flexibility to face unexpected changes.

Adaptation to change and flexibility to make the modifications that arise during the instruction process and to transform the contents and dynamics that optimize the workshops. Each apprentice or group in the training process is different and has specific requirements. If we are inflexible to change, the result will be to succumb; therefore, it is more effective to modify contents and exercises based on the detected needs.

Pressure tolerance, maintaining emotional control in front of a group and its demands, and in front of workloads and emergencies. Lacking patience or character to handle the imponderables or the tension of the activity of instructing, it has no place in the work of teaching, since we will always be hostages to our own "explosions of spirit", negative in all aspects.

Initiative to focus independently so that things happen and act autonomously when circumstances require it. At this time it is greatly appreciated to have, as a facilitator, a strong sense of drive or proactivity; for example, when the participants or trainees require specific support not contemplated, the instructor must respond promptly and promptly.

Innovation, stay ahead and have the ability to renew educational processes with a view to updating and continuous improvement. Here, the matter is very clear, if the applied methods of instruction put those who listen to us to sleep, something serious happens. The didactic processes must awaken in the people the spirit to learn. Likewise, it is necessary to take advantage of the wide range of technological advances of the moment and use them in the teaching-learning process.

Now, part of my concern was satisfied, but it still remained to clarify which means would be the most suitable to determine if a person has the capacity to perform in this arduous and committed task of instructing.

So, I approached the matter from my professional perspective as an evaluator of human behavior, and I found that the Assessment Center, above other techniques, was the most effective and objective method to validate, through observation, the capacities of people who assume the commitment to guide and instruct.

One of the many advantages of using this technique is that, based on the observation of behaviors, it is possible to assess the actual level of development of the aforementioned skills. Let us not forget that when carrying out simulations, there is the possibility of making projections and thereby delimiting the field of action of a person when faced with a group that they must guide and direct towards the achievement of learning objectives.

By way of conclusion, I consider that by means of an individual presentation exercise that includes the preparation of material and information, we can certainly determine if an executive is competent to direct training actions.

I invite you to reflect on the competencies that as facilitators of a teaching-learning process we must develop and strengthen so that, in this globalized world, we meet the expectations of people who receive training so that they can carry out their daily work efficiently.

The profile of the facilitator and job trainer