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The power of enthusiasm in selling

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I remember reading once that "enthusiasm is a state of mind that illuminates the individual through his face, his voice, and his mannerisms, making him an active and convincing salesperson."

After several decades of experience in the active exercise of the profession, as well as in consulting and training, I was verifying in the facts this vital complement that significantly influences every link that is generated in order to sell and that is perceived as the enthusiasm conveyed by the seller.

Such is its importance that it can be affirmed that it constitutes the indispensable complement that the professional salesman must possess if he really wants to become successful in his management.

However, when we act as clients and potential buyers of products and services, we can agree that there are very few opportunities in which we appreciate the enthusiasm of the sellers who interview us.

What is enthusiasm?

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, the word "enthusiasm" comes from the Latin enthusiasm which means "to be inspired by the gods".

If we want to better understand what it is and what it can do for those who have it, we can describe enthusiasm as a communicable and contagious mental attitude that has very powerful effects on people.

Extending its description, we can add that it is not easy to obtain and it is not easy to maintain. But those who own it can convert every action to solve problems and also start any business a success.

What is appreciable in all sales circumstances is that when the seller transmits his enthusiasm to his interviewee, responding with his objective arguments to his need or problem, he perceives it and is infected, which, together with the visualization of the scene where He manages to obtain his satisfaction or solution, leads him in a more determined way to make his purchase decision when appropriate.

How do you get enthusiasm to apply it in the sale?

No laboratory has yet invented the miracle pills excite or excite.

Given that the important things in life have their cost, the first step to be taken by those who want to acquire enthusiasm to apply in their management, is to answer the following question: what am I willing to invest to obtain it and enjoy what it allows me to do? get with it on my sales?

If the answer is sincere and involves the determination to mobilize your mind and body for this purpose, the next step is to acquire in-depth knowledge of your product or service in terms of sale.

With this knowledge, the seller will be able to discover and appreciate the profit power that their product or service possesses to widely satisfy needs or solve problems of their potential buyers. And this is what will strengthen your conviction and belief of how wonderful it is in that sense, to the point of generating a natural enthusiasm that will be perceived when arguing about it in each situation that arises in your interviews.

The analysis of the product or service is the key foundation that enables every seller to advise and offer it efficiently and "tailored" to the requirements of each of its potential buyers.

Through a simple analysis technique (see e-book "La Venta Profesional at www.hellerconsulting.com/libros_de_ventas.htm), every professional seller applies it to deepen their knowledge regarding their products and services, as well as those of their competitors, thus acquiring sufficient strengths to act in all advisory sales in an ideal manner; that is, efficiently arguing their offer and responding to any objections that may come up in their interviews to the point of making their best purchase decisions.

This is a key training stage for each seller who wishes to represent their products and company with dignity, which must take place before beginning their contacts with potential buyers since joining the team.

The confidence, security and power that he objectively discovers of his offer manages to increase his enthusiasm in his analysis and recommendations, which is perceived and transmitted to each of his interviewees, who will buy as long as he satisfies and solves their needs or problems.

The results translate into better and higher sales revenue, due to the satisfaction provided by the advice of the seller thus trained and the effect that his enthusiasm transmits in each of his daily interviews with potential clients.

© Copyright 2006, by Martín E. Heller

The power of enthusiasm in selling