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The infomulticultural process

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In this article you will find the key definitions that make “infomulticulturation” a relatively new concept, something very understandable and easy to identify, it develops how each of these concepts is combined to give life to one where it is explained how the information With its different sources, different cultures, they mix to create an idea or the analysis of a case so that it can be understood wherever it is talked about, everyone is in tune, regardless of the geographical area in which it is find.

Infomulticulturalism is based on 5 terms:

  1. InformationCulturePluriculturalityMulticulturalismGlobalization


Throughout the planet earth there are a host of different types of cultures, each of them have a particular mode of communication, among these, some may seem familiar or similar, the reality is that in each place the way of communicating information is done differently or the same words have different meanings, or better to one, the objects, actions, figures, shapes, etc. they have different names in each culture.


Infomulticulturalism can be defined as a process of sharing information between cultures, and people with different identities. The global information that is shared influences organizational cultures, this new concept highlights the importance of managing information within different cultures regardless of religion, sex, political ideas, which they handle, always seeking the unification of exchange of the information that is being made. One of the important aspects to achieve infomulticulturalism is the use of ICTs, since with this tool you can capture data, process it, store it so that it can be expressed and reach the receiver in a code that understands it.



It is a set of data with a meaning, that is, it reduces uncertainty or increases knowledge of something. In truth, information is a message with meaning in a certain context, available for immediate use and that provides guidance for actions by reducing the margin of uncertainty regarding our decisions. (Chiavenato, 2006).

Taking into account what has been read previously, it can be said that the information is data that is in sync, that talks about a phenomenon, some fact and altogether has a meaning. The main objective of this conglomerate of ideas is to increase knowledge regarding the topic being discussed.

Communication, means to transmit information

The communication process begins when an individual wants to transmit a message to another. Communication must be fluid since it is based on transmitting a message and waiting for feedback, this is how the communication cycle is generated.

Since the human being lives in society, he has had the need to exchange information, the communication process is fundamental for life in social organizations and with human experiences.

So it can be said that communication is a process where a connection is established at a certain place and time to exchange or share ideas in which the sender and receiver understand the information being shared.

Stages of the communication process

The following elements are essential for communication.


The sender is the first element, it is the one that initiates the communication process based on a code that it thinks is understandable for those who will make their receivers or their receiver when they receive the message they want to transmit.


The receiver is the recipient to whom the communication that the sender is transmitting is addressed, it is to whom the message is sent so that the message can be understood by the recipient, the medium and the message must be encoded according to the characteristics that own the receiver.


It is all the information that the sender wants to transmit or communicate in the direction of the recipients, this message can be emitted in various ways, whether orally, in writing or visually, as long as it is in a code that the receiver can understand.


This element is known as a medium or channel and will be responsible for transporting the message that is being broadcast. There are different means or channels through which information can be transported.

1. Personal channel.

In the personal channel, two or more individuals establish a communication directly verbally. The success of this communication is based on being able to individually treat each receiver in the feedback they have. Through these channels, direct contact can be established between the message and the receiver, by telephone, by mail, by mail, by videoconference. In this channel the receiver has the possibility to interact, to ask questions, to raise questions, etc.

2. Non-personal channel.

In this channel, messages are transmitted without the sender and receiver having contact. This includes the mass media, special events and other types of media. The most important means to transmit messages on this type of channel are. Print media like newspapers. The mass media of oral communication such as radio or television. The mass media of exhibition such as giant billboards, printed posters. Today, the Internet also offers a means of communication in which the recipient can return information directly to the message that reached him, this is a characteristic that impersonal channels cannot fulfill.

3. Interactive and wide-ranging channel.

This type of channels are regular to the Internet or digital television to put the transmitter on the same frequency, in this case it may be a company with a very large number of receivers, this is possible only if the message is adapted to the different characteristics they have the interlocutors. With the Internet it can be said that communication is retroactive since the sender emits its message and the receivers in this case may be the clients of some company listening to it.


In communications, a code is a rule for converting a piece of information (for example, a letter, word, or phrase) into another form or representation, not necessarily of the same type. (Alegsa, 2015).


It is the response that the receiver offers to the sender after having decoded and assimilated the message that the sender sent. Thanks to the feedback, the issuer can be aware of the impact that their transmitted information is having.

The communication process is graphically demonstrated below.

Communication model

Illustration 1 Communication model


There are different concepts of culture, some speak of culture as an abstraction from the observation of the behavior of some group of individuals where they have patterns of behavior within their social group, even defined as the knowledge acquired to interpret some experience and generate behaviors all people need their culture to try to integrate properly within a social group.

We understand then by culture the set of all the disciplines that have been produced by human beings, for example their social organization, their philosophy, the norms that they have as ethics and judgments, their way of thinking, their way of dressing, the means by which coexist, education, language, literature, their political systems, etc.

Within them there are subcultures, these are a group of people within a culture but their interests are different, they have different customs, or traits. Within a country, different groups can be created thanks to immigrants who come from another. Although a subculture is not only distinguished by the nationality of origin, they can also become subcultures thanks to the different tastes they have, for example, the subcultures that arise thanks to musical genres that have different physical and ideological characteristics.

Organizational culture

It is a planned process of cultural and structural modifications, which visualizes the institutionalization of a series of social technologies, so that the organization is empowered to diagnose, plan and implement those modifications with the assistance of a consultant. It is a very complex educational effort, aimed at changing the organization's attitudes, values, behaviors and structure, so that it can better adapt to the new conjunctures, markets, technologies, problems and challenges that constantly arise. (Chiavenato, 2006)

Today the term organizational culture is one of the most taken into account and one of the most applied within an organization or public administrations, that is why it is said in organizational culture it is the set of norms, values, habits and characteristics shared by a group of people who are part of an organization or institution and they have the power to control how these elements interact together.


Multicultural ida is said to be a relationship based on respect between cultures. It is said that it is a process in which different cultures or members of these are related in a harmonious way.

This means that any difference that may exist is managed through dialogue, the existence of dialogue between different cultures is a historical event although in ancient times it was not an event that was commonly present.

Undoubtedly, multiculturalism will continue to exist over the years, the importance here is that whatever the culture it is, it must always respect the others based on tolerance and acceptance of different ideological, cultural and religious forms. to coexist within the same geographical space having different customs, traditions, being from one culture or another.


It is a concept that is associated with the existence of different types of cultures within the same geographic space.

These cultures inhabit the same place but this does not mean that they influence each other within this coexistence. There are some basic aspects to be able to develop multiculturalism with integrity and respect between cultures.

  • Acceptance of all cultures.Right to the diversity of different types of organization within society.Equal opportunities and treatment.Public and social spaces for individuals and groups must be open to all cultures. You must respect the dignity and rights of each of the cultural groups. You must reject all inequality, exclusion, discrimination and marginalization. Recognize and accept the existence of other cultures.

So it is understood that multiculturalism is the ability to coexist harmoniously within a society all groups that have social, cultural, religious differences, or who speak different languages.


Globalization is a form of interdependence between different countries of the world. It is a phenomenon caused by the increase in border transactions for the acquisition of goods or services, coupled with the accelerated increase in technological advances. It has different economic, political and technological aspects, these are the following:

  • Social, economic and political transformations in different countries with respect to a global character. Unification of markets, societies, cultures. The elaboration of different production processes of the same industry located in different countries. The universally accepted standardization of similar products. advancement of technology, transportation and telecommunications network. Impressively fast access to information, events and happenings throughout the world.


By writing this article I was able to realize the importance of being able to communicate with other cultures in a coherent and understandable way today. I recently had the opportunity to see a documentary of an area catastrophe produced because the pilot was Eastern, therefore his learning and training was for planes from the East, however on that fatal flight he was piloting a Western plane, where certain markers and controls were Contrary to the training he had, I began to think that if at that time the idea of ​​unifying criteria and signs had already existed, the fatal accident could have been avoided. This is why I determine how essential it is to be immersed in global infomulticulturalism.


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The infomulticultural process