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The challenge of human development as individual responsibility


The Development of nations is directly related to the capacity of its inhabitants to find and put into practice strategies aimed at turning into reality the potential of those who can, with their knowledge and skills, transform society in terms of improving the quality of life.

However, the origin of development does not flow from the outside to the inside, it is not enough to design programs and allocate resources, it is necessary to have the commitment of those who have been called to build the new social, academic and scientific realities.

The history of humanity is full of examples that illustrate us about the ability of the human being to turn potentiality into reality and be a reference for the communities where their actions impact. For their part, the organizations, in the last decades, have understood the importance that people have for the achievement of the objectives, they have discovered that not only the workforce is hired but the entire personal context of those who carry out the tasks.

It is understood that social, personal and family life does not stay at the door of the company and that it is precisely these circumstances that can condition performance and management.

Although it is true that organizations have and organize a series of activities aimed at personal growth, job qualification and learning, it will be the same people who decide whether or not to commit to development programs that allow them to discover their skills and put them at the service of the management they carry out.

The road to the goal goes through difficulties that each person who decides to commit to himself and take command of his own life must overcome; of those who decide to be the protagonists of the story they want to build and who do not allow their dreams to turn out to be an experience that is not worth remembering.

The future is born from the past and is built in the present, it is the continuous invitation to accept the current strengths and turn them into powerful threads with which the realities that await us are woven.

Human development is an experience that is born, as S. Covey affirms, "from the inside out", it is the opportunity we have to turn potentiality into reality, it is the challenge of finding favorable contexts to make our capacities valued by who are part of our circle of action and influence.

We are the seed that is constantly evolving and growing and at some point we stop being a “future” to become the present that demands the opportunity to continue imagining new and better scenarios to reach. That is another good news, reality never ends, we always have the opportunity to be called to star in the shared history of our work teams and contribute our talents there.

Human development is an individual responsibility, it is not the organization's, it is a comprehensive process that forces us to make decisions that lead us to discover and implement all the capacities that will allow us to grow and achieve the objectives we set ourselves, and here lies another hidden force that can boost or slow our growth.

Organizations can invest a lot of money, and they undoubtedly do, in designing and implementing fantastic programs aimed at personal and professional growth, they can hire the best speakers and speakers, and they also do it, but if there is no internal reason that energizes and mobilizes the will of the participants, the expected results will not be obtained.

Despite being conditioned by the community that surrounds us, being always accompanied and traveling the paths of our life history in the company of others, we are ourselves the only ones responsible for what happens to us; we are immersed in the consequences of the decisions we have made, whether we dedicate ourselves to blaming the stars, our ancestors or even our bosses or our partner for what happens to us.

It is time to “get going” and assume responsibility for the command of our lives, to become the leaders that transform the reality that surrounds us, to interpret as a positive sign the function that has been delegated to us and build from it new opportunities that lead us to better ports.

The challenge of human development as individual responsibility