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The role of the teacher in learning environments


The learning environment is also known as an educational environment, and can be defined as the school space and those outside it and the interrelationships that are generated in this space between the actors.

The first thing that must be clear is that for the creation of learning environments certain conditions must be propitiated so that the relationships between the actors occur, the way in which the different problems will be managed and the link that will occur between the various resources.

According to Chan 1, learning environments are structured in four environments: Information, Interaction, Production and Exhibition. Likewise, Rodríguez Vite briefly describes each of these environments:

  1. Information Environment: It is the set of knowledge that the student requires to know, the knowledge that must be taken into account as well as the indications that the teacher gives, to make the learning process efficient. Interaction Environment: It is the relationship established between the actors of the teaching-learning process. Production Environment: In this space the development of the learning product is considered. Exhibition Environment: In this last stage, the product resulting from the process is disclosed.

With the information, interrelations between the different actors in the environment are produced; from this interaction the products are generated and finally the learning management is given by the student, from here she begins to take responsibility for her learning processes and the teacher ceases to be the only source of information for her.

It is important to take into account some factors such as spatial organization, some aspects such as lighting, ventilation, space are included here so that both students and teachers can move freely and the provision of learning materials, which may be included in planning.

By creating appropriate learning environments for the subject, transformation and production processes are generated in individuals, thus promoting the achievement of self-management, the development of creativity. Students begin to understand the meaning of each of the knowledge and encourage their participation. Relationships between the different actors are also promoted, which in the classroom is usually between teacher and students.

Learning environments are created for students to learn, think, and solve problems through the development of cognitive skills; without losing sight of the values ​​and the affective aspects, the attitudes, the motivation that can be generated in these environments and the emotions that the different individuals show.

In the proposed structure for a learning environment, the information is usually given by the teacher in a traditional educational process, but in a more active one, the same students will bring the information to share it.

From this and the existing relationships in the group, new ideas, proposals and discussions are generated that can lead to the development of products that make more sense for the students and finally, feedback can be given through self-evaluation, coevaluation and hetero-evaluation. So the role of the teacher is of utmost importance, since this is the one that designs the scenarios to generate the teaching-learning processes. In these processes, of course, there must be adequate physical spaces for the activities that the students will carry out, technology available in terms of resources and tools, teaching materials that could help the student organize and reorganize their ideas to create a learning environment. suitable.

It is to be considered that the interrelation that must be given between student-student and student-teacher must be under a climate of respect and collaboration, that is, that the teacher must foster the development of values ​​such as tolerance in learning environments, respect, punctuality, responsibility, among others.

I believe that in the learning environment created, it is where knowledge and knowledge can be managed, therefore it is vitally important to optimize resources, time, make the most of the skills that students have already developed in other activities and thus contribute to Let these make the knowledge their own.

Throughout my experience in the field of industry and in the field of education, I have seen that if I am accompanying the subordinate or student throughout the learning process, for example, giving suggestions on how to make it more efficient, the skills you can use to solve a problem, how you can get information, etc. he feels better served and therefore the effort he puts into carrying out the learning activity is greater, his attention is focused on obtaining knowledge and later, when there is feedback, he can give rise to his conclusions, reservations, positions and can transform knowledge and apply it in your daily life.

What are the differences between environment, environment and learning climate and the role of the teacher with respect to each of these elements?

In the first instance, you can think that the three terms are synonyms, and in fact they are used that way, however, when working under a competency scheme, I think that there are slight differences between them and make them very particular.

As for the learning environment, it refers to what surrounds man outside and within the educational context, for example sociocultural factors, the economic situation, the political and family situation that can favor or hinder the educational process.

In a learning environment there is interaction between the different participants in the process, the resources and tools, the facilities and the strategies. The creation or relationship that is generated in these learning environments are in a way a means to achieve the planned goals and create situations where the student can develop their critical and creative thinking, solve problems, improve their interpersonal relationships, practice their skills and develop new skills.

Finally, the learning climate refers to the exchange of information that occurs between the participants (teacher-student, student-student), who intervene in the teaching-learning process; the development of cognitive skills and meaningful learning depends on or is favored by affective aspects, attitudes, aptitudes, emotions and assertiveness in communication-decoding. I consider that the teacher plays the most important role, because even though the central axis of learning is the student, the teacher is responsible for establishing and creating appropriate learning environments where the proposed activities can be applied within the facilities. designated for it (for example: classrooms, library or laboratories), cordially,respecting the regulations initially established by both parties (social agreement), that interaction can occur without conflicts due to the use of a bad or inappropriate strategy.

In the end, when a favorable and comprehensive environment is generated, it is easier for the student to obtain significant learning and apply it to their daily life. However, for this to happen, it is necessary to manage a competency-based educational approach, where the teacher exposes the knowledge to solve real problems, which may cause a certain interest in the student, to achieve that he becomes accustomed to being self-managing and that he can give their point of view from their own perspective and not that of the teacher.


Depending on the learning environment, the student will be able to go at a faster or slower pace in terms of acquiring and assimilating knowledge, the more relevant he feels to this environment, the more motivated, participatory, interpersonal relationships he will feel. the different actors will be more satisfactory and therefore the information will be assimilated, organized and put into practice.

Finally, it can be understood that in a learning environment all social, political, physical and value factors are included, as well as material resources (facilities, equipment, school materials) and learning resources (didactic strategies, planning and expected products). This will eventually generate cordial and more pleasant relationships between students and teacher. From my point of view, the teacher plays a very important role in the educational process, as he is responsible for planning, managing, designing and recreating student learning through innovative resources and activities.

Bibliographic references

  1. Educational Model of the Virtual University System, UDGVIRTUAL Virtual University System. University of Guadalajara. Guadalajara Mexico. © 2005,
  1. Duarte, Jakeline, 2003. Learning Environments. A Behavioral Approach, Pedagogical Studiescited June 15, 2008 http://www.rieoei.org/deloslectores/524Duarte.PDF Rodríguez Vite, H. (2019). Learning environments. Uaeh.edu.mx. Available at: https://www.uaeh.edu.mx/scige/bole tin / huejutla / n4 / e1.html.
The role of the teacher in learning environments